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Dr LAUREN HADLEY's Outputs (22)

Younger adults may be faster at making semantic predictions, but older adults are more efficient (2025)
Journal Article
Fernandez, L. B., Shehzad, M., & Hadley, L. V. (2025). Younger adults may be faster at making semantic predictions, but older adults are more efficient. Psychology and Aging,

While there is strong evidence that younger adults use contextual information to generate semantic predictions, findings from older adults are less clear. Age affects cognition in a variety of different ways that may impact prediction mechanisms; whi... Read More about Younger adults may be faster at making semantic predictions, but older adults are more efficient.

Is there a cost when predictions are not met? A VWP study investigating L1 and L2 speakers (2024)
Journal Article
Fernandez, L. B., Hadley, L. V., Koç, A., Gamboa, J. C., & Allen, S. E. (2024). Is there a cost when predictions are not met? A VWP study investigating L1 and L2 speakers. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,

Research has found that both first language (L1) and second language (L2) speakers make predictions about upcoming linguistic information, with predictive behaviour being impacted by individual differences and methodological factors. However, it is n... Read More about Is there a cost when predictions are not met? A VWP study investigating L1 and L2 speakers.

Uses of Linguistic Context in Speech Listening: Does Acquired Hearing Loss Lead to Reduced Engagement of Prediction? (2024)
Journal Article
Fernandez, L. B., Pickering, M. J., Naylor, G., & Hadley, L. V. (2024). Uses of Linguistic Context in Speech Listening: Does Acquired Hearing Loss Lead to Reduced Engagement of Prediction?. Ear and Hearing, 45(5), 1107-1114.

Research investigating the complex interplay of cognitive mechanisms involved in speech listening for people with hearing loss has been gaining prominence. In particular, linguistic context allows the use of several cognitive mechanisms that are not... Read More about Uses of Linguistic Context in Speech Listening: Does Acquired Hearing Loss Lead to Reduced Engagement of Prediction?.

Used to be a dime, now it’s a dollar: R-SPiN keyword predictability revisited 40 years on (2024)
Journal Article
Whitley, A., Naylor, G., & Hadley, L. V. (2024). Used to be a dime, now it’s a dollar: R-SPiN keyword predictability revisited 40 years on. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 67(4), 1229-1242.


Almost 40 years after its development, in this article, we reexamine the relevance and validity of the ubiquitously used Revised Speech Perception in Noise (R-SPiN) sentence corpus. The R-SPiN corpus includes “high-context” and “low-conte... Read More about Used to be a dime, now it’s a dollar: R-SPiN keyword predictability revisited 40 years on.

Used to Be a Dime, Now It's a Dollar: Revised Speech Perception in Noise Key Word Predictability Revisited 40 Years On. (2024)
Journal Article
Whitley, A., Naylor, G., & Hadley, L. V. (2024). Used to Be a Dime, Now It's a Dollar: Revised Speech Perception in Noise Key Word Predictability Revisited 40 Years On. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 67(4), 1229-1242.

Almost 40 years after its development, in this article, we reexamine the relevance and validity of the ubiquitously used Revised Speech Perception in Noise (R-SPiN) sentence corpus. The R-SPiN corpus includes "high-context" and "low-context" sentence... Read More about Used to Be a Dime, Now It's a Dollar: Revised Speech Perception in Noise Key Word Predictability Revisited 40 Years On..

The effect of metacognitive executive function training on children's executive function, proactive control, and academic skills (2023)
Journal Article
Kubota, M., Hadley, L. V., Schäffner, S., Könend, T., Meaneye, J.-A., Moreyf, C. C., Auyeungg, B., Moriguchih, Y., Karbachi, J., & Chevalier, N. (2023). The effect of metacognitive executive function training on children's executive function, proactive control, and academic skills. Developmental Psychology, 59(11), 2002-2020.

The current study investigated the effects of metacognitive and executive function (EF) training on childhood EF (inhibition, working memory [WM], cognitive flexibility, and proactive/reactive control) and academic skills (reading, reasoning, and mat... Read More about The effect of metacognitive executive function training on children's executive function, proactive control, and academic skills.

