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Professor SAMANTA PIANO's Outputs (42)

Surface texture characterisation with reduced boundary effect for diamond-turned micro-structured surfaces (2022)
Journal Article
Guo, P., Liu, M., Zhang, B., Li, J., Xiong, Z., Piano, S., & Zhang, S. (2023). Surface texture characterisation with reduced boundary effect for diamond-turned micro-structured surfaces. Precision Engineering, 79, 236-244.

Micro-structured surfaces, fabricated by ultra-precision diamond turning (UPDT) with nanometric surface texture, have been widely used due to their wide range of functionalities. Their functional performance is closely related to their surface textur... Read More about Surface texture characterisation with reduced boundary effect for diamond-turned micro-structured surfaces.

Smart optical coordinate and surface metrology (2022)
Journal Article
Catalucci, S., Thompson, A., Eastwood, J., Zhang, Z. M., Branson, D. T., Leach, R., & Piano, S. (2022). Smart optical coordinate and surface metrology. Measurement Science and Technology, 34(1), Article 012001.

Manufacturing has recently experienced increased adoption of optimised and fast solutions for checking product quality during fabrication, allowing for manufacturing times and costs to be significantly reduced. Due to the integration of machine learn... Read More about Smart optical coordinate and surface metrology.

Optical metrology for digital manufacturing: a review (2022)
Journal Article
Catalucci, S., Thompson, A., Piano, S., Branson, D. T., & Leach, R. (2022). Optical metrology for digital manufacturing: a review. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 120(7-8), 4271-4290.

With the increasing adoption of Industry 4.0, optical metrology has experienced a significant boom in its implementation, as an ever-increasing number of manufacturing processes are overhauled for in-process measurement and control. As such, optical... Read More about Optical metrology for digital manufacturing: a review.

Generation and categorisation of surface texture data using a modified progressively growing adversarial network (2021)
Journal Article
Eastwood, J., Newton, L., Leach, R., & Piano, S. (2022). Generation and categorisation of surface texture data using a modified progressively growing adversarial network. Precision Engineering, 74, 1-11.

As machine learning becomes more popular in the precision engineering sector, the need for large datasets of measurement data increases. Due to the often manual, user dependent and labour-intensive measurement processes, collecting a large amount of... Read More about Generation and categorisation of surface texture data using a modified progressively growing adversarial network.

Finite element modelling of defects in additively manufactured strut-based lattice structures (2021)
Journal Article
Echeta, I., Dutton, B., Leach, R. K., & Piano, S. (2021). Finite element modelling of defects in additively manufactured strut-based lattice structures. Additive Manufacturing, 47, Article 102301.

Strut-based lattice structures produced by powder bed fusion are prone to characteristic manufacturing defects that alter both their form and surface texture. Most studies in the literature focus on a subset of commonly observed defects, typically ra... Read More about Finite element modelling of defects in additively manufactured strut-based lattice structures.

General Expressions for the Quantum Fisher Information Matrix with Applications to Discrete Quantum Imaging (2021)
Journal Article
Fiderer, L. J., Tufarelli, T., Adesso, G., & Piano, S. (2021). General Expressions for the Quantum Fisher Information Matrix with Applications to Discrete Quantum Imaging. PRX Quantum, 2(2), Article 020308.

The quantum Fisher information matrix is a central object in multiparameter quantum estimation theory. It is usually challenging to obtain analytical expressions for it because most calculation methods rely on the diagonalization of the density matri... Read More about General Expressions for the Quantum Fisher Information Matrix with Applications to Discrete Quantum Imaging.

Characterisation of a multi-view fringe projection system based on the stereo matching of rectified phase maps (2021)
Journal Article
Shaheen, A., Sims-Waterhouse, D., Bointon, P., Takushima, S., Piano, S., & Leach, R. K. (2021). Characterisation of a multi-view fringe projection system based on the stereo matching of rectified phase maps. Measurement Science and Technology, 32(4), Article 045006.

