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Outputs (96)

Triple Threats: Co-ordinated and collective actions to address health, work and climate concerns (2025)
Ahmed, S., Ayangunna, R., Barrow, J., Jackson, B., Ojo, T., Ojo, K., Parker, P., West, P., & Wright, N. (2025). Triple Threats: Co-ordinated and collective actions to address health, work and climate concerns. Rights Lab Survivor Research Advisory Board, University of Nottingham

The paper explores three priority threats upon health and work, resulting from climate change identified through a series of collaborative workshops with lived experience survivors of modern slavery. Areas highlighted which require collaborative acti... Read More about Triple Threats: Co-ordinated and collective actions to address health, work and climate concerns.

Ethics in modern slavery research: Review of the current landscape and evaluation of research ethics appropriateness (2024)
Asquith, W., Jackson, B., Hutchison, K., Stalford, H., & Bracaj, E. (2024). Ethics in modern slavery research: Review of the current landscape and evaluation of research ethics appropriateness. Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre (MSPEC)

There are increasing calls for researchers, research organisations and funders active in the field of modern slavery and human trafficking (MSHT) research to reflect on their own practices of engagement and co-production. Momentum has built on this... Read More about Ethics in modern slavery research: Review of the current landscape and evaluation of research ethics appropriateness.

Rights Lab, University of Nottingham, Response to the UK International Development White Paper: Call for Evidence (Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office) (2023)
Jackson, B., Bosatta, L., & Schwarz, K. (2023). Rights Lab, University of Nottingham, Response to the UK International Development White Paper: Call for Evidence (Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office). Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (UK)

Submission to the UK Government call for evidence (led by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office) International Development White Paper, September 2023. Response to questions submitted by the Rights Lab, University of Nottingham. Responses... Read More about Rights Lab, University of Nottingham, Response to the UK International Development White Paper: Call for Evidence (Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office).

Climate change, migration and human trafficking: Assessing the impact of climate change, migration and human trafficking risks for populations in the Bangladesh and India Sundarbans (2023)
Jackson, B. (2023). Climate change, migration and human trafficking: Assessing the impact of climate change, migration and human trafficking risks for populations in the Bangladesh and India Sundarbans. Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD)

The Sundarbans region of Bangladesh and India face several climatic risk factors, and for communities in the area they can be compounded by social, economic, and political struggles. Primary data on the ‘human trafficking-environmental degradation-cl... Read More about Climate change, migration and human trafficking: Assessing the impact of climate change, migration and human trafficking risks for populations in the Bangladesh and India Sundarbans.

Forced labour risk is pervasive in the US land-based food supply (2023)
Journal Article
Blackstone, N. T., Rodríguez-Huerta, E., Battaglia, K., Jackson, B., Jackson, E., Benoit Norris, C., & Decker Sparks, J. L. (2023). Forced labour risk is pervasive in the US land-based food supply. Nature Food, 4(7), 596–606.

Social risk assessments and case studies of labour conditions in food production primarily focus on specific subpopulations, regions and commodities. To date, research has not systematically assessed labour conditions against international standards... Read More about Forced labour risk is pervasive in the US land-based food supply.

A house is not a home: housing disadvantage, homelessness, and modern slavery (2023)
Journal Article
Clare, N., Iafrati, S., Reeson, C., Wright, N., Gray, C., & Baptiste, H. (2023). A house is not a home: housing disadvantage, homelessness, and modern slavery. Journal of the British Academy, 11, 83-93.

This commentary focuses on the underexplored links between housing disadvantage, homelessness, and modern slavery. Despite significant anecdotal evidence, there is a pressing need for proper theorisation of the connections between housing situation a... Read More about A house is not a home: housing disadvantage, homelessness, and modern slavery.

Bearing Witness: Contemporary Slave Narratives and the Global Antislavery Movement (2022)
Nicholson, A. (2022). Bearing Witness: Contemporary Slave Narratives and the Global Antislavery Movement. Cambridge University Press (CUP).

