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All Outputs (83)

Coiled coil type neoglycoproteins presenting three lactose residues (2016)
Journal Article
Sweeney, S. M., Bullen, G. A., Gillis, R. B., Adams, G. G., Rowe, A. J., Harding, S. E., Tucker, J. H., Peacock, A. F., & Murphy, P. V. (2016). Coiled coil type neoglycoproteins presenting three lactose residues. Tetrahedron Letters, 57(13),

Scaffold design, synthesis and application are relevant for biomedical research. For example, multivalent interactions, such as those between cell surface glycoproteins and lectins can influence the potency and duration of signalling. The spacing bet... Read More about Coiled coil type neoglycoproteins presenting three lactose residues.

Location dependent coordination chemistry and MRI relaxivity, in de novo designed lanthanide coiled coils (2015)
Journal Article
Berwick, M. R., Slope, L. N., Smith, C. F., King, S. M., Newton, S. L., Gillis, R. B., Adams, G. G., Rowe, A. J., Harding, S. E., Britton, M. M., & Peacock, A. F. A. (in press). Location dependent coordination chemistry and MRI relaxivity, in de novo designed lanthanide coiled coils. Chemical Science, 7(3),

Herein, we establish for the first time the design principles for lanthanide coordination within coiled coils, and the important consequences of binding site translation. By interrogating design requirements and by systematically translating binding... Read More about Location dependent coordination chemistry and MRI relaxivity, in de novo designed lanthanide coiled coils.

Application of recent advances in hydrodynamic methods for characterising mucins in solution (2015)
Journal Article
Almutairi, F. M., Cifre, J.-G. H., Adams, G. G., Kök, M. S., Mackie, A. R., de la Torre, J. G., & Harding, S. E. (2016). Application of recent advances in hydrodynamic methods for characterising mucins in solution. European Biophysics Journal, 45(1), 45-54.

Mucins are the primary macromolecular component of mucus—nature’s natural lubricant—although they are poorly characterised heterogeneous substances. Recent advances in hydrodynamic methodology now offer the opportunity for gaining a better understand... Read More about Application of recent advances in hydrodynamic methods for characterising mucins in solution.

Evaluation of diffusion coefficients by means of an approximate steady-state condition in sedimentation velocity distributions (2015)
Journal Article
Scott, D. J., Harding, S. E., & Winzor, D. J. (2015). Evaluation of diffusion coefficients by means of an approximate steady-state condition in sedimentation velocity distributions. Analytical Biochemistry, 490,

This investigation examined the feasibility of manipulating the rotor speed in sedimentation velocity experiments to spontaneously generate an approximate steady-state condition where the extent of diffusional spreading is matched exactly by the boun... Read More about Evaluation of diffusion coefficients by means of an approximate steady-state condition in sedimentation velocity distributions.

Sodium alginate decreases the permeability of intestinal mucus (2015)
Journal Article
Mackie, A. R., Macierzanka, A., Aarak, K., Rigby, N. M., Parker, R., Channell, G. A., Harding, S. E., & Bajka, B. H. (2016). Sodium alginate decreases the permeability of intestinal mucus. Food Hydrocolloids, 52,

In the small intestine the nature of the environment leads to a highly heterogeneous mucus layer primarily composed of the MUC2 mucin. We set out to investigate whether the soluble dietary fibre sodium alginate could alter the permeability of the muc... Read More about Sodium alginate decreases the permeability of intestinal mucus.

Ultracentrifuge Methods for the Analysis of Polysaccharides, Glycoconjugates, and Lignins (2015)
Book Chapter
Harding, S. E., Adams, G. G., Almutairi, F., Alzahrani, Q., Erten, T., Samil Kök, M., & Gillis, R. B. (2015). Ultracentrifuge Methods for the Analysis of Polysaccharides, Glycoconjugates, and Lignins. In Analytical Ultracentrifugation (391-439). Academic Press.

Although like proteins, polysaccharides are synthesized by enzymes, unlike proteins there is no template. This means that they are polydisperse, do not generally have compact folded structures, and are often very large with greater nonideality behavi... Read More about Ultracentrifuge Methods for the Analysis of Polysaccharides, Glycoconjugates, and Lignins.

