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MATT CLARK's Outputs (32)

Label-free Brillouin endo-microscopy for the quantitative 3D imaging of sub-micrometre biology (2024)
Journal Article
La Cavera, S., Chauhan, V. M., Hardiman, W., Yao, M., Fuentes-Domínguez, R., Setchfield, K., …Clark, M. (2024). Label-free Brillouin endo-microscopy for the quantitative 3D imaging of sub-micrometre biology. Communications Biology, 7(1), Article 451.

This report presents an optical fibre-based endo-microscopic imaging tool that simultaneously measures the topographic profile and 3D viscoelastic properties of biological specimens through the phenomenon of time-resolved Brillouin scattering. This u... Read More about Label-free Brillouin endo-microscopy for the quantitative 3D imaging of sub-micrometre biology.

Driving next generation manufacturing through advanced metals characterisation capability (2024)
Journal Article
Clare, A., Seita, M., Speidel, A., Collins, P., & Clark, M. (2024). Driving next generation manufacturing through advanced metals characterisation capability. Scripta Materialia, 246, Article 116009.

Understanding the effects of manufacturing methods upon materials has driven constant innovation for over 300 years. While our ability to fabricate metallurgical wonders extends into the annals of history our ability to understand the scientific prin... Read More about Driving next generation manufacturing through advanced metals characterisation capability.

Classification of cancer cells at the sub-cellular level by phonon microscopy using deep learning (2023)
Journal Article
Pérez-Cota, F., Martínez-Arellano, G., La Cavera III, S., Hardiman, W., Thornton, L., Fuentes-Domínguez, R., …Clark, M. (2023). Classification of cancer cells at the sub-cellular level by phonon microscopy using deep learning. Scientific Reports, 13, Article 16228.

There is a consensus about the strong correlation between the elasticity of cells and tissue and their normal, dysplastic, and cancerous states. However, developments in cell mechanics have not seen significant progress in clinical applications. In t... Read More about Classification of cancer cells at the sub-cellular level by phonon microscopy using deep learning.

Living cells as a biological analog of optical tweezers – a non-invasive microrheology approach (2023)
Journal Article
Hardiman, W., Clark, M., Friel, C., Huett, A., Pérez-Cota, F., Setchfield, K., …Tassieri, M. (2023). Living cells as a biological analog of optical tweezers – a non-invasive microrheology approach. Acta Biomaterialia, 166, 317-325.

Microrheology, the study of fluids on micron length-scales, promises to reveal insights into cellular biology, including mechanical biomarkers of disease and the interplay between biomechanics and cellular function. Here a minimally-invasive passive... Read More about Living cells as a biological analog of optical tweezers – a non-invasive microrheology approach.

Parallel imaging with phonon microscopy using a multi-core fibre bundle detection (2023)
Journal Article
Fuentes-Domínguez, R., Yao, M., Hardiman, W., La Cavera III, S., Setchfield, K., Pérez-Cota, F., …Clark, M. (2023). Parallel imaging with phonon microscopy using a multi-core fibre bundle detection. Photoacoustics, 31, Article 100493.

In this paper, we show a proof-of-concept method to parallelise phonon microscopy measurements for cell elasticity imaging by demonstrating a 3-fold increase in acquisition speed which is limited by current acquisition hardware. Phonon microscopy is... Read More about Parallel imaging with phonon microscopy using a multi-core fibre bundle detection.

Imaging Microstructure on Optically Rough Surfaces Using Spatially Resolved Acoustic Spectroscopy (2023)
Journal Article
Li, W., Dryburgh, P., Pieris, D., Patel, R., Clark, M., & Smith, R. J. (2023). Imaging Microstructure on Optically Rough Surfaces Using Spatially Resolved Acoustic Spectroscopy. Applied Sciences, 13(6), Article 3424.

The microstructure of a material defines many of its mechanical properties. Tracking the microstructure of parts during their manufacturing is needed to ensure the designed performance can be obtained, especially for additively manufactured parts. Me... Read More about Imaging Microstructure on Optically Rough Surfaces Using Spatially Resolved Acoustic Spectroscopy.

Polarization-Sensitive Super-Resolution Phononic Reconstruction of Nanostructures (2022)
Journal Article
Fuentes-Domínguez, R., Naznin, S., La Cavera III, S., Cousins, R., Pérez-Cota, F., Smith, R. J., & Clark, M. (2022). Polarization-Sensitive Super-Resolution Phononic Reconstruction of Nanostructures. ACS Photonics,

In this paper, we show for the first time the polarization-sensitive super-resolution phononic reconstruction of multiple nanostructures in a liquid environment by overcoming the diffraction limit of the optical system (1 μm). By using time-resolved... Read More about Polarization-Sensitive Super-Resolution Phononic Reconstruction of Nanostructures.

