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Professor MIKE SLADE's Outputs (160)

Personal explanations for psychosis: A systematic review and thematic synthesis (2025)
Journal Article
Ingall, B.-R., McPhilbin, M., Lewandowski, F., Kotera, Y., Jordan, G., Slade, M., & Ng, F. (2025). Personal explanations for psychosis: A systematic review and thematic synthesis. Schizophrenia Bulletin Open,

Background and Hypothesis
Psychosis refers to the state whereby one’s experience of reality differs from those around them. The ineffability of psychosis does not render the experience void of meaning, and the ways individuals integrate their experi... Read More about Personal explanations for psychosis: A systematic review and thematic synthesis.

Applying Critical Discourse Analysis to Cross-Cultural Mental Health Recovery Research (2025)
Journal Article
Kotera, Y., Daryanani, R., Skipper, O., Simpson, J., Takhi, S., McPhilbin, M., Rose-Ingall, B., Namasaba, M., Jepps, J., Kellermann, V., Bhandari, D., Ojio, Y., Ronaldson, A., Guerrero, E., Jebara, T., Henderson, C., Slade, M., & Vilar-Lluch, S. (2025). Applying Critical Discourse Analysis to Cross-Cultural Mental Health Recovery Research. JMIR Formative Research, 9, Article e64087.

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) frameworks can be used in cross-cultural mental health recovery research. CDA is a qualitative approach that critically appraises how language contributes to produce an... Read More about Applying Critical Discourse Analysis to Cross-Cultural Mental Health Recovery Research.

The impact of life story work during peer worker training: Identity reconstruction, social connection, and recovery (2025)
Journal Article
Agergaard Jensen, R. A., Lehn Brand, S., Holm, T., Slade, M., & Kirkegaard Thomsen, D. (2025). The impact of life story work during peer worker training: Identity reconstruction, social connection, and recovery. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal,

Objective: Personal recovery has become a guiding vision in mental health care, and peer workers play a key role in assisting individuals on their recovery journey. As a component of training to prepare for this role, peer workers need to engage with... Read More about The impact of life story work during peer worker training: Identity reconstruction, social connection, and recovery.

Assessing personal recovery in individuals with severe mental illness: validation of the Dutch Brief INSPIRE-O (2025)
Journal Article
Swildens, W. E., Visser, E., Van Ens, W., Schaefer, B., Nugter, A., Delespaul, P., Van Weeghel, J., Slade, M., & Sanches, S. A. (2025). Assessing personal recovery in individuals with severe mental illness: validation of the Dutch Brief INSPIRE-O. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology,


Recovery is a key objective in mental health services for people with severe mental illness (SMI). In addition to clinical and functional recovery, personal recovery has gained increasing attention. The CHIME Framework identifies five pers... Read More about Assessing personal recovery in individuals with severe mental illness: validation of the Dutch Brief INSPIRE-O.

Beyond symptom improvement: transdiagnostic and disorder-specific ways to assess functional and quality of life outcomes across mental disorders in adults (2024)
Journal Article
Correll, C. U., Cortese, S., Solmi, M., Boldrini, T., Demyttenaere, K., Domschke, K., Fusar-Poli, P., Gorwood, P., Harvey, P. D., Keefe, R. S. E., Knaevelsrud, C., Kotov, R., Nohr, L., Rhee, T. G., Roe, D., Rose, M., Schneider, L. S., Slade, M., Stein, D. J., Sunkel, C., & Mcintyre, R. S. (in press). Beyond symptom improvement: transdiagnostic and disorder-specific ways to assess functional and quality of life outcomes across mental disorders in adults. World Psychiatry,

Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of online recorded recovery narratives in improving quality of life for people with psychosis experience (NEON Trial): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial (2024)
Journal Article
Slade, M., Rennick-Egglestone, S., Robinson, C., Newby, C., Elliott, R. A., Ali, Y., Yeo, C., Glover, T., Gavan, S. P., Paterson, L., Pollock, K., Priebe, S., Thornicroft, G., Keppens, J., Smuk, M., Franklin, D., Walcott, R., Harrison, J., Robotham, D., Bradstreet, S., …Ng, F. (2024). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of online recorded recovery narratives in improving quality of life for people with psychosis experience (NEON Trial): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. Lancet Regional Health – Europe, 47(47), Article 101101.

