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All Outputs (386)

Design for patient safety: user testing in the development of medical devices (2010)
Martin, J., Norris, B., Murphy, E., & Crowe, J. (2010). Design for patient safety: user testing in the development of medical devices. NHS National Patient Safety Agency

This guide will help you to carry out user testing; a vital step in designing for patient safety. It will tell you what factors to consider when designing user testing; how to interpret the results; and the information that should be available for pu... Read More about Design for patient safety: user testing in the development of medical devices.

Towards modelling cost and risks of infrequent events in the cargo screening process (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sherman, G., Menachof, D., Aickelin, U., & Siebers, P.-O. (2010, March). Towards modelling cost and risks of infrequent events in the cargo screening process. Presented at UK OR Society Simulation Workshop 2010 (SW10), Worcestershire, UK

We introduce a simulation model of the port of Calais with a focus on the operation of immigration controls. Our aim is to compare the cost and benefits of different screening policies. Methodologically, we are trying to understand the limits of disc... Read More about Towards modelling cost and risks of infrequent events in the cargo screening process.

A methodology to identify consensus classes from clustering algorithms applied to immunohistochemical data from breast cancer patients (2010)
Journal Article
Soria, D., Garibaldi, J. M., Ambrogi, F., Green, A. R., Powe, D., Rakha, E., Douglas Macmillan, R., Blamey, R. W., Ball, G., Lisboa, P. J., Etchells, T. A., Boracchi, P., Biganzoli, E. M., & Ellis, I. O. (2010). A methodology to identify consensus classes from clustering algorithms applied to immunohistochemical data from breast cancer patients. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 40(3),

Single clustering methods have often been used to elucidate clusters in high dimensional medical data, even though reliance on a single algorithm is known to be problematic. In this paper, we present a methodology to determine a set of ‘core classes’... Read More about A methodology to identify consensus classes from clustering algorithms applied to immunohistochemical data from breast cancer patients.

Carbon gold rush and carbon cowboys: a new chapter in green mythology? (2010)
Journal Article
Nerlich, B., & Koteyko, N. (2010). Carbon gold rush and carbon cowboys: a new chapter in green mythology?. Environmental Communication, 4(1),

Individual and collective efforts to mitigate climate change in the form of carbon offsetting and emissions trading schemes have recently become the focus of much media attention. In this paper we explore a subset of the UK national press coverage ce... Read More about Carbon gold rush and carbon cowboys: a new chapter in green mythology?.

Adaptivity and a posteriori error control for bifurcation problems II: Incompressible fluid flow in open systems with Z_2 symmetry (2010)
Journal Article
Cliffe, A., Hall, E., Houston, P., Phipps, E. T., & Salinger, A. G. Adaptivity and a posteriori error control for bifurcation problems II: Incompressible fluid flow in open systems with Z_2 symmetry. Manuscript submitted for publication

In this article we consider the a posteriori error estimation and adaptive mesh refinement of discontinuous Galerkin finite element approximations of the bifurcation problem associated with the steady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Particula... Read More about Adaptivity and a posteriori error control for bifurcation problems II: Incompressible fluid flow in open systems with Z_2 symmetry.

Behavioural correlation for detecting P2P bots (2010)
Book Chapter
Al-Hammadi, Y., & Aickelin, U. (2010). Behavioural correlation for detecting P2P bots. In Second International Conference on Future Networks, 2010: ICFN '10. IEEE.

In the past few years, IRC bots, malicious programs which
are remotely controlled by the attacker through IRC servers,
have become a major threat to the Internet and users. These
bots can be used in different malicious ways such as issuing
distri... Read More about Behavioural correlation for detecting P2P bots.