Phonon imaging in 3D with a fibre probe (2021)
Journal Article
La Cavera III, S., Pérez-Cota, F., Smith, R. J., & Clark, M. (2021). Phonon imaging in 3D with a fibre probe. Light: Science and Applications, 10, Article 91.

We show for the first time that a single ultrasonic imaging fibre is capable of simultaneously accessing 3D spatial information and mechanical properties from microscopic objects. The novel measurement system consists of two ultrafast lasers that exc... Read More about Phonon imaging in 3D with a fibre probe.

3D phonon microscopy with sub-micron axial-resolution (2021)
Journal Article
Smith, R. J., Perez-Cota, F., Marques, L., & Clark, M. (2021). 3D phonon microscopy with sub-micron axial-resolution. Scientific Reports, 11(1), Article 3301.

© 2021, The Author(s). Brillouin light scattering (BLS) is an emerging method for cell imaging and characterisation. It allows elasticity-related contrast, optical resolution and label-free operation. Phonon microscopy detects BLS from laser generate... Read More about 3D phonon microscopy with sub-micron axial-resolution.

Single pixel camera methodologies for spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy (2021)
Journal Article
Patel, R., Sharples, S. D., Clark, M., Somekh, M. G., & Li, W. (2021). Single pixel camera methodologies for spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters, 118(5), Article 051102.

Spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy (SRAS) is a laser ultrasound technique used to determine the crystallographic orientation (i.e. microstructure) of materials through the generation and measurement of surface acoustic wave velocity on a sample... Read More about Single pixel camera methodologies for spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy.

Design of a resonant Luneburg lens for surface acoustic waves (2020)
Journal Article
Fuentes-Domínguez, R., Yao, M., Colombi, A., Dryburgh, P., Pieris, D., Jackson-Crisp, A., …Clark, M. (2021). Design of a resonant Luneburg lens for surface acoustic waves. Ultrasonics, 111, Article 106306.

© 2020 In this work we employ additive manufacturing to print a circular array of micropillars on an aluminium slab turning its top surface into a graded index metasurface for surface acoustic waves (SAW). The graded metasurface reproduces a Luneburg... Read More about Design of a resonant Luneburg lens for surface acoustic waves.

Picosecond ultrasonics for elasticity-based imaging and characterization of biological cells (2020)
Journal Article
Pérez-Cota, F., Fuentes-Domínguez, R., La Cavera III, S., Hardiman, W., Yao, M., Setchfield, K., …Clark, M. (2020). Picosecond ultrasonics for elasticity-based imaging and characterization of biological cells. Journal of Applied Physics, 128(16), Article 160902.

© 2020 Author(s). Characterization of the elasticity of biological cells is growing as a new way to gain insight into cell biology. Cell mechanics are related to most aspects of cellular behavior, and applications in research and medicine are broad.... Read More about Picosecond ultrasonics for elasticity-based imaging and characterization of biological cells.

Tailored elastic surface to body wave Umklapp conversion (2020)
Journal Article
Chaplain, G. J., De Ponti, J. M., Colombi, A., Fuentes-Dominguez, R., Dryburg, P., Pieris, D., …Craster, R. V. (2020). Tailored elastic surface to body wave Umklapp conversion. Nature Communications, 11(1), Article 3267.

© 2020, The Author(s). Elastic waves guided along surfaces dominate applications in geophysics, ultrasonic inspection, mechanical vibration, and surface acoustic wave devices; precise manipulation of surface Rayleigh waves and their coupling with pol... Read More about Tailored elastic surface to body wave Umklapp conversion.

Characterising the size and shape of metallic nano-structures by their acoustic vibrations (2020)
Journal Article
Fuentes-Domínguez, R., Naznin, S., Marques, L., Pérez-Cota, F., Smith, R. J., & Clark, M. (2020). Characterising the size and shape of metallic nano-structures by their acoustic vibrations. Nanoscale, 12(26), 14230-14236.

© 2020 The Royal Society of Chemistry. The characterisation of metallic nano-structures is of great importance as their optical properties are strongly dependent on their size and shape. Inaccurate size or shape characterisation can result in mislead... Read More about Characterising the size and shape of metallic nano-structures by their acoustic vibrations.

Determining the crystallographic orientation of hexagonal crystal structure materials with surface acoustic wave velocity measurements (2020)
Journal Article
Lain'e, S. J., Dryburgh, P., Smith, R. J., Marrow, P., Lainé, S. J., Sharples, S. D., …Li, W. (2020). Determining the crystallographic orientation of hexagonal crystal structure materials with surface acoustic wave velocity measurements. Ultrasonics, 108, Article 106171.

