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Outputs (37)

Resonant tunnelling into the two-dimensional subbands of InSe layers (2020)
Journal Article
Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Kerfoot, J., Mazumder, D., Greenaway, M. T., Vdovin, E. E., Makarovsky, O., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Eaves, L., Beton, P. H., & Patanè, A. (2020). Resonant tunnelling into the two-dimensional subbands of InSe layers. Communications Physics, 3, Article 16.

Two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) crystals have attracted considerable interest for digital electronics beyond Si-based complementary metal oxide semiconductor technologies. Despite the transformative success of Si-based devices, there are lim... Read More about Resonant tunnelling into the two-dimensional subbands of InSe layers.

Van der Waals SnSe2(1-x)S2x alloys: composition-dependent bowing coefficient and electron-phonon interaction (2020)
Journal Article
Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Wang, X., Sutcliffe, J., Bhuiyan, M. A., Fu, Y., Yang, Z., Makarovsky, O., Eaves, L., Solomon, A., Maslyuk, V. T., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Zhang, L., & Patanè, A. (2020). Van der Waals SnSe2(1-x)S2x alloys: composition-dependent bowing coefficient and electron-phonon interaction. Advanced Functional Materials, 30(9), Article 1908092.

The design of advanced functional materials with customized properties often requires the use of an alloy. This approach has been used for decades, but only recently to create van der Waals (vdW) alloys for applications in electronics, optoelectronic... Read More about Van der Waals SnSe2(1-x)S2x alloys: composition-dependent bowing coefficient and electron-phonon interaction.

Two-Dimensional Covalent Crystals by Chemical Conversion of Thin van der Waals Materials (2019)
Journal Article
Sreepal, V., Yagmurcukardes, M., Vasu, K. S., Kelly, D. J., Taylor, S. F. R., Kravets, V. G., Kudrynskyi, Z., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Patanè, A., Grigorenko, A. N., Haigh, S. J., Hardacre, C., Eaves, L., Sahin, H., Geim, A. K., Peeters, F. M., & Nair, R. R. (2019). Two-Dimensional Covalent Crystals by Chemical Conversion of Thin van der Waals Materials. Nano Letters, 19(9), 6475-6481.

Most of the studied two-dimensional (2D) materials have been obtained by exfoliation of van der Waals crystals. Recently, there has been growing interest in fabricating synthetic 2D crystals which have no layered bulk analogues. These efforts have be... Read More about Two-Dimensional Covalent Crystals by Chemical Conversion of Thin van der Waals Materials.

Photo-quantum Hall effect and light-induced charge transfer at the interface of graphene/InSe heterostructures (2018)
Journal Article
Bhuiyan, M. A., Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Mazumder, D., Greener, J. D., Makarovsky, O., Mellor, C. J., Vdovin, E. E., Piot, B. A., Lobanova, I. I., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Nazarova, M., Mischenko, A., Novoselov, K. S., Cao, Y., Eaves, L., Yusa, G., & Patanè, A. (2019). Photo-quantum Hall effect and light-induced charge transfer at the interface of graphene/InSe heterostructures. Advanced Functional Materials, 29(3), Article 1805491.

The transfer of electronic charge across the interface of two van der Waals crystals can underpin the operation of a new class of functional devices. Amongst van der Waals semiconductors, an exciting and rapidly growing development involves the “post... Read More about Photo-quantum Hall effect and light-induced charge transfer at the interface of graphene/InSe heterostructures.

Coherent acoustic phonons in van der Waals nanolayers and heterostructures (2018)
Journal Article
Greener, J. D., Akimov, A. V., Gusev, V., Kudrynskyi, Z., Beton, P. H., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Taniguchi, T., Watanabe, K., Kent, A., & Patanè, A. (2018). Coherent acoustic phonons in van der Waals nanolayers and heterostructures. Physical Review B, 98(7), Article 075408.