Combining Multiple Psychophysiological Measures of Listening Effort: Challenges and Recommendations (2023)
Journal Article
Richter, M., Buhiyan, T., Bramsløw, L., Innes-Brown, H., Fiedler, L., Hadley, L. V., Naylor, G., Saunders, G. H., Wendt, D., Whitmer, W. M., Zekveld, A. A., & Kramer, S. E. (2023). Combining Multiple Psychophysiological Measures of Listening Effort: Challenges and Recommendations. Seminars in Hearing, 44(2), 095-105.

About one-third of all recently published studies on listening effort have used at least one physiological measure, providing evidence of the popularity of such measures in listening effort research. However, the specific measures employed, as well a... Read More about Combining Multiple Psychophysiological Measures of Listening Effort: Challenges and Recommendations.

Timing of head turns to upcoming talkers in triadic conversation: Evidence for prediction of turn ends and interruptions (2022)
Journal Article
Hadley, L. V., & Culling, J. F. (2022). Timing of head turns to upcoming talkers in triadic conversation: Evidence for prediction of turn ends and interruptions. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 1061582.

In conversation, people are able to listen to an utterance and respond within only a few hundred milliseconds. It takes substantially longer to prepare even a simple utterance, suggesting that interlocutors may make use of predictions about when the... Read More about Timing of head turns to upcoming talkers in triadic conversation: Evidence for prediction of turn ends and interruptions.

Conversation success in one-to-one and group conversation: a group concept mapping study of adults with normal and impaired hearing (2022)
Journal Article
Nicoras, R., Gotowiec, S., V Hadley, L., Smeds, K., & Naylor, G. (2023). Conversation success in one-to-one and group conversation: a group concept mapping study of adults with normal and impaired hearing. International Journal of Audiology, 62(9), 868-876.

Objective: The concept of conversation success is undefined, although prior work has variously related it to accurate exchange of information, alignment between interlocutors, and good management of misunderstandings. This study aimed (1) to identify... Read More about Conversation success in one-to-one and group conversation: a group concept mapping study of adults with normal and impaired hearing.

A review of theories and methods in the science of face-to-face social interaction (2022)
Journal Article
Hadley, L. V., Naylor, G., & Hamilton, A. F. C. (2022). A review of theories and methods in the science of face-to-face social interaction. Nature Reviews Psychology, 1, 42-54.

For most of human history, face-to-face interactions have been the primary and most fundamental way to build social relationships, and even in the digital era they remain the basis of our closest bonds. These interactions are built on the dynamic int... Read More about A review of theories and methods in the science of face-to-face social interaction.

Midfrontal theta oscillations and conflict monitoring in children and adults (2021)
Journal Article
Chevalier, N., Hadley, L. V., & Balthrop, K. (2021). Midfrontal theta oscillations and conflict monitoring in children and adults. Developmental Psychobiology, 63(8), Article e22216.

Conflict monitoring is central in cognitive control, as detection of conflict serves as a signal for the need to engage control. This study examined whether (1) midfrontal theta oscillations similarly support conflict monitoring in children and adult... Read More about Midfrontal theta oscillations and conflict monitoring in children and adults.

Synchrony as a measure of conversation difficulty: Movement coherence increases with background noise level and complexity in dyads and triads (2021)
Journal Article
Hadley, L. V., & Ward, J. A. (2021). Synchrony as a measure of conversation difficulty: Movement coherence increases with background noise level and complexity in dyads and triads. PLoS ONE, 16(10), Article e0258247.

When people interact, they fall into synchrony. This synchrony has been demonstrated in a range of contexts, from walking or playing music together to holding a conversation, and has been linked to prosocial outcomes such as development of rapport an... Read More about Synchrony as a measure of conversation difficulty: Movement coherence increases with background noise level and complexity in dyads and triads.

The effects of dual-task interference in predicting turn-ends in speech and music (2021)
Journal Article
Fisher, N. K., Hadley, L. V., Corps, R. E., & Pickering, M. J. (2021). The effects of dual-task interference in predicting turn-ends in speech and music. Brain Research, 1768, Article 147571.

Determining when a partner’s spoken or musical turn will end requires well-honed predictive abilities. Evidence suggests that our motor systems are activated during perception of both speech and music, and it has been argued that motor simulation is... Read More about The effects of dual-task interference in predicting turn-ends in speech and music.