© 2020 Throughout our engineered environment, many materials exhibit a crystalline lattice structure. The orientation of such lattices is crucial in determining functional properties of these structures, including elasticity and magnetism. Hence, too... Read More about Determining the crystallographic orientation of hexagonal crystal structure materials with surface acoustic wave velocity measurements.

Apparent attenuation by opto-acoustic defocus in phonon microscopy (2020)
Journal Article
Fuentes-Domínguez, R., La Cavera, S., Pérez-Cota, F., La Cavera III, S., Naznin, S., Fuentes-Dominguez, R., …Clark, M. (2020). Apparent attenuation by opto-acoustic defocus in phonon microscopy. Photoacoustics, 19, Article 100180.

© 2020 The Author(s) Understanding the mechanical properties of biological cells is a challenging problem for the life sciences partly because there are limited methods for mapping elasticity with high resolution. Phonon microscopy is a form of Brill... Read More about Apparent attenuation by opto-acoustic defocus in phonon microscopy.

Laser Induced Phased Arrays (LIPA) to detect nested features in additively manufactured components (2019)
Journal Article
Pieris, D., Stratoudaki, T., Javadi, Y., Lukacs, P., Catchpole-Smith, S., Wilcox, P. D., …Clark, M. (2020). Laser Induced Phased Arrays (LIPA) to detect nested features in additively manufactured components. Materials and Design, 187, Article 108412.

© 2019 The Authors. Additive manufacturing (AM) has the capability to build complex parts with internal features, which have many advantages over conventionally manufactured parts. This makes AM an alternative for advanced manufacturing sectors. AM c... Read More about Laser Induced Phased Arrays (LIPA) to detect nested features in additively manufactured components.

Time resolved Brillouin fiber-spectrometer (2019)
Journal Article
La Cavera, S., Pérez-Cota, F., Fuentes-Domínguez, R., Smith, R. J., & Clark, M. (2019). Time resolved Brillouin fiber-spectrometer. Optics Express, 27(18), 25064-25071.

This report introduces a novel time resolved Brillouin spectrometer, consisting of an opto-acoustic transducer which resides on the tip of a single-mode optical fiber of arbitrary length with 125 µm outer diameter and 5 µm sensing diameter. Demonstra... Read More about Time resolved Brillouin fiber-spectrometer.

Thickness measurement of polymer thin films with high frequency ultrasonic transducers (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smith, R. J., Cavera, S. L., Pérez-Cota, F., Marques, L., & Clark, M. (2018, July). Thickness measurement of polymer thin films with high frequency ultrasonic transducers. Presented at 45th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vermont, USA

© 2019 Author(s). In this paper we present a method for characterizing the thickness, and more interestingly, the variation of thickness in polymer thin films (<1 µm). The technique utilizes an optoacoustic transducer atop the polymer film; as the tr...

Spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy (SRAS) microstructural imaging (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Clark, M., Clare, A., Dryburgh, P., Li, W., Patel, R., Pieris, D., …Smith, R. (2019). Spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy (SRAS) microstructural imaging. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2102, Article 020001.

© 2019 Author(s). Spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy (SRAS) is an acoustic microscopy technique that can image the microstructure and measure the crystallographic orientation of grains or crystals in the material. It works by measuring the velo... Read More about Spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy (SRAS) microstructural imaging.

New insights into the mechanical properties of Acanthamoeba castellanii cysts as revealed by phonon microscopy (2019)
Journal Article
Pérez-Cota, F., Smith, R. J., Elsheikha, H. M., & Clark, M. (2019). New insights into the mechanical properties of Acanthamoeba castellanii cysts as revealed by phonon microscopy. Biomedical Optics Express, 10(5), 2399-2408.

The single cell eukaryotic protozoan Acanthamoeba castellanii exhibits a remarkable ability to switch from a vegetative trophozoite stage to a cystic form, in response to stressors. This phenotypic switch involves changes in gene expression and synth... Read More about New insights into the mechanical properties of Acanthamoeba castellanii cysts as revealed by phonon microscopy.

Super-resolution imaging using nano-bells (2018)
Journal Article
Fuentes-Dominguez, R., Pérez-Cota, F., Naznin, S., Smith, R. J., & Clark, M. (2018). Super-resolution imaging using nano-bells. Scientific Reports, 8, 1-9.

In this paper we demonstrate a new scheme for optical super-resolution, inspired, in-part, by PALM and STORM. In this scheme each object in the field of view is tagged with a signal that allows them to be detected separately. By doing this we can ide... Read More about Super-resolution imaging using nano-bells.

Non destructive evaluation of biological cells (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pérez-Cota, F., Smith, R. J., Moradi, E., Webb, K. F., & Clark, M. (2019). Non destructive evaluation of biological cells. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2102,

© 2019 Author(s). Regenerative medicine promises to be the next revolution in health care. This technology, which will be the first systematic manufacturing of biological parts for human consumption, requires non destructive evaluatioin (NDE) thechni... Read More about Non destructive evaluation of biological cells.