From carbon markets to carbon morality: creative compounds as framing devices in online discourses on climate change mitigation (2010)
Journal Article
Koteyko, N., Thelwall, M., & Nerlich, B. (2010). From carbon markets to carbon morality: creative compounds as framing devices in online discourses on climate change mitigation. Science Communication, 32(1),

Lexical combinations of at least two roots around "carbon" as the hub, such as "carbon finance" or "carbon footprint," have recently become ubiquitous in English-speaking science, politics, and mass media. They are part of a new language evolving aro... Read More about From carbon markets to carbon morality: creative compounds as framing devices in online discourses on climate change mitigation.

Images of Criminality, Victimization, and Disability (2010)
Book Chapter
Madriaga, M., & Mallett, R. (2010). Images of Criminality, Victimization, and Disability. In S. Giora Shoham, P. Knepper, & M. Kett (Eds.), International Handbook of Victimology. Routledge.

This chapter aims to open up discussion about the relationship between disability and notions of criminality and victimhood. Th is discussion is underpinned with a radical-critical victimological stance [Mawby and Walklate, 1994] that sees the victim... Read More about Images of Criminality, Victimization, and Disability.

Pneumonia and influenza: specific considerations in care homes (2010)
Journal Article
Gordon, A., & Ewan, V. (2010). Pneumonia and influenza: specific considerations in care homes. Reviews in Clinical Gerontology, 20(1), 69-80.

This review provides an update on current evidence surrounding epidemiology, treatment and prevention of lower respiratory tract infection, with special reference to pneumonia and influenza, in care home residents. The care home sector is growing an... Read More about Pneumonia and influenza: specific considerations in care homes.

Structure-Based Discovery of Novel Chemotypes for Adenosine A2A Receptor Antagonists (2010)
Journal Article
Katritch, V., Jaakola, V.-P., Lane, J. R., Lin, J., Ijzerman, A. P., Yeager, M., Kufareva, I., Stevens, R. C., & Abagyan, R. (2010). Structure-Based Discovery of Novel Chemotypes for Adenosine A2A Receptor Antagonists. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 53(4), 1799-1809.

The recent progress in crystallography of G-protein coupled receptors opens an unprecedented venue for structure-based GPCR drug discovery. To test efficiency of the structure-based approach, we performed molecular docking and virtual ligand screenin... Read More about Structure-Based Discovery of Novel Chemotypes for Adenosine A2A Receptor Antagonists.

Are we teaching our students what they need to know about ageing? Results from the National Survey of Undergraduate Teaching in Ageing and Geriatric Medicine (2010)
Journal Article
Gordon, A., Blundell, A. G., Gladman, J. R., & Masud, T. (2010). Are we teaching our students what they need to know about ageing? Results from the National Survey of Undergraduate Teaching in Ageing and Geriatric Medicine. Age and Ageing, 29(3),

Introduction - Learning about ageing and the appropriate management of older patients is important for all doctors. This survey set out to evaluate what medical undergraduates in the UK are taught about ageing and geriatric medicine and how this tea... Read More about Are we teaching our students what they need to know about ageing? Results from the National Survey of Undergraduate Teaching in Ageing and Geriatric Medicine.

Cerebral misery perfusion diagnosed using hypercapnic blood-oxygenation-level-dependent contrast functional magnetic resonance imaging: a case report (2010)
Journal Article
Gordon, A. L., Goode, S., D'Souza, O., Auer, D. P., & Munshi, S. K. (2010). Cerebral misery perfusion diagnosed using hypercapnic blood-oxygenation-level-dependent contrast functional magnetic resonance imaging: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports, 4(1),

Cerebral misery perfusion represents a failure of cerebral autoregulation. It is animportant differential diagnosis in post-stroke patients presenting with collapses in the presence of haemodynamically significant cerebrovascular stenos... Read More about Cerebral misery perfusion diagnosed using hypercapnic blood-oxygenation-level-dependent contrast functional magnetic resonance imaging: a case report.

