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Dr MATTHEW JOHNSON's Outputs (48)

Rebalancing River Lateral Connectivity: An Interdisciplinary Focus for Research and Management (2024)
Journal Article
Mason, R. J., Johnson, M. F., Wohl, E., Russell, C. E., Olden, J. D., Polvi, L. E., Rice, S. P., Hemsworth, M. J., Sponseller, R. A., & Thorne, C. R. (2025). Rebalancing River Lateral Connectivity: An Interdisciplinary Focus for Research and Management. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 12(1), Article e1766.

Lateral connectivity between rivers and terrestrial landscapes is critical for both river and landscape health. Due to widespread anthropogenic degradation of riverscapes, river management is aiming to connect rivers to floodplains, riparian zones, a... Read More about Rebalancing River Lateral Connectivity: An Interdisciplinary Focus for Research and Management.

Trace metal accumulation through the environment and wildlife at two derelict lead mines in Wales (2024)
Journal Article
Sartorius, A., Johnson, M. F., Young, S., Bennett, M., Baiker, K., Edwards, P., & Yon, L. (2024). Trace metal accumulation through the environment and wildlife at two derelict lead mines in Wales. Heliyon, 10(14), Article e34265.

Trace metal pollution is globally widespread, largely resulting from human activities. Due to the persistence and high toxicity of trace metals, these pollutants can have serious effects across ecosystems. However, few studies have directly assessed... Read More about Trace metal accumulation through the environment and wildlife at two derelict lead mines in Wales.

Greenhouse gas emissions from hydropower reservoirs: emission processes and management approaches (2024)
Journal Article
Wang, Z., Chan, F. K. S., Feng, M., & Johnson, M. F. (2024). Greenhouse gas emissions from hydropower reservoirs: emission processes and management approaches. Environmental Research Letters, 19(7), Article 073002.

Hydropower reservoirs, as vital inland waters bodies of anthropogenic origin, exhibit distinct characteristics from natural waters, thereby garnering research interest in the quantification and mapping of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In this revie... Read More about Greenhouse gas emissions from hydropower reservoirs: emission processes and management approaches.

Harnessing the runoff reduction potential of urban bioswales as an adaptation response to climate change (2024)
Journal Article
Lu, L., Johnson, M., Zhu, F., Xu, Y., Ruan, T., & Chan, F. (2024). Harnessing the runoff reduction potential of urban bioswales as an adaptation response to climate change. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 12207.

Nature-based solutions (NbS), including China's Sponge City Program (SCP), can address the challenges urban communities face due to surface runoff and flooding. The current capacity of SCP facilities in urban environments falls short of meeting the d... Read More about Harnessing the runoff reduction potential of urban bioswales as an adaptation response to climate change.

Material flow analysis of chemical additives in plastics: A critical review (2024)
Journal Article
Wang, J., Chan, F. K. S., Johnson, M. F., Chan, H. K., Cui, Y., Chen, J., Zhu, Y.-G., & Chen, W.-Q. (2024). Material flow analysis of chemical additives in plastics: A critical review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 54(23), 1692-1708.

The exponential growth in plastic production and usage has escalated global concerns about plastic pollution, particularly regarding harmful chemical additives. Understanding the anthropogenic cycles of these additives is the prerequisite to developi... Read More about Material flow analysis of chemical additives in plastics: A critical review.

Accounting for the power of nature: Using flume and field studies to compare the capacities of bio-energy and fluvial energy to move surficial gravels (2024)
Journal Article
Johnson, M. F., Albertson, L. K., Everall, N. C., Harvey, G. L., Mason, R., Pledger, A., Rice, S. P., & Thorne, C. R. (2024). Accounting for the power of nature: Using flume and field studies to compare the capacities of bio-energy and fluvial energy to move surficial gravels. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,

River channels, riparian and floodplain forms and dynamics are all influenced strongly by biological processes. However, the influence of macroinvertebrates on entrainment and transport of river sediments remains poorly understood. We use an energy-b... Read More about Accounting for the power of nature: Using flume and field studies to compare the capacities of bio-energy and fluvial energy to move surficial gravels.

Pesticide-related risks embodied in global soybean trade (2024)
Journal Article
Wang, J., Geng, X., Wang, P., Yang, J., Yang, Y., Chan, F. K. S., Chan, H. K., Johnson, M. F., Liu, X., Liu, X., Zhu, Y.-G., & Chen, W.-Q. (2024). Pesticide-related risks embodied in global soybean trade. Cell Reports Sustainability, 1(3), Article 100055.

Pesticides may help safeguard food security but endanger the local ecosystem and farmer health. The globalization of the food trade is masking such impacts by separating production from consumption, and its effects on pesticide use and their related... Read More about Pesticide-related risks embodied in global soybean trade.

