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28-country global study on associations between cultural characteristics and Recovery College fidelity

Kotera, Yasuhiro; Ronaldson, Amy; Hayes, Daniel; Hunter-Brown, Holly; McPhilbin, Merly; Dunnett, Danielle; Jebara, Tesnime; Takhi, Simran; Masuda, Takahiko; Camacho, Elizabeth; Bakolis, Ioannis; Repper, Julie; Meddings, Sara; Stergiopoulos, Vicky; Brophy, Lisa; De Ruysscher, Clara; Okoliyski, Michail; Kubinová, Petra; Eplov, Lene; Narusson, Dagmar; Puschner, Bernd; Hiltensperger, Ramona; Lucchi, Fabio; Miyamoto, Yuki; Borg, Marit; Klevan, Trude Gøril; Tan, Roger; Meng, Boon; Sornchai, Chatdanai; Tiengtom, Kruawon; Farkas, Marianne; Moreland Jones, Hannah; Moore, Edith; Butler, Ann; Mpango, Richard; Tse, Samson; Kondor, Zsuzsa; Ryan, Michael; Zuaboni, Gianfranco; Elton, Dan; Grant-Rowles, Jason; McNaughton, Rebecca; Hanlon, Charlotte; Harcla, Claire; Vanderplasschen, Wouter; Arbour, Simone; Silverstone, Denise; Bejerholm, Ulrika; Powell, Candice; Ochoa, Susana; Garcia-Franco, Mar; Tolonen, Jonna; Yeo, Caroline; Charles, Ashleigh; Henderson, Claire; Slade, Mike

28-country global study on associations between cultural characteristics and Recovery College fidelity Thumbnail


Amy Ronaldson

Daniel Hayes

Holly Hunter-Brown

Merly McPhilbin

Danielle Dunnett

Tesnime Jebara

Takahiko Masuda

Elizabeth Camacho

Ioannis Bakolis

Julie Repper

Sara Meddings

Vicky Stergiopoulos

Lisa Brophy

Clara De Ruysscher

Michail Okoliyski

Petra Kubinová

Lene Eplov

Dagmar Narusson

Bernd Puschner

Ramona Hiltensperger

Fabio Lucchi

Yuki Miyamoto

Marit Borg

Trude Gøril Klevan

Roger Tan

Boon Meng

Chatdanai Sornchai

Kruawon Tiengtom

Marianne Farkas

Hannah Moreland Jones

Edith Moore

Ann Butler

Richard Mpango

Samson Tse

Zsuzsa Kondor

Michael Ryan

Gianfranco Zuaboni

Dan Elton

Jason Grant-Rowles

Rebecca McNaughton

Charlotte Hanlon

Claire Harcla

Wouter Vanderplasschen

Simone Arbour

Denise Silverstone

Ulrika Bejerholm

Candice Powell

Susana Ochoa

Mar Garcia-Franco

Jonna Tolonen

Ashleigh Charles

Claire Henderson

Professor of Mental Health Recovery and Social Inclusion


Recovery Colleges (RCs) are learning-based mental health recovery communities, located globally. However, evidence on RC effectiveness outside Western, educated, industrialised, rich, and democratic (WEIRD) countries is limited. This study aimed to evaluate associations between cultural characteristics and RC fidelity, to understand how culture impacts RC operation. Service managers from 169 RCs spanning 28 WEIRD and non-WEIRD countries assessed the fidelity using the RECOLLECT Fidelity Measure, developed based upon key RC operation components. Hofstede’s cultural dimension scores were entered as predictors in linear mixed-effects regression models, controlling for GDP spent on healthcare and Gini coefficient. Higher Individualism and Indulgence, and lower Uncertainty Avoidance were associated with higher fidelity, while Long-Term Orientation was a borderline negative predictor. RC operations were predominantly aligned with WEIRD cultures, highlighting the need to incorporate non-WEIRD cultural perspectives to enhance RCs’ global impact. Findings can inform the refinement and evaluation of mental health recovery interventions worldwide.


Kotera, Y., Ronaldson, A., Hayes, D., Hunter-Brown, H., McPhilbin, M., Dunnett, D., Jebara, T., Takhi, S., Masuda, T., Camacho, E., Bakolis, I., Repper, J., Meddings, S., Stergiopoulos, V., Brophy, L., De Ruysscher, C., Okoliyski, M., Kubinová, P., Eplov, L., Narusson, D., …Slade, M. (2024). 28-country global study on associations between cultural characteristics and Recovery College fidelity. npj Mental Health Research, 3, Article 46.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 30, 2024
Online Publication Date Oct 8, 2024
Publication Date Oct 8, 2024
Deposit Date Oct 3, 2024
Publicly Available Date Oct 9, 2024
Journal npj Mental Health Research
Electronic ISSN 2731-4251
Publisher Springer Nature
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 3
Article Number 46
Public URL
Publisher URL


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