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Fatigue in early rheumatoid arthritis: data from the Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Network (2021)
Journal Article
Ifesemen, O. S., McWilliams, D. F., Norton, S., Kiely, P. D. W., Young, A., & Walsh, D. A. (2022). Fatigue in early rheumatoid arthritis: data from the Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Network. Rheumatology, 61(9), 3737-3745.

OBJECTIVES: Fatigue is a disabling symptom in people with RA. This study aims to describe the prevalence, risk factors and longitudinal course of fatigue in early RA. METHODS: Demographic, clinical, quality of life (QoL), comorbidities and laboratory... Read More about Fatigue in early rheumatoid arthritis: data from the Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Network.

The efficacy of systemic glucocorticosteroids for pain in rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis (2021)
Journal Article
McWilliams, D. F., Thankaraj, D., Jones-Diette, J., Morgan, R., Ifesemen, O. S., Shenker, N. G., & Walsh, D. A. (2022). The efficacy of systemic glucocorticosteroids for pain in rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Rheumatology, 61(1), 76-89.

Objectives: Glucocorticosteroids (GCs) are recommended to suppress inflammation in people with active RA. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to quantify the effects of systemic GCs on RA pain. Methods: A systematic literature review of ra... Read More about The efficacy of systemic glucocorticosteroids for pain in rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis.

Central Aspects of Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis (CAP-RA): protocol for a prospective observational study (2021)
Journal Article
Ifesemen, O., McWilliams, D. F., Ferguson, E., Wakefield, R., Akin-Akinyosoye, K., Wilson, D., Platts, D., Ledbury, S., & Walsh, D. A. (2021). Central Aspects of Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis (CAP-RA): protocol for a prospective observational study. BMC Rheumatology, 5(1), Article 23.

Background: Pain and fatigue are persistent problems in people with rheumatoid arthritis. Central sensitisation (CS) may contribute to pain and fatigue, even when treatment has controlled inflammatory disease. This study aims to validate a self-repor... Read More about Central Aspects of Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis (CAP-RA): protocol for a prospective observational study.