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Professor DENISE KENDRICK's Outputs (89)

Effectiveness of systematically delivered evidence-based home safety promotion to improve child home safety practices: a controlled before-and-after study (2023)
Journal Article
Taylor, M. J., Orton, E., Patel, T., Timblin, C., Clarke, R., Watson, M. C., Hayes, M., Jones, M., Coupland, C., & Kendrick, D. (2023). Effectiveness of systematically delivered evidence-based home safety promotion to improve child home safety practices: a controlled before-and-after study. Injury Prevention, 29(3), 227-233.

Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness of systematically delivered evidence-based home safety promotion for improving child home safety practices. Design: Controlled before-and-after study. Setting: Nine electoral wards in Nottingham, UK. Participants... Read More about Effectiveness of systematically delivered evidence-based home safety promotion to improve child home safety practices: a controlled before-and-after study.

Cost-effectiveness of England's national 'Safe At Home' scheme for reducing hospital admissions for unintentional injury in children aged under 5 (2022)
Journal Article
Jones, M., Hill, T., Coupland, C., Kendrick, D., Akbari, A., Rodgers, S., Watson, M. C., Tyrrell, E., Merrill, S., Martin, A., & Orton, E. (2022). Cost-effectiveness of England's national 'Safe At Home' scheme for reducing hospital admissions for unintentional injury in children aged under 5. Injury Prevention,

Background: Injuries in children aged under 5 years most commonly occur in the home and disproportionately affect those living in the most disadvantaged communities. The 'Safe at Home' (SAH) national home safety equipment scheme, which ran in England... Read More about Cost-effectiveness of England's national 'Safe At Home' scheme for reducing hospital admissions for unintentional injury in children aged under 5.

Helicobacter pylori eradication for primary prevention of peptic ulcer bleeding in older patients prescribed aspirin in primary care (HEAT): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (2022)
Journal Article
Hawkey, C., Avery, A., Coupland, C. A., Crooks, C., Dumbleton, J., Hobbs, F. D. R., Kendrick, D., Moore, M., Morris, C., Rubin, G., Smith, M., Stevenson, D., Mant, D., Ford, A., Macdonald, T., Bradburn, M., Ward, C., Shone, A., Logan, R., McColl, K., …Hodgson, S. (2022). Helicobacter pylori eradication for primary prevention of peptic ulcer bleeding in older patients prescribed aspirin in primary care (HEAT): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet, 400(10363), 1597-1606.

Background: Peptic ulcers in patients receiving aspirin are associated with Helicobacter pylori infection. We aimed to investigate whether H pylori eradication would protect against aspirin-associated ulcer bleeding. Methods: We conducted a randomise... Read More about Helicobacter pylori eradication for primary prevention of peptic ulcer bleeding in older patients prescribed aspirin in primary care (HEAT): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.

P04-07 Factors associated with maintenance of physical activity in older adults undertaking a strength and balance programme for falls prevention (2022)
Journal Article
Blackmore, C., Kendrick, D., & Orton, E. (2022). P04-07 Factors associated with maintenance of physical activity in older adults undertaking a strength and balance programme for falls prevention. European Journal of Public Health, 32(Supplement_2), Article ckac095.061.

Abstract Background Falls are a major cause of mortality and morbidity in older adults worldwide, yet those who are more physically active have a lower risk of falling. There is little information on which participants are most likely to complete fal... Read More about P04-07 Factors associated with maintenance of physical activity in older adults undertaking a strength and balance programme for falls prevention.

Qualitative study exploring factors affecting the implementation of a vocational rehabilitation intervention in the UK major trauma pathway (2022)
Journal Article
Kettlewell, J., Radford, K., Kendrick, D., Patel, P., Bridger, K., Kellezi, B., Das Nair, R., Jones, T., & Timmons, S. (2022). Qualitative study exploring factors affecting the implementation of a vocational rehabilitation intervention in the UK major trauma pathway. BMJ Open, 12(3), Article e060294.

