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Dr GARY ADAMS's Outputs (12)

A systematic review and meta-analysis of patient education in preventing and reducing the incidence or recurrence of adult diabetes foot ulcers (DFU) (2018)
Journal Article
Adiewere, P., Gillis, R. B., Imran Jiwani, S., Meal, A., Shaw, I., & Adams, G. G. (2018). A systematic review and meta-analysis of patient education in preventing and reducing the incidence or recurrence of adult diabetes foot ulcers (DFU). Heliyon, 4(5), Article e00614.


The World Health Organization (WHO) states that diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) are associated with disability, death among patients with diabetes and substantial costs, if not prevented or managed effectively. The aim here is to examine the... Read More about A systematic review and meta-analysis of patient education in preventing and reducing the incidence or recurrence of adult diabetes foot ulcers (DFU).

Outcomes of mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in adults with diabetes: a systematic review (2018)
Journal Article
Mason, J., Meal, A., Shaw, I., & Adams, G. G. (in press). Outcomes of mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in adults with diabetes: a systematic review. Journal of Diabetes and Treatment, 2018(2),

Objectives: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a global and progressive chronic medical condition with increasing prevalence and associated costs throughout the world. Psychological problems are common in people with DM and when they co-occur are associated w... Read More about Outcomes of mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in adults with diabetes: a systematic review.

Controlled depolymerisation, as assessed by analytical ultracentrifugation, of low molecular weight chitosan for potential use in archaeological conservation (2018)
Journal Article
Wakefield, J. M., Gillis, R. B., Adams, G. G., McQueen, C., & Harding, S. E. (2018). Controlled depolymerisation, as assessed by analytical ultracentrifugation, of low molecular weight chitosan for potential use in archaeological conservation. European Biophysics Journal, 47(7), 769-775.

The heterogeneity and molecular weight of a chitosan of low molecular weight (molar mass) and low degree of acetylation (0.1), for potential use as a consolidant for decayed archaeological wood, has been examined by sedimentation velocity and sedimen... Read More about Controlled depolymerisation, as assessed by analytical ultracentrifugation, of low molecular weight chitosan for potential use in archaeological conservation.

Health beliefs predict self-care practices and glycaemic control in Malaysian patients with insulin-treated diabetes: a longtitudal study (2017)
Journal Article
Aris, A., Blake, H., & Adams, G. (2017). Health beliefs predict self-care practices and glycaemic control in Malaysian patients with insulin-treated diabetes: a longtitudal study. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, 17(2), 80-89

The practice of diabetes self-care plays an important role in achieving and maintaining good glycaemic control. However, not all patients with insulin-treated diabetes engage in their self-care activities. There is some evidence that self-care practi... Read More about Health beliefs predict self-care practices and glycaemic control in Malaysian patients with insulin-treated diabetes: a longtitudal study.

Hydrodynamics of the VanA-type VanS histidine kinase: an extended solution conformation and first evidence for interactions with vancomycin (2017)
Journal Article
Phillips-Jones, M. K., Channell, G. A., Kelsall, C. J., Hughes, C. S., Ashcroft, A. E., Patching, S. G., Dinu, V., Gillis, R. B., Adams, G. G., & Harding, S. E. (2017). Hydrodynamics of the VanA-type VanS histidine kinase: an extended solution conformation and first evidence for interactions with vancomycin. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 1-12.

VanA-type resistance to glycopeptide antibiotics in clinical enterococci is regulated by the VanSARA two-component signal transduction system. The nature of the molecular ligand that is recognised by the VanSA sensory component has not hitherto been... Read More about Hydrodynamics of the VanA-type VanS histidine kinase: an extended solution conformation and first evidence for interactions with vancomycin.

Dietitians' practice in giving carbohydrate advice in the management of type 2 diabetes: a mixed methods study (2016)
Journal Article
McArdle, P. D., Greenfield, S. M., Avery, A., Adams, G. G., & Gill, P. S. (in press). Dietitians' practice in giving carbohydrate advice in the management of type 2 diabetes: a mixed methods study. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 30(3),

Background: Carbohydrate is accepted as the principal nutrient affecting blood glucose in diabetes; however, current guidelines are unable to specify the optimal quantity of carbohydrate for glycaemic control. No studies exist that describe current p... Read More about Dietitians' practice in giving carbohydrate advice in the management of type 2 diabetes: a mixed methods study.

