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Outputs (35)

Language of Pandemic Discourses (2024)
Book Chapter
Vilar-Lluch, S., Kondo, K., & McClaughlin, E. (2024). Language of Pandemic Discourses. In International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 3rd Edition. Elsevier.

This article considers language use in relation to global health threats, focusing on the Covid-19 pandemic specifically. The article provides an overview of the information landscape of the pandemic, examining official communication sources (governm... Read More about Language of Pandemic Discourses.

Human AI conversational systems: when humans and machines start to chat (2024)
Journal Article
Borsci, S., Chamberlain, A., Nichele, E., Bødker, M., & Turchi, T. (2024). Human AI conversational systems: when humans and machines start to chat. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 28(6), 857–860.

When humans and machines start to chat: beyond anthropocentrism

Digital and embedded artificial intelligent (AI) agents with conversational capabilities have gained significant attention in recent years [1, 2]. Using natural language communication... Read More about Human AI conversational systems: when humans and machines start to chat.

Gender characteristics and comparisons in the emotional reception of standard and aesthetically integrated subtitles in a fantasy-thriller context (2024)
Journal Article
Mevel, P.-A., Leveridge, F., & Tsikandilakis, M. (in press). Gender characteristics and comparisons in the emotional reception of standard and aesthetically integrated subtitles in a fantasy-thriller context. Journal of Audiovisual Translation,

In this article, we test the findings by Leveridge and colleagues (2024) regarding as regards the reception of aesthetically integrated subtitles (AIS), and most critically, we explore the role of gender in these outcomes. We explore psychophysiologi... Read More about Gender characteristics and comparisons in the emotional reception of standard and aesthetically integrated subtitles in a fantasy-thriller context.

Attitudes towards the French language: An analysis of the metalanguage used in twentieth-century French language columns (2024)
Book Chapter
Walsh, O. (2024). Attitudes towards the French language: An analysis of the metalanguage used in twentieth-century French language columns. In J. Carruthers, M. McLaughlin, & O. Walsh (Eds.), Historical and Sociolinguistic Approaches to French (254-275). Oxford University Press (OUP).

Chroniques de langage, or language columns, are articles discussing questions related to language which are produced by a single author and published regularly in the periodical press (Remysen 2005: 270–1). While the content of the columns can vary,... Read More about Attitudes towards the French language: An analysis of the metalanguage used in twentieth-century French language columns.

Invisible Animals: Exploring Public Discourses to Understand the Contemporary Status of Donkeys in Britain (2023)
Journal Article
Clancy, C., McClaughlin, E., & Cooke, F. (2023). Invisible Animals: Exploring Public Discourses to Understand the Contemporary Status of Donkeys in Britain. Anthrozoös, 36(6), 951-970.

Established representations of donkeys in western literature and popular culture have often been negative, portraying the animals as stupid, inept, and bad tempered. To understand whether such representations are reflected in contemporary understandi... Read More about Invisible Animals: Exploring Public Discourses to Understand the Contemporary Status of Donkeys in Britain.

Demonic Surrealism in Bucharest: Revolutionary Nihilism in the Writings and Objects of Gherasim Luca, 1939-1945 (2023)
Journal Article
Atkin, W. (2023). Demonic Surrealism in Bucharest: Revolutionary Nihilism in the Writings and Objects of Gherasim Luca, 1939-1945. Dada/Surrealism, 24(1), 1-31.

This article explores the wartime works of Gherasim Luca and the Romanian surrealists during the 1940s, and considers how surrealist discourse was idiosyncratically reconfigured around the central themes of demons and black magic. Hermetically sealed... Read More about Demonic Surrealism in Bucharest: Revolutionary Nihilism in the Writings and Objects of Gherasim Luca, 1939-1945.

Self-Discovery and Healing in Nepantla: Multimodality and Learning by Design in a Mixed Spanish University Classroom (2023)
Journal Article
Zapata, G. C. (2023). Self-Discovery and Healing in Nepantla: Multimodality and Learning by Design in a Mixed Spanish University Classroom. International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum, 30(1), 17-35.

This article explores the enactment of inclusive pedagogical practices in an intermediate, Spanish-as-a-second-language mixed writing class in an R1 university in Texas during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, this work examines how the use of aut... Read More about Self-Discovery and Healing in Nepantla: Multimodality and Learning by Design in a Mixed Spanish University Classroom.

World(s) apart – Borges Coelho’s Museu da Revolução and Writing in (and of) a Changing World (2022)
Journal Article
Gonçalves Miranda, R. (2022). World(s) apart – Borges Coelho’s Museu da Revolução and Writing in (and of) a Changing World. Gragoatá - Revista dos Programas de Pós-Graduação do Instituto de Letras da UFF, 27(59), Article e54292.

This article will depart from Said’s position on the worldliness of texts and Pheng Cheah’s reflections on postcolonial literature as world literature (2016) towards a reading of João Paulo Borges Coelho’s 2021 novel Museu da Revolução. Borges Coelho... Read More about World(s) apart – Borges Coelho’s Museu da Revolução and Writing in (and of) a Changing World.

Discourse Analysis of Print Media (2022)
Book Chapter
Walsh, O. (2022). Discourse Analysis of Print Media. In Research Methods in Language Attitudes (19-34). Cambridge University Press.

