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Is human auditory cortex organization compatible with the monkey model? Contrary evidence from ultra-high-field functional and structural MRI (2018)
Journal Article
Besle, J., Mougin, O., Sánchez-Panchuelo, R.-M., Lanting, C., Gowland, P., Bowtell, R., Francis, S., & Krumbholz, K. (2018). Is human auditory cortex organization compatible with the monkey model? Contrary evidence from ultra-high-field functional and structural MRI. Cerebral Cortex, 29(1), 410-428.

It is commonly assumed that the human auditory cortex is organized similarly to that of macaque monkeys, where the primary region, or “core,” is elongated parallel to the tonotopic axis (main direction of tonotopic gradients), and subdivided across t... Read More about Is human auditory cortex organization compatible with the monkey model? Contrary evidence from ultra-high-field functional and structural MRI.

Ultra-high-field arterial spin labeling MRI for non-contrast assessment of cortical lesion perfusion in multiple sclerosis (2018)
Journal Article
Drury, R. J., Falah, Y., Gowland, P. A., Evangelou, N., Bright, M. G., & Francis, S. T. (2019). Ultra-high-field arterial spin labeling MRI for non-contrast assessment of cortical lesion perfusion in multiple sclerosis. European Radiology, 29(4), 2027–2033.


Assess the feasibility of using an optimised ultra-high-field high-spatial-resolution low-distortion ASL MRI acquisition to measure focal haemodynamic pathology in cortical lesions (CLs) in Multiple Sclerosis (MS).


Twelve... Read More about Ultra-high-field arterial spin labeling MRI for non-contrast assessment of cortical lesion perfusion in multiple sclerosis.

Ultra-high-field arterial spin labelling MRI for non-contrast assessment of cortical lesion perfusion in multiple sclerosis (2018)
Journal Article
Dury, R. J., Falah, Y., Gowland, P. A., Evangelou, N., Bright, M. G., & Francis, S. T. (2019). Ultra-high-field arterial spin labelling MRI for non-contrast assessment of cortical lesion perfusion in multiple sclerosis. European Radiology, 29(4), 2027-2033.

© 2018, The Author(s). Objectives: To assess the feasibility of using an optimised ultra-high-field high-spatial-resolution low-distortion arterial spin labelling (ASL) MRI acquisition to measure focal haemodynamic pathology in cortical lesions (CLs)... Read More about Ultra-high-field arterial spin labelling MRI for non-contrast assessment of cortical lesion perfusion in multiple sclerosis.

MRI assessment of altered dynamic changes in liver haemodynamics following a meal challenge in compensated cirrhosis (2018)
Journal Article
Cox, E. F., Palaniyappan, N., Aithal, G. P., Guha, I. N., & Francis, S. T. (2018). MRI assessment of altered dynamic changes in liver haemodynamics following a meal challenge in compensated cirrhosis. European Radiology Experimental, 2, Article 26.

Background: To use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to dynamically assess postprandial changes in hepatic and collateral blood flow, liver perfusion and oxygenation in healthy participants and patients with liver disease with compensated cirrhosis (C... Read More about MRI assessment of altered dynamic changes in liver haemodynamics following a meal challenge in compensated cirrhosis.

Using MRI to study the alterations in liver blood flow, perfusion and oxygenation in response to physiological stress challenges: meal, hyperoxia and hypercapnia (2018)
Journal Article
Cox, E. F., Palaniyappan, N., Aithal, G. P., Guha, I. N., & Francis, S. T. (in press). Using MRI to study the alterations in liver blood flow, perfusion and oxygenation in response to physiological stress challenges: meal, hyperoxia and hypercapnia. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging,

Background: Non-invasive assessment of dynamic changes in liver blood flow, perfusion and oxygenation using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may allow detection of subtle haemodynamic alterations in cirrhosis.
Purpose: To assess the feasibility of... Read More about Using MRI to study the alterations in liver blood flow, perfusion and oxygenation in response to physiological stress challenges: meal, hyperoxia and hypercapnia.

Arterial spin labelling MRI to measure renal perfusion: a systematic review and statement paper (2018)
Journal Article
Odudu, A., Nery, F., Harteveld, A. A., Evans, R. G., Pendse, D., Buchanan, C. E., Francis, S. T., & Fernandez-Seara, M. A. (2018). Arterial spin labelling MRI to measure renal perfusion: a systematic review and statement paper. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 33(Issue suppl_2), ii15-ii21.