Genetic improvement of tomato by targeted control of fruit softening (2016)
Journal Article
Uluisik, S., Chapman, N. H., Smith, R., Poole, M., Adams, G., Gillis, R. B., Besong, T. D., Sheldon, J., Stiegelmeyer, S., Perez, L., Samsulrizi, N., Wang, D., Fisk, I. D., Yang, N., Baxter, C., Rickett, D., Fray, R., Blanco-Ulate, B., Powell, A. L., Harding, S. E., …Seymour, G. B. (2016). Genetic improvement of tomato by targeted control of fruit softening. Nature Biotechnology, 34, 950-952.

Controlling the rate of softening to extend shelf life was a key target for researchers engineering genetically modified (GM) tomatoes in the 1990s, but only modest improvements were achieved. Hybrids grown nowadays contain 'non-ripening mutations' t... Read More about Genetic improvement of tomato by targeted control of fruit softening.

Location dependent coordination chemistry and MRI relaxivity, in de novo designed lanthanide coiled coils (2015)
Journal Article
Berwick, M. R., Slope, L. N., Smith, C. F., King, S. M., Newton, S. L., Gillis, R. B., Adams, G. G., Rowe, A. J., Harding, S. E., Britton, M. M., & Peacock, A. F. A. (in press). Location dependent coordination chemistry and MRI relaxivity, in de novo designed lanthanide coiled coils. Chemical Science, 7(3),

Herein, we establish for the first time the design principles for lanthanide coordination within coiled coils, and the important consequences of binding site translation. By interrogating design requirements and by systematically translating binding... Read More about Location dependent coordination chemistry and MRI relaxivity, in de novo designed lanthanide coiled coils.

The effectiveness of information-motivation-behavioural skills model-based diabetes self-management education among patients with type 2 diabetes in Jordan (IMB-DSME): trial protocol (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Albelbisi, Z., Adams, G. G., Windle, R., & Blake, H. The effectiveness of information-motivation-behavioural skills model-based diabetes self-management education among patients with type 2 diabetes in Jordan (IMB-DSME): trial protocol. Presented at 2015 11th UK Society for Behavioural Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting

Abstract for UKSBM conference:
Background: According to the World Health Organization in 2014, 9% of adults over 18 years old are diagnosed with diabetes and more than 1.5 million deaths occur directly by diabetes in low and middle-income countries.... Read More about The effectiveness of information-motivation-behavioural skills model-based diabetes self-management education among patients with type 2 diabetes in Jordan (IMB-DSME): trial protocol.

Ultracentrifuge Methods for the Analysis of Polysaccharides, Glycoconjugates, and Lignins (2015)
Book Chapter
Harding, S. E., Adams, G. G., Almutairi, F., Alzahrani, Q., Erten, T., Samil Kök, M., & Gillis, R. B. (2015). Ultracentrifuge Methods for the Analysis of Polysaccharides, Glycoconjugates, and Lignins. In Analytical Ultracentrifugation (391-439). Academic Press.

Although like proteins, polysaccharides are synthesized by enzymes, unlike proteins there is no template. This means that they are polydisperse, do not generally have compact folded structures, and are often very large with greater nonideality behavi... Read More about Ultracentrifuge Methods for the Analysis of Polysaccharides, Glycoconjugates, and Lignins.

“Medioglycaemia”: a new concept in glycaemic control in intensive care (ICU) units? (2012)
Journal Article
Tomlinson, V. H., Langley, J., Meal, A. G., & Adams, G. G. (2012). “Medioglycaemia”: a new concept in glycaemic control in intensive care (ICU) units?. Journal of Diabetes Mellitus, 25(4),

Introduction: Critically ill patients can experience stress-induced hyperglycaemia. Glycaemic control therapy (GCT) is administered to control patients’ blood glycaemic levels and reduce the incidence of infection, myocardial infarctions and organ fa... Read More about “Medioglycaemia”: a new concept in glycaemic control in intensive care (ICU) units?.

Diabetes health-beliefs, self-care practices and glycaemic control among Malaysian young adults with diabetes (2011)
Journal Article
Aris, A., Blake, H., & Adams, G. (2011). Diabetes health-beliefs, self-care practices and glycaemic control among Malaysian young adults with diabetes. Journal of Nursing Referência (Revista de Enfermagem Referência), 4(Supp),

Self-care practices and glycaemic control remain suboptimal among young adults with diabetes. One of the known factors to influence self-care behaviours is health beliefs. Targeting health beliefs through diabetes education facilitates individual’s d... Read More about Diabetes health-beliefs, self-care practices and glycaemic control among Malaysian young adults with diabetes.