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All Outputs (36)

Silicon Carbide n-IGBTs: Structure Optimization for Ruggedness Enhancement (2024)
Journal Article
Almpanis, I., Antoniou, M., Evans, P., Empringham, L., Gammon, P., Undrea, F., Mawby, P., & Lophitis, N. (2024). Silicon Carbide n-IGBTs: Structure Optimization for Ruggedness Enhancement. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 60(3), 4251-4263.

In recent years, silicon carbide (SiC) based devices are increasingly replacing their silicon counterparts in power conversion applications due to their performance superiority. SiC insulated-gate bipolar transistors are particularly interesting as t... Read More about Silicon Carbide n-IGBTs: Structure Optimization for Ruggedness Enhancement.

Experimental analysis of mismatch in electro-thermal device parameter within parallel connected SiC MOSFETs: Considerations for multi-chip power module design (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fayyaz, A., Li, Y., Evans, P., Watson, A., Wheeler, P., & Gerada, C. (2023, August). Experimental analysis of mismatch in electro-thermal device parameter within parallel connected SiC MOSFETs: Considerations for multi-chip power module design. Presented at WiPDA Asia 2023 - IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Asia, Hsinchu, Taiwan

This paper aims to investigate the current imbalance within parallel connected common-source configuration of SiC Power MOSFET switches using double pulse transient operation. Mismatches in electro-thermal parameters e.g., threshold voltage (Vth and... Read More about Experimental analysis of mismatch in electro-thermal device parameter within parallel connected SiC MOSFETs: Considerations for multi-chip power module design.

Behavioural SiC IGBT Modelling Using Non-Linear Voltage and Current Dependent Capacitances (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Almpanis, I., Evans, P., Li, K., & Lophitis, N. (2023, September). Behavioural SiC IGBT Modelling Using Non-Linear Voltage and Current Dependent Capacitances. Presented at 2023 IEEE Design Methodologies Conference (DMC), Miami, FL, USA

This paper presents a behavioural silicon carbide (SiC) IGBT model that utilizes voltage and current dependent capacitances to simulate its switching characteristics, and a voltage dependent current source to simulate the static characteristics. The... Read More about Behavioural SiC IGBT Modelling Using Non-Linear Voltage and Current Dependent Capacitances.

10kV+ Rated SiC n-IGBTs: Novel Collector-Side Design Approach Breaking the Trade-Off between dV/dt and Device Efficiency (2023)
Journal Article
Almpanis, I., Evans, P., Antoniou, M., Gammon, P., Empringham, L., Undrea, F., Mawby, P., & Lophitis, N. (2023). 10kV+ Rated SiC n-IGBTs: Novel Collector-Side Design Approach Breaking the Trade-Off between dV/dt and Device Efficiency. Key Engineering Materials, 946, 125-133.

10kV+ rated 4H- Silicon Carbide (SiC) Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) have the potential to become the devices of choice in future Medium Voltage (MV) and High Voltage (HV) power converters. However, one significant performance concern of... Read More about 10kV+ Rated SiC n-IGBTs: Novel Collector-Side Design Approach Breaking the Trade-Off between dV/dt and Device Efficiency.

Influence of Emitter Side Design on the Unintentional Turn-on of 10kV+ SiC n-IGBTs (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Almpanis, I., Antoniou, M., Evans, P., Empringham, L., Gammon, P., Udrea, F., Mawby, P., & Lophitis, N. (2022, October). Influence of Emitter Side Design on the Unintentional Turn-on of 10kV+ SiC n-IGBTs. Presented at 2022 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Detroit, MI, USA

Silicon Carbide (SiC) N-channel Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (n-IGBTs) rated higher than 10kV can improve Medium Voltage and High Voltage power electronics due to the favourable combination of SiC material with the nIGBT device structure. This... Read More about Influence of Emitter Side Design on the Unintentional Turn-on of 10kV+ SiC n-IGBTs.

Short-Circuit Performance Investigation of 10kV+ Rated SiC n-IGBT (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Almpanis, I., Gammon, P., Mawby, P., Evans, P., Empringham, L., Lophitis, N., Antoniou, M., & Udrea, F. (2022, September). Short-Circuit Performance Investigation of 10kV+ Rated SiC n-IGBT. Presented at IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Europe (WiPDA-Europe 2022), Coventry, United Kingdom

This paper presents a comprehensive short-circuit robustness investigation of 4H- Silicon Carbide (SiC) n-type Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (nIGBTs) for Medium-Voltage and High- Voltage applications. Numerical electrothermal TCAD simulations ev... Read More about Short-Circuit Performance Investigation of 10kV+ Rated SiC n-IGBT.