Multi-view fringe projection systems can be effective solutions to address the limitations imposed by the limited field of view, line-of-sight issues and occlusions when measuring the geometry of
complex objects, associated with single camera-projec... Read More about Characterisation of a multi-view fringe projection system based on the stereo matching of rectified phase maps.

Real-time target alignment system for high-power high-repetition rate laser operations using a five degree-of-freedom hybrid mechanism (2020)
Journal Article
Karim, S., Piano, S., Branson, D., Santoso, T., Leach, R., & Tolley, M. (2022). Real-time target alignment system for high-power high-repetition rate laser operations using a five degree-of-freedom hybrid mechanism. International Journal of Control, 95(4), 867-885.

This paper presents a real-time position control solution for the targets used in the high-repetition rate laser operations of large-scale high-power laser facilities. The design of the control system is based on an Abbe-compliant, in-process positio... Read More about Real-time target alignment system for high-power high-repetition rate laser operations using a five degree-of-freedom hybrid mechanism.

Optimisation of camera positions for optical coordinate measurement based on visible point analysis (2020)
Journal Article
Zhang, H., Eastwood, J., Isa, M., Sims-Waterhouse, D., Leach, R., & Piano, S. (2021). Optimisation of camera positions for optical coordinate measurement based on visible point analysis. Precision Engineering, 67, 178-188.

In optical coordinate measurement using cameras, the number of images, and positions and orientations of the cameras, are critical to object accessibility and the accuracy of a measurement. In this paper, we propose a technique to optimise the number... Read More about Optimisation of camera positions for optical coordinate measurement based on visible point analysis.

Volumetric error modelling of a stereo vision system for error correction in photogrammetric three-dimensional coordinate metrology (2020)
Journal Article
Isa, M. A., Sims-Waterhouse, D., Piano, S., & Leach, R. (2020). Volumetric error modelling of a stereo vision system for error correction in photogrammetric three-dimensional coordinate metrology. Precision Engineering, 64, 188-199.

Optical three-dimensional coordinate measurement using stereo vision has systematic errors that affect measurement quality. This paper presents a scheme for measuring, modelling and correcting these errors. The position and orientation of a linear st... Read More about Volumetric error modelling of a stereo vision system for error correction in photogrammetric three-dimensional coordinate metrology.

Real-time target alignment system for high-power high-repetition rate laser operations using a five degree-of-freedom hybrid mechanism (2020)
Journal Article
Leach, R., Branson, D., Karim, S., Tolley, M., Piano, S., & Santoso, T. (2020). Real-time target alignment system for high-power high-repetition rate laser operations using a five degree-of-freedom hybrid mechanism. International Journal of Control, 95(4), 867-885.

This paper presents a real-time position control solution for the targets used in the high-repetition rate laser operations of high-power laser facilities. The control system is designed based on an Abbe-compliant, in-process position measurement sys... Read More about Real-time target alignment system for high-power high-repetition rate laser operations using a five degree-of-freedom hybrid mechanism.

Review of defects in lattice structures manufactured by powder bed fusion (2019)
Journal Article
Echeta, I., Dutton, B., Feng, X., Leach, R., & Piano, S. (2020). Review of defects in lattice structures manufactured by powder bed fusion. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 106(5-6), 2649–2668.

Additively manufactured lattice structures are popular due to their desirable properties, such as high specific stiffness and high surface area, and are being explored for several applications including aerospace components, heat exchangers and biome... Read More about Review of defects in lattice structures manufactured by powder bed fusion.

Uncertainty model for a traceable stereo-photogrammetry system (2019)
Journal Article
Sims-Waterhouse, D., Isa, M., Piano, S., & Leach, R. (2020). Uncertainty model for a traceable stereo-photogrammetry system. Precision Engineering, 63, 1-9.

