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Rising water temperature in rivers: Ecological impacts and future resilience

Johnson, Matthew F.; Albertson, Lindsey K.; Algar, Adam C.; Dugdale, Stephen J.; Edwards, Patrick; England, Judy; Gibbins, Christopher; Kazama, So; Komori, Daisuke; MacColl, Andrew D.C.; Scholl, Eric A.; Wilby, Robert L.; Roque, Fabio O.; Wood, Paul J.

Rising water temperature in rivers: Ecological impacts and future resilience Thumbnail


Lindsey K. Albertson

Adam C. Algar

Patrick Edwards

Judy England

Christopher Gibbins

So Kazama

Daisuke Komori

Eric A. Scholl

Robert L. Wilby

Fabio O. Roque

Paul J. Wood


Rising water temperatures in rivers due to climate change are already having observable impacts on river ecosystems. Warming water has both direct and indirect impacts on aquatic life, and further aggravates pervasive issues such as eutrophication, pollution, and the spread of disease. Animals can survive higher temperatures through physiological and/or genetic acclimation, behavioral and phenological change, and range shifts to more suitable locations. As such, those animals that are adapted to cool-water regions typically found in high altitudes and latitudes where there are fewer dispersal opportunities are most at risk of future extinction. However, sub-lethal impacts on animal physiology and phenology, body-size, and trophic interactions could have significant population-level effects elsewhere. Rivers are vulnerable to warming because historic management has typically left them exposed to solar radiation through the removal of riparian shade, and hydrologically disconnected longitudinally, laterally, and vertically. The resilience of riverine ecosystems is also limited by anthropogenic simplification of habitats, with implications for the dispersal and resource use of resident organisms. Due to the complex indirect impacts of warming on ecosystems, and the species-specific physiological and behavioral response of organisms to warming, predicting how river ecosystems will change in the future is challenging. Restoring rivers to provide connectivity and heterogeneity of conditions would provide resilience to a range of expected co-occurring pressures, including warming, and should be considered a priority as part of global strategies for climate adaptation and mitigation. This article is categorized under: Science of Water > Water and Environmental Change Water and Life > Nature of Freshwater Ecosystems Water and Life > Stresses and Pressures on Ecosystems.


Johnson, M. F., Albertson, L. K., Algar, A. C., Dugdale, S. J., Edwards, P., England, J., Gibbins, C., Kazama, S., Komori, D., MacColl, A. D., Scholl, E. A., Wilby, R. L., Roque, F. O., & Wood, P. J. (2024). Rising water temperature in rivers: Ecological impacts and future resilience. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 11(4), Article e1724.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 5, 2024
Online Publication Date Mar 5, 2024
Publication Date 2024-07
Deposit Date Mar 4, 2024
Publicly Available Date Mar 5, 2024
Journal WIREs: Water
Electronic ISSN 2049-1948
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 11
Issue 4
Article Number e1724
Keywords water temperature, thermal regime, thermal ecology, climate change
Public URL
Publisher URL


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