The Narrative Experiences Online (NEON) Intervention provides self-managed web-based access to mental health recovery narratives (n = 659). We evaluated effectiveness and cost-effectiveness in improving quality of life for adults resident... Read More about Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of online recorded recovery narratives in improving quality of life for people with psychosis experience (NEON Trial): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial.

Taking what you get or Getting what you Need: A Qualitative Study on Experiences with Mental Health and Welfare Services in Long-Term Recovery in First-Episode Psychosis (2024)
Journal Article
Åsbø, G., Haavind, H., Kruse, S. H., Wold, K. F., ten Velden Hegelstad, W., Romm, K. L., Slade, M., Ueland, T., Melle, I., & Simonsen, C. (2025). Taking what you get or Getting what you Need: A Qualitative Study on Experiences with Mental Health and Welfare Services in Long-Term Recovery in First-Episode Psychosis. Community Mental Health Journal, 61(2), 350–364.

How people in long-term recovery (clinical and personal) in first-episode psychosis (schizophrenia and bipolar spectrum disorders) experience the mental health and welfare services they interact with is not frequently studied but has significant impl... Read More about Taking what you get or Getting what you Need: A Qualitative Study on Experiences with Mental Health and Welfare Services in Long-Term Recovery in First-Episode Psychosis.

Measuring fidelity to manualised peer support for people with severe mental health conditions: development and psychometric evaluation of the UPSIDES Fidelity Scale (2024)
Journal Article
Hiltensperger, R., Kotera, Y., Wolf, P., Nixdorf, R., Charles, A., Farkas, M., Grayzman, A., Kalha, J., Korde, P., Mahlke, C., Moran, G., Mpango, R., Mtei, R., Ryan, G., Shamba, D., Wenzel, L., Slade, M., & Puschner, B. (2024). Measuring fidelity to manualised peer support for people with severe mental health conditions: development and psychometric evaluation of the UPSIDES Fidelity Scale. BMC Psychiatry, 24, Article 675.

Background. Peer support workers provide support for people experiencing mental health conditions based on their own lived experience of mental health problems. Assessing fidelity to core ingredients of peer support is vital for successful implementa... Read More about Measuring fidelity to manualised peer support for people with severe mental health conditions: development and psychometric evaluation of the UPSIDES Fidelity Scale.

28-country global study on associations between cultural characteristics and Recovery College fidelity (2024)
Journal Article
Kotera, Y., Ronaldson, A., Hayes, D., Hunter-Brown, H., McPhilbin, M., Dunnett, D., Jebara, T., Takhi, S., Masuda, T., Camacho, E., Bakolis, I., Repper, J., Meddings, S., Stergiopoulos, V., Brophy, L., De Ruysscher, C., Okoliyski, M., Kubinová, P., Eplov, L., Narusson, D., …Slade, M. (2024). 28-country global study on associations between cultural characteristics and Recovery College fidelity. npj Mental Health Research, 3(1), Article 46.

Recovery Colleges (RCs) are learning-based mental health recovery communities, located globally. However, evidence on RC effectiveness outside Western, educated, industrialised, rich, and democratic (WEIRD) countries is limited. This study aimed to e... Read More about 28-country global study on associations between cultural characteristics and Recovery College fidelity.

The potential of citizen mental health science (2024)
Batty, R., Florescu, A., Gulliksen, E., Wong, A., Kamvar, R., Pinfold, V., Rennick-Egglestone, S., Slade, M., & Todowede, O. (2024). The potential of citizen mental health science. London: Wellcome Trust

Characteristics of positive feedback provided by UK health service users: content analysis of examples from two databases (2024)
Journal Article
Lloyd, R., Slade, M., Byng, R., Russell, A., Ng, F., Stirzaker, A., & Rennick-Egglestone, S. (2024). Characteristics of positive feedback provided by UK health service users: content analysis of examples from two databases. BMJ Health & Care Informatics, 31(1), Article e101113.

Background: Most feedback received by health services is positive. Our systematic scoping review mapped all available empirical evidence for how positive patient feedback creates healthcare change. Most included papers did not provide specific detail... Read More about Characteristics of positive feedback provided by UK health service users: content analysis of examples from two databases.

Paving the Road While Walking – Perspectives from Flexible Assertive Community Treatment Managers on Preparing the Implementation of Peer Support Work (PSW) in Outpatient Services (2024)
Journal Article
Johansen, K. K., Lerbaek, B., Slade, M., Castelein, S., & Jørgensen, R. (2024). Paving the Road While Walking – Perspectives from Flexible Assertive Community Treatment Managers on Preparing the Implementation of Peer Support Work (PSW) in Outpatient Services. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 45(11), 1148-1154.