Since the 1990s, modern slavery has been recognized as a global problem, with campaigners around the world providing assessments of its nature and extent, its drivers, and possible solutions for ending it. However, largely absent from the global anti... Read More about Bearing Witness: Contemporary Slave Narratives and the Global Antislavery Movement.

Towards a model of port-based resilience against fisher labour exploitation (2022)
Journal Article
Phelan, K., Gardner, A., Selig, E. R., & Sparks, J. L. D. (2022). Towards a model of port-based resilience against fisher labour exploitation. Marine Policy, 142, Article 105108.

Fishers have pronounced vulnerabilities to labour exploitation and modern slavery. Regulatory efforts to mitigate fisher labour exploitation through domestic modern slavery legislation, and through the ratification and implementation of The Internati... Read More about Towards a model of port-based resilience against fisher labour exploitation.

Rights Lab Ecosystems and the Environment Programme Submission to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
Jackson, B. Rights Lab Ecosystems and the Environment Programme Submission to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children.

Rights Lab Ecosystems and the Environment Programme Submission to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children. May 2022.

Worker-less social responsibility: How the proliferation of voluntary labour governance tools in seafood marginalise the workers they claim to protect (2022)
Journal Article
Decker Sparks, J. L., Matthews, L., Cárdenas, D., & Williams, C. (2022). Worker-less social responsibility: How the proliferation of voluntary labour governance tools in seafood marginalise the workers they claim to protect. Marine Policy, 139, Article 105044.

In response to labour and human rights violations onboard fishing vessels, the private sector is increasingly relying on market-based solutions in the form of voluntary, non-governmental social governance tools to improve working conditions for fishe... Read More about Worker-less social responsibility: How the proliferation of voluntary labour governance tools in seafood marginalise the workers they claim to protect.

Participatory Photography, Ethical Storytelling, and Modern Slavery Survivor Voices: Adapting to COVID-19 (2022)
Book Chapter
Haji, A. A., Baya, R., Brady, E., McCabe, H., Manji, Y., & Otiende, S. (2022). Participatory Photography, Ethical Storytelling, and Modern Slavery Survivor Voices: Adapting to COVID-19. In M. do Carmo dos Santos Gonçalves, R. Gutwald, T. Kleibl, R. Lutz, N. Noyoo, & J. Twikirize (Eds.), The Coronavirus Crisis and Challenges to Social Development: Global Perspectives (371-380). Springer.

Conducting a truly participatory research project between partners in the Global North and Global South brings challenges in normal circumstances, yet when the COVID-19 pandemic forced our project to pause, we overcame multiple additional challenges... Read More about Participatory Photography, Ethical Storytelling, and Modern Slavery Survivor Voices: Adapting to COVID-19.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Survivors of Human Trafficking in Kenya: A Participatory Approach (2021)
Journal Article
Brady, E., McCabe, H., Otiende, S., Baya, R., Manji, Y., Sorby, R., Ali Haji, A., & Muhunyo, M. (2021). The Impact of COVID-19 on Survivors of Human Trafficking in Kenya: A Participatory Approach. Journal of Modern Slavery, 6(2), 247-266

Researchers and practitioners are increasingly calling for the involvement of survivors of human trafficking at all levels of, and in all areas of, anti-trafficking research, policy, work and legislation. Although it is now quite common for survivors... Read More about The Impact of COVID-19 on Survivors of Human Trafficking in Kenya: A Participatory Approach.

Decent work in fisheries: Current trends and key considerations for future research and policy (2021)
Journal Article
Garcia Lozano, A. J., Decker Sparks, J. L., Durgana, D. P., Farthing, C. M., Fitzpatrick, J., Krough-Poulsen, B., McDonald, G., McDonald, S., Ota, Y., Sarto, N., Cisneros-Montemayor, A. M., Lout, G., Finkbeiner, E., & Kittinger, J. N. (2022). Decent work in fisheries: Current trends and key considerations for future research and policy. Marine Policy, 136, Article 104922.

Labor issues and human rights violations have become the subject of rising concern in fisheries and seafood production. This paper reviews recent research on labor issues in the fishing industry, especially by environmental researchers and nongovernm... Read More about Decent work in fisheries: Current trends and key considerations for future research and policy.