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Dr ASAD FAYYAZ's Outputs (23)

Experimental analysis of mismatch in electro-thermal device parameter within parallel connected SiC MOSFETs: Considerations for multi-chip power module design (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fayyaz, A., Li, Y., Evans, P., Watson, A., Wheeler, P., & Gerada, C. (2023, August). Experimental analysis of mismatch in electro-thermal device parameter within parallel connected SiC MOSFETs: Considerations for multi-chip power module design. Presented at WiPDA Asia 2023 - IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Asia, Hsinchu, Taiwan

This paper aims to investigate the current imbalance within parallel connected common-source configuration of SiC Power MOSFET switches using double pulse transient operation. Mismatches in electro-thermal parameters e.g., threshold voltage (Vth and... Read More about Experimental analysis of mismatch in electro-thermal device parameter within parallel connected SiC MOSFETs: Considerations for multi-chip power module design.

Paralleling of Transient Overvoltage Protection Elements within High Power DC Solid-State Circuit Breaker (SSCB) for Electric/Hybrid-Electric Aircraft (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fayyaz, A., Ortiz, M. U., Wang, Z., Yang, T., & Wheeler, P. (2022, September). Paralleling of Transient Overvoltage Protection Elements within High Power DC Solid-State Circuit Breaker (SSCB) for Electric/Hybrid-Electric Aircraft. Presented at 2022 IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Europe (WiPDA Europe), Coventry, United Kingdom

This paper discusses the use of different parallel transient overvoltage protection elements to deal with transient overvoltages within high-voltage high-current bidirectional DC solid-state circuit breakers (SSCBs) for electric/hybrid-electric aircr... Read More about Paralleling of Transient Overvoltage Protection Elements within High Power DC Solid-State Circuit Breaker (SSCB) for Electric/Hybrid-Electric Aircraft.

Design Considerations for High-Voltage High-Current Bi-Directional DC Solid-State Circuit Breaker (SSCB) for Aerospace Applications (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fayyaz, A., Wang, Z., Ortiz, M. U., Yang, T., & Wheeler, P. (2021, September). Design Considerations for High-Voltage High-Current Bi-Directional DC Solid-State Circuit Breaker (SSCB) for Aerospace Applications. Presented at 2021 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'21 ECCE Europe), Ghent, Belgium

Design of a high-voltage and high-current solid-state circuit breaker (SSCB) for aerospace applications is highly challenging, as the overall system should comply with the most stringent operating environment. In addition, the implemented power semic... Read More about Design Considerations for High-Voltage High-Current Bi-Directional DC Solid-State Circuit Breaker (SSCB) for Aerospace Applications.

SiC power MOSFETs Threshold-voltage hysteresis and its impact on Short Circuit operation (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Asllani, B., Morel, H., Planson, D., Fayyaz, A., & Castellazzi, A. (2018, November). SiC power MOSFETs Threshold-voltage hysteresis and its impact on Short Circuit operation. Presented at 2018 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles & International Transportation Electrification Conference (ESARS-ITEC), Nottingham, UK

V TH subthreshold hysteresis is an aspect of MOSFET's threshold instabilities that is gaining interests in last few years. As a matter of fact, reliability concerns are raised due to the fluctuation of the threshold voltage depending on the previous... Read More about SiC power MOSFETs Threshold-voltage hysteresis and its impact on Short Circuit operation.

Effect of Parameters Variability on the Performance of SiC MOSFET Modules (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Borghese, A., Riccio, M., Breglio, G., Fayyaz, A., Castellazzi, A., Irace, A., & Marese, L. (2018, November). Effect of Parameters Variability on the Performance of SiC MOSFET Modules. Presented at 2018 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles & International Transportation Electrification Conference (ESARS-ITEC), Nottingham, UK

This paper introduces a statistical analysis of the impact of devices parameters dispersion on the performances of parallel connected SiC MOSFETs. To this purpose, the statistical fluctuations of threshold voltage and current factor are evaluated on... Read More about Effect of Parameters Variability on the Performance of SiC MOSFET Modules.

VTH subthreshold hysteresis technology and temperature dependence in commercial 4H-SiC MOSFETs (2018)
Journal Article
Asllani, B., Fayyaz, A., Castellazzi, A., Morel, H., & Planson, D. (2018). VTH subthreshold hysteresis technology and temperature dependence in commercial 4H-SiC MOSFETs. Microelectronics Reliability, 88-90, 604-609.

