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Outputs (15)

“Imaginative, embodied scholarly assemblages”: A poetic analysis of the Self-Reflexive Methodologies Special Interest Group scholarship (2024)
Journal Article
Pithouse-Morgan, K., Pillay, D., Naicker, I., & van Laren, L. (2024). “Imaginative, embodied scholarly assemblages”: A poetic analysis of the Self-Reflexive Methodologies Special Interest Group scholarship. Journal of education (University KwaZulu-natal), 2024(94), 65-83.

The Self-Reflexive Methodologies Special Interest Group (SIG) of the South African Education Research Association (SAERA) has been active since 2014, with over 100 academics from more than 20 higher education institutions participating. The 10th Anni... Read More about “Imaginative, embodied scholarly assemblages”: A poetic analysis of the Self-Reflexive Methodologies Special Interest Group scholarship.

Poetic inquiry for the social and human sciences: Voices from the South and North (2024)
van Rooyen, H., & Pithouse-Morgan, K. (2024). Poetic inquiry for the social and human sciences: Voices from the South and North. HSRC Press

Poetic Inquiry for the Human and Social Sciences: Voices from the South and North enriches human and social science research by introducing new voices, insights, and epistemologies. Poetic inquiry, or poetry as research, is a literary and performance... Read More about Poetic inquiry for the social and human sciences: Voices from the South and North.

Self-Study as a Movement and Methodology for Inside-Out Educational Change: Foundations, Characteristics, and Exemplars (2024)
Book Chapter
Pithouse-Morgan, K., Kortjass, M., & Mkhize-Mthembu, N. Self-Study as a Movement and Methodology for Inside-Out Educational Change: Foundations, Characteristics, and Exemplars. In The BERA-SAGE International Handbook of Research-Informed Education Policy and Practice (1-19). SAGE Publications

This chapter traces the evolution of the self-study research field since the 1990s, highlighting it as a growing force for change among education practitioners and scholars. It examines the historical backdrop of the field and identifies a set of eig... Read More about Self-Study as a Movement and Methodology for Inside-Out Educational Change: Foundations, Characteristics, and Exemplars.

Rethinking qualitative data analysis in a co-creative experimental approach (2023)
Book Chapter
Pithouse-Morgan, K., & Samaras, A. P. (2023). Rethinking qualitative data analysis in a co-creative experimental approach. In J. DeHart, & P. Hash (Eds.), Arts-Based Research Across Textual Media in Education (12-27). Routledge.

We are self-study research methodologists and teacher educators working across continents to enhance and broaden professional learning, knowledge, and practice. By witnessing and researching the value of multiple voices and stories interacting for pr... Read More about Rethinking qualitative data analysis in a co-creative experimental approach.

Different Together: A Poetic Reading of Arts-Inspired Creations as Embodied Explorations of Social Cohesion (2023)
Journal Article
Pillay, D., Pithouse-Morgan, K., & Naicker, I. (2023). Different Together: A Poetic Reading of Arts-Inspired Creations as Embodied Explorations of Social Cohesion. Qualitative Inquiry, 30(2), 204-211.

We, a diverse group of South African academics, study embodied reflexivity through poetry, and this article is an account of poetic inquiry inspired by assemblages created by the participants in a symposium, Object Inquiry for Social Cohesion in Publ... Read More about Different Together: A Poetic Reading of Arts-Inspired Creations as Embodied Explorations of Social Cohesion.

Polyvocal Poetic Play Through Self-study Research: Challenging the Status Quo to Improve Professional Practice (2023)
Book Chapter
Pithouse-Morgan, K., & Samaras, A. P. (2023). Polyvocal Poetic Play Through Self-study Research: Challenging the Status Quo to Improve Professional Practice. In H. Mreiwed, M. R. Carter, S. Hashem, & C. H. Blake-Amarante (Eds.), Making Connections in and Through Arts-Based Educational Research (227-239). Springer.

In self-study research, numerous approaches are used, including collaboratively creative poetic inquiry. In this chapter, two teacher educators and self-study scholars consider how their polyvocal poetic play has helped challenge the status quo of me... Read More about Polyvocal Poetic Play Through Self-study Research: Challenging the Status Quo to Improve Professional Practice.

Language Narratives and Shifting Multilingual Pedagogies: English teaching from the South (2022)
Mendelowitz, B., Ferreira, A., & Dixon, K. (2023). Language Narratives and Shifting Multilingual Pedagogies: English teaching from the South. Bloomsbury Publishing

This book challenges monoglossic ideologies, traditional language pedagogies and dominant forms of knowledge construction by foregrounding multilingual and multicultural students' language narratives, repertoires, and identities. The research is base... Read More about Language Narratives and Shifting Multilingual Pedagogies: English teaching from the South.

