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Dr DANIEL WILKINSON's Outputs (41)

The mechanisms of skeletal muscle atrophy in response to transient knockdown of the vitamin D receptor in vivo (2020)
Journal Article
Bass, J. J., Kazi, A. A., Deane, C. S., Nakhuda, A., Ashcroft, S. P., Brook, M. S., Wilkinson, D. J., Phillips, B. E., Philp, A., Tarum, J., Kadi, F., Andersen, D., Garcia, A. M., Smith, K., Gallagher, I. J., Szewczyk, N. J., Cleasby, M. E., & Atherton, P. J. (2021). The mechanisms of skeletal muscle atrophy in response to transient knockdown of the vitamin D receptor in vivo. Journal of Physiology, 599(3), 963-979.

Key points: Reduced vitamin D receptor (VDR) expression prompts skeletal muscle atrophy. Atrophy occurs through catabolic processes, namely the induction of autophagy, while anabolism remains unchanged. In response to VDR-knockdown mitochondrial func... Read More about The mechanisms of skeletal muscle atrophy in response to transient knockdown of the vitamin D receptor in vivo.

Associations between plasma branched chain amino acids and health biomarkers in response to resistance exercise training across age (2020)
Journal Article
Sayda, M. H., Phillips, B. E., Williams, J. P., Greenhaff, P. L., Wilkinson, D. J., Smith, K., & Atherton, P. J. (2020). Associations between plasma branched chain amino acids and health biomarkers in response to resistance exercise training across age. Nutrients, 12(10), Article 3029.

© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Leucine, isoleucine and valine (i.e., the branched chain amino acids, BCAA) play a key role in the support and regulation of tissue protein regulation and also as energy substrates. However, p... Read More about Associations between plasma branched chain amino acids and health biomarkers in response to resistance exercise training across age.

Glucagon-like peptide 1 infusions overcome anabolic resistance to feeding in older human muscle (2020)
Journal Article
Abdulla, H., Phillips, B. E., Wilkinson, D. J., Limb, M., Jandova, T., Bass, J. J., Rankin, D., Cegielski, J., Sayda, M., Crossland, H., Williams, J. P., Smith, K., Idris, I., & Atherton, P. J. (2020). Glucagon-like peptide 1 infusions overcome anabolic resistance to feeding in older human muscle. Aging Cell, 19(9), Article e13202.

© 2020 The Authors. Aging Cell published by Anatomical Society and John Wiley & Sons Ltd Background: Despite its known insulin-independent effects, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) role in muscle protein turnover has not been explored under fed-stat... Read More about Glucagon-like peptide 1 infusions overcome anabolic resistance to feeding in older human muscle.

Targeted genotype analyses of GWAS-derived lean body mass and handgrip strength-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms in elite masters athletes (2020)
Journal Article
Crossland, H., Piasecki, J., McCormick, D., Phillips, B. E., Wilkinson, D. J., Smith, K., McPhee, J. S., Piasecki, M., & Atherton, P. J. (2020). Targeted genotype analyses of GWAS-derived lean body mass and handgrip strength-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms in elite masters athletes. AJP - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 319(2), R184-R194.

Recent large genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have independently identified a set of genetic loci associated with lean body mass (LBM) and handgrip strength (HGS). Evaluation of these candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) may be usef... Read More about Targeted genotype analyses of GWAS-derived lean body mass and handgrip strength-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms in elite masters athletes.

The Effect of Whey Protein Supplementation on Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis and Performance Recovery in Resistance-Trained Men (2020)
Journal Article
Davies, R. W., Bass, J. J., Carson, B. P., Norton, C., Kozior, M., Wilkinson, D. J., Brook, M. S., Atherton, P. J., Smith, K., & Jakeman, P. M. (2020). The Effect of Whey Protein Supplementation on Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis and Performance Recovery in Resistance-Trained Men. Nutrients, 12(3), Article 845.

Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of whey protein supplementation on myofibrillar protein synthesis (myoPS) and muscle recovery over a 7-d period of intensified resistance training (RT). Methods: In a double-blind random... Read More about The Effect of Whey Protein Supplementation on Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis and Performance Recovery in Resistance-Trained Men.

Network analysis of human muscle adaptation to aging and contraction (2020)
Journal Article
Etheridge, T., Willis, C., Atherton, P., Ames, R., Szewczyk, N., Deane, C., Kadi, F., Phillips, B., Smith, K., Boereboom, C., Wilkinson, D., Abdulla, H., Williams, J., Bukhari, S., & Lund, J. (2020). Network analysis of human muscle adaptation to aging and contraction. Aging, 12(1), 740-755.

Resistance exercise (RE) remains a primary approach for minimising aging muscle decline. Understanding muscle adaptation to individual contractile components of RE (eccentric, concentric) might optimise RE-based intervention strategies. Herein, we em... Read More about Network analysis of human muscle adaptation to aging and contraction.

Testosterone therapy induces molecular programming augmenting physiological adaptations to resistance exercise in older men (2019)
Journal Article
Gharahdaghi, N., Rudrappa, S., Brook, M. S., Idris, I., Crossland, H., Hamrock, C., Aziz, H., Kadi, F., Tarum, J., Greenhaff, P. L., Constantin‐Teodosiu, D., Cegielski, J., Phillips, B. E., Wilkinson, D. J., Szewczyk, N. J., Smith, K., & Atherton, P. J. (2019). Testosterone therapy induces molecular programming augmenting physiological adaptations to resistance exercise in older men. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 10(6), 1276-1294.

Background: The andropause is associated with declines in serum testosterone (T), loss of muscle mass (sarcopenia) and frailty. Two major interventions purported to offset sarcopenia are anabolic steroid therapies and resistance exercise training (RE... Read More about Testosterone therapy induces molecular programming augmenting physiological adaptations to resistance exercise in older men.

Differential Stimulation of Post-Exercise Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis in Humans Following Isonitrogenous, Isocaloric Pre-Exercise Feeding (2019)
Journal Article
Davies, R. W., Bass, J. J., Carson, B. P., Norton, C., Kozior, M., Amigo-Benavent, M., Wilkinson, D. J., Brook, M. S., Atherton, P. J., Smith, K., & Jakeman, P. M. (2019). Differential Stimulation of Post-Exercise Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis in Humans Following Isonitrogenous, Isocaloric Pre-Exercise Feeding. Nutrients, 11(7), Article 1657.

The aim of this study was to test the effects of two disparate isonitrogenous, isocaloric pre-exercise feeds on deuterium-oxide (D2O) derived measures of myofibrillar protein synthesis (myoPS) in humans. Methods: In a double-blind parallel group desi... Read More about Differential Stimulation of Post-Exercise Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis in Humans Following Isonitrogenous, Isocaloric Pre-Exercise Feeding.

The acute transcriptional response to resistance exercise: impact of age and contraction mode (2019)
Journal Article
Deane, C. S., Ames, R. M., Phillips, B. E., Weedon, M. N., Willis, C. R., Boereboom, C., Abdulla, H., Bukhari, S. S., Lund, J. N., Williams, J. P., Wilkinson, D. J., Smith, K., Gallagher, I. J., Kadi, F., Szewczyk, N. J., Atherton, P. J., & Etheridge, T. (2019). The acute transcriptional response to resistance exercise: impact of age and contraction mode. Aging, 11(7), 2111-2126.

Optimization of resistance exercise (RE) remains a hotbed of research for muscle building and maintenance. However, the interactions between the contractile components of RE (i.e. concentric (CON) and eccentric (ECC)) and age, are poorly defined. We... Read More about The acute transcriptional response to resistance exercise: impact of age and contraction mode.