Objectives This study aimed to: (1) understand the context for delivering a trauma vocational rehabilitation (VR) intervention; (2) identify potential barriers and enablers to the implementation of a VR intervention post-trauma. Design Qualitative st... Read More about Qualitative study exploring factors affecting the implementation of a vocational rehabilitation intervention in the UK major trauma pathway.

Psychological impact of lung cancer screening using a novel antibody blood test followed by imaging: the ECLS randomised controlled trial (2022)
Journal Article
Hancox, J., Ayling, K., Bedford, L., Vedhara, K., Robertson, J. F. R., Young, B., das Nair, R., Sullivan, F. M., Schembri, S., Mair, F. S., Littleford, R., & Kendrick., D. (2023). Psychological impact of lung cancer screening using a novel antibody blood test followed by imaging: the ECLS randomised controlled trial. Journal of Public Health, 45(2), e275–e284.

Background: The Early CDT®-Lung antibody blood test plus serial CT-scans for test-positives reduces late-stage lung cancer presentation. This study assessed psychological outcomes of this approach.

Methods: Randomised controlled trial (n=12,208) c... Read More about Psychological impact of lung cancer screening using a novel antibody blood test followed by imaging: the ECLS randomised controlled trial.

Patients views on which return-to-work outcomes should be prioritised: A nominal group technique focus group (2022)
Journal Article
Bridger, K., Kellezi, B., Kendrick, D., Kettlewell, J., Holmes, J., Timmons, S., Andrews, I., Fallon, S., & Radford, K. (2022). Patients views on which return-to-work outcomes should be prioritised: A nominal group technique focus group. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 85(9), 704-711.

Objective: Injuries can have a long-lasting effect on ability to return to work, but there is little research on which outcomes are most important to patients. This study aims to identify and prioritise return-to-work outcomes important to patients f... Read More about Patients views on which return-to-work outcomes should be prioritised: A nominal group technique focus group.

Recruitment to a large scale randomised controlled clinical trial in primary care: the Helicobacter Eradication Aspirin Trial (HEAT) (2022)
Journal Article
Stevenson, D. J., Avery, A. J., Coupland, C., Hobbs, F. D. R., Kendrick, D., Moore, M. V., Morris, C., Rubin, G. P., Smith, M. D., Hawkey, C. J., & Dumbleton, J. S. (2022). Recruitment to a large scale randomised controlled clinical trial in primary care: the Helicobacter Eradication Aspirin Trial (HEAT). Trials, 23(1), Article 140.

Background: The Helicobacter Eradication Aspirin Trial (HEAT) is a multicentre, double blind, randomised controlled trial investigating whether Helicobacter (H.) pylori eradication reduces hospitalisation for peptic ulcer bleeding. Recruited particip... Read More about Recruitment to a large scale randomised controlled clinical trial in primary care: the Helicobacter Eradication Aspirin Trial (HEAT).

‘It is designed for everybody to find their own level and to improve themselves’; views of older people and instructors of the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme (2022)
Journal Article
Gumber, L., Timmons, S., Coupland, C., Gladman, J., Lliffe, S., Kendrick, D., Lafond, N., Logan, P., Masud, T., Skelton, D., Timblin, C., & Orton, E. (2022). ‘It is designed for everybody to find their own level and to improve themselves’; views of older people and instructors of the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme. Age and Ageing, 51(2), Article afac023.

Background: Older adults are at increased risk of falls due to ageing, decreased muscle strength and impaired balance. Clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy and effectiveness of the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme in improving fun... Read More about ‘It is designed for everybody to find their own level and to improve themselves’; views of older people and instructors of the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme.

Using Forum Theatre to mobilise knowledge and improve NHS care: the Enhancing Post-injury Psychological Intervention and Care (EPPIC) study (2022)
Journal Article
Beckett, K., Deave, T., McBride, T., May, A. L., Gabbay, J., Kapoulas, U., Long, A., Warburton, G., Wogan, C., Cox, L., Thompson, J., Spencer, F., & Kendrick, D. (2022). Using Forum Theatre to mobilise knowledge and improve NHS care: the Enhancing Post-injury Psychological Intervention and Care (EPPIC) study. Evidence and Policy, 18(2), 236-264.