Cooling System Sizing using LPTN Analysis and Multiphysics Modelling for an Axial Flux Machine and Integrated Drive (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jeffrey, A. J., Connor, P. H., Vakil, G., Evans, P., Wheeler, P., & Hart, S. (2022, September). Cooling System Sizing using LPTN Analysis and Multiphysics Modelling for an Axial Flux Machine and Integrated Drive. Presented at 2022 International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), Valencia, Spain

In this paper a Lumped Parameter Thermal Network (LPTN) is proposed for a Yokeless and Segmented Armature (YASA) axial flux permanent magnet (AFPM) machine. A simulation model is used to examine the machine in isolation, with an Integrated Motor Driv... Read More about Cooling System Sizing using LPTN Analysis and Multiphysics Modelling for an Axial Flux Machine and Integrated Drive.

Reduce-Order Analysis and Circuit-Level Cost Function for the Numerical Optimization of Power Electronics Modules (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cairnie, M., DiMarino, C., Evans, P., & Lophitis, N. (2021, November). Reduce-Order Analysis and Circuit-Level Cost Function for the Numerical Optimization of Power Electronics Modules. Presented at 2021 IEEE 22nd Workshop on Control and Modelling of Power Electronics (COMPEL), Cartagena, Colombia

Energy innovation trends such as sustainable grids, and the electrification of the consumer transportation market are accelerating the adoption of medium-voltage (MV) silicon-carbide (SiC) technology. The fast switching times and higher operating tem... Read More about Reduce-Order Analysis and Circuit-Level Cost Function for the Numerical Optimization of Power Electronics Modules.

Multi Expansion Point Reduced Order Modelling for Electromagnetic Design of Power Electronics (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gao, X., Evans, P., Johnson, M., & Li, K. (2021, July). Multi Expansion Point Reduced Order Modelling for Electromagnetic Design of Power Electronics. Presented at 2021 IEEE Design Methodologies Conference (DMC), Bath, UK

Modern power electronic systems operate with a trend of increasing speeds, voltage, power and temperature. In order to reduce the simulation time for electromagnetic(EM) modelling in power electronic systems, Model Order Reduction(MOR) technique is a... Read More about Multi Expansion Point Reduced Order Modelling for Electromagnetic Design of Power Electronics.

A GaN-HEMT Compact Model Including Dynamic RDSon Effect for Power Electronics Converters (2021)
Journal Article
Li, K., Evans, P. L., Johnson, C. M., Videt, A., & Idir, N. (2021). A GaN-HEMT Compact Model Including Dynamic RDSon Effect for Power Electronics Converters. Energies, 14(8), Article 2092.

In order to model GaN-HEMT switching transients and determine power losses, a compact model including dynamic RDSon effect is proposed herein. The model includes mathematical equations to represent device static and capacitance-voltage characteristic... Read More about A GaN-HEMT Compact Model Including Dynamic RDSon Effect for Power Electronics Converters.

Real-Time Thermal Imaging Using Augmented Reality and Accelerated 3D Models (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jalal, B., Greedy, S., & Evans, P. (2020, November). Real-Time Thermal Imaging Using Augmented Reality and Accelerated 3D Models. Presented at 2020 IEEE 21st Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL), Aalborg, Denmark

We present an innovative method to allow real-time visualisation of temperature fields on power electronic circuits using augmented reality. A real-time time-domain simulation incorporating the Block Arnoldi model order reduction techniques is implem... Read More about Real-Time Thermal Imaging Using Augmented Reality and Accelerated 3D Models.

Multi‐frequency averaging (MFA) model of a generic electric vehicle powertrain suitable under variable frequency of averaging developed for remote operability (2020)
Journal Article
Sen, S., Evans, P. L., & Johnson, C. M. (2020). Multi‐frequency averaging (MFA) model of a generic electric vehicle powertrain suitable under variable frequency of averaging developed for remote operability. IET Electrical Systems in Transportation, 10(3), 268-274.

© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2020. Geographically distributed hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing has the potential to allow hybrid vehicle powertrain components (battery, motor drive, and engine) to be developed at geographically r... Read More about Multi‐frequency averaging (MFA) model of a generic electric vehicle powertrain suitable under variable frequency of averaging developed for remote operability.

Accurate Measurement of Dynamic ON-state Resistance of GaN Devices under Reverse and Forward Conduction in High Frequency Power Converter (2020)
Journal Article
Li, K., Videt, A., Idir, N., Evans, P., & Johnson, M. (2020). Accurate Measurement of Dynamic ON-state Resistance of GaN Devices under Reverse and Forward Conduction in High Frequency Power Converter. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 35(9), 9652-9662.

Because of trapped charges in GaN transistor structure, device dynamic ON-state resistance RDSon is increased when it is operated in high frequency switched power converters, in which device is possibly operated by zero voltage switching (ZVS) to red... Read More about Accurate Measurement of Dynamic ON-state Resistance of GaN Devices under Reverse and Forward Conduction in High Frequency Power Converter.

Novel GaN-HEMT modelling method based on S-parameters characterisation and its implementation in Virtual Prototyping software (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Li, K., Pace, L., Videt, A., IDIR, N., Evans, P., Johnson, M., Defrance, N., & Dejaeger, J.-C. (2018, July). Novel GaN-HEMT modelling method based on S-parameters characterisation and its implementation in Virtual Prototyping software. Poster presented at EPSRC Centre for Power Electronics (CPE) Annual Conference, Loughborough, UK

Multi-Frequency Averaging (MFA) Model of Electric-Hybrid Powertrain Suitable for Variable Frequency Operation Applied in Geographically-Distributed Power Hardware-in-the-Loop (GD-PHiL) Simulation (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sen, S., Evans, P. L., & Johnson, C. M. (2018, August). Multi-Frequency Averaging (MFA) Model of Electric-Hybrid Powertrain Suitable for Variable Frequency Operation Applied in Geographically-Distributed Power Hardware-in-the-Loop (GD-PHiL) Simulation. Presented at 2018 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Chicago, IL, USA

© 2018 IEEE Project aims to develop capability for OEMs and suppliers to 'virtually-connect' multiple prototype powertrain components (engine, motor-drive etc.) and engage in real-time system simulation, thereby reducing cost by eliminating co-locati... Read More about Multi-Frequency Averaging (MFA) Model of Electric-Hybrid Powertrain Suitable for Variable Frequency Operation Applied in Geographically-Distributed Power Hardware-in-the-Loop (GD-PHiL) Simulation.

SiC/GaN power semiconductor devices: a theoretical comparison and experimental evaluation under different switching conditions (2018)
Journal Article
Li, K., Evans, P., & Johnson, M. (2018). SiC/GaN power semiconductor devices: a theoretical comparison and experimental evaluation under different switching conditions. IET Electrical Systems in Transportation, 8(1), 3-11.

(This study is for special section ‘Design, modelling and control of electric drives for transportation applications’) The conduction and switching losses of silicon carbide (SIC) and gallium nitride (GaN) power transistors are compared in this study... Read More about SiC/GaN power semiconductor devices: a theoretical comparison and experimental evaluation under different switching conditions.

Characterisation and modelling of gallium nitride power semiconductor devices dynamic on-state resistance (2017)
Journal Article
Li, K., Evans, P., & Johnson, M. (2018). Characterisation and modelling of gallium nitride power semiconductor devices dynamic on-state resistance. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 33(6), 5262 - 5273.

GaN-HEMTs suffer from trapping effects which increases device ON-state resistance (RDS(on)) above its theoretical value. This increase is a function of the applied DC bias when the device is in its OFF state, and the time which the device is biased f... Read More about Characterisation and modelling of gallium nitride power semiconductor devices dynamic on-state resistance.

SiC/GaN power semiconductor devices: a theoretical comparison and experimental evaluation under different switching conditions (2017)
Journal Article
Li, K., Evans, P., & Johnson, M. (in press). SiC/GaN power semiconductor devices: a theoretical comparison and experimental evaluation under different switching conditions. IET Electrical Systems in Transportation,

The conduction and switching losses of SiC and GaN power transistors are compared in this paper. Voltage rating of commercial GaN power transistors is less than 650V while that of SiC power transistors is less than 1200V. The paper begins with a theo... Read More about SiC/GaN power semiconductor devices: a theoretical comparison and experimental evaluation under different switching conditions.