Biophysical analysis of a lethal laminin alpha-1 mutation reveals altered self-interaction (2015)
Journal Article
Patel, T. R., Nikodemus, D., Besong, T. M., Reuten, R., Meier, M., Harding, S. E., Winzor, D. J., Koch, M., & Stetefeld, J. (2016). Biophysical analysis of a lethal laminin alpha-1 mutation reveals altered self-interaction. Matrix Biology, 49,

Laminins are key basement membrane molecules that influence several biological activities and are linked to a number of diseases. They are secreted as heterotrimeric proteins consisting of one α, one β, and one γ chain, followed by their assembly int... Read More about Biophysical analysis of a lethal laminin alpha-1 mutation reveals altered self-interaction.

A Multilaboratory Comparison of Calibration Accuracy and the Performance of External References in Analytical Ultracentrifugation (2015)
Journal Article
Langowski, J., Zhao, H., Ghirlando, R., Alfonso, C., Arisaka, F., Attali, I., Bain, D. L., Bakhtina, M. M., Becker, D. F., Bedwell, G. J., Bekdemir, A., Besong, T. M., Birck, C., Brautigam, C. A., Brennerman, W., Byron, O., Bzowska, A., Chaires, J. B., Chaton, C. T., Cölfen, H., …Schuck, P. (2015). A Multilaboratory Comparison of Calibration Accuracy and the Performance of External References in Analytical Ultracentrifugation. PLoS ONE, 10(5), Article e0126420.

Analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) is a first principles based method to determine absolute sedimentation coefficients and buoyant molar masses of macromolecules and their complexes, reporting on their size and shape in free solution. The purpose o... Read More about A Multilaboratory Comparison of Calibration Accuracy and the Performance of External References in Analytical Ultracentrifugation.

Matrix-free hydrodynamic study on the size distribution and conformation of three technical lignins from wood and non-wood (2015)
Journal Article
Alzahrani, Q. E., Adams, G. G., Gillis, R. B., Besong, T. M., Kök, M. S., Fong, E., Harding, R. A., van Dam, J. E., Gosselink, R. J., Rowe, A. J., & Harding, S. E. (2016). Matrix-free hydrodynamic study on the size distribution and conformation of three technical lignins from wood and non-wood. Holzforschung, 70(2),

Molecular weight (MW) and related conformational data of three commercially available technical lignins (Alcell L, kraft L, and soda L) have been studied by means of analytical ultracentrifugation, taking advantage of some recent developments in both... Read More about Matrix-free hydrodynamic study on the size distribution and conformation of three technical lignins from wood and non-wood.

Recent advances in the analysis of macromolecular interactions using the matrix-free method of sedimentation in the analytical ultracentrifuge (2015)
Journal Article
Harding, S., Gillis, R., Almutairi, F., Erten, T., Kök, M., & Adams, G. (2015). Recent advances in the analysis of macromolecular interactions using the matrix-free method of sedimentation in the analytical ultracentrifuge. Biology, 4(1),

Sedimentation in the analytical ultracentrifuge is a matrix free solution technique with no immobilisation, columns, or membranes required and can be used to study self-association and complex or “hetero”-interactions, stoichiometry, reversibility an... Read More about Recent advances in the analysis of macromolecular interactions using the matrix-free method of sedimentation in the analytical ultracentrifuge.

A review of modern approaches to the hydrodynamic characterisation of polydisperse macromolecular systems in biotechnology (2015)
Journal Article
Gillis, R. B., Rowe, A. J., Adams, G. G., & Harding, S. E. (2015). A review of modern approaches to the hydrodynamic characterisation of polydisperse macromolecular systems in biotechnology. Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews, 30(2),

This short review considers the range of modern techniques for the hydrodynamic characterisation of macromolecules – particularly large glycosylated systems used in the food, biopharma and healthcare industries. The range or polydispersity of molecul... Read More about A review of modern approaches to the hydrodynamic characterisation of polydisperse macromolecular systems in biotechnology.

Characterization of capsular polysaccharides and their glycoconjugates by hydrodynamic methods (2015)
Book Chapter
Harding, S. E., Abdelhameed, A. S., Gillis, R. B., Morris, G. A., & Adams, G. G. (2015). Characterization of capsular polysaccharides and their glycoconjugates by hydrodynamic methods. In Carbohydrate-based vaccines (211-227). Springer.

Hydrodynamic methods are relevant for the characterization of carbohydrates such as capsular bacterial polysaccharides or glycoconjugates in solution. This chapter focuses on the following hydrodynamic methods: sedimentation velocity analytical ultra... Read More about Characterization of capsular polysaccharides and their glycoconjugates by hydrodynamic methods.