VTH subthreshold hysteresis measured in commercially available 4H-SiC MOSFET is more pronounced in trench than in planar ones. All planar devices from different manufacturers exhibit an inverse temperature dependence, with the hysteresis amplitude re... Read More about VTH subthreshold hysteresis technology and temperature dependence in commercial 4H-SiC MOSFETs.

Avalanche ruggedness of parallel SiC power MOSFETs (2018)
Journal Article
Fayyaz, A., Asllani, B., Castellazzi, A., Riccio, M., & Irace, A. (2018). Avalanche ruggedness of parallel SiC power MOSFETs. Microelectronics Reliability, 88-90, 666-670.

© 2018 Elsevier Ltd The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of electro-thermal device parameter spread on the avalanche ruggedness of parallel silicon carbide (SiC) power MOSFETs representative of multi-chip layout within an integrated pow... Read More about Avalanche ruggedness of parallel SiC power MOSFETs.

Analysis of device and circuit parameters variability in SiC MOSFETs-based multichip power module (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Riccio, M., Borghese, A., Romano, G., D 'alessandro, V., Fayyaz, A., Castellazzi, A., Maresca, L., Breglio, G., & Irace, A. (2018, September). Analysis of device and circuit parameters variability in SiC MOSFETs-based multichip power module. Presented at 20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE 18 ECCE Europe), Riga, Latvia

In this contribution, a previously developed temperature-dependent SPICE model for SiC power MOSFETs is calibrated on experimental data of commercially available devices. Thereafter, its features are exploited for dynamic ET simulations of paralleled... Read More about Analysis of device and circuit parameters variability in SiC MOSFETs-based multichip power module.

P-gate GaN HEMT gate-driver design for joint optimization of switching performance, freewheeling conduction and short-circuit robustness (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wu, H., Fayyaz, A., & Castellazzi, A. (2018, May). P-gate GaN HEMT gate-driver design for joint optimization of switching performance, freewheeling conduction and short-circuit robustness. Presented at 2018 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD), Chicago, IL, USA

This paper proposes the design and prototype development and testing of a gate-driver which enables to jointly optimize the performance in application of gate-injection type high electron mobility transistors, taking into account a number of diverse... Read More about P-gate GaN HEMT gate-driver design for joint optimization of switching performance, freewheeling conduction and short-circuit robustness.

SiC MOSFET device parameter spread and ruggedness of parallel multichip structures (2018)
Journal Article
Castellazzi, A., Fayyaz, A., & Kraus, R. (2018). SiC MOSFET device parameter spread and ruggedness of parallel multichip structures. Materials Science Forum, 924, 811-817.

This paper presents a preliminary study of the impact of device electro-thermal parameter spread and temperature variation on the robustness of SiC MOSFET parallel multi-chip power switch architectures. Reference is made to 1200 V – 80 mΩ rated comme... Read More about SiC MOSFET device parameter spread and ruggedness of parallel multichip structures.

Multi-Chip SiC MOSFET Power Modules for Standard Manufacturing, Mounting and Cooling (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Castellazzi, A., Fayyaz, A., Gurpinar, E., Hussein, A., Li, J., & Mouawad, B. (2018, May). Multi-Chip SiC MOSFET Power Modules for Standard Manufacturing, Mounting and Cooling. Presented at 2018 International Power Electronics Conference (ECCE Asia-IPEC 2018), Niigata, Japan

Taking full advantage of the superior characteristics of SiC Power MOSFETs in the application requires the development of bespoke packaging solutions. Their design needs to thoroughly encompass electromagnetic and electro-thermal aspects to yield maj... Read More about Multi-Chip SiC MOSFET Power Modules for Standard Manufacturing, Mounting and Cooling.

Single pulse short-circuit robustness and repetitive stress aging of GaN GITs (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Castellazzi, A., Fayyaz, A., Zhu, S., Oeder, T., & Pfost, M. (2018, March). Single pulse short-circuit robustness and repetitive stress aging of GaN GITs. Presented at 2018 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), Burlingame, CA, USA

Short-circuit withstand capability is a key requirement for semiconductor power devices in a number of strategic application domains, including traction, renewable energies and power distribution. Indeed, though clearly a non-intentional operational... Read More about Single pulse short-circuit robustness and repetitive stress aging of GaN GITs.

