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Sound of nano

Aylott, Jon; Clark, Matt; Marques, Leonel; Perez-Cota, Fernando; Smith, Richard J.; Webb, Kevin F.


Jon Aylott

Leonel Marques


James Friend

H. Hoe Tan


Ultrasound is widely used for imaging, measurement and diagnostics in the MHz region and is perhaps most familiar as a medical or non-destructive imaging or measurement tool. In the MHz frequency range the wavelength is typically measured in microns and is many times longer than the wavelength of visible light, limiting its resolution to objects much larger than the nano-scale. It is possible to perform ultrasonic imaging and measurement at much higher frequencies, in the GHz region. Here the acoustic wavelength is typically less than that of light permitting the higher resolutions than optical microscopy and the ability to probe micro and nano-scale objects. At these high frequencies ultrasonics has much to offer the nano-world as a powerful diagnostic tool: it could be used in circumstances where optical microscopy, electron microscopy and probe microscopy cannot, such as inside living objects. Despite the potential that ultrasonics offers for imaging and measurement at the micro and nano-scale, performing ultrasonics at the nano-scale is hampered by many problems that render the techniques typically used in the MHz region impractical. In this paper we discuss some of the practical problems standing in the way of nano-ultrasonics and some of the solutions, especially the use of pico-second laser ultrasonics and the development of nano-ultrasonic transducers and their application to ultrasonic imaging inside living cells. © 2013 Copyright SPIE.


Aylott, J., Clark, M., Marques, L., Perez-Cota, F., Smith, R. J., & Webb, K. F. Sound of nano. Presented at SPIE Micro+Nano Materials, Devices, and Applications, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name SPIE Micro+Nano Materials, Devices, and Applications
Online Publication Date Dec 7, 2013
Publication Date 2013
Deposit Date Apr 20, 2024
Journal Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Print ISSN 0277-786X
Electronic ISSN 1996-756X
Publisher Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 8923
Article Number 892325
Public URL
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