Interdisciplinary approaches to the Scandinavian heritage of North-West England (2014)
Book Chapter
Griffiths, D., & Harding, S. E. (2014). Interdisciplinary approaches to the Scandinavian heritage of North-West England. In S. E. Harding, D. Griffiths, & E. Royles (Eds.), In search of Vikings: interdisciplinary approaches to the Scandinavian heritage of North-West England. CRC Press

A wide variety of approaches based on historical, archaeological, place-name, linguistic, physical, and genetic tools can collectively provide a detailed understanding of the Vikings in peace and in war. This chapter and the rest of the book that fol... Read More about Interdisciplinary approaches to the Scandinavian heritage of North-West England.

Hydrodynamic characterisation of chitosan and its interaction with two polyanions: DNA and xanthan (2014)
Journal Article
Almutairi, F. M., Erten, T., Adams, G. G., Hayes, M., McLoughlin, P., Kök, M. Ş., Mackie, A. R., Rowe, A. J., & Harding, S. E. (2015). Hydrodynamic characterisation of chitosan and its interaction with two polyanions: DNA and xanthan. Carbohydrate Polymers, 122,

Chitosan, a soluble polycationic derivative of insoluble chitin, has been widely considered for use in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Commercial (“C”) and in-house laboratory (“L”) prepared chitosan samples extracted from crustaceo... Read More about Hydrodynamic characterisation of chitosan and its interaction with two polyanions: DNA and xanthan.

Concentration dependence of translational diffusion coefficients for globular proteins (2014)
Journal Article
Scott, D. J., Harding, S. E., & Winzor, D. J. (2014). Concentration dependence of translational diffusion coefficients for globular proteins. Analyst, 139(23),

This investigation examines published results of traditional diffusion experiments on ovalbumin and bovine serum albumin to determine the extent to which assumed concentration independence of the translational diffusion coefficient is a reasonable ap... Read More about Concentration dependence of translational diffusion coefficients for globular proteins.

On hydrodynamic methods for the analysis of the sizes and shapes of polysaccharides in dilute solution: a short review (2014)
Journal Article
Morris, G. A., Adams, G. G., & Harding, S. E. (2014). On hydrodynamic methods for the analysis of the sizes and shapes of polysaccharides in dilute solution: a short review. Food Hydrocolloids, 42,

Background: Polysaccharides and their derivatives are increasingly being used by the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries: physical properties like size and conformation are important contributors to their performance.
Discussion: Here the u... Read More about On hydrodynamic methods for the analysis of the sizes and shapes of polysaccharides in dilute solution: a short review.

Comparative heterogeneity, molecular weights and viscosities of xanthans of different pyruvate and acetate content (2014)
Journal Article
Erten, T., Adams, G. G., Foster, T. J., & Harding, S. E. (2014). Comparative heterogeneity, molecular weights and viscosities of xanthans of different pyruvate and acetate content. Food Hydrocolloids, 42,

Introduction: The bacterial exopolysaccharide xanthan is a well-known hydrocolloid, with a high viscosity deriving from its large molecular weight and volume.
Materials and methods: Four different xanthans deriving from Xanthomanas campestris -two w... Read More about Comparative heterogeneity, molecular weights and viscosities of xanthans of different pyruvate and acetate content.

Activation of 2′ 5′-oligoadenylate synthetase by stem loops at the 5′-end of the West Nile virus genome (2014)
Journal Article
Deo, S., Patel, T. R., Dzananovic, E., Booy, E. P., Zeid, K., McEleney, K., Harding, S. E., & McKenna, S. A. (2014). Activation of 2′ 5′-oligoadenylate synthetase by stem loops at the 5′-end of the West Nile virus genome. PLoS ONE, 9(3), Article e92545.

West Nile virus (WNV) has a positive sense RNA genome with conserved structural elements in the 5′ and 3′ -untranslated regions required for polyprotein production. Antiviral immunity to WNV is partially mediated through the production of a cluster o... Read More about Activation of 2′ 5′-oligoadenylate synthetase by stem loops at the 5′-end of the West Nile virus genome.

Protein-like fully reversible tetramerisation and super-association of an aminocellulose (2014)
Journal Article
Nikolajski, M., Adams, G. G., Gillis, R. B., Besong, D. T., Rowe, A. J., Heinze, T., & Harding, S. E. (2014). Protein-like fully reversible tetramerisation and super-association of an aminocellulose. Scientific Reports, 4, Article 3861.

Unusual protein-like, partially reversible associative behaviour has recently been observed in solutions of the water soluble carbohydrates known as 6-deoxy-6-(ω-aminoalkyl)aminocelluloses, which produce controllable self-assembling films for enzyme... Read More about Protein-like fully reversible tetramerisation and super-association of an aminocellulose.