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Outputs (22)

Human AI conversational systems: when humans and machines start to chat (2024)
Journal Article
Borsci, S., Chamberlain, A., Nichele, E., Bødker, M., & Turchi, T. (2024). Human AI conversational systems: when humans and machines start to chat. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 28(6), 857–860.

When humans and machines start to chat: beyond anthropocentrism

Digital and embedded artificial intelligent (AI) agents with conversational capabilities have gained significant attention in recent years [1, 2]. Using natural language communication... Read More about Human AI conversational systems: when humans and machines start to chat.

Small and medium enterprises will use generative AI. But how can they be helped to implement it properly? (2024)
Ochang, P., Eke, D., Stahl, B., Buckley, . M., Poder, I., & Hughes, J. (2024). Small and medium enterprises will use generative AI. But how can they be helped to implement it properly?. ESPRC and RAI UK

Generative AI is changing the way our economies and businesses operate, and SMEs could be receiving more benefits from this transition. Over the past 12 months in the Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in UK and Africa (RAISE) project we have been wo... Read More about Small and medium enterprises will use generative AI. But how can they be helped to implement it properly?.

Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in UK and Africa (RAISE) : First Virtual Human Centric Design Workshop Report (2024)
Ochang, P., Stahl, B., Eke, D., & Cameron, H. Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in UK and Africa (RAISE) : First Virtual Human Centric Design Workshop Report. ESPRC and RAI UK

On the 1st of July 2024, the Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in the UK and Africa (RAISE) project hosted its inaugural workshop, bringing together small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the United Kingdom and Africa. The workshop focused o... Read More about Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in UK and Africa (RAISE) : First Virtual Human Centric Design Workshop Report.

Experimental and numerical validation of tape-based metasurfaces in guiding high-frequency surface waves for efficient power transfer (2024)
Journal Article
Suzuki, K., Dang, P. T., Homma, H., Fathnan, A. A., Ashikaga, Y., Tsuchiya, Y., Phang, S., & Wakatsuchi, H. (2024). Experimental and numerical validation of tape-based metasurfaces in guiding high-frequency surface waves for efficient power transfer. Applied Physics Letters, 125(18), Article 181701.

We present an effective method for transmitting electromagnetic waves as surface waves with a tape-based metasurface design. This design incorporates silver square patches periodically patterned on an adhesive tape substrate. Specifically, our study... Read More about Experimental and numerical validation of tape-based metasurfaces in guiding high-frequency surface waves for efficient power transfer.

Advanced documentation technologies for people-centred preparedness and re-construction in Bela, India (2024)
Journal Article
Devilat, B. M., Lanuza, F., Mane, M., & Pithawalla, Z. (2024). Advanced documentation technologies for people-centred preparedness and re-construction in Bela, India. Disaster Prevention and Management, 33(5), 480-501.

Purpose: Despite the recurrence of earthquakes, responses are usually triggered afterwards, lacking mitigation strategies to diminish risks. Damaged dwellings cannot be immediately reinforced to continue inhabitation, generating disruption. Repairs a... Read More about Advanced documentation technologies for people-centred preparedness and re-construction in Bela, India.

Communication, Collaboration, and Coordination in a Co-located Shared Augmented Reality Game: Perspectives From Deaf and Hard of Hearing People (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Luna, S. M., Xu, J., Papangelis, K., Tigwell, G. W., Lalone, N., Saker, M., Chamberlain, A., Laato, S., Dunham, J., & Wang, Y. (2024, May). Communication, Collaboration, and Coordination in a Co-located Shared Augmented Reality Game: Perspectives From Deaf and Hard of Hearing People. Presented at CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’24), Honolulu, HI, USA

Co-located collaborative shared augmented reality (CS-AR) environments have gained considerable research attention, mainly focusing on design, implementation, accuracy, and usability. Yet, a gap persists in our understanding regarding the accessibili... Read More about Communication, Collaboration, and Coordination in a Co-located Shared Augmented Reality Game: Perspectives From Deaf and Hard of Hearing People.

Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in the UK and Africa: RAISE guidelines (2024)
Ochang, P., Stahl, B., Eke, D., Buckley, M., Poder, I., Hughes, J., Rodrigues, R., & Barnard-Wills, D. (2024). Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in the UK and Africa: RAISE guidelines. Responsible AI UK

Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs), including technology start-ups, are driving the development of Generative Artificial Intelligence products and services, whilst some non-technology SMEs are enthusiastically adopting these tools. However, SMEs do n... Read More about Responsible Generative AI for SMEs in the UK and Africa: RAISE guidelines.