Reconnecting a stream channel to its floodplain: implications for benthic diatoms and macroinvertebrate trophic structure (2024)
Journal Article
Edwards, P. M., Popp, N. C., Pan, Y., Weilhoefer, C. L., Peterman, A. B., Mork, L. A., Johnson, M. F., Morgan, C. R., Colley, M., Thorne, C. R., & Popp, B. N. (2024). Reconnecting a stream channel to its floodplain: implications for benthic diatoms and macroinvertebrate trophic structure. Restoration Ecology, 32(4), Article e14123.

Streams systems draining upland landscapes provide valuable ecosystem services, but they are vulnerable to incision and channelization caused by anthropogenic disturbance. Restoring a degraded stream to its pre‐disturbance condition by reconnecting t... Read More about Reconnecting a stream channel to its floodplain: implications for benthic diatoms and macroinvertebrate trophic structure.

Rising water temperature in rivers: Ecological impacts and future resilience (2024)
Journal Article
Johnson, M. F., Albertson, L. K., Algar, A. C., Dugdale, S. J., Edwards, P., England, J., Gibbins, C., Kazama, S., Komori, D., MacColl, A. D., Scholl, E. A., Wilby, R. L., Roque, F. O., & Wood, P. J. (2024). Rising water temperature in rivers: Ecological impacts and future resilience. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 11(4), Article e1724.

Rising water temperatures in rivers due to climate change are already having observable impacts on river ecosystems. Warming water has both direct and indirect impacts on aquatic life, and further aggravates pervasive issues such as eutrophication, p... Read More about Rising water temperature in rivers: Ecological impacts and future resilience.

Food security in climatic extremes: Challenges and opportunities for China (2024)
Journal Article
Shun Chan, F. K., Zhu, Y.-G., Wang, J., Chen, J., Johnson, M. F., Li, G., Chen, W.-Q., Wang, L., Li, P., & Wang, J. (2024). Food security in climatic extremes: Challenges and opportunities for China. Cell Reports Sustainability, 1(2), Article 100013.

Droughts and floods in 2022 and 2023 have compounded stress on Chinese food security. China’s northeast region is a major grain-producing powerhouse, but recent climatic extremes combined with EI Niño effects have exposed vulnerabilities in its agric... Read More about Food security in climatic extremes: Challenges and opportunities for China.

An AI approach to operationalise global daily PlanetScope satellite imagery for river water masking (2023)
Journal Article
Valman, S. J., Boyd, D. S., Carbonneau, P. E., Johnson, M. F., & Dugdale, S. J. (2024). An AI approach to operationalise global daily PlanetScope satellite imagery for river water masking. Remote Sensing of Environment, 301, Article 113932.

Monitoring rivers is vital to manage the invaluable ecosystem services they provide, and also to mitigate the risks they pose to property and life through flooding and drought. Due to the vast extent and dynamic nature of river systems, Earth Observa... Read More about An AI approach to operationalise global daily PlanetScope satellite imagery for river water masking.

Relationships between soil and badger elemental concentrations across a heterogeneously contaminated landscape (2023)
Journal Article
Sartorius, A., Cahoon, M., Corbetta, D., Grau-Roma, L., Johnson, M. F., Sandoval Barron, E., Smallman-Raynor, M., Swift, B. M., Yon, L., Young, S., & Bennett, M. (2023). Relationships between soil and badger elemental concentrations across a heterogeneously contaminated landscape. Science of the Total Environment, 869, Article 161684.

Understanding the links between environmental and wildlife elemental concentrations is key to help assess ecosystem functions and the potential effects of legacy pollutants. In this study, livers from 448 European badgers (Meles meles) collected acro... Read More about Relationships between soil and badger elemental concentrations across a heterogeneously contaminated landscape.

Widespread occurrence of microplastics in marine bays with diverse drivers and environmental risk (2022)
Journal Article
Liu, D., Guo, Z. F., Xu, Y. Y., Ka Shun Chan, F., Xu, Y. Y., Johnson, M., & Zhu, Y. G. (2022). Widespread occurrence of microplastics in marine bays with diverse drivers and environmental risk. Environment International, 168, Article 107483.

Microplastic contamination in the sediment of marine bays has attracted widespread attention, whereas the distribution, sedimentation, morphology and risk of microplastics at regional scale remain poorly understood. By introducing a data mining frame... Read More about Widespread occurrence of microplastics in marine bays with diverse drivers and environmental risk.

A possible role for river restoration enhancing biodiversity through interaction with wildfire (2022)
Journal Article
Pugh, B. E., Colley, M., Dugdale, S. J., Edwards, P., Flitcroft, R., Holz, A., Johnson, M., Mariani, M., Means‐Brous, M., Meyer, K., Moffett, K. B., Renan, L., Schrodt, F., Thorne, C., Valman, S., Wijayratne, U., & Field, R. (2022). A possible role for river restoration enhancing biodiversity through interaction with wildfire. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31(10), 1990-2004.

