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Emotional Responses to Aesthetically Integrated and Standard Subtitles in a Fantasy-Thriller Audiovisual Context (2024)
Journal Article
Leveridge, F., Mével, P.-A., & Tsikandilakis, M. (2024). Emotional Responses to Aesthetically Integrated and Standard Subtitles in a Fantasy-Thriller Audiovisual Context. Journal of Audiovisual Translation, 7(1), 1-32.

Situated at the intersection of Psychology, Film Studies, Accessibility Studies and Translation Studies, this article investigates the emotional correlates of two types of subtitles (standard and aesthetically integrated) on audiences in the context... Read More about Emotional Responses to Aesthetically Integrated and Standard Subtitles in a Fantasy-Thriller Audiovisual Context.

Development of a Motivation Communication Training to Aid Diabetes-Specialist Podiatrists With Adherence Discussions (2023)
Journal Article
Hancox, J., Chaplin, W., Hilton, C., Gray, K., Game, F., & Vedhara, K. (2023). Development of a Motivation Communication Training to Aid Diabetes-Specialist Podiatrists With Adherence Discussions. Health Education and Behavior, 51(2), 240 -250.

Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) impact a substantial proportion of patients with diabetes, with high recurrence rates, severe complications, and significant financial burden to health care systems. Adherence to treatment advice (e.g., limiting weight-bea... Read More about Development of a Motivation Communication Training to Aid Diabetes-Specialist Podiatrists With Adherence Discussions.

Understanding the cost of mental health at work: an integrative framework (2021)
Book Chapter
Hassard, J., Teoh, K., Thomson, L., & Blake, H. (2021). Understanding the cost of mental health at work: an integrative framework. In T. Wall, C. Cooper, & P. Brough (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Organisational Wellbeing. SAGE Publications

Internationally, there is growing recognition of the social and economic impact of work-related stress and mental ill-health; and, in turn, of the relative importance of promoting mental wellbeing and preventing the onset of mental disorders at work... Read More about Understanding the cost of mental health at work: an integrative framework.

Doctors’ working conditions, wellbeing and hospital quality of care: A multilevel analysis (2020)
Journal Article
Teoh, K., HASSARD, J., & Cox, T. (2021). Doctors’ working conditions, wellbeing and hospital quality of care: A multilevel analysis. Safety Science, 135, Article 105115.

Introduction Doctors’ wellbeing is postulated to mediate the relationship between their working conditions and patient care although few studies have tested this. Even fewer have incorporated a multilevel perspective that considers the antecedents of... Read More about Doctors’ working conditions, wellbeing and hospital quality of care: A multilevel analysis.

Regional Brain Correlates of Beta Bursts in Health and Psychosis: A Concurrent Electroencephalography and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study (2020)
Journal Article
Briley, P. M., Liddle, E. B., Simmonite, M., Jansen, M., White, T. P., Balain, V., Palaniyappan, L., Bowtell, R., Mullinger, K. J., & Liddle, P. F. (2021). Regional Brain Correlates of Beta Bursts in Health and Psychosis: A Concurrent Electroencephalography and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 6(12), 1145-1156.

Background: There is emerging evidence for abnormal beta oscillations in psychosis. Beta oscillations are likely to play a key role in the coordination of sensorimotor information that is crucial to healthy mental function. Growing evidence suggests... Read More about Regional Brain Correlates of Beta Bursts in Health and Psychosis: A Concurrent Electroencephalography and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study.

Preventive digital mental health interventions for children and young people: a review of the design and reporting of research (2020)
Journal Article
Bergin, A. D., Vallejos, E. P., Davies, E. B., Daley, D., Ford, T., Harold, G., Hetrick, S., Kidner, M., Long, Y., Merry, S., Morriss, R., Sayal, K., Sonuga-Barke, E., Robinson, J., Torous, J., & Hollis, C. (2020). Preventive digital mental health interventions for children and young people: a review of the design and reporting of research. npj Digital Medicine, 3(1), Article 133.

Digital health interventions (DHIs) have frequently been highlighted as one way to respond to increasing levels of mental health problems in children and young people. Whilst many are developed to address existing mental health problems, there is als... Read More about Preventive digital mental health interventions for children and young people: a review of the design and reporting of research.

Do sounds near the hand facilitate tactile reaction times? Four experiments and a meta-analysis provide mixed support and suggest a small effect-size (2020)
Journal Article
Holmes, N. P., Martin, D., Mitchell, W., Noorani, Z., & Thorne, A. (2020). Do sounds near the hand facilitate tactile reaction times? Four experiments and a meta-analysis provide mixed support and suggest a small effect-size. Experimental Brain Research, 238, 995–1009.