Active chiral control of GHz acoustic whispering-gallery modes (2017)
Journal Article
Mezil, S., Fujita, K., Osuka, P. H., Tomoda, M., Clark, M., Wright, O. B., & Matsuda, O. (in press). Active chiral control of GHz acoustic whispering-gallery modes. Applied Physics Letters,

We selectively generate chiral surface-acoustic whispering gallery modes in the gigahertz range on a microscopic disk by means of an ultrafast time-domain technique incorporating a spatial light modulator. Active chiral control is achieved by making... Read More about Active chiral control of GHz acoustic whispering-gallery modes.

Enhanced sensing and conversion of ultrasonic Rayleigh waves by elastic metasurfaces (2017)
Journal Article
Colombi, A., Ageeva, V., Smith, R. J., Clare, A. T., Patel, R., Clark, M., …Craster, R. V. (2017). Enhanced sensing and conversion of ultrasonic Rayleigh waves by elastic metasurfaces. Scientific Reports, 7(1), Article 6750.

Recent years have heralded the introduction of metasurfaces that advantageously combine the vision of sub-wavelength wave manipulation, with the design, fabrication and size advantages associated with surface excitation. An important topic within met... Read More about Enhanced sensing and conversion of ultrasonic Rayleigh waves by elastic metasurfaces.

Orientation imaging of macro-sized polysilicon grains on wafers using spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy (2017)
Journal Article
Patel, R., Li, W., Smith, R. J., Sharples, S. D., & Clark, M. (2017). Orientation imaging of macro-sized polysilicon grains on wafers using spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy. Scripta Materialia, 140, 67-70.

Due to its economical production process polysilicon, or multicrystalline silicon, is widely used to produce solar cell wafers. However, the conversion efficiencies are often lower than equivalent monocrystalline or thin film cells, with the structur... Read More about Orientation imaging of macro-sized polysilicon grains on wafers using spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy.

Spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy for rapid imaging of material microstructure and grain orientation (2014)
Journal Article
Smith, R. J., Li, W., Coulson, J., Clark, M., Somekh, M. G., & Sharples, S. D. (2014). Spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy for rapid imaging of material microstructure and grain orientation. Measurement Science and Technology, 25(5), Article 055902.

Measuring the grain structure of aerospace materials is very important to understand their mechanical properties and in-service performance. Spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy is an acoustic technique utilizing surface acoustic waves to map the... Read More about Spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy for rapid imaging of material microstructure and grain orientation.

Sound of nano (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Aylott, J., Clark, M., Marques, L., Perez-Cota, F., Smith, R. J., & Webb, K. F. (2013). Sound of nano. Proceedings of SPIE, 8923, Article 892325.

Ultrasound is widely used for imaging, measurement and diagnostics in the MHz region and is perhaps most familiar as a medical or non-destructive imaging or measurement tool. In the MHz frequency range the wavelength is typically measured in microns... Read More about Sound of nano.

Widefield ultrastable heterodyne interferometry using a custom CMOS modulated light camera (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Patel, R., Clark, M., & Achamfuo-Yeboah, S. (2011). Widefield ultrastable heterodyne interferometry using a custom CMOS modulated light camera.

A method of detecting optical heterodyne interference fringes using a custom CMOS modulated light camera array has been developed. Widefield phase images are generated using quadrature demodulation and are kept stable using a feedback system.
© 2011... Read More about Widefield ultrastable heterodyne interferometry using a custom CMOS modulated light camera.

The design and characterisation of an optical VLSI processor for real time centroid detection (2002)
Journal Article
Pui, B. H., Hayes-Gill, B., Clark, M., Somekh, M., See, C., Piéri, J. F., …Ng, A. (2002). The design and characterisation of an optical VLSI processor for real time centroid detection. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 32(1), 67-75.

The integration of photo-detectors onto a standard CMOS integrated circuit is presented. This device provides the optical front end for a real time centroid detection system to be used as part of a larger system for implementing a Shack-Hartmann wave... Read More about The design and characterisation of an optical VLSI processor for real time centroid detection.

The Design of a Real Time VLSI Optical Centroid Processor (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pui, B. H., Hayes-Gill, B., Clark, M., Somekh, M., See, C., Morgan, S., & Ng, A. (2002). The Design of a Real Time VLSI Optical Centroid Processor. In IEEE Sensors 2002 : first IEEE International Conference on Sensors.

A real time VLSI optical centroid processor has been developed as part of a larger Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor system for applications in adaptive optics. The implementation of the optical centroid detection system was demonstrated successfully u... Read More about The Design of a Real Time VLSI Optical Centroid Processor.