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Psychological impact of lung cancer screening using a novel antibody blood test followed by imaging: the ECLS randomised controlled trial

Hancox, J.; Ayling, K.; Bedford, L.; Vedhara, K.; Robertson, J. F. R.; Young, B.; das Nair, R.; Sullivan, F. M.; Schembri, S.; Mair, F. S.; Littleford, R.; Kendrick., D.

Psychological impact of lung cancer screening using a novel antibody blood test followed by imaging: the ECLS randomised controlled trial Thumbnail


J. Hancox

L. Bedford

K. Vedhara

B. Young

F. M. Sullivan

S. Schembri

F. S. Mair

R. Littleford


Background: The Early CDT®-Lung antibody blood test plus serial CT-scans for test-positives reduces late-stage lung cancer presentation. This study assessed psychological outcomes of this approach.

Methods: Randomised controlled trial (n=12,208) comparing psychological outcomes 1-12 months post-recruitment in a subsample (n=1032) of test-positive (TPG), test-negative (TNG) and control groups (CG).

Results: Compared to TNG, TPG had lower positive affect (Difference between means (DBM), 3-months (3m):-1.49 (-2.65, - 0.33)), greater impact of worries (DBM 1m:0.26 (0.05, 0.47); 3m:0.28 (0.07, 0.50)), screening distress (DBM 1m:3.59 (2.28, 4.90); 3m:2.29 (0.97, 3.61); 6m:1.94 (0.61, 3.27)) worry about tests (OR 1m:5.79 (2.66, 12.63) and more frequent lung cancer worry (Odds ratio (OR) 1m:2.52 (1.31, 4.83); 3m:2.43 (1.26, 4.68); 6m:2.87 (1.48, 5.60)).

Compared to CG, TPG had greater worry about tests (OR 1m:3.40 (1.69, 6.84)). TNG had lower negative affect (log-transformed DBM 3m:-0.08 (-0.13, -0.02)), higher positive affect (DBM 1m:1.52 (0.43, 2.61); 3m:1.43 (0.33, 2.53); 6m:1.27 (0.17, 2.37)), less impact of worries (DBM 3m:-0.27 (-0.48, -0.07)) and less frequent lung cancer worry (OR 3m:0.49 (0.26, 0.92)).

Conclusions: Negative psychological effects in TPG and positive effects in TNG were short-lived and most differences were small.


Hancox, J., Ayling, K., Bedford, L., Vedhara, K., Robertson, J. F. R., Young, B., das Nair, R., Sullivan, F. M., Schembri, S., Mair, F. S., Littleford, R., & Kendrick., D. (2023). Psychological impact of lung cancer screening using a novel antibody blood test followed by imaging: the ECLS randomised controlled trial. Journal of Public Health, 45(2), e275–e284.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 30, 2022
Online Publication Date Mar 14, 2022
Publication Date 2023-06
Deposit Date Feb 22, 2022
Publicly Available Date Mar 15, 2023
Journal Journal of Public Health
Print ISSN 1741-3842
Electronic ISSN 1741-3850
Publisher Oxford University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 45
Issue 2
Pages e275–e284
Keywords screening, early detection of cancer, lung neoplasms, psychology, behavioural medicine
Public URL
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