FUTURE MACHINE: Making Myths & Designing Technology for a Responsible Future: Making Myths and Entanglement: Community engagement at the edge of participatory design and user experience (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jacobs, R., Spence, J., Abbott, F., Chamberlain, A., Heim, W., Yemaoua Dayo, A., Kemp, D., Benford, S., Price, D., Shackford, R., Robson, J., Locke, C., & King, J. (2023, October). FUTURE MACHINE: Making Myths & Designing Technology for a Responsible Future: Making Myths and Entanglement: Community engagement at the edge of participatory design and user experience. Presented at Mindtrek '23: 26th International Academic Mindtrek Conference, Tampere, Finland

This paper explores the unique methods and strategies employed by a team of artists, in collaboration with engineers, programmers, a climate scientist, researchers and members of the public, who have come together to create the Future Machine, with t... Read More about FUTURE MACHINE: Making Myths & Designing Technology for a Responsible Future: Making Myths and Entanglement: Community engagement at the edge of participatory design and user experience.

TAS for Cats: An Artist-led Exploration of Trustworthy Autonomous Systems for Companion Animals (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Schneiders, E., Chamberlain, A., Fischer, J. E., Benford, S., Castle-Green, S., Ngo, V., Kucukyilmaz, A., Barnard, P., Row Farr, J., Adams, M., Tandavanitj, N., Devlin, K., Mancini, C., & Mills, D. (2023, July). TAS for Cats: An Artist-led Exploration of Trustworthy Autonomous Systems for Companion Animals. Presented at First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS 23), Edinburgh, UK

Cat Royale is an artist-led exploration of trustworthy autonomous systems (TAS) created by the TAS Hub's creative ambassadors Blast Theory. A small community of cats inhabits a purpose built 'cat utopia' at the centre of which a robot arm tries to en... Read More about TAS for Cats: An Artist-led Exploration of Trustworthy Autonomous Systems for Companion Animals.

Socio-Technical Trust For Multi-Modal Hearing Assistive Technology (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Williams, J., Azim, T., Piskopani, A. M., Chamberlain, A., & Zhang, S. (2023, June). Socio-Technical Trust For Multi-Modal Hearing Assistive Technology. Presented at ICASSPW 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Workshops, Proceedings, Rhodes Island, Greece

The landscape of opportunity is rapidly changing for audio-visual (AV) hearing assistive technology. While hearing assistive devices, such as hearing aids, have traditionally been developed for populations of deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) communitie... Read More about Socio-Technical Trust For Multi-Modal Hearing Assistive Technology.

Identification of Potential Barriers to Electric Vehicle Adoption in Oil-Producing Nations—The Case of Saudi Arabia (2022)
Journal Article
Alotaibi, S., Omer, S., & Su, Y. (2022). Identification of Potential Barriers to Electric Vehicle Adoption in Oil-Producing Nations—The Case of Saudi Arabia. Electricity, 3(3), 365-395.

Electric vehicles (EVs) are important elements in the global strategy to tackle climate change; however, research often fails to sufficiently identify the range of barriers which affect their adoption. Taking Saudi Arabia as a case study, this paper... Read More about Identification of Potential Barriers to Electric Vehicle Adoption in Oil-Producing Nations—The Case of Saudi Arabia.

Quantifiable correlation of ToF-SIMS and XPS data from polymer surfaces with controlled amino acid and peptide content (2022)
Journal Article
Taylor, M., Simoes, F., Smith, J., Genapathy, S., Canning, A., Lledos, M., Chan, W. C., Denning, C., Scurr, D. J., Steven, R. T., Spencer, S. J., Shard, A. G., Alexander, M. R., & Zelzer, M. (2022). Quantifiable correlation of ToF-SIMS and XPS data from polymer surfaces with controlled amino acid and peptide content. Surface and Interface Analysis, 54(4), 417-432.

Peptide-coated surfaces are widely employed in biomaterial design, but quantifiable correlation between surface composition and biological response is challenging due to, for example, instrumental limitations, a lack of suitable model surfaces or lim... Read More about Quantifiable correlation of ToF-SIMS and XPS data from polymer surfaces with controlled amino acid and peptide content.

Battling Over Social Media: Public Protest and State Responses concerning Dr Li Wenliang’s Death in China (2021)
Journal Article
Lai, H. (2021). Battling Over Social Media: Public Protest and State Responses concerning Dr Li Wenliang’s Death in China. East Asian Policy, 13(2), 36-48.

This article conducts a case study regarding the reactions by the public and the state on the internet to the death of Dr Li Wenliang, a whistleblower revealing the Covid-19 outbreak in China. It addresses the ongoing debate in the literature regardi... Read More about Battling Over Social Media: Public Protest and State Responses concerning Dr Li Wenliang’s Death in China.

