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Feasibility RCT of neuromuscular electrical stimulation; an Intervention to Maintain and improve neuroMuscular function during periods of Immobility (IMMI): Protocol (2021)
Preprint / Working Paper
Gladman, J., Aloraibi, S., Greenhaff, P., Piasecki, M., Phillips, B., Atherton, P., Masud, T., Sahota, O., Logan, P., Booth, V., Robinson, K., Lunt, E., Godfrey, D., Caswell, A., Kerr, M., Ollivere, B., & Gordon, A. Feasibility RCT of neuromuscular electrical stimulation; an Intervention to Maintain and improve neuroMuscular function during periods of Immobility (IMMI): Protocol

East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) is a research collaboration across the East Midlands to facilitate collaborative applied clinical research into ageing and the care of older people. EMRAN was set up by NIHR CLAHRC East Midlands and... Read More about Feasibility RCT of neuromuscular electrical stimulation; an Intervention to Maintain and improve neuroMuscular function during periods of Immobility (IMMI): Protocol.

Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and self-isolation on students and staff in higher education: A qualitative study (2021)
Journal Article
Knight, H., Carlisle, S., O’connor, M., Briggs, L., Fothergill, L., Al-Oraibi, A., Yildirim, M., Morling, J. R., Corner, J., Ball, J., Denning, C., Vedhara, K., & Blake, H. (2021). Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and self-isolation on students and staff in higher education: A qualitative study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(20), Article 10675.

This qualitative study explored the impact of COVID-19 self-isolation and social restriction measures on university students, through the perspectives of both students and the staff supporting them. The study comprised 11 focus groups (students) and... Read More about Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and self-isolation on students and staff in higher education: A qualitative study.

Perceptions and Experiences of the University of Nottingham Pilot SARS-CoV-2 Asymptomatic Testing Service: A Mixed-Methods Study (2020)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Corner, J., Cirelli, C., Hassard, J., Briggs, L., Daly, J. M., Bennett, M., Chappell, J. G., Fairclough, L., McClure, C. P., Tarr, A., Tighe, P., Favier, A., Irving, W., & Ball, J. (2021). Perceptions and Experiences of the University of Nottingham Pilot SARS-CoV-2 Asymptomatic Testing Service: A Mixed-Methods Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(1), 1-26.

© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. We aimed to explore student and staff perceptions and experiences of a pilot SARS-CoV-2 asymptomatic testing service (P-ATS) in a UK university campus setting. This was a mixed-method study co... Read More about Perceptions and Experiences of the University of Nottingham Pilot SARS-CoV-2 Asymptomatic Testing Service: A Mixed-Methods Study.

Metabolism based isolation of invasive glioblastoma cells with specific gene signatures and tumorigenic potential (2020)
Journal Article
Smith, S. J., Rowlinson, J., Estevez-Cebrero, M., Onion, D., Ritchie, A., Clarke, P., Wood, K., Diksin, M., Lourdusamy, A., Grundy, R. G., & Rahman, R. (2020). Metabolism based isolation of invasive glioblastoma cells with specific gene signatures and tumorigenic potential. Neuro-Oncology Advances, 2(1), Article vdaa087.

Glioblastoma (GBM) is a highly aggressive brain tumor with rapid subclonal diversification, harboring molecular abnormalities that vary temporo-spatially, a contributor to therapy resistance. Fluorescence guided neurosurgical resection ut... Read More about Metabolism based isolation of invasive glioblastoma cells with specific gene signatures and tumorigenic potential.

Glycemic, Gastrointestinal, Hormonal and Appetitive Responses to Pearl Millet or Oats Porridge Breakfasts: a Randomized, Crossover Trial in Healthy Humans (2019)
Journal Article
Alyami, J., Whitehouse, E., Yakubov, G. E., Pritchard, S. E., Hoad, C. L., Blackshaw, E., Heissam, K., Cordon, S. M., Bligh, H. F. J., Spiller, R. C., Macdonald, I. A., Aithal, G. P., Gowland, P. A., Taylor, M. A., & Marciani, L. (2019). Glycemic, Gastrointestinal, Hormonal and Appetitive Responses to Pearl Millet or Oats Porridge Breakfasts: a Randomized, Crossover Trial in Healthy Humans. British Journal of Nutrition,

Whole grain cereal breakfast consumption has been associated with beneficial effects on glucose and insulin metabolism as well as satiety. Pearl millet is a popular ancient grain variety that can be grown in hot, dry regions. However, little is known... Read More about Glycemic, Gastrointestinal, Hormonal and Appetitive Responses to Pearl Millet or Oats Porridge Breakfasts: a Randomized, Crossover Trial in Healthy Humans.

Do Antiretroviral Drugs Protect From Multiple Sclerosis By Inhibiting Expression Of MS-Associated Retrovirus? (2019)
Journal Article
Morandi, E., Tanasescu, R., Tarlington, R., Constantin-Teodosiu, D., & Gran, B. (2019). Do Antiretroviral Drugs Protect From Multiple Sclerosis By Inhibiting Expression Of MS-Associated Retrovirus?. Frontiers in Immunology, 9, Article 3092.

The expression of human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) has been associated with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The MS-related retrovirus (MSRV/HERV-W) has the potential to activate inflammatory immunity, which could promote both susceptibility and progres... Read More about Do Antiretroviral Drugs Protect From Multiple Sclerosis By Inhibiting Expression Of MS-Associated Retrovirus?.