This qualitative study explored the perspectives of Flexible Assertive Community Treatment managers on preparation and employment of peer support workers. The study was based on semi-structured interviews with managers (n = 5) in Outpatient Services... Read More about Paving the Road While Walking – Perspectives from Flexible Assertive Community Treatment Managers on Preparing the Implementation of Peer Support Work (PSW) in Outpatient Services.

Healing Houses systematic review: design, sustainability, opportunities and barriers facing Soteria and peer respite development (2024)
Journal Article
Yeo, C., Charles, A., Lewandowski, F., Lichtenberg, P., Rennick-Egglestone, S., Slade, M., Tang, Y., Voronka, J., & Rodrigues, L. (2024). Healing Houses systematic review: design, sustainability, opportunities and barriers facing Soteria and peer respite development. Journal of Mental Health, 1-12.

Background: Soteria houses and peer respites, collectively called Healing Houses, are alternatives to psychiatric hospitalisation. Aims: The aim of this research is to review Healing Houses in relation to design characteristics (architectural and ser... Read More about Healing Houses systematic review: design, sustainability, opportunities and barriers facing Soteria and peer respite development.

Applying Critical Discourse Analysis to Cross-Cultural Mental Health Recovery Research: Positive Changes and No Value Judgement (2024)
Preprint / Working Paper
Kotera, Y., Daryanani, R., Skipper, O., Jonathan Simpson, A., Takhi, S., McPhilbin, M., Ingall, B.-R., Namasaba, M., Jepps, J., Kellermann, V., Bhandari, D., Ojio, Y., Ronaldson, A., Guerrero, E., Jebara, T., Henderson, C., Slade, M., & Vilar-Lluch, S. Applying Critical Discourse Analysis to Cross-Cultural Mental Health Recovery Research: Positive Changes and No Value Judgement

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) frameworks can be used in cross-cultural mental health recovery research. CDA is a qualitative approach that critically appraises how language contributes to produce an... Read More about Applying Critical Discourse Analysis to Cross-Cultural Mental Health Recovery Research: Positive Changes and No Value Judgement.

Cross-cultural Comparison of Recovery College Implementation Between Japan and England: Corpus-based Discourse Analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Kotera, Y., Miyamoto, Y., Vilar-Lluch, S., Aizawa, I., Reilly, O., Miwa, A., Murakami, M., Stergiopoulos, V., Kroon, H., Giles, K., Garner, K., Ronaldson, A., McPhilbin, M., Jebara, T., Takhi, S., Repper, J., Meddings, S., Jepps, J., Simpson, A. J., Kellermann, V., …Eguchi, S. (2024). Cross-cultural Comparison of Recovery College Implementation Between Japan and England: Corpus-based Discourse Analysis. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction,

Recovery Colleges (RCs) are mental health learning communities, operated in 28 countries across cultures. However, the RC operational model is informed by Western countries sharing similar cultural characteristics such as individualism and short-term... Read More about Cross-cultural Comparison of Recovery College Implementation Between Japan and England: Corpus-based Discourse Analysis.

Is personal recovery a transdiagnostic concept? Testing the fit of the CHIME framework using narrative experiences (2024)
Journal Article
Lases, M. N., Bruins, J., Scheepers, F. E., van Sambeek, N., Ng, F., Rennick-Egglestone, S., Slade, M., van Balkom, I. D., & Castelein, S. (2024). Is personal recovery a transdiagnostic concept? Testing the fit of the CHIME framework using narrative experiences. Journal of Mental Health,

Personal recovery is operationalized in the CHIME framework (connectedness, hope, identity, meaning in life, and empowerment) of recovery processes. CHIME was initially developed through analysis of experiences of people mainly with psych... Read More about Is personal recovery a transdiagnostic concept? Testing the fit of the CHIME framework using narrative experiences.

A bioecological approach to conceptualising posttraumatic growth in psychosis (2024)
Journal Article
Ng, F., Jordan, G., Lewandowski, F., Ingall, B.-R., & Slade, M. (2024). A bioecological approach to conceptualising posttraumatic growth in psychosis. Psychosis,

Background: Posttraumatic growth (PTG) refers to positive psychological changes arising from adversity. PTG in psychosis is an emerging area of focus, however the individualistic conceptualisation of PTG has been questioned. We extend these debates t... Read More about A bioecological approach to conceptualising posttraumatic growth in psychosis.