Background: Historically, wildfire regimes produced important landscape-scale disturbances in many regions globally. The “pyrodiversity begets biodiversity” hypothesis suggests that wildfires that generate temporally and spatially heterogeneous mosai... Read More about A possible role for river restoration enhancing biodiversity through interaction with wildfire.

Fluffy Rivers: How Our Clothes Can Harm Rivers and The Oceans (2022)
Journal Article
Stanton, T., Johnson, M., Gomes, R. L., Nathanail, P., Macnaughtan, W., & Kay, P. (2022). Fluffy Rivers: How Our Clothes Can Harm Rivers and The Oceans. Frontiers for Young Minds, 10, Article 743943.

Microplastics are one of the most well-known types of environmental pollution. A microplastic is any piece of plastic smaller than 5 mm (about the size of one of the circles on top of a Lego® block). Microplastics come in a variety of shapes and they... Read More about Fluffy Rivers: How Our Clothes Can Harm Rivers and The Oceans.

Human health implications from consuming eggs produced near a derelict metalliferous mine: a case study (2022)
Journal Article
Sartorius, A., Johnson, M., Young, S., Bennett, M., Baiker, K., Edwards, P., & Yon, L. (2022). Human health implications from consuming eggs produced near a derelict metalliferous mine: a case study. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A: Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment, 39(6), 1074-1085.

Lead pollution from metalliferous mines can have major environmental and health effects long after the mines have closed. Animals living near derelict mine sites can inadvertently ingest lead-contaminated soils, causing them to accumulate lead and po... Read More about Human health implications from consuming eggs produced near a derelict metalliferous mine: a case study.

Planet Patrolling: A citizen science brand audit of anthropogenic litter in the context of national legislation and international policy (2022)
Journal Article
Stanton, T., Chico, G., Carr, E., Cook, S., Gomes, R. L., Heard, E., Law, A., Wilson, H. L., & Johnson, M. (2022). Planet Patrolling: A citizen science brand audit of anthropogenic litter in the context of national legislation and international policy. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 436, Article 129118.

Anthropogenic Litter (AL) is ubiquitous in distribution and diverse in type and impact. Citizen science AL clean-ups engage citizens with the environment and have the potential to generate data that can inform policy. Here we present a detailed citiz... Read More about Planet Patrolling: A citizen science brand audit of anthropogenic litter in the context of national legislation and international policy.

Multi-model evaluation of catchment- and global-scale hydrological model simulations of drought characteristics across eight large river catchments (2022)
Journal Article
Kumar, A., Gosling, S. N., Johnson, M. F., Jones, M. D., Zaherpour, J., Kumar, R., Leng, G., Schmied, H. M., Kupzig, J., Breuer, L., Hanasaki, N., Tang, Q., Ostberg, S., Stacke, T., Pokhrel, Y., Wada, Y., & Masaki, Y. (2022). Multi-model evaluation of catchment- and global-scale hydrological model simulations of drought characteristics across eight large river catchments. Advances in Water Resources, 165, Article 104212.

Although global- and catchment-scale hydrological models are often shown to accurately simulate long-term runoff time-series, far less is known about their suitability for capturing hydrological extremes, such as droughts. Here we evaluated simulatio... Read More about Multi-model evaluation of catchment- and global-scale hydrological model simulations of drought characteristics across eight large river catchments.

Aquatic Insect Bioconstructions Modify Fine-Sediment Entrainment and Mobility (2022)
Journal Article
Mason, R. J., Rice, S. P., Johnson, M. F., Wood, P. J., & Vettori, D. (2022). Aquatic Insect Bioconstructions Modify Fine-Sediment Entrainment and Mobility. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 127(2), Article e2021JF006399.

The importance of two-way interactions between animals and the physical hydraulic and sedimentological environment are increasingly recognized (e.g., zoogeomorphology). Caddisflies (Trichoptera) are a group of aquatic insects known for their bioconst... Read More about Aquatic Insect Bioconstructions Modify Fine-Sediment Entrainment and Mobility.

Best practices for monitoring and assessing the ecological response to river restoration (2021)
Journal Article
England, J., Angelopoulos, N., Cooksley, S., Dodd, J., Gill, A., Gilvear, D., Johnson, M., Naura, M., O’hare, M., Tree, A., Wheeldon, J., & Wilkes, M. A. (2021). Best practices for monitoring and assessing the ecological response to river restoration. Water, 13(23), Article 3352.

Nature-based solutions are widely advocated for freshwater ecosystem conservation and restoration. As increasing amounts of river restoration are undertaken, the need to understand the ecological response to different measures and where measures are... Read More about Best practices for monitoring and assessing the ecological response to river restoration.