Human skeletal muscle is refractory to the anabolic effects of leucine during the postprandial muscle-full period in older men (2017)
Journal Article
Mitchell, W. K., Phillips, B. E., Hill, I., Greenhaff, P. L., Lund, J. N., Williams, J. P., Rankin, D., Wilkinson, D. J., Smith, K., & Atherton, P. J. (2017). Human skeletal muscle is refractory to the anabolic effects of leucine during the postprandial muscle-full period in older men. Clinical Science, 131(21),

Leucine modulates muscle protein synthesis (MPS), with potential to facilitate accrual/maintenance of muscle mass. Animal models suggest that leucine boluses shortly after meals may prolong MPS and delay onset of a “muscle-full” state. However, the e... Read More about Human skeletal muscle is refractory to the anabolic effects of leucine during the postprandial muscle-full period in older men.

A 4-week, lifestyle-integrated, home-based exercise training programme elicits improvements in physical function and lean mass in older men and women: a pilot study (2017)
Journal Article
Cegielski, J., Brook, M. S., Quinlan, J. I., Wilkinson, D. J., Smith, K., Atherton, P. J., & Phillips, B. E. (2017). A 4-week, lifestyle-integrated, home-based exercise training programme elicits improvements in physical function and lean mass in older men and women: a pilot study. F1000Research,

Background: Developing alternative exercise programmes that can alleviate certain barriers to exercise such as psychological, environmental or socio-economical barriers, but provide similar physiological benefits e.g. increases in muscle mass and str... Read More about A 4-week, lifestyle-integrated, home-based exercise training programme elicits improvements in physical function and lean mass in older men and women: a pilot study.

Nutrient modulation in the management of disease-induced muscle wasting: evidence from human studies (2017)
Journal Article
Brook, M. S., Wilkinson, D. J., & Atherton, P. J. (2017). Nutrient modulation in the management of disease-induced muscle wasting: evidence from human studies. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 20(6), 433-439.

Purpose of review: In addition to being essential for movement, skeletal muscles act as both a store and source of key macronutrients. As such, muscle is an important tissue for whole body homeostasis, undergoing muscle wasting in times of starvation... Read More about Nutrient modulation in the management of disease-induced muscle wasting: evidence from human studies.

A novel D2O tracer method to quantify RNA turnover as a biomarker of de novo ribosomal biogenesis, in vitro, in animal models, and in human skeletal muscle (2017)
Journal Article
Brook, M. S., Wilkinson, D., Mitchell, W. K., Lund, J. N., Phillips, B. E., Szewczyk, N. J., Kainulainen, H., Lensu, S., Koch, L., Britton, S., Greenhaff, P. L., Smith, K., & Atherton, P. J. (2017). A novel D2O tracer method to quantify RNA turnover as a biomarker of de novo ribosomal biogenesis, in vitro, in animal models, and in human skeletal muscle. AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism, 313(6), Article E681-E689.

Current methods to quantify in vivo RNA dynamics are limited. Here, we developed a novel stable isotope (D2O) methodology to quantify RNA synthesis (i.e., ribosomal biogenesis) in cells, animal models, and humans. First, proliferating C2C12 cells wer... Read More about A novel D2O tracer method to quantify RNA turnover as a biomarker of de novo ribosomal biogenesis, in vitro, in animal models, and in human skeletal muscle.

Human Skeletal Muscle Disuse Atrophy: Effects on Muscle Protein Synthesis, Breakdown, and Insulin Resistance—A Qualitative Review (2016)
Journal Article
Rudrappa, S. S., Wilkinson, D., Greenhaff, P. L., Smith, K., Idris, I., & Atherton, P. J. (2016). Human Skeletal Muscle Disuse Atrophy: Effects on Muscle Protein Synthesis, Breakdown, and Insulin Resistance—A Qualitative Review. Frontiers in Physiology, 7(361),

The ever increasing burden of an ageing population and pandemic of metabolic syndrome worldwide demands further understanding of the modifiable risk factors in reducing disability and morbidity associated with these conditions. Disuse skeletal muscle... Read More about Human Skeletal Muscle Disuse Atrophy: Effects on Muscle Protein Synthesis, Breakdown, and Insulin Resistance—A Qualitative Review.