Direct imaging of correlated defect nanodomains in a metal-organic framework (2020)
Journal Article
Johnstone, D. N., Firth, F. C., Grey, C. P., Midgley, P. A., Cliffe, M. J., & Collins, S. M. (2020). Direct imaging of correlated defect nanodomains in a metal-organic framework. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142(30), 13081–13089.

Defect engineering can enhance key properties of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). Tailoring the distribution of defects, for example in correlated nanodomains, requires characterization across length scales. However, a critical na-noscale characteriz... Read More about Direct imaging of correlated defect nanodomains in a metal-organic framework.

A Population-based PBPK Model for the Prediction of Time-Variant Bile Salt Disposition within GI Luminal Fluids (2020)
Journal Article
Stamatopoulos, K., Pathak, S., Marciani, L., & Turner, D. (2020). A Population-based PBPK Model for the Prediction of Time-Variant Bile Salt Disposition within GI Luminal Fluids. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 17(4), 1310-1323.

In vivo studies have shown cyclic bile salt (BS) outputs during fasting whereas higher amounts have been observed in fed states. This leads to fluctuations of intestinal BS concentrations ([BS]) that can affect the rate and extent of absorption of li... Read More about A Population-based PBPK Model for the Prediction of Time-Variant Bile Salt Disposition within GI Luminal Fluids.

Hafele and Keating on a chip: Sagnac interferometry with a single clock (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Johnson, J., Foxon, B., Atkocius, V., Gentile, F., Jammi, S., Poulios, K., & Fernholz, T. Hafele and Keating on a chip: Sagnac interferometry with a single clock. Presented at Optical, Opto-Atomic, and Entanglement-Enhanced Precision Metrology II, San Francisco, United States

We describe our progress in the development of an atom based rotation sensor, which employs state-dependent trapping potentials to transport ultracold atoms along a closed path and perform Sagnac interferometry. Whilst guided atom interferometers are... Read More about Hafele and Keating on a chip: Sagnac interferometry with a single clock.

Experimental insights into the airtightness measurement of a house-sized chamber in a sheltered environment using blower door and pulse methods (2019)
Journal Article
Zheng, X., Cooper, E., Mazzon, J., Wallis, I., & Wood, C. (2019). Experimental insights into the airtightness measurement of a house-sized chamber in a sheltered environment using blower door and pulse methods. Building and Environment, 162, Article 106269.

This paper introduces a comparison study of measuring the airtightness of a house-sized test chamber using the novel pulse technique and a low range blower door method in a sheltered environment. Eight different testing plates were prepared and appli... Read More about Experimental insights into the airtightness measurement of a house-sized chamber in a sheltered environment using blower door and pulse methods.

New Directions for the IoT: Automate, Share, Build, and Care (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fuentes, C., Porcheron, M., Fischer, J. E., Costanza, E., Verdezoto, N., Herskovic, V., Zuckerman, O., & Takayama, L. (2019, May). New Directions for the IoT: Automate, Share, Build, and Care. Presented at 2019 ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (SIG CHI 2019), Glasgow, Scotland, UK

As the IoT is taking hold in the home, in healthcare, factories, and industry, new challenges and approaches arise for HCI research and design. For example, HCI is exploring agency delegation and automation to support the user in managing the deluge... Read More about New Directions for the IoT: Automate, Share, Build, and Care.

From Director's Cut to User's Cut: to Watch a Brain-Controlled Film is to Edit it (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ramchurn, R., Martindale, S., Wilson, M. L., & Benford, S. (2019, May). From Director's Cut to User's Cut: to Watch a Brain-Controlled Film is to Edit it. Presented at CHI '19: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

© 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Introducing interactivity to films has proven a longstanding and difficult challenge due to their narrative-driven, linear and theatre-based nature. Previous research has suggested that Brain-Computer Int... Read More about From Director's Cut to User's Cut: to Watch a Brain-Controlled Film is to Edit it.

Engineering new defective phases of UiO family metal-organic frameworks with water (2019)
Journal Article
Firth, F. C. N., Cliffe, M. J., Vulpe, D., Aragones-Anglada, M., Moghadam, P. Z., Fairen-Jimenez, D., Slater, B., & Grey, C. P. (2019). Engineering new defective phases of UiO family metal-organic frameworks with water. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7(13), 7459-7469.

© The Royal Society of Chemistry. As defects significantly affect the properties of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)—from changing their mechanical properties to enhancing their catalytic ability—obtaining synthetic control over defects is essential t... Read More about Engineering new defective phases of UiO family metal-organic frameworks with water.