The brain represents the space immediately surrounding the body differently to more distant parts of space. Direct evidence for this ‘peripersonal space’ representation comes from neurophysiological studies in monkeys, which show distance-dependent r... Read More about Do sounds near the hand facilitate tactile reaction times? Four experiments and a meta-analysis provide mixed support and suggest a small effect-size.

Potential of using visual imagery to revolutionise measurement of emotional health (2020)
Journal Article
Herring, A. M. R., Craven, M. P., Mughal, F., Rawsthorne, M., Rees, K., Walker, L., & Wolpert, M. (2020). Potential of using visual imagery to revolutionise measurement of emotional health. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 105(7), 690-693.

Appropriate measurement of emotional health by all those working with children and young people is an increasing focus for professional practice. Most of the tools used for assessment or self-assessment of emotional health were designed in the mid-20... Read More about Potential of using visual imagery to revolutionise measurement of emotional health.

What Do Service Users Want from Mental Health Social Work? A Best–Worst Scaling Analysis (2019)
Journal Article
Wilberforce, M., Abendstern, M., Batool, S., Boland, J., Challis, D., Christian, J., Hughes, J., Kinder, P., Lake-Jones, P., Mistry, M., Pitts, R., & Roberts, D. (2019). What Do Service Users Want from Mental Health Social Work? A Best–Worst Scaling Analysis. British Journal of Social Work,

Despite being a profession dedicated to the empowerment of service users, empirical study of mental health social work appears dominated by the perspectives of social workers themselves. What service users value is less often reported. This study, au... Read More about What Do Service Users Want from Mental Health Social Work? A Best–Worst Scaling Analysis.

Photoperiodic changes in adiposity increase sensitivity of female Siberian hamsters to systemic VGF derived peptide TLQP-21 (2019)
Journal Article
Lisci, C., Lewis, J. E., Daniel, Z. C., Stevenson, T. J., Monnier, C., Marshall, H. J., Fowler, M., Ferri, G.-L., Ebling, F. J., Cocco, C., & Jethwa, P. H. (2019). Photoperiodic changes in adiposity increase sensitivity of female Siberian hamsters to systemic VGF derived peptide TLQP-21. PLoS ONE, 14(8), Article e0221517.

TLQP-21, a peptide encoded by the highly conserved vgf gene, is expressed in neuroendocrine cells and has been the most prominent VGF-derived peptide studied in relation to control of energy balance. The recent discovery that TLQP-21 is the natural a... Read More about Photoperiodic changes in adiposity increase sensitivity of female Siberian hamsters to systemic VGF derived peptide TLQP-21.

Automated virtual reality (VR) cognitive therapy for patients with psychosis: study protocol for a single-blind parallel group randomised controlled trial (gameChange) (2019)
Journal Article
Freeman, D., Yu, L.-M., Kabir, T., Martin, J., Craven, M., Leal, J., Lambe, S., Brown, S., Morrison, A., Chapman, K., Dudley, R., O'Regan, E., Rovira, A., Goodsell, A., Rosebrock, L., Bergin, A., Cryer, T. L., Robotham, D., Andleeb, H., Geddes, J. R., …Waite, F. (2019). Automated virtual reality (VR) cognitive therapy for patients with psychosis: study protocol for a single-blind parallel group randomised controlled trial (gameChange). BMJ Open, 9(8), e031606.

Introduction Many patients with psychosis experience everyday social situations as anxiety-provoking. The fears can arise, for example, from paranoia, hallucinations, social anxiety or negative-self beliefs. The fears lead patients to withdraw from a... Read More about Automated virtual reality (VR) cognitive therapy for patients with psychosis: study protocol for a single-blind parallel group randomised controlled trial (gameChange).

Identifying and Responding to Child Neglect: Exploring the Professional Experiences of Primary School Teachers and Family Support Workers (2019)
Journal Article
Bullock, L., Stanyon, M., Glaser, D., & Chou, S. (2019). Identifying and Responding to Child Neglect: Exploring the Professional Experiences of Primary School Teachers and Family Support Workers. Child Abuse Review, 28(3), 209-224.

© 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. This study aimed to explore primary school teachers' and family support workers' experiences of working with families and children with suspected or confirmed child neglect. Two in-depth, semi-structured focus groups... Read More about Identifying and Responding to Child Neglect: Exploring the Professional Experiences of Primary School Teachers and Family Support Workers.

