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Dr MATTHEW JOHNSON's Outputs (48)

Green infrastructure: The future of urban flood risk management? (2021)
Journal Article
Green, D., O'Donnell, E., Johnson, M., Slater, L., Thorne, C., Zheng, S., Stirling, R., Chan, F. K., Li, L., & Boothroyd, R. J. (2021). Green infrastructure: The future of urban flood risk management?. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 8(6), Article e1560.

Urban flooding is a key global challenge which is expected to become exacerbated under global change due to more intense rainfall and flashier runoff regimes over increasingly urban landscapes. Consequently, many cities are rethinking their approach... Read More about Green infrastructure: The future of urban flood risk management?.

Microplastic pollution in Chinese urban rivers: The influence of urban factors (2021)
Journal Article
Xu, Y., Chan, F. K. S., Johnson, M., Stanton, T., He, J., Jia, T., Wang, J., Wang, Z., Yao, Y., Yang, J., Liu, D., Xu, Y., & Yu, X. (2021). Microplastic pollution in Chinese urban rivers: The influence of urban factors. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 173, Article 105686.

Microplastics are being widely discussed as an emerging global environmental contaminant. Microplastic pollution usually originates from land-based sources, which are then mainly transported through hydrological and atmospheric pathways and accumulat... Read More about Microplastic pollution in Chinese urban rivers: The influence of urban factors.

Values influence public perceptions of flood management schemes (2021)
Journal Article
D'Souza, M., Johnson, M. F., & Ives, C. D. (2021). Values influence public perceptions of flood management schemes. Journal of Environmental Management, 291, Article 112636.

Natural Flood Management (NFM) is now well established as a paradigm for reducing flood risk. It is characterised by adopting a catchment-wide hydrological perspective and implementing solutions that work with natural processes such as wetlands, ripa... Read More about Values influence public perceptions of flood management schemes.

Synthesis of dominant plastic microfibre prevalence and pollution control feasibility in Chinese freshwater environments (2021)
Journal Article
Chan, F. K. S., Stanton, T., Johnson, M. F., Kay, P., Xu, Y., He, J., Wang, J., Liu, D., Xu, Y., Kong, C., & Wang, Z. (2021). Synthesis of dominant plastic microfibre prevalence and pollution control feasibility in Chinese freshwater environments. Science of the Total Environment, 783, Article 146863.

Microplastic pollution of freshwaters is known to be a great concern in China and these pollutants can be discharged into the coastal environment through fluvial processes, posing threats to the global marine ecosystem. This paper reviewed the litera... Read More about Synthesis of dominant plastic microfibre prevalence and pollution control feasibility in Chinese freshwater environments.

Simulating land use changes, sediment yields, and pesticide use in the Upper Paraguay River Basin: Implications for conservation of the Pantanal wetland (2021)
Journal Article
de Oliveira Roque, F., Guerra, A., Johnson, M., Padovania, C., Corbi, J., Covich, A. P., Eaton, D., Moraes Tomas, W., Valente-Neto, F., Piovezan Borges, A. C., Pinho, A., Barufatii, A., do Amara Crispim, B., Dettogni Guariento, R., Helena da Silva Andrade, M., Tavares Rezende-Filho, A., Portela, R., Divina, M., César Sampaioda Silva, J., Bernadino, C., …Yon, L. (2021). Simulating land use changes, sediment yields, and pesticide use in the Upper Paraguay River Basin: Implications for conservation of the Pantanal wetland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 314, 1-11.

As a consequence of accelerated and excessive use of pesticides in tropical regions, wilderness areas are under threat; this includes the Pantanal wetlands in the Upper Paraguay River Basin (UPRB). Using a Land Cover Land Use Change (LCLUC) modelling... Read More about Simulating land use changes, sediment yields, and pesticide use in the Upper Paraguay River Basin: Implications for conservation of the Pantanal wetland.

Anthropogenic litter is a novel habitat for aquatic macroinvertebrates in urban rivers (2020)
Journal Article
Wilson, H. L., Johnson, M. F., Wood, P. J., Thorne, C. R., & Eichhorn, M. P. (2021). Anthropogenic litter is a novel habitat for aquatic macroinvertebrates in urban rivers. Freshwater Biology, 66(3), 524-534.

1. Anthropogenic litter (solid manufactured waste) is an understudied but pervasive element of river systems worldwide. Its physical structure generally differs from natural substrates, such as gravel and cobbles (hereafter rocks). Consequently, anth... Read More about Anthropogenic litter is a novel habitat for aquatic macroinvertebrates in urban rivers.