Self-study in Teaching and Teacher Education: Characteristics and contributions (2022)
Journal Article
Pithouse-Morgan, K. (2022). Self-study in Teaching and Teacher Education: Characteristics and contributions. Teaching and Teacher Education, 119, Article 103880.

The author analyzes self-study research in Teaching and Teacher Education (TATE). An introduction to self-study of professional practice as scholarship and methodology is followed by descriptions of 10 selected articles. Next is a presentation of 10... Read More about Self-study in Teaching and Teacher Education: Characteristics and contributions.

Editorial: Poetic Self-Study Research (2022)
Journal Article
Pithouse-Morgan, K., & Samaras, A. P. (2022). Editorial: Poetic Self-Study Research. Studying Teacher Education, 18(3), 219-222.

Through self-study research, teacher educators, teachers, and other professionals reimagine their practice to contribute to new ways of knowing and doing. Self-studies can be performed in a multitude of ways and from a variety of viewpoints. Self-stu... Read More about Editorial: Poetic Self-Study Research.

Being and becoming human in higher education: A co-autoethnographic inquiry (2021)
Book Chapter
Pithouse-Morgan, K., Pillay, D., & Naicker, I. (2021). Being and becoming human in higher education: A co-autoethnographic inquiry. In E. Lyle (Ed.), Re/humanizing education (31-42). Brill Academic Publishers.

We are South African academics in teacher development studies and educational leadership and management. In this chapter, we inquire, what have we learned through our autoethnographic explorations for re/humanizing learning and teaching, academic sel... Read More about Being and becoming human in higher education: A co-autoethnographic inquiry.

Autoethnography as/in higher education (2021)
Book Chapter
Pithouse-Morgan, K., Pillay, D., & Naicker, I. (2021). Autoethnography as/in higher education. In T. E. Adams, S. Holman Jones, & C. Ellis (Eds.), Handbook of Autoethnography (215-227). (Second edition). Routledge.

We explore autoethnography as a complex and potentially transformative methodology for understanding and enacting higher education. First, we position higher education in the context of global corporate managerialism and consider the possible effects... Read More about Autoethnography as/in higher education.

Opening a Poetic Container: Educative Learning from a Painful Poetry Performance (2020)
Journal Article
Pithouse-Morgan, K. (2021). Opening a Poetic Container: Educative Learning from a Painful Poetry Performance. Studying Teacher Education, 17(1), 100-117.

The catalyst for this self-study research was the performance of a sequence of poems at a colloquium for South African deans of education. The poems portray my interpretation of my students’ stories of physically and emotionally painful experiences a... Read More about Opening a Poetic Container: Educative Learning from a Painful Poetry Performance.

Choosing My Own Adventures: A Short Story of My Doctoral Journey (2020)
Book Chapter
Pithouse-Morgan, K. (2020). Choosing My Own Adventures: A Short Story of My Doctoral Journey. In B. Bradford (Ed.), The doctoral journey : international educationalist perspectives (27-35). Brill Academic Publishers.

In my doctoral research, I studied my professional learning in action by teaching three graduate teacher education courses at a South African university. I took a narrative self-study stance toward research and pedagogy to explore my lived experience... Read More about Choosing My Own Adventures: A Short Story of My Doctoral Journey.

The doing of ethnographies of eating: writing, observing, and eating chip butties during ethnographic research in primary schools in England (2020)
Journal Article
Earl, L. (2022). The doing of ethnographies of eating: writing, observing, and eating chip butties during ethnographic research in primary schools in England. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 35(1), 32-47.

This paper explores the experience of researching food in schools. Food is personal. It is an ingested symbol of culture, family, tradition, ethnicity… What does this mean as a researcher? How do we navigate food relationships? How is this relationsh... Read More about The doing of ethnographies of eating: writing, observing, and eating chip butties during ethnographic research in primary schools in England.

Postdigital storytelling: poetics, praxis, research (2019)
Jordan, S. (2019). Postdigital storytelling: poetics, praxis, research. Routledge.

Postdigital Storytelling offers a groundbreaking re-evaluation of one of the most dynamic and innovative areas of creativity today: digital storytelling. Central to this reassessment is the emergence of metamodernism as our dominant cultural conditio... Read More about Postdigital storytelling: poetics, praxis, research.