Terahertz (THz) and sub-THz coherent acoustic phonons have been successfully used as probes of various quantum systems. Since their wavelength is in the nanometer range, they can probe nanostructures buried below a surface with nanometer resolution a... Read More about Coherent acoustic phonons in van der Waals nanolayers and heterostructures.

Magnetotransport and lateral confinement in an InSe van der Waals heterostructure (2018)
Journal Article
Lee, Y., Pisoni, R., Overweg, H., Eich, M., Rickhaus, P., Patane, A., Kudrynskyi, Z., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Gorbachev, R., Watanabe, K., Taniguchi, T., Ihn, T., & Ensslin, K. (2018). Magnetotransport and lateral confinement in an InSe van der Waals heterostructure. 2D Materials, 5(3), Article 035040.

In the last six years, Indium selenide (InSe) has appeared as a new van der Waals heterostructure platform which has been extensively studied due to its unique electronic and optical properties. Such as transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), the c... Read More about Magnetotransport and lateral confinement in an InSe van der Waals heterostructure.

Improved performance of InSe field-effect transistors by channel encapsulation (2018)
Journal Article
Liang, G., Wang, Y., Han, L., Yang, Z.-X., Xin, Q., Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Patanè, A., & Song, A. (2018). Improved performance of InSe field-effect transistors by channel encapsulation. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 33(6), Article 06LT01.

Due to the high electron mobility and photo-responsivity, InSe is considered as an excellent candidate for next generation electronics and optoelectronics. In particular, in contrast to many high-mobility two-dimensional (2D) materials, such as phosp... Read More about Improved performance of InSe field-effect transistors by channel encapsulation.

Gate-Defined Quantum Confinement in InSe-Based van der Waals Heterostructures (2018)
Journal Article
Hamer, M. J., Tovari, E., Zhu, M., Thompson, M., Mayorov, A., Prance, J., Lee, Y., Haley, R. P., Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Patanè, A., Terry, D., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Ensslin, K., Kretinin, A. V., Geim, A., & Gorbachev, R. (2018). Gate-Defined Quantum Confinement in InSe-Based van der Waals Heterostructures. Nano Letters, 18(6), 3950-3955.

© Copyright 2018 American Chemical Society. Indium selenide, a post-transition metal chalcogenide, is a novel two-dimensional (2D) semiconductor with interesting electronic properties. Its tunable band gap and high electron mobility have already attr... Read More about Gate-Defined Quantum Confinement in InSe-Based van der Waals Heterostructures.

Epitaxial growth of γ-InSe and α, β, and γ-In2Se3 on ε-GaSe (2018)
Journal Article
Balakrishnan, N., Steer, E. D., Smith, E. F., Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Eaves, L., Patanè, A., & Beton, P. H. (2018). Epitaxial growth of γ-InSe and α, β, and γ-In2Se3 on ε-GaSe. 2D Materials, 5(3),

We demonstrate that γ-InSe and the α, β and γ phases of In2Se3 can be grown epitaxially on ε-GaSe substrates using a physical vapour transport method. By exploiting the temperature gradient within the tube furnace, we can grow selectively different p... Read More about Epitaxial growth of γ-InSe and α, β, and γ-In2Se3 on ε-GaSe.

Room temperature uniaxial magnetic anisotropy induced by Fe-islands in the InSe semiconductor van der Waals crystal (2018)
Journal Article
Moro, F., Bhuiyan, M. A., Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Puttock, R., Kazakova, O., Makarovsky, O., Fay, M., Parmenter, C. D., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Fielding, A. J., Kern, M., van Slageren, J., & Patanè, A. (2018). Room temperature uniaxial magnetic anisotropy induced by Fe-islands in the InSe semiconductor van der Waals crystal. Advanced Science, 5(7), Article 1800257.

The controlled manipulation of the spin and charge of electrons in a semiconductor has the potential to create new routes to digital electronics beyond Moore’s law, spintronics, and quantum detection and imaging for sensing applications. These techno... Read More about Room temperature uniaxial magnetic anisotropy induced by Fe-islands in the InSe semiconductor van der Waals crystal.