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All Outputs (528)

Emergent approaches to care coordination in England: Exploring the evidence from two national organizations (2011)
Journal Article
Hughes, J., Reilly, S., Berzins, K., Abell, J., Stewart, K., & Challis, D. (2011). Emergent approaches to care coordination in England: Exploring the evidence from two national organizations. Care Management Journals, 12(4), 174-181.

For many years, there has been an international concern about the fragmented nature of health and social care services for vulnerable older people and younger adults. This article examines the implementation of two major policies in England designed... Read More about Emergent approaches to care coordination in England: Exploring the evidence from two national organizations.

Consumer motivations and cognitive structures behind quality food purchasing (2011)
Book Chapter
Fotopoulos, C. V., Maglaras, G. C., & Pagiaslis, A. P. (2011). Consumer motivations and cognitive structures behind quality food purchasing. In A resilient European food industry in a challenging world (125-166). Nova Science Publishers

The present chapter presents a two-stage study which aims to depict the motivations and cognitive structures of quality food consumers through the use of the Means-End Chain (MEC) approach and laddering technique. Quality food entails both organic an... Read More about Consumer motivations and cognitive structures behind quality food purchasing.

Designing a multi-agent approach system for distributed course timetabling (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Obit, J. H., Landa-Silva, D., Ouelhadj, D., Khan Vun, T., & Alfred, R. Designing a multi-agent approach system for distributed course timetabling. Presented at Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Hybrid Intelligent Systems Conference (IEEE-HIS 2011)

This paper proposes tackling the difficult course timetabling problem using a multi-agent approach. The proposed design seeks to deal with the problem using a distributed solution environment in which a mediator agent coordinates various timetabling... Read More about Designing a multi-agent approach system for distributed course timetabling.

Investigation of the origin and spread of a mammalian transposable element based on current sequence diversity (2011)
Journal Article
Hellen, E. H., & Brookfield, J. F. (2011). Investigation of the origin and spread of a mammalian transposable element based on current sequence diversity. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 73(5-6),

Almost half the human genome consists of mobile DNA elements, and their analysis is a vital part of understanding the human genome as a whole. Many of these elements are ancient and have persisted in the genome for tens or hundreds of millions of yea... Read More about Investigation of the origin and spread of a mammalian transposable element based on current sequence diversity.

Role of the rumen in copper and thiomolybdate absorption (2011)
Journal Article
Gould, L., & Kendall, N. R. (2011). Role of the rumen in copper and thiomolybdate absorption. Nutrition Research Reviews, 24(2),

The rumen is the site of significant interactions between Cu, S and Mo. It also shows reactions between Cu, S and Fe. The interaction between Mo and S results in the formation of thiomolybdates, which in the absence of adequate quantities of rumen Cu... Read More about Role of the rumen in copper and thiomolybdate absorption.

Predicting in vivo cardiovascular properties of β-blockers from cellular assays: a quantative comparison of cellular and cardiovascular pharmacological responses (2011)
Journal Article
Baker, J. G., Kemp, P., March, J., Fretwell, L., Hill, S. J., & Gardiner, S. M. (2011). Predicting in vivo cardiovascular properties of β-blockers from cellular assays: a quantative comparison of cellular and cardiovascular pharmacological responses. FASEB Journal, 25(12),

β-Adrenoceptor antagonists differ in their degree of partial agonism. In vitro assays have provided information on ligand affinity, selectivity, and intrinsic efficacy. However, the extent to which these properties are manifest in vivo is less clear.... Read More about Predicting in vivo cardiovascular properties of β-blockers from cellular assays: a quantative comparison of cellular and cardiovascular pharmacological responses.

A geographically diverse collection of schizosaccharomyces pombe isolates shows limited phenotypic variation but extensive karyotypic diversity (2011)
Journal Article
Brown, W. R., Litti, G., Rosa, C., James, S., Roberts, I., Robert, V., Jolly, N., Tang, W., Baumann, P., Green, C., Schlegel, K., Young, J., Hirchaud, F., Leek, S., Thomas, G., Blomberg, A., & Warringer, J. (2011). A geographically diverse collection of schizosaccharomyces pombe isolates shows limited phenotypic variation but extensive karyotypic diversity. G3, 1(7),

The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe has been widely used to study eukaryotic cell
biology, but almost all of this work has used derivatives of a single strain. We have studied 81 independent
natural isolates and 3 designated laboratory stra... Read More about A geographically diverse collection of schizosaccharomyces pombe isolates shows limited phenotypic variation but extensive karyotypic diversity.

Corneal Densitometry as an Indicator of Corneal Health (2011)
Journal Article
Otri, A. M., Fares, U., Al-Aqaba, M. A., & Dua, H. S. (2012). Corneal Densitometry as an Indicator of Corneal Health. Ophthalmology: Journal of The American Academy of Ophthalmology, 119(3), 501-508.

To establish prospectively the normal values of corneal density of healthy subjects using the Pentacam Scheimpflug system (Oculus, Inc., Wetzlar, Germany) and to investigate alteration in corneal density during active and healed stages of ba... Read More about Corneal Densitometry as an Indicator of Corneal Health.