Early structural remodeling and deuterium oxide-derived protein metabolic responses to eccentric and concentric loading in human skeletal muscle (2015)
Journal Article
Franchi, M. V., Wilkinson, D. J., Quinlan, J. I., Mitchell, W. K., Lund, J. N., Williams, J. P., Reeves, N. D., Smith, K., Atherton, P. J., & Narici, M. V. (2015). Early structural remodeling and deuterium oxide-derived protein metabolic responses to eccentric and concentric loading in human skeletal muscle. Physiological Reports, 3(11), Article e12593.

We recently reported that the greatest distinguishing feature between eccentric (ECC) and concentric (CON) muscle loading lays in architectural adaptations: ECC favors increases in fascicle length (Lf), associated with distal vastus lateralis muscle... Read More about Early structural remodeling and deuterium oxide-derived protein metabolic responses to eccentric and concentric loading in human skeletal muscle.

Internal comparison between deuterium oxide (D2O) and L-[ring-13C6] phenylalanine for acute measurement of muscle protein synthesis in humans (2015)
Journal Article
Smith, K., Cegielski, J., Wilkinson, D., Phillips, B., Boereboom, C., Lund, J., & Atherton, P. (2015). Internal comparison between deuterium oxide (D2O) and L-[ring-13C6] phenylalanine for acute measurement of muscle protein synthesis in humans. Physiological Reports, 3(7), Article e12433.

Stable isotope tracer methodologies are becoming increasingly widespread in metabolic research; yet a number of factors restrict their implementation, such as, i.v infusions, multiple cannulae, tissue samples, and significant cost. We recently valida... Read More about Internal comparison between deuterium oxide (D2O) and L-[ring-13C6] phenylalanine for acute measurement of muscle protein synthesis in humans.

Intake of low-dose leucine-rich essential amino acids stimulates muscle anabolism equivalently to bolus whey protein in older women at rest and after exercise (2015)
Journal Article
Bukhari, S. S., Phillips, B. E., Wilkinson, D. J., Limb, M. C., Rankin, D., Mitchell, W. K., Kobayashi, H., Greenhaff, P. L., Smith, K., & Atherton, P. J. (2015). Intake of low-dose leucine-rich essential amino acids stimulates muscle anabolism equivalently to bolus whey protein in older women at rest and after exercise. AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism, 308(12), E1056-E1065.

© 2015 American Physiological Society. All Rights Reseved. Dysregulated anabolic responses to nutrition/exercise may contribute to sarcopenia; however, these characteristics are poorly defined in female populations. We determined the effects of two f... Read More about Intake of low-dose leucine-rich essential amino acids stimulates muscle anabolism equivalently to bolus whey protein in older women at rest and after exercise.

Protein Carbonylation and Heat Shock Proteins in Human Skeletal Muscle: Relationships to Age and Sarcopenia (2014)
Journal Article
Beltran Valls, M. R., Wilkinson, D. J., Narici, M. V., Phillips, B. E., Smith, K., Caporossi, D., & Atherton, P. J. (2015). Protein Carbonylation and Heat Shock Proteins in Human Skeletal Muscle: Relationships to Age and Sarcopenia. Journals of Gerontology, Series A, 70(2), 174-181.

Aging is associated with a gradual loss of muscle mass termed sarcopenia, which has significant impact on quality-of-life. Because oxidative stress is proposed to negatively impact upon musculoskeletal aging, we investigated links between human aging... Read More about Protein Carbonylation and Heat Shock Proteins in Human Skeletal Muscle: Relationships to Age and Sarcopenia.