This chapter examines how discourse analysis as applied to print media can be used to examine language attitudes. It outlines the main strengths and limitations of this method. One of the most important strengths lies in the fact that the printed pre... Read More about Discourse Analysis of Print Media.

El modernismo hispanoamericano (2022)
Book Chapter
Roberts, S. (2022). El modernismo hispanoamericano. In J. L. Mora, & A. Heredia (Eds.), Historia de la Filosofía Española (203-218). Comares

This chapter offers an overview of the philosophical issues addressed by Spanish writers and intellectuals between 1890 and 1920. It forms part of a book outlining the history of Spanish philosophy.

Introduction: in the shadow of the standard. Standard language ideology and attitudes towards ‘non-standard’ varieties and usages (2021)
Journal Article
Walsh, O. (2021). Introduction: in the shadow of the standard. Standard language ideology and attitudes towards ‘non-standard’ varieties and usages. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 42(9), 773-782.

This special issue provides new perspectives on how standard language ideology (SLI) informs and influences attitudes towards ‘non-standard’ language varieties. Standard languages are commonly viewed as uniform, minimally varying (homogeneous) forms... Read More about Introduction: in the shadow of the standard. Standard language ideology and attitudes towards ‘non-standard’ varieties and usages.

The Construction of authority in 20th century language columns in France (2021)
Book Chapter
Walsh, O. (2021). The Construction of authority in 20th century language columns in France. In C. Marimon-Llorca, & S. Schwarze (Eds.), Authoritative Discourse in Language Columns: Linguistic, Ideological and Social Issues (67-94). Peter Lang.

This study examines a sample of language columns produced by six different authors in France during three key periods of the 20th century to determine how these authors construct the authority necessary to pronounce on language usage and impose parti... Read More about The Construction of authority in 20th century language columns in France.

Les idéologies linguistiques : langues et dialectes dans les médias traditionnels et nouveaux (2021)
Pano Alaman, A., Ruggiano, F., & Walsh, O. (Eds.). (2021). Les idéologies linguistiques : langues et dialectes dans les médias traditionnels et nouveaux. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers.

Les opinions que les locuteurs ordinaires, et pas seulement les linguistes de profession, portent sur les langues (c’est-à-dire les idéologies linguistiques) influencent les langues elles-mêmes, les transforment au fil du temps, et contribuent à la c... Read More about Les idéologies linguistiques : langues et dialectes dans les médias traditionnels et nouveaux.

Ida e volta: “quase Brasil”, “quase político” and the inherent vice of Freyre’s lusotropicalist framing (2021)
Journal Article
Miranda, R. (2021). Ida e volta: “quase Brasil”, “quase político” and the inherent vice of Freyre’s lusotropicalist framing. Luso-Brazilian Review, 58(1), 179-204

This article addresses the morpholinguistic and stylistice devices underwriting Freyre’s writing as the notion of “lusotropicalism” is advanced, mainly in the travelogue Aventura e rotina (1953) and the accompanying volume Um brasileiro em terras por... Read More about Ida e volta: “quase Brasil”, “quase político” and the inherent vice of Freyre’s lusotropicalist framing.

Les métaphores dans les chroniques de langage en France et en Suisse (2021)
Book Chapter
Walsh, O., & Cotelli Kureth, S. (2021). Les métaphores dans les chroniques de langage en France et en Suisse. In Les idéologies linguistiques: débats, purismes et stratégies discursives (469-492). Peter Lang International Academic Publishers

Cet article est le premier à proposer une étude contrastive de deux traditions de chroniques de langage en francophonie. Nous analysons les types métaphoriques et les différents usages des métaphores dans les chroniques françaises et suisses romandes... Read More about Les métaphores dans les chroniques de langage en France et en Suisse.

Vigilancia y clandestinidad: la vida secreta de Unamuno en Hendaya (2021)
Book Chapter
Roberts, S. (2021). Vigilancia y clandestinidad: la vida secreta de Unamuno en Hendaya. In G. Insausti (Ed.), Unamuno en Hendaya (273-293). Pre-textos

This chapter offers an analysis of Unamuno's clandestine political activities and the ways in which he was kept under surveillance by the Spanish and French authorities during his exile in Hendaye (1925-1930). It reveals for the first time the true e... Read More about Vigilancia y clandestinidad: la vida secreta de Unamuno en Hendaya.

The French language: monocentric or pluricentric? Standard language ideology and attitudes towards the French language in twentieth-century language columns in Quebec (2020)
Journal Article
Walsh, O. (2021). The French language: monocentric or pluricentric? Standard language ideology and attitudes towards the French language in twentieth-century language columns in Quebec. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 42(9), 869-881.

Quebec has a tradition of language columns, articles discussing questions related to the French language produced by a single author and published regularly in the periodical press. This study examines the content and discourse of a sample of these l... Read More about The French language: monocentric or pluricentric? Standard language ideology and attitudes towards the French language in twentieth-century language columns in Quebec.

Accessible paratext: actively engaging (with) D/deaf audiences (2020)
Journal Article
Mével, P. A. (2020). Accessible paratext: actively engaging (with) D/deaf audiences. Punctum: International Journal of Semiotics, 06(01), 203-219.

This article examines the importance of paratext – theoretically and practically – in getting D/deaf audiences to engage with theatrical performances. our notion of ‘accessible paratext’ necessarily involves multimodal forms of translation, and inter... Read More about Accessible paratext: actively engaging (with) D/deaf audiences.