Background: Evidence regarding the impact of psychological problems on recovery from injury has limited influence on practice. Mindlines show effective practice requires diverse knowledge which is generally socially transmitted. Aims and objectives:... Read More about Using Forum Theatre to mobilise knowledge and improve NHS care: the Enhancing Post-injury Psychological Intervention and Care (EPPIC) study.

Disentangling interventions to reduce fear of falling in community-dwelling older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention components (2021)
Journal Article
Kruisbrink, M., Crutzen, R., Kempen, G. I., Delbaere, K., Ambergend, T., Cheung, K.-L., Kendrick, D., Iliffe, S., & Zijlstra, G. R. (2022). Disentangling interventions to reduce fear of falling in community-dwelling older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention components. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(21), 6247-6257.

Purpose: Fear of falling (FoF) is a common and debilitating problem for older people. Most multicomponent interventions show only moderate effects. Exploring the effective components may help in the optimization of treatments for FoF.

Materials a... Read More about Disentangling interventions to reduce fear of falling in community-dwelling older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention components.

Factors Affecting the Delivery and Acceptability of the ROWTATE Telehealth Vocational Rehabilitation Intervention for Traumatic Injury Survivors: A Mixed-Methods Study (2021)
Journal Article
Kettlewell, J., Lindley, R., Radford, K., Patel, P., Bridger, K., Kellezi, B., Timmons, S., Andrews, I., Fallon, S., Lannin, N., Holmes, J., & Kendrick, D. (2021). Factors Affecting the Delivery and Acceptability of the ROWTATE Telehealth Vocational Rehabilitation Intervention for Traumatic Injury Survivors: A Mixed-Methods Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(18), Article 9744.

Background: Returning to work after traumatic injury can be problematic. We developed a vocational telerehabilitation (VR) intervention for trauma survivors, delivered by trained occupational therapists (OTs) and clinical psychologists (CPs), and exp... Read More about Factors Affecting the Delivery and Acceptability of the ROWTATE Telehealth Vocational Rehabilitation Intervention for Traumatic Injury Survivors: A Mixed-Methods Study.

Mental health and other factors associated with work productivity after injury in the UK: multicentre cohort study (2021)
Journal Article
Kellezi, B., Dhiman, P., Coupland, C., Whitehead, J., Morriss, R., Joseph, S., Beckett, K., Sleney, J., Barnes, J., & Kendrick, D. (2022). Mental health and other factors associated with work productivity after injury in the UK: multicentre cohort study. Injury Prevention, 28(2), 131-140.

Introduction: Mental health conditions are a major contributor to productivity loss and are common post-injury. This study quantifies post-injury productivity loss and its association with pre and post-injury mental health, injury, demographic, healt... Read More about Mental health and other factors associated with work productivity after injury in the UK: multicentre cohort study.

Implementation fidelity of the Falls Management Exercise Programme: a mixed methods analysis using a conceptual framework for implementation fidelity (2021)
Journal Article
Orton, E., Lafond, N., Skelton, D. A., Coupland, C., Gladman, J. R., Iliffe, S., Logan, P. A., Masud, T., Timblin, C., Timmons, S., & Kendrick, D. (2021). Implementation fidelity of the Falls Management Exercise Programme: a mixed methods analysis using a conceptual framework for implementation fidelity. Public Health, 197, 11-18.

Objectives: Falls in older adults cause significant morbidity and mortality and incur cost to health and care services. The Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme is a 24-week intervention for older adults that, in clinical trials, improves balan... Read More about Implementation fidelity of the Falls Management Exercise Programme: a mixed methods analysis using a conceptual framework for implementation fidelity.