Renal perfusion provides the driving pressure for glomerular filtration and delivers the oxygen and nutrients to fuel solute reabsorption. Renal ischaemia is a major mechanism in acute kidney injury and may promote the progression of chronic kidney d... Read More about Arterial spin labelling MRI to measure renal perfusion: a systematic review and statement paper.

Addressing challenges of high spatial resolution, UHF field fMRI for group analysis of higher-order cognitive tasks; an inter-sensory task directing attention between visual and somatosensory domains (2018)
Aquino, K. M., Sokoliuk, R., Pakenham, D., Sanchez, R., Hanslmayr, S., Mayhew, S., Mullinger, K., & Francis, S. (2019). Addressing challenges of high spatial resolution, UHF field fMRI for group analysis of higher-order cognitive tasks; an inter-sensory task directing attention between visual and somatosensory domains

Evaluation of 2D Imaging Schemes for Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling of the Human Kidney Cortex (2018)
Journal Article
Buchanan, C. E., Cox, E. F., & Francis, S. T. (2018). Evaluation of 2D Imaging Schemes for Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling of the Human Kidney Cortex. Diagnostics, 8(3), Article 43.

A number of imaging readout schemes have been proposed for renal arterial spin labelling (ASL) to quantify kidney cortex perfusion, including gradient echo based methods of balanced fast field echo (bFFE) and gradient-echo echo-planar imagi... Read More about Evaluation of 2D Imaging Schemes for Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling of the Human Kidney Cortex.

Mapping the topological organisation of beta oscillations in motor cortex using MEG (2018)
Journal Article
Barratt, E., Francis, S. T., Morris, P. G., & Brookes, M. J. (2018). Mapping the topological organisation of beta oscillations in motor cortex using MEG. NeuroImage,

The spatial topology of the human motor cortex has been well studied, particularly using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) which allows spatial separation of haemodynamic responses arising from stimulation of different body parts, individu... Read More about Mapping the topological organisation of beta oscillations in motor cortex using MEG.

Somatotopy in the human somatosensory system (2018)
Journal Article
Sanchez Panchuelo, R., Besle, J., Schluppeck, D., Humberstone, M., & Francis, S. (2018). Somatotopy in the human somatosensory system. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, Article 235.

Previous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have demonstrated digit somatotopy in primary somatosensory cortex (SI), and even shown that at high spatial resolution it is possible to resolve within-digit somatotopy. However, fMRI stu... Read More about Somatotopy in the human somatosensory system.

Multi organ assessment of compensated cirrhosis patients using quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (2018)
Journal Article
Bradley, C. R., Cox, E. F., Scott, R. A., James, M. W., Kaye, P., Aithal, G. P., Francis, S. T., & Guha, I. N. (2018). Multi organ assessment of compensated cirrhosis patients using quantitative magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Hepatology, 69(5), 1015-1024.

Background and Aims: Advancing liver disease results in deleterious changes in a number of critical organs. The ability to measure structure, blood flow and tissue perfusion within multiple organs in a single scan has implications for determining the... Read More about Multi organ assessment of compensated cirrhosis patients using quantitative magnetic resonance imaging.

Pretreatment lesions on magnetic resonance imaging in patients with hepatitis C virus infection diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma after initiating direct-acting antiviral therapy (2018)
Journal Article
Scott, R. A., Aithal, G. P., Francis, S. T., & Irving, W. L. (2018). Pretreatment lesions on magnetic resonance imaging in patients with hepatitis C virus infection diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma after initiating direct-acting antiviral therapy. Gastroenterology, 154(6),

The Physiological Bases of Hidden Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: Protocol for a Functional Neuroimaging Study (2018)
Journal Article
Dewey, R. S., Hall, D. A., Guest, H., Prendergast, G., Plack, C. J., & Francis, S. T. (2018). The Physiological Bases of Hidden Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: Protocol for a Functional Neuroimaging Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 7(3), Article e79.

Background: Rodent studies indicate that noise exposure can cause permanent damage to synapses between inner hair cells and high-threshold auditory nerve fibers, without permanently altering threshold sensitivity. These demonstrations of what is comm... Read More about The Physiological Bases of Hidden Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: Protocol for a Functional Neuroimaging Study.

The Physiological Bases of Hidden Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: Protocol for a Functional Neuroimaging Study (Preprint) (2018)
Dewey, R. S., Hall, D. A., Guest, H., Prendergast, G., Plack, C. J., & Francis, S. T. (2018). The Physiological Bases of Hidden Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: Protocol for a Functional Neuroimaging Study (Preprint)


Rodent studies indicate that noise exposure can cause permanent damage to synapses between inner hair cells and high-threshold auditory nerve fibers, without permanently altering threshold sensitivity. These demonstrations of what is c... Read More about The Physiological Bases of Hidden Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: Protocol for a Functional Neuroimaging Study (Preprint).