Through the computational modelling and experimental verification of a stereo-photogrammetry system, the expanded uncertainty on form measurement was estimated and was found to be , and for a 95% confidence interval (coverage factors of = 3.2, 2.0... Read More about Uncertainty model for a traceable stereo-photogrammetry system.

Towards superresolution surface metrology: quantum estimation of angular and axial separations (2019)
Journal Article
Napoli, C., Piano, S., Leach, R., Adesso, G., & Tufarelli, T. (2019). Towards superresolution surface metrology: quantum estimation of angular and axial separations. Physical Review Letters, 122(14), Article 140505.

We investigate the localization of two incoherent point sources with arbitrary angular and axial separations in the paraxial approximation. By using quantum metrology techniques, we show that a simultaneous estimation of the two separations is achiev... Read More about Towards superresolution surface metrology: quantum estimation of angular and axial separations.

Error modelling and validation of a high-precision five degree of freedom hybrid mechanism for high-power high-repetition rate laser operations (2018)
Journal Article
Karim, S., Piano, S., Leach, R. K., & Tolley, M. (2018). Error modelling and validation of a high-precision five degree of freedom hybrid mechanism for high-power high-repetition rate laser operations. Precision Engineering, 54, 182-197.

The accuracy, repeatability and speed requirements of high-power laser operations demand the employment of five degree of freedom motion control solutions that are capable of positioning and orientating the target with respect to the laser(s)-target... Read More about Error modelling and validation of a high-precision five degree of freedom hybrid mechanism for high-power high-repetition rate laser operations.

Manufacturing-error-based maintenance for high-precision machine tools (2017)
Journal Article
Shi, S., Lin, J., Xu, X., Feng, X., & Piano, S. (2018). Manufacturing-error-based maintenance for high-precision machine tools. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 95(1-4),

Nowadays, the condition-based maintenance (CBM), in which repairs are triggered by the heuristic symptoms of the component faults, is finding increasing applications in the industrial fields. However, for the high-precision machine tools, the convent... Read More about Manufacturing-error-based maintenance for high-precision machine tools.

Flexible decoupled camera and projector fringe projection system using inertial sensors (2017)
Journal Article
Stavroulakis, P., Sims-Waterhouse, D., Piano, S., & Leach, R. K. (in press). Flexible decoupled camera and projector fringe projection system using inertial sensors. Optical Engineering, 56(10),

Measurement of objects with complex geometry and many self occlusions is increasingly important in many fields, including additive manufacturing. In a fringe projection system, the camera and the projector cannot move independently with respect to ea... Read More about Flexible decoupled camera and projector fringe projection system using inertial sensors.

Verification of micro-scale photogrammetry for smooth three-dimensional object measurement (2017)
Journal Article
Sims-Waterhouse, D., Piano, S., & Leach, R. (2017). Verification of micro-scale photogrammetry for smooth three-dimensional object measurement. Measurement Science and Technology, 28(5), Article 055010.

© 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd. By using sub-millimetre laser speckle pattern projection we show that photogrammetry systems are able to measure smooth three-dimensional objects with surface height deviations less than 1 μm. The projection of laser speckl... Read More about Verification of micro-scale photogrammetry for smooth three-dimensional object measurement.

Enhanced Raman sideband cooling of caesium atoms in a vapour-loaded magneto-optical trap (2015)
Journal Article
Li, Y., Wu, J., Feng, G., Nute, J., Piano, S., Hackermüller, L., Ma, J., Xiao, L., & Jia, S. (2015). Enhanced Raman sideband cooling of caesium atoms in a vapour-loaded magneto-optical trap. Laser Physics Letters, 12(5), Article 055501.

We report enhanced three-dimensional degenerated Raman sideband cooling (3D DRSC) of caesium (Cs) atoms in a standard single-cell vapour-loaded magneto-optical trap. Our improved scheme involves using a separate repumping laser and optimized lattice... Read More about Enhanced Raman sideband cooling of caesium atoms in a vapour-loaded magneto-optical trap.