Demonic Surrealism in Bucharest: Revolutionary Nihilism in the Writings and Objects of Gherasim Luca, 1939-1945
Journal Article
Atkin, W. (2023). Demonic Surrealism in Bucharest: Revolutionary Nihilism in the Writings and Objects of Gherasim Luca, 1939-1945. Dada/Surrealism, 24(1), 1-31.
This article explores the wartime works of Gherasim Luca and the Romanian surrealists during the 1940s, and considers how surrealist discourse was idiosyncratically reconfigured around the central themes of demons and black magic. Hermetically sealed... Read More about Demonic Surrealism in Bucharest: Revolutionary Nihilism in the Writings and Objects of Gherasim Luca, 1939-1945.