High- versus low-intensity interventions for perinatal depression delivered by non-specialist primary maternal care providers in Nigeria: cluster randomised controlled trial (the EXPONATE trial) (2019)
Journal Article
Gureje, O., Oladeji, B. D., Montgomery, A. A., Araya, R., Bello, T., Chisholm, D., Groleau, D., Kirmayer, L. J., Kola, L., Olley, L., Tan, W., & Zelkowitz, P. (2019). High- versus low-intensity interventions for perinatal depression delivered by non-specialist primary maternal care providers in Nigeria: cluster randomised controlled trial (the EXPONATE trial). British Journal of Psychiatry, 215(3), 528-535.

Background: Contextually appropriate interventions delivered by primary maternal care providers might be effective in reducing the treatment gap for perinatal depression.
Aim: To compare a high intensity psychological intervention with a low intensi... Read More about High- versus low-intensity interventions for perinatal depression delivered by non-specialist primary maternal care providers in Nigeria: cluster randomised controlled trial (the EXPONATE trial).

Betahistine for tinnitus (Review) (2018)
Journal Article
Wegner, I., Hall, D. A., Smit, A. L., McFerran, D., & Stegeman, I. (2018). Betahistine for tinnitus (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2018(12), Article CD013093.

Background: Tinnitus is a symptom defined as the perception of sound in the absence of an external source. In England alone there are an estimated ¾ million general practice consultations every year where the primary complaint is tinnitus, equating t... Read More about Betahistine for tinnitus (Review).

A Meta-Analysis Taxonomizing Empathy in Schizophrenia (2018)
Journal Article
Varachhia, S., Ferguson, E., & Doody, G. (2018). A Meta-Analysis Taxonomizing Empathy in Schizophrenia. HSOA Journal of Psychiatry, Depression & Anxiety, 4, Article 016.

Background: Trait empathy is integral to relationship development and maintenance. Therefore, impairment in this ability can have an adverse effect on many domains of life including social, sexual, and marital. Previous reviews show in schizophrenia,... Read More about A Meta-Analysis Taxonomizing Empathy in Schizophrenia.

Cortical correlates of speech intelligibility measured using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) (2018)
Journal Article
Lawrence, R. J., Wiggins, I. M., Anderson, C. A., Davies-Thompson, J., & Hartley, D. E. (2018). Cortical correlates of speech intelligibility measured using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Hearing Research, 370, 53-64.

Functional neuroimaging has identified that the temporal, frontal and parietal cortex support core aspects of speech processing. An objective measure of speech intelligibility based on cortical activation in these brain regions would be extremely use... Read More about Cortical correlates of speech intelligibility measured using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS).

Predictive coding of the statistical parameters of uncertain rewards by orbitofrontal neurons (2018)
Journal Article
O’Neill, M., & Schultz, W. (2018). Predictive coding of the statistical parameters of uncertain rewards by orbitofrontal neurons. Behavioural Brain Research, 355, 90-94.

Uncertain reward outcomes are characterised by statistical parameters that capture the numerical values of the underlying probability distributions of reward values, including the expected value, risk (variance) and probability. Here we show coding o... Read More about Predictive coding of the statistical parameters of uncertain rewards by orbitofrontal neurons.

Proportionate methods for evaluating a simple digital mental health tool (2017)
Journal Article
Davies, E. B., Craven, M. P., Martin, J. L., & Simons, L. (2017). Proportionate methods for evaluating a simple digital mental health tool. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 20(4), 112-117.

Background: Traditional evaluation methods are not keeping pace with rapid developments in mobile health. More flexible methodologies are needed to evaluate mHealth technologies, particularly simple, self-help tools. One approach is to combine a var... Read More about Proportionate methods for evaluating a simple digital mental health tool.

A Qualitative Exploration of the Help-Seeking Behaviors of Students Who Experience Psychological Distress Around Assessment at Medical School (2017)
Journal Article
Winter, R. I., Patel, R., & Norman, R. I. (2017). A Qualitative Exploration of the Help-Seeking Behaviors of Students Who Experience Psychological Distress Around Assessment at Medical School. Academic Psychiatry, 41(4), 477-485.


Medical students are at high risk of experiencing psychological distress at medical school and developing mental ill-health during professional practice. Despite efforts by faculty to raise awareness about this risk, many students choose... Read More about A Qualitative Exploration of the Help-Seeking Behaviors of Students Who Experience Psychological Distress Around Assessment at Medical School.