Is proactive frailty identification a good idea? A qualitative interview study (2021)
Journal Article
Mulla, E., Orton, E., & Kendrick, D. (2021). Is proactive frailty identification a good idea? A qualitative interview study. British Journal of General Practice, 71(709), e604-e613.

Background In England, GPs are independent contractors working to a national contract. Since 2017, the contract requires GPs to use electronic tools to proactively identify moderate and severe frailty in people aged ≥65 years, and offer interventions... Read More about Is proactive frailty identification a good idea? A qualitative interview study.

Impact of the national home safety equipment scheme ‘Safe At Home’ on hospital admissions for unintentional injury in children under 5: controlled interrupted time series analysis (2021)
Journal Article
Hill, T., Coupland, C., Kendrick, D., Jones, M., Akbari, A., Rodgers, S., Watson, M. C., Tyrrell, E., Merrill, S., & Orton, E. (2022). Impact of the national home safety equipment scheme ‘Safe At Home’ on hospital admissions for unintentional injury in children under 5: controlled interrupted time series analysis. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 76(1), 53-59.

Background: Unintentional home injuries are a leading cause of preventable death in young children. Safety education and equipment provision improve home safety practices, but their impact on injuries is less clear. Between 2009 and 2011 a national h... Read More about Impact of the national home safety equipment scheme ‘Safe At Home’ on hospital admissions for unintentional injury in children under 5: controlled interrupted time series analysis.

Regional lymphadenopathy following COVID-19 vaccination: considerations for primary care management (2021)
Journal Article
Garreffa, E., York, J., Turnbull, A., & Kendrick, D. (2021). Regional lymphadenopathy following COVID-19 vaccination: considerations for primary care management. British Journal of General Practice, 71(707), 284-285.

Regional lymphadenopathy has been rarely reported following the administration of vaccinations for tuberculosis, influenza, and human papillomavirus (≤1–2/100 000 vaccines).1,2 In the first months of 2021, there seems to have been an increase in the... Read More about Regional lymphadenopathy following COVID-19 vaccination: considerations for primary care management.

Keeping adults physically active after falls management exercise (FaME) programmes end: Development of a physical activity maintenance intervention (2021)
Journal Article
Sarah, A., Kendrick, D., Logan, P., & Orton, E. (2021). Keeping adults physically active after falls management exercise (FaME) programmes end: Development of a physical activity maintenance intervention. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 7, Article 108.

Background: Falls prevention exercise programmes help to improve muscle strength, balance, physical function and reduce falling rates in older adults. Improvements in muscle strength, balance and physical function are reversed if older adults do not... Read More about Keeping adults physically active after falls management exercise (FaME) programmes end: Development of a physical activity maintenance intervention.

Patient Perspectives on Key Outcomes for Vocational Rehabilitation Interventions Following Traumatic Injury (2021)
Journal Article
Bridger, K., Kellezi, B., Kendrick, D., Radford, K., Timmons, S., Rennoldson, M., Jones, T., & Kettlewell, J. (2021). Patient Perspectives on Key Outcomes for Vocational Rehabilitation Interventions Following Traumatic Injury. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4), Article 2035.

Returning to work after traumatic injury can have a range of benefits, but there is currently little research that incorporates patient perspectives to identify outcomes of vocational rehabilitation interventions that are important to survivors. Trau... Read More about Patient Perspectives on Key Outcomes for Vocational Rehabilitation Interventions Following Traumatic Injury.

‘Real world’ effectiveness of the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme: an implementation study (2021)
Journal Article
Orton, E., Audsley, S., Coupland, C., Gladman, J. R., Iliffe, S., Lafond, N., Logan, P., Masud, T., Skelton, D. A., Timblin, C., Timmons, S., Ward, D., & Kendrick, D. (2021). ‘Real world’ effectiveness of the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme: an implementation study. Age and Ageing, 50(4), 1290-1297.

Falls incidence increases with age alongside declines in strength and balance. Clinical trials show that the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme improves strength and balance, which can reduce falls and improve physical functioning... Read More about ‘Real world’ effectiveness of the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme: an implementation study.