Climate variability and implications for keeping rivers cool in England (2020)
Journal Article
Wilby, R., & Johnson, M. (2020). Climate variability and implications for keeping rivers cool in England. Climate Risk Management, 30, Article 100259.

Water temperature (Tw) is a primary determinant of river ecosystem health and function that is strongly controlled by climate variability and change but mediated by catchment properties. We apply a nested analysis to: (1) evaluate how annual and seas... Read More about Climate variability and implications for keeping rivers cool in England.

Thermal sensitivity of feeding and burrowing activity of an invasive crayfish in UK waters (2020)
Journal Article
Rodríguez Valido, C. A., Johnson, M. F., Dugdale, S. J., Cutts, V., Fell, H. G., Higgins, E. A., Tarr, S., Templey, C. M., & Algar, A. C. (2021). Thermal sensitivity of feeding and burrowing activity of an invasive crayfish in UK waters. Ecohydrology, 14(1), Article e2258.

Climate change and invasive species are among the biggest threats to global biodiversity and ecosystem function. Although the individual impacts of climate change and invasive species are commonly assessed, we know far less about how a changing clima... Read More about Thermal sensitivity of feeding and burrowing activity of an invasive crayfish in UK waters.

A critical review of microplastic pollution in urban freshwater environments and legislative progress in China: recommendations and insights (2020)
Journal Article
Xu, Y., Ka Shun Chan, F., He, J., Johnson, M., Gibbins, C., Kay, P., Stanton, T., Xu, Y., Li, G., Feng, M., Paramor, O., Yu, X., & Zhu, Y.-G. (2021). A critical review of microplastic pollution in urban freshwater environments and legislative progress in China: recommendations and insights. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 51(22), 2637-2680.

Freshwater systems are vitally important, supporting diversity and providing a range of ecosystem services. In China, rapid urbanization (over 800 million urban population) has led to multiple anthropogenic pressures that threaten urban freshwater en... Read More about A critical review of microplastic pollution in urban freshwater environments and legislative progress in China: recommendations and insights.

Freshwater microplastic concentrations vary through both space and time (2020)
Journal Article
Stanton, T., Johnson, M., Nathanail, P., MacNaughtan, W., & Gomes, R. L. (2020). Freshwater microplastic concentrations vary through both space and time. Environmental Pollution, 263, Article 114481.

Plastic pollution represents one of the most salient indicators of society’s impact on the environment. The microplastic component of this is ubiquitous, however, microplastic studies are seldom representative of the locations they sample. Over 12 mo... Read More about Freshwater microplastic concentrations vary through both space and time.

Characterising the geomorphological and physicochemical effects of water injection dredging on estuarine systems (2020)
Journal Article
Pledger, A., Johnson, M., Brewin, P., Phillips, J., Martin, S., & Yu, D. (2020). Characterising the geomorphological and physicochemical effects of water injection dredging on estuarine systems. Journal of Environmental Management, 261, Article 110259.

Dredging is a globally important aquatic system management activity, used for navigation improvement, contamination removal, aggregate production and/or flood risk mitigation. Despite widespread application, understanding of the environmental effects... Read More about Characterising the geomorphological and physicochemical effects of water injection dredging on estuarine systems.

Exploring the Efficacy of Nile Red in Microplastic Quantification: A Costaining Approach (2019)
Journal Article
Stanton, T., Johnson, M., Nathanail, P., Gomes, R., Needham, T., & Burson, A. (2019). Exploring the Efficacy of Nile Red in Microplastic Quantification: A Costaining Approach. Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 6(10), 606-611.

The presence of microplastic particles ([less than]5 mm) in the environment has generated considerable concern across public, political, and scientific platforms. However, the diversity of microplastics that persist in the environment poses complex a... Read More about Exploring the Efficacy of Nile Red in Microplastic Quantification: A Costaining Approach.

Biomic river restoration: A new focus for river management (2019)
Journal Article
Johnson, M. F., Thorne, C. R., Castro, J. M., Mathias Kondolf, G., Mazzacano, C. S., Rood, S. B., & Westbrook, C. (2020). Biomic river restoration: A new focus for river management. River Research and Applications, 36(1), 3-12.

River management based solely on physical science has proven to be unsustainable and unsuccessful, evidenced by the fact that the problems this approach intended to solve (e.g., flood hazards, water scarcity, and channel instability) have not been so... Read More about Biomic river restoration: A new focus for river management.

