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Poetic professional learning through self-study in educational research (2025)
Book Chapter
Pithouse-Morgan, K., Madondo, S., & Hiralaal, A. (2025). Poetic professional learning through self-study in educational research. In D. L. Mulligan, M. Forbes, E. A. Anteliz, & P. Alan Danaher (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Autoethnographic and Self-Study Education Research Methods. Palgrave Macmillan

This chapter explores the integration of poetic professional learning within self-study research, as illustrated by the doctoral inquiries of S’phiwe Madondo (2021) and Anita Hiralaal (2018), guided by Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan. It examines how poetry... Read More about Poetic professional learning through self-study in educational research.

Coloured Petri Nets-based Approach for Modelling Effects of Variation on the Reliability of the Newborn Life Support Procedure (2025)
Journal Article
Tan, A., Remenyte-Prescott, R., Egede, J., Sharkey, D., & Valstar, M. (2025). Coloured Petri Nets-based Approach for Modelling Effects of Variation on the Reliability of the Newborn Life Support Procedure. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 260, Article 111001.

About 10% of newborns need a life support procedure following birth. However, this procedure has a considerable error rate of more than 25%, which may compromise its safety and reliability. Continuous studies to improve its performance are carried ou... Read More about Coloured Petri Nets-based Approach for Modelling Effects of Variation on the Reliability of the Newborn Life Support Procedure.

Sex-specific attenuation of constant light-induced memory impairment and Clock gene expression in brain in hepatic Npas2 knockout mice (2025)
Journal Article
CHRISP, R., MASTERSON, M., POPE, R., ROBERTS, C. J., COLLINS, H. M., WATSON, D. J. G., O'NEIL, D., AAGAARD, K. M., GIBSON, C. L., HEERY, D. M., & MORAN, P. M. (2025). Sex-specific attenuation of constant light-induced memory impairment and Clock gene expression in brain in hepatic Npas2 knockout mice. Scientific Reports, 15, Article 8347.

NPAS2 (Neuronal PAS Domain Protein 2) is a component of the core circadian clock and the coordinated activity between central brain and peripheral liver clock proteins postulated to be instrumental for linking behaviour and metabolism. We investigate... Read More about Sex-specific attenuation of constant light-induced memory impairment and Clock gene expression in brain in hepatic Npas2 knockout mice.

Material characterization and engineering performance evaluation of phosphogypsum as a high-performance filler for bituminous pavements (2025)
Journal Article
Xu, X., Xu, G., Huang, X., Alam, G. B., Chen, X., & Sreeram, A. (2025). Material characterization and engineering performance evaluation of phosphogypsum as a high-performance filler for bituminous pavements. Fuel, 393, Article 134977.

The effective recycling of waste materials as alternatives to traditional mineral fillers in asphalt mixtures has both economic and environmental benefits. Phosphogypsum (PG), as one of the industrial solid wastes is a promising alternative to be use... Read More about Material characterization and engineering performance evaluation of phosphogypsum as a high-performance filler for bituminous pavements.

Combination of Wall Insulation and PCMs in External Walls of Typical Residential Buildings in the UK and Their Impact on Building Energy Consumption (2025)
Journal Article
Zhang, Y., OMER, S., & Hu, R. (2025). Combination of Wall Insulation and PCMs in External Walls of Typical Residential Buildings in the UK and Their Impact on Building Energy Consumption. Buildings, 15(6), 1-27.

With growing concerns over global warming and the significant contribution of buildings to energy consumption, reducing energy demand in buildings has become crucial. This study addresses this issue by investigating the integration of phase-change... Read More about Combination of Wall Insulation and PCMs in External Walls of Typical Residential Buildings in the UK and Their Impact on Building Energy Consumption.

Anthropogenic increase in organic carbon production and burial in two tropical crater lakes from central Mexico (2025)
Journal Article
Rantala, M., Israde-Alcántara, I., Safaierad, R., Tylmann, W., Lepoint, G., Francus, P., Smol, J. P., Meyer-Jacob, C., Grooms, C., Mattielli, N., Metcalfe, S., Etmański, P., & Fagel, N. (2025). Anthropogenic increase in organic carbon production and burial in two tropical crater lakes from central Mexico. Science of the Total Environment, 971, Article 179041.

Lakes bury significant amounts of organic carbon (OC) in their sediments contributing to the removal of carbon from the short-term carbon cycle. Mounting evidence points to broadscale increases in lake OC burial rates under growing human perturbation... Read More about Anthropogenic increase in organic carbon production and burial in two tropical crater lakes from central Mexico.