5-Carboxyfluorescein tagged N-phenylanthranilamide as a tracer reagent for fluorescence polarization: A robust method to screen MAPK pathway allosteric inhibitors (2010)
Journal Article
Rezvani, Z. N., Mayer, R. J., & Chan, W. C. (2010). 5-Carboxyfluorescein tagged N-phenylanthranilamide as a tracer reagent for fluorescence polarization: A robust method to screen MAPK pathway allosteric inhibitors. Chemical Communications, 46(12), 2043-2045.

Fluorescence polarization using Nα-(fluorescein-5- carbonyl)-Nε-(N-[2-fluoro-4-iodophenyl]-3,4- difluoroanthraniloyl)lysyl amide is capable of rapidly identifying inhibitor ligands that bind to an allosteric site in MEK1. © The Royal Society of Chemi... Read More about 5-Carboxyfluorescein tagged N-phenylanthranilamide as a tracer reagent for fluorescence polarization: A robust method to screen MAPK pathway allosteric inhibitors.

Ligand binding and subtype selectivity of the human A(2A) adenosine receptor: identification and characterization of essential amino acid residues (2010)
Journal Article
Jaakola, V.-P., Lane, J. R., Lin, J. Y., Katritch, V., Ijzerman, A. P., & Stevens, R. C. (2010). Ligand binding and subtype selectivity of the human A(2A) adenosine receptor: identification and characterization of essential amino acid residues. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285(17), 13032-13044.

The crystal structure of the human A(2A) adenosine receptor bound to the A(2A) receptor-specific antagonist, ZM241385, was recently determined at 2.6-A resolution. Surprisingly, the antagonist binds in an extended conformation, perpendicular to the p... Read More about Ligand binding and subtype selectivity of the human A(2A) adenosine receptor: identification and characterization of essential amino acid residues.

Coping with infertility online: An examination of self-help mechanisms in an online infertility support group (2010)
Journal Article
Malik, S. H., & Coulson, N. S. (2010). Coping with infertility online: An examination of self-help mechanisms in an online infertility support group. Patient Education and Counseling, 81(2), 315-318.

Objective: To examine communication within an online infertility support group. Methods: A content analysis of 3500 messages posted to infertility bulletin boards. Results: The most frequently used self-help mechanisms were support or empathy (45.5%)... Read More about Coping with infertility online: An examination of self-help mechanisms in an online infertility support group.

Depolarization induced suppression of excitation and the emergence of ultraslow rhythms in neural networks (2010)
Journal Article
Hlinka, J., Hlinka, J., & Coombes, S. (2010). Depolarization induced suppression of excitation and the emergence of ultraslow rhythms in neural networks. Physical Review Letters, 104(6),

Ultraslow fluctuations (0.01-0.1 Hz) are a feature of intrinsic brain activity of as yet unclear origin. We propose a candidate mechanism based on retrograde endocannabinoid signaling in a synaptically coupled network of excitatory neurons. This is k... Read More about Depolarization induced suppression of excitation and the emergence of ultraslow rhythms in neural networks.

Potential Energy Surfaces Fitted by Artificial Neural Networks (2010)
Journal Article
Handley, C. M., & Popelier, P. L. A. (2010). Potential Energy Surfaces Fitted by Artificial Neural Networks. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 114(10), 3371-3383.

Molecular mechanics is the tool of choice for the modeling of systems that are so large or complex that it is impractical or impossible to model them by ab initio methods. For this reason there is a need for accurate potentials that are able to quick... Read More about Potential Energy Surfaces Fitted by Artificial Neural Networks.

Reputation-based security protocol for MANETs in highly mobile disconnection-prone environments (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Radenkovic, M., Zakhary, S. R., & Radenkovic, M. Reputation-based security protocol for MANETs in highly mobile disconnection-prone environments. Presented at Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS), 2010 Seventh International Conference on

This paper is concerned with fully distributed reputation-based mechanisms that improve security in MANETS. We introduce a number of optimisations to the current reputation schemes used in MANETs such as selective deviation tests and adaptive expirat... Read More about Reputation-based security protocol for MANETs in highly mobile disconnection-prone environments.