Macroinvertebrate community structure as an indicator of phosphorus enrichment in rivers (2019)
Journal Article
EVERALL, N., JOHNSON, M., WOOD, P., PAISLEY, M., TRIGG, D., & FARMER, A. (2019). Macroinvertebrate community structure as an indicator of phosphorus enrichment in rivers. Ecological Indicators, 107, Article 105619.

Nutrient enrichment represents one of the most important causes of detriment to river ecosystem health globally. Monitoring nutrient inputs can be particularly challenging given the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of nitrogen and phosphorus concen... Read More about Macroinvertebrate community structure as an indicator of phosphorus enrichment in rivers.

Macroinvertebrate community structure as an indicator of phosphorus enrichment in rivers (2019)
Journal Article
Everall, N., Johnson, M., Wood, P., Paisley, M., Trigg, D., & Farmer, A. (2019). Macroinvertebrate community structure as an indicator of phosphorus enrichment in rivers. Ecological Indicators, 107, Article 105619.

Nutrient enrichment represents one of the most important causes of detriment to river ecosystem health globally. Monitoring nutrient inputs can be particularly challenging given the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of nitrogen and phosphorus concen... Read More about Macroinvertebrate community structure as an indicator of phosphorus enrichment in rivers.

The impact of biological bedforms on near-bed and subsurface flow: a laboratory evaluated numerical study of flow in the vicinity of pits and mounds (2019)
Journal Article
Han, X., Fang, H., Johnson, M., & Rice, S. (2019). The impact of biological bedforms on near-bed and subsurface flow: a laboratory evaluated numerical study of flow in the vicinity of pits and mounds. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 124(7), 1939-1957.

The complex surface topography of river substrates controls near-bed hydraulics and drives the exchange of subsurface and surface flow. In rivers, the topographic structures that are studied are usually formed by the flow but, it is known that many a... Read More about The impact of biological bedforms on near-bed and subsurface flow: a laboratory evaluated numerical study of flow in the vicinity of pits and mounds.

The zoogeomorphology of case‐building caddisfly: Quantifying sediment use (2019)
Journal Article
Mason, R. J., Rice, S. P., Wood, P. J., & Johnson, M. F. (2019). The zoogeomorphology of case‐building caddisfly: Quantifying sediment use. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44(12), 2510-2525.

Caddisfly (Trichoptera) larvae are an abundant and widespread aquatic insect group characterised by the construction of silk structures, including nets and cases. Case‐building caddisfly have the potential to modify the sorting and mobility of sand a... Read More about The zoogeomorphology of case‐building caddisfly: Quantifying sediment use.

Freshwater and airborne textile fibre populations are dominated by ‘natural’, not microplastic, fibres (2019)
Journal Article
Stanton, T., Johnson, M., Nathanail, P., MacNaughtan, W., & Gomes, R. L. (2019). Freshwater and airborne textile fibre populations are dominated by ‘natural’, not microplastic, fibres. Science of the Total Environment, 666, 377-389.

The potential role of natural textile fibres as environmental pollutants has been speculated upon by some environmental scientists, however, there is a general consensus that their biodegradability reduces their environmental threat. Whilst the risks... Read More about Freshwater and airborne textile fibre populations are dominated by ‘natural’, not microplastic, fibres.

Sensitivity of the early life stages of a mayfly to fine sediment and orthophosphate levels (2017)
Journal Article
Everall, N. C., Johnson, M. F., Wood, P., & Mattingley, L. (2018). Sensitivity of the early life stages of a mayfly to fine sediment and orthophosphate levels. Environmental Pollution, 237, 792-802.

The ecological effects of interacting stressors within lotic ecosystems have been widely acknowledged. In particular, the ecological effects of elevated fine sediment inputs and phosphate have been identified as key factors influencing faunal communi... Read More about Sensitivity of the early life stages of a mayfly to fine sediment and orthophosphate levels.

Comparability of macroinvertebrate biomonitoring indices of river health derived from semi-quantitative and quantitative methodologies (2017)
Journal Article
Everall, N. C., Johnson, M. F., Wood, P., Farmer, A., Wilby, R. L., & Measham, N. (2017). Comparability of macroinvertebrate biomonitoring indices of river health derived from semi-quantitative and quantitative methodologies. Ecological Indicators, 78, 437-448.

Aquatic macroinvertebrates have been the basis for one of the primary indicators and a cornerstone of lotic biomonitoring for over 40 years. Despite the widespread use of lotic invertebrates in statutory biomonitoring networks, scientific research an... Read More about Comparability of macroinvertebrate biomonitoring indices of river health derived from semi-quantitative and quantitative methodologies.