Mechanism of Diabetes Remission or Improvement in Glucose Control Following Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Versus Sleeve Gastrectomy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2025)
Journal Article
Wilmington, R., Ardavani, A., Hasan, N., Alhindi, Y., Ramzan, I., Anyiam, O., & Idris, I. (2025). Mechanism of Diabetes Remission or Improvement in Glucose Control Following Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Versus Sleeve Gastrectomy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Obesities, 5(1), Article 14.

Background: The mechanisms of diabetes remission following bariatric surgery independent of calorie restriction and weight loss remain unclear. Objectives: To undertake a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate mechanisms underpinning diab... Read More about Mechanism of Diabetes Remission or Improvement in Glucose Control Following Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Versus Sleeve Gastrectomy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Molten base carbonisation and activation of non-lignin-rich biomass into hierarchically porous carbon with surface-rich functionalities for supercapacitor electrodes (2025)
Journal Article
Egun, I. L., Akinwolemiwa, B., He, H., Ma, M., Chen, Z., Chen, G. Z., & Hu, D. (2025). Molten base carbonisation and activation of non-lignin-rich biomass into hierarchically porous carbon with surface-rich functionalities for supercapacitor electrodes. Chemical Engineering Journal,

Non-lignin-rich biomass has abundant reserves but remains underutilised as a sustainable carbon source for producing functional carbon materials in energy storage applications. The primary challenge is to develop an efficient and sustainable process... Read More about Molten base carbonisation and activation of non-lignin-rich biomass into hierarchically porous carbon with surface-rich functionalities for supercapacitor electrodes.

The anti-inflammatory effects of vitamin D on offspring brain development during pregnancy: critical review (2025)
Journal Article
Kozhevnikova, S. V., Elmes, M. J., Brameld, J. M., & Jethwa, P. H. (in press). The anti-inflammatory effects of vitamin D on offspring brain development during pregnancy: critical review. Academia, Nutrition and Dietetics, 2(1), Article 7573.

Vitamin D (VD) plays a pivotal role in fetal brain development by regulating essential processes such as neuronal proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Despite the critical role of VD in maternal and fetal health, studies have shown that alm... Read More about The anti-inflammatory effects of vitamin D on offspring brain development during pregnancy: critical review.

Losing touch: class, social capital, and out of area housing (2025)
Journal Article
Iafrati, S. (2025). Losing touch: class, social capital, and out of area housing. Critical Policy Studies, 1-19.

Whilst the conceptualization of a housing crisis has become a common narrative within politics, research, and the media, its nebulous nature can risk failing to recognize the breadth of experiences or its exact relationship to inequality. By looking... Read More about Losing touch: class, social capital, and out of area housing.

MYB93 regulates responses to environmental sulphur in Arabidopsis and tomato (2025)
Preprint / Working Paper
Cao, X., Wilkinson, H. B., Hutton, B., McMulkin, N., Graham, N. S., Etherington, R., Oliver, A. G., Clayton, C. M., Kaur, H., & Coates, J. C. MYB93 regulates responses to environmental sulphur in Arabidopsis and tomato

Sulphur (S) is an important nutrient that has wide-ranging effects on plant health and metabolism. Several classes of transcription factor respond to S deprivation, including R2R3-MYBs. In Arabidopsis, the AtMYB93 transcription factor-encoding gene i... Read More about MYB93 regulates responses to environmental sulphur in Arabidopsis and tomato.

Inkjet Printing of Heterostructures: Investigation and Strategies for Control of Interfaces (2025)
Journal Article
Austin, J. S., Zhou, Y., Rivers, G., Gilani, N., Wang, F., Tuck, C. J., Gilmore, I. S., Hague, R. J. M., Trindade, G. F., & Turyanska, L. (2025). Inkjet Printing of Heterostructures: Investigation and Strategies for Control of Interfaces. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,

Development of printed electronics requires understanding and control of the interfaces in heterostructure devices. However, investigation of the interfaces between dissimilar materials to achieve control of intermixing presents challenges. Here, we... Read More about Inkjet Printing of Heterostructures: Investigation and Strategies for Control of Interfaces.

Small bowel motility quantified by cine MRI to predict longer term response in patients with Crohn’s disease commencing biological therapy: The Motility study (2025)
Journal Article
Plumb, A. A., Moran, G., Chowdhury, K., Ahmed, N., Philpott, S., Ahmad, T., Bloom, S., Hart, A., Jacobs, I., Menys, A., Mooney, P., Tolan, D., Travis, S., Bhagwanani, A., Bhatnagar, G., Boone, D., Franklin, J., Gangi-Burton, A., Hameed, M., Helbren, E., …Taylor, S. A. (in press). Small bowel motility quantified by cine MRI to predict longer term response in patients with Crohn’s disease commencing biological therapy: The Motility study. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases,

Small bowel Crohn’s Disease (SBCD) is increasingly treated with biological therapies. Predicting response or remission (RoR) for individual patients is difficult and complicates treatment strategy. We aimed to determine if motility magne... Read More about Small bowel motility quantified by cine MRI to predict longer term response in patients with Crohn’s disease commencing biological therapy: The Motility study.