Variation in thermally induced taste response across thermal tasters (2018)
Journal Article
Skinner, M., Eldeghaidy, S., Ford, R., Giesbrecht, T., Thomas, A., Francis, S., & Hort, J. (2018). Variation in thermally induced taste response across thermal tasters. Physiology and Behavior, 188, 67-78.

Thermal tasters (TTs) perceive thermally induced taste (thermal taste) sensations when the tongue is stimulated with temperature in the absence of gustatory stimuli, while thermal non tasters (TnTs) only perceive temperature. This is the first study... Read More about Variation in thermally induced taste response across thermal tasters.

Cortical differences in diverticular disease and correlation with symptom reports (2018)
Journal Article
Pitiot, A., Smith, J. K., Garratt, J., Francis, S. T., Gowland, P. A., Spiller, R. C., & Marciani, L. (2018). Cortical differences in diverticular disease and correlation with symptom reports. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 30(7), Article e13303.


Recent studies have shown that the brain of patients with gastrointestinal disease differ both structurally and functionally from that of controls. Highly somatizing diverticular disease (HSDD) patients were also shown to differ from l... Read More about Cortical differences in diverticular disease and correlation with symptom reports.

Exploring the advantages of multiband fMRI with simultaneous EEG to investigate coupling between gamma frequency neural activity and the BOLD response in humans (2018)
Journal Article
Uji, M., Wilson, R., Francis, S. T., Mullinger, K. J., & Mayhew, S. D. (2018). Exploring the advantages of multiband fMRI with simultaneous EEG to investigate coupling between gamma frequency neural activity and the BOLD response in humans. Human Brain Mapping, 39(4), 1673-1687.

We established an optimal combination of EEG recording during sparse multiband (MB) fMRI that preserves high resolution, whole brain fMRI coverage whilst enabling broad-band EEG recordings which are uncorrupted by MRI gradient artefacts (GAs). We fir... Read More about Exploring the advantages of multiband fMRI with simultaneous EEG to investigate coupling between gamma frequency neural activity and the BOLD response in humans.

An automated method to detect and quantify fungiform papillae in the human tongue: Validation and relationship to phenotypical differences in taste perception (2017)
Journal Article
Eldeghaidy, S., Thomas, D., Skinner, M., Ford, R., Giesbrecht, T., Thomas, A., Hort, J., & Francis, S. (2018). An automated method to detect and quantify fungiform papillae in the human tongue: Validation and relationship to phenotypical differences in taste perception. Physiology and Behavior, 184, 226-234.

Determination of the number of fungiform papillae (FP) on the human tongue is an important measure that has frequently been associated with individual differences in oral perception, including taste sensitivity. At present, there is no standardised m... Read More about An automated method to detect and quantify fungiform papillae in the human tongue: Validation and relationship to phenotypical differences in taste perception.

Multiparametric renal magnetic resonance imaging: validation, interventions, and alterations in chronic kidney disease (2017)
Journal Article
Cox, E. F., Buchanan, C. E., Bradley, C. R., Prestwich, B., Mahmoud, H., Taal, M., Selby, N. M., & Francis, S. T. (2017). Multiparametric renal magnetic resonance imaging: validation, interventions, and alterations in chronic kidney disease. Frontiers in Physiology, 8, Article 696.

Background: This paper outlines a multiparametric renal MRI acquisition and analysis protocol to allow non-invasive assessment of hemodynamics (renal artery blood flow and perfusion), oxygenation (BOLD T2*), and microstructure (diffusion, T1 mapping)... Read More about Multiparametric renal magnetic resonance imaging: validation, interventions, and alterations in chronic kidney disease.

Sodium MRI: a new frontier in imaging in nephrology (2017)
Journal Article
Francis, S. T., Buchanan, C., Prestwich, B., & Taal, M. W. (2017). Sodium MRI: a new frontier in imaging in nephrology. Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension, 26(6), 435-441.

Purpose of review

This review focuses on the recent technological advances in quantitative sodium (23Na) MRI to provide a noninvasive measure of tissue viability for use in clinical studies of patients with kidney disease. 23Na MRI is the only non... Read More about Sodium MRI: a new frontier in imaging in nephrology.