Towards the development of a simulator for investigating the impact of people management practices on retail performance (2011)
Journal Article
Siebers, P.-O., Aickelin, U., Celia, H., & Clegg, C. (2011). Towards the development of a simulator for investigating the impact of people management practices on retail performance. Journal of Simulation, 5(4), 242-265.

Often models for understanding the impact of management practices on retail performance are developed under the assumption of stability, equilibrium and linearity, whereas retail operations are considered in reality to be dynamic, non-linear and comp... Read More about Towards the development of a simulator for investigating the impact of people management practices on retail performance.

Diabetes health-beliefs, self-care practices and glycaemic control among Malaysian young adults with diabetes (2011)
Journal Article
Aris, A., Blake, H., & Adams, G. (2011). Diabetes health-beliefs, self-care practices and glycaemic control among Malaysian young adults with diabetes. Journal of Nursing Referência (Revista de Enfermagem Referência), 4(Supp),

Self-care practices and glycaemic control remain suboptimal among young adults with diabetes. One of the known factors to influence self-care behaviours is health beliefs. Targeting health beliefs through diabetes education facilitates individual’s d... Read More about Diabetes health-beliefs, self-care practices and glycaemic control among Malaysian young adults with diabetes.

Managing learning trajectories: the case of 14-19 mathematics (2011)
Journal Article
Noyes, A., & Sealey, P. (2011). Managing learning trajectories: the case of 14-19 mathematics. Educational Review, 63(2),

In this paper we explore how mathematics department leaders manage curriculum (what is taught), teaching (how it is taught) and learner progression (what results) for 14-19 year olds. The background to the study is a range of national, and internati... Read More about Managing learning trajectories: the case of 14-19 mathematics.

On symmetries of crystals with defects related to a class of solvable groups (S1) (2011)
Journal Article
Nicks, R., & Parry, G. P. (2012). On symmetries of crystals with defects related to a class of solvable groups (S1). Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 17(6), 631-651.

We consider distributions of dislocations in continuum models of crystals which are such that the corresponding dislocation density tensor relates to a particular class of solvable Lie group, and discrete structures which are embedded in these crysta... Read More about On symmetries of crystals with defects related to a class of solvable groups (S1).

Tabu assisted guided local search approaches for freight service network design (2011)
Journal Article
Bai, R., Kendall, G., Qu, R., & Atkin, J. A. (2012). Tabu assisted guided local search approaches for freight service network design. Information Sciences, 189,

The service network design problem (SNDP) is a core problem in freight transportation. It involves the determination of the most cost-effective transportation network and the character- istics of the corresponding services, subject to various constra... Read More about Tabu assisted guided local search approaches for freight service network design.

Differences in the pattern and regulation of mineral deposition in human cell lines of osteogenic and non-osteogenic origin (2011)
Journal Article
Rashidi, H., Strohbuecker, S., Jackson, L., Kalra, S., Blake, A. J., France, L., Tufarelli, C., & Sottile, V. (2011). Differences in the pattern and regulation of mineral deposition in human cell lines of osteogenic and non-osteogenic origin. Cells Tissues Organs, 195(6),

Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are widely used as a cellular model of bone formation, and can mineralize in vitro in response to osteogenic medium (OM). It is unclear, however, whether this property is specific to cells of mesenchy... Read More about Differences in the pattern and regulation of mineral deposition in human cell lines of osteogenic and non-osteogenic origin.

S1P1 receptor subtype inhibits demyelination and regulates chemokine release in cerebellar slice cultures (2011)
Journal Article
Sheridan, G. K., & Dev, K. K. (2012). S1P1 receptor subtype inhibits demyelination and regulates chemokine release in cerebellar slice cultures. Glia, 60(3), 382-392.

Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptors (S1PRs) are drug targets for the compound FTY720, which is the first oral therapy developed for treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. S1PRs play a variety of functional roles in the differentiation, pr... Read More about S1P1 receptor subtype inhibits demyelination and regulates chemokine release in cerebellar slice cultures.

Personalisation through individual budgets: Does it work and for whom? (2011)
Journal Article
Netten, A., Jones, K., Knapp, M., Fernandez, J. L., Challis, D., Glendinning, C., Jacobs, S., Manthorpe, J., Moran, N., Stevens, M., & Wilberforce, M. (2012). Personalisation through individual budgets: Does it work and for whom?. British Journal of Social Work, 42(8), 1556-1573.

In England, 'personal budgets' are being implemented at a time of financial austerity. They are part of a growing trend internationally to give users of publicly funded social care and support more choice and control. In the individual budgets' (IB)... Read More about Personalisation through individual budgets: Does it work and for whom?.

Applied utility and the auto-ethnographic short story: persuasions for, and illustrations of, writing critical social science (2011)
Journal Article
Gilbourne, D., Jones, R., & Jordan, S. (2014). Applied utility and the auto-ethnographic short story: persuasions for, and illustrations of, writing critical social science. Sport, Education and Society, 19(1),

In some quarters it is argued that, narrative researchers might be classified as being either storyanalysts or storytellers. They go on to suggest that one feature of storytellers is that they undertake a form of analysis as the process of writing un... Read More about Applied utility and the auto-ethnographic short story: persuasions for, and illustrations of, writing critical social science.