Climate Change, Decent Work and Workers’ Health in Brazil: Theoretical Considerations (2025)
Journal Article
Rodriguez Huerta, E., Leao, L., & Landmann, T. (in press). Climate Change, Decent Work and Workers’ Health in Brazil: Theoretical Considerations. Revista Brasileira de Saúde Ocupacional,

This paper explores the theoretical and conceptual nexus between climate change, workers’ health, decent work, human rights, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) using the case of agricultural workers in Brazil. It posits the overall relat... Read More about Climate Change, Decent Work and Workers’ Health in Brazil: Theoretical Considerations.

Study about the effect of cellulose nanocrystals on a polyacrylate miniemulsion (2025)
Journal Article
Wang, Z., O'Young, L., Mahmood, S., Chen, G. Z., Zheng, Y., & Hu, B. (2025). Study about the effect of cellulose nanocrystals on a polyacrylate miniemulsion. RSC Advances, 15(9), 7181-7190.

Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) are widely used due to their biodegradability, high strength, large surface area, and functional versatility. This study investigates the interaction between CNC and acrylate emulsions, which mainly focuses on their impac... Read More about Study about the effect of cellulose nanocrystals on a polyacrylate miniemulsion.

Gender as an issue of curricular (in)justice: A review of national early childhood education curriculum documents in England from 1996-2021 (2025)
Journal Article
Dixon, K., Lehner-Mear, R., Gripton, C., Xu, Y., & Cooker, L. (in press). Gender as an issue of curricular (in)justice: A review of national early childhood education curriculum documents in England from 1996-2021. The Curriculum Journal,

In England, gender is currently a controversial issue, with debates in social and political spheres increasingly impacting educational policy. Simultaneously, scholarship on gender in Early Childhood Education (ECE) advocates more gender-sensitive pe... Read More about Gender as an issue of curricular (in)justice: A review of national early childhood education curriculum documents in England from 1996-2021.

Synthesis of 2-Arylphenols via Formal Bismuth(V)-Mediated C–O Arylation of Guaiacols (2025)
Journal Article
Ansarian, N. F. M., & Ball, L. T. (2025). Synthesis of 2-Arylphenols via Formal Bismuth(V)-Mediated C–O Arylation of Guaiacols. Organic Letters,

We report a new C-O arylation strategy for the synthesis of 2-arylphenols from bio-abundant guaiacols. Functionalization of the strong C-O bond is achieved through a sequence of arylative dearomatization – mediated selectively by an electrophilic bis... Read More about Synthesis of 2-Arylphenols via Formal Bismuth(V)-Mediated C–O Arylation of Guaiacols.

Sharing conceptual gifts by bringing into dialogue sociopolitical mathematics education, decolonial thought, and critical global citizenship education. (2025)
Book Chapter
Swanson, D., & le Roux, K. (2025). Sharing conceptual gifts by bringing into dialogue sociopolitical mathematics education, decolonial thought, and critical global citizenship education. In A. Chronaki, & A. Yolcu (Eds.), Troubling Notions of Global Citizenship and Diversity in Mathematics Education. Routledge

Concerns about what happens at the confluence of discourses with respect to mathematics and mathematics education, ‘globalisation’, and ‘citizenship’ have long been raised by mathematics education scholars working within the sociopolitical. Recent wo... Read More about Sharing conceptual gifts by bringing into dialogue sociopolitical mathematics education, decolonial thought, and critical global citizenship education..

Real-time inference for binary neutron star mergers using machine learning (2025)
Journal Article
Dax, M., Green, S. R., Gair, J., Gupte, N., Pürrer, M., Raymond, V., Wildberger, J., Macke, J. H., Buonanno, A., & Schölkopf, B. (2025). Real-time inference for binary neutron star mergers using machine learning. Nature, 639(8053), 49-53.

Mergers of binary neutron stars emit signals in both the gravitational-wave (GW) and electromagnetic spectra. Famously, the 2017 multi-messenger observation of GW170817 (refs. 1,2) led to scientific discoveries across cosmology3, nuclear physics4,5,6... Read More about Real-time inference for binary neutron star mergers using machine learning.