Static and dynamic TSEPs of SiC and GaN transistors (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zhu, S., Fayyaz, A., & Castellazzi, A. Static and dynamic TSEPs of SiC and GaN transistors. Presented at 9th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2018)

This paper investigates the static and dynamic temperature sensitive electrical parameters (TSEPs) for both SiC and GaN transistors. It is shown that both the qualitative and quantitative temperature characteristics of these parameters are various wh... Read More about Static and dynamic TSEPs of SiC and GaN transistors.

Influence of gate bias on the avalanche ruggedness of SiC power MOSFETs (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fayyaz, A., Castellazzi, A., Romano, G., Riccio, M., Urresti, J., & Wright, N. Influence of gate bias on the avalanche ruggedness of SiC power MOSFETs. Presented at 29th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and IC's (ISPSD)

This paper investigates the effect of negative gate bias voltage (VGS) on the avalanche breakdown robustness of commercial state-of-the-art silicon carbide (SiC) power MOSFETs. The device’s ability to withstand energy dissipation during avalanche reg... Read More about Influence of gate bias on the avalanche ruggedness of SiC power MOSFETs.

Transient out-of-SOA robustness of SiC power MOSFETs (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Castellazzi, A., Fayyaz, A., Romano, G., Riccio, M., Irace, A., Urresti-Ibanez, J., & Wright, N. Transient out-of-SOA robustness of SiC power MOSFETs. Presented at 2017 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS 2017)

Beyond their main function of high-frequency switches in modulated power converters, solid-state power devices are required in many application domains to also ensure robustness against a number of overload operational conditions. This paper consider... Read More about Transient out-of-SOA robustness of SiC power MOSFETs.

A comprehensive study on the avalanche breakdown robustness of silicon carbide power MOSFETs (2017)
Journal Article
Fayyaz, A., Romano, G., Urresti, J., Riccio, M., Castellazzi, A., Irace, A., & Wright, N. (2017). A comprehensive study on the avalanche breakdown robustness of silicon carbide power MOSFETs. Energies, 10(4), Article 452.

This paper presents an in-depth investigation into the avalanche breakdown robustness of commercial state-of-the-art silicon carbide (SiC) power MOSFETs comprising of functional as well as structural characterization and the corresponding underlying... Read More about A comprehensive study on the avalanche breakdown robustness of silicon carbide power MOSFETs.

UIS failure mechanism of SiC power MOSFETs (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fayyaz, A., Castellazzi, A., Romano, G., Riccio, M., Urresti, J., & Wright, N. UIS failure mechanism of SiC power MOSFETs. Presented at 4th IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications (WiPDA 2016)

This paper investigates the failure mechanism of SiC power MOSFETs during avalanche breakdown under unclamped inductive switching (UIS) test regime. Switches deployed within motor drive applications could experience undesired avalanche breakdown even... Read More about UIS failure mechanism of SiC power MOSFETs.

Body diode reliability investigation of SiC power MOSFETs (2016)
Journal Article
Fayyaz, A., Romano, G., & Castellazzi, A. (2016). Body diode reliability investigation of SiC power MOSFETs. Microelectronics Reliability, 64, 530-534.

A special feature of vertical power MOSFETs, in general, is the inbuilt body diode which could eliminate the need of having to use additional anti-parallel diodes for current freewheeling in industrial inverter applications: this, clearly, subject to... Read More about Body diode reliability investigation of SiC power MOSFETs.

Influence of design parameters on the short-circuit ruggedness of SiC Power MOSFETs (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Romano, G., Riccio, M., Maresca, L., Fayyaz, A., & Castellazzi, A. Influence of design parameters on the short-circuit ruggedness of SiC Power MOSFETs. Presented at 28th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD)

This work aims to present an investigation on short-circuit (SC) failure behaviour of SiC Power MOSFETs due to the onset of thermal runaway. As inferable from experimental outcomes, it is related to the formation of hotspot, whose exact location is m... Read More about Influence of design parameters on the short-circuit ruggedness of SiC Power MOSFETs.

A comprehensive study of the short-circuit ruggedness of silicon carbide power MOSFETs (2016)
Journal Article
Romano, G., Fayyaz, A., Riccio, M., Maresca, L., Breglio, G., Castellazzi, A., & Irace, A. (2016). A comprehensive study of the short-circuit ruggedness of silicon carbide power MOSFETs. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 4(3), 978-987.

The behavior of Silicon Carbide Power MOSFETs under stressful short circuit conditions is investigated in this paper. Illustration of two different short-circuit failure phenomena for Silicon Carbide Power MOSFETs are thoroughly reported. Experimenta... Read More about A comprehensive study of the short-circuit ruggedness of silicon carbide power MOSFETs.