Conversation in small groups: Speaking and listening strategies depend on the complexities of the environment and group (2020)
Journal Article
Hadley, L. V., Whitmer, W. M., Brimijoin, W. O., & Naylor, G. (2021). Conversation in small groups: Speaking and listening strategies depend on the complexities of the environment and group. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 28(2), 632-640.

Many conversations in our day-to-day lives are held in noisy environments, impeding comprehension, and in groups, taxing auditory attention-switching processes. These situations are particularly challenging for older adults in cognitive and sensory d... Read More about Conversation in small groups: Speaking and listening strategies depend on the complexities of the environment and group.

Consistent use of proactive control and relation with academic achievement in childhood (2020)
Journal Article
Kubota, M., Hadley, L. V., Schaeffner, S., Könen, T., Meaney, J.-A., Auyeunga, B., Morey, C. C., Karbach, J., & Chevalier, N. (2020). Consistent use of proactive control and relation with academic achievement in childhood. Cognition, 203, Article 104329.

As children become older, they better maintain task-relevant information in preparation of upcoming cognitive demands. This is referred to as proactive control, which is a key component of cognitive control development. However, it is still uncertain... Read More about Consistent use of proactive control and relation with academic achievement in childhood.

Listeners are better at predicting speakers similar to themselves (2020)
Journal Article
Hadley, L. V., Fisher, N. K., & Pickering, M. J. (2020). Listeners are better at predicting speakers similar to themselves. Acta Psychologica, 208, Article 103094.

Although it takes several hundred milliseconds to prepare a spoken contribution, gaps between turns in conversation tend to be much shorter. To produce these short gaps, it appears that interlocutors predict the end of their partner’s turn. The theor... Read More about Listeners are better at predicting speakers similar to themselves.

Speech, movement and gaze behaviours during dyadic conversation in noise (2019)
Journal Article
Hadley, L. V., Owen Brimijoin, W., & Whitmer, W. M. (2019). Speech, movement and gaze behaviours during dyadic conversation in noise. Scientific Reports, 9, Article 10451.

How do people have conversations in noise and make themselves understood? While many previous studies have investigated speaking and listening in isolation, this study focuses on the behaviour of pairs of individuals in an ecologically valid context.... Read More about Speech, movement and gaze behaviours during dyadic conversation in noise.

Age-related differentiation in verbal and visuo-spatial working memory processing in childhood (2019)
Journal Article
Buttelmann, F., Könen, T., Hadley, L. V., Meaney, J.-A., Auyeung, B., Morey, C. C., Chevalier, N., & Karbach, J. (2020). Age-related differentiation in verbal and visuo-spatial working memory processing in childhood. Psychological Research, 84, 2354–2360.

Working memory (WM), a key feature of the cognitive system, allows for maintaining and processing information simultaneously and in a controlled manner. WM processing continuously develops across childhood, with significant increases both in verbal a... Read More about Age-related differentiation in verbal and visuo-spatial working memory processing in childhood.

Encouraging performance monitoring promotes proactive control in children (2019)
Journal Article
Hadley, L. V., Acluche, F., & Chevalier, N. (2020). Encouraging performance monitoring promotes proactive control in children. Developmental Science, 23(1), Article e12861.

Monitoring progression towards one’s goals is essential for efficient cognitive control. Immature performance monitoring may contribute to suboptimal cognitive control engagement in childhood, potentially explaining why children engage control reacti... Read More about Encouraging performance monitoring promotes proactive control in children.

The effects of verbal and spatial memory load on children's processing speed: Development of WM load effects (2018)
Journal Article
Morey, C. C., Hadley, L. V., Buttelmann, F., Könen, T., Meaney, J.-A., Auyeung, B., Karbach, J., & Chevalier, N. (2018). The effects of verbal and spatial memory load on children's processing speed: Development of WM load effects. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1424(1), 161-174.

Examining the impact of maintenance on processing speed allows us to test whether storage and processing resources are shared. Comparing these relationships in children of different ages allows further insight into whether one or multiple resources f... Read More about The effects of verbal and spatial memory load on children's processing speed: Development of WM load effects.