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Outputs (11)

Countering Sexual Harassment and Assault in Outer Space: Contributions from a Criminological Perspective (2024)
Book Chapter
Clamp, K. (2024). Countering Sexual Harassment and Assault in Outer Space: Contributions from a Criminological Perspective. In Y. Eski, & J. Lampkin (Eds.), Crime, Criminal Justice and Ethics in Outer Space: International Perspectives. Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

As human activity in outer space increases, the potential for conflict, crime, and victimisation emerges as a vital but overlooked criminological concern. This chapter explores several questions to identify relevant criminological knowledge and learn... Read More about Countering Sexual Harassment and Assault in Outer Space: Contributions from a Criminological Perspective.

Spotlight - How people of colour experience and engage with climate change in Britain (2023)
Ogunbode, C., Anim, N., Kidwell, J., Sawas, A., & Solanki, S. (2023). Spotlight - How people of colour experience and engage with climate change in Britain. University of Birmingham, University of Nottingham

Climate change is a globally devastating phenomenon. Our response must therefore be a globally inclusive and creative transformation. Around the world, people of colour are disproportionately affected by climate change. Some of the most devastating e... Read More about Spotlight - How people of colour experience and engage with climate change in Britain.

Re-Valuing the Shadows: Reimagining Possibilities for Alternative Futures through/with an Agentifying Education for a Planet in Crisis (2023)
Book Chapter
Swanson, D. M. (2023). Re-Valuing the Shadows: Reimagining Possibilities for Alternative Futures through/with an Agentifying Education for a Planet in Crisis. In T. Lovat, R. Toomey, N. Clement, & K. Dally (Eds.), Second International Research Handbook on Values Education and Student Wellbeing (763-781). Springer.

The last decade has seen distinct ideological shifts in particular geopolitical contexts and in global/local relations across the globe, with increasing instability witnessed in social, political, ecological, material, and economic systems. Efforts t... Read More about Re-Valuing the Shadows: Reimagining Possibilities for Alternative Futures through/with an Agentifying Education for a Planet in Crisis.

Blackness, whiteness and bodily degeneration in British women’s letters from India (2023)
Book Chapter
Gust, O. (2023). Blackness, whiteness and bodily degeneration in British women’s letters from India. In S. Goldsmith, S. Haggerty, & K. Harvey (Eds.), Letters and the Body, 1700–1830: Writing and Embodiment (122-142). Routledge.

This essay focuses on ideas of the body in the published and unpublished letters of four British women – Jane Smart, Jemima Kindersley, Eliza Fay and Catherine Mackintosh – who wrote from India between 1742 and 1812. Situating these elite, British wo... Read More about Blackness, whiteness and bodily degeneration in British women’s letters from India.

Examining the impact of PACE on the detention and questioning of child suspects (2023)
Kemp, V., Carr, N., Kent, H., & Farrall, S. (2023). Examining the impact of PACE on the detention and questioning of child suspects. London: University of Nottingham

The Nuffield Foundation funded this three year project which involved examining the efficacy of legal safeguards for children held in police custody. A mixed methods approach was adopted drawing on over 50,000 electronic custody records drawn from e... Read More about Examining the impact of PACE on the detention and questioning of child suspects.

Hero to zero? Navigating and negotiating the harms of criminalisation as a ‘veteran offender’ (2022)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, H. (2022). Hero to zero? Navigating and negotiating the harms of criminalisation as a ‘veteran offender’. Probation Journal, 69(3), 318-336.

This article offers an original insight into the experiences of former military personnel navigating life after criminalisation in a time of austerity. Drawing on case studies of in-depth narrative and visual interview data with two ‘veteran offender... Read More about Hero to zero? Navigating and negotiating the harms of criminalisation as a ‘veteran offender’.

Flexible Regional Economic Integration in Africa: Lessons and Implications for the Multilateral Trading System (2022)
Masiko, T. (2022). Flexible Regional Economic Integration in Africa: Lessons and Implications for the Multilateral Trading System. Hart Publishing

Regional economic integration efforts in Africa have, over the years, yielded varied results. For the most part, they have not been as successful as hoped, often encountering crippling challenges. These challenges have been as varied as the blocs tha... Read More about Flexible Regional Economic Integration in Africa: Lessons and Implications for the Multilateral Trading System.