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Analgesic Effects of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase Inhibition in a Rat Model of Neuropathic Pain (2006)
Journal Article
Jhaveri, M., Richardson, D., Kendall, D., Barrett, D., & Chapman, V. (2006). Analgesic Effects of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase Inhibition in a Rat Model of Neuropathic Pain

Cannabinoid-based medicines have therapeutic potential for the treatment of pain. Augmentation of levels of endocannabinoids with inhibitors of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) is analgesic in models of acute and inflammatory pain states. The aim of... Read More about Analgesic Effects of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase Inhibition in a Rat Model of Neuropathic Pain.

Metallic fabric jackets: an innovative method for seismic retrofitting of substandard RC prismatic members (2006)
Journal Article
Thermou, G., & Pantazopoulou, S. (2007). Metallic fabric jackets: an innovative method for seismic retrofitting of substandard RC prismatic members. Structural Concrete, 8(1), 35-46.

This paper presents the results of a recent experimental research study where metallic (high-strength steel cord) fabric jackets (MF jackets) were utilised for the seismic upgrading of substandard reinforced concrete members. The proposed interventio... Read More about Metallic fabric jackets: an innovative method for seismic retrofitting of substandard RC prismatic members.

Asthma as a barrier to children's physical activity: Implications for body mass index and mental health (2006)
Journal Article
Glazebrook, C., McPherson, A. C., Macdonald, I. A., Swift, J. A., Ramsay, C., Newbould, R., & Smyth, A. (2006). Asthma as a barrier to children's physical activity: Implications for body mass index and mental health. Pediatrics, 118(6), 2443-2449.

OBJECTIVES. The purpose of this work was to identify barriers to physical activity in children with asthma and to compare their customary activity levels, BMI and emotional well-being with that of children with other medical conditions. It was hypoth... Read More about Asthma as a barrier to children's physical activity: Implications for body mass index and mental health.

Assessing care home quality using routine regulatory information (2006)
Journal Article
Worden, A., & Challis, D. (2006). Assessing care home quality using routine regulatory information. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 7(3), 33-44.

Quality is an essential criterion by which care homes for older people are judged. However the measurement of quality is both challenging and potentially costly. This paper examines the potential of using routinely generated data from inspection proc... Read More about Assessing care home quality using routine regulatory information.

Sex work in Cambodia: Beyond the voluntary/forced dichotomy (2006)
Journal Article
Sandy, L. (2006). Sex work in Cambodia: Beyond the voluntary/forced dichotomy. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 15(4), 449-469.

This paper looks at the dominant voluntary/forced dichotomy shaping understandings of sex work internationally. It argues that the distinction between forced and voluntary participation in sex work cannot account for or help explain the multiple and... Read More about Sex work in Cambodia: Beyond the voluntary/forced dichotomy.

A quadrivalent vaccine for human papillomavirus (2006)
Journal Article
Brown, C., & Gaston, K. (2006). A quadrivalent vaccine for human papillomavirus. Drugs of today (Barcelona, Spain : 1998), 42(11), 703-709.

Cervical cancer is responsible for at least 13,500 deaths a year in the European Union and more than 30 times that worldwide. DNA from a group of human papillomaviruses (HPVs) is found in virtually all cervical carcinoma cells, and these so-called hi... Read More about A quadrivalent vaccine for human papillomavirus.

The role of cannabinoids in the neurobiology of sensory gating: a firing rate model study (2006)
Journal Article
Zachariou, M., Dissanayake, D., Owen, M. R., Mason, R., & Coombes, S. The role of cannabinoids in the neurobiology of sensory gating: a firing rate model study. Neurocomputing, 70(10/12),

Gating of sensory (e.g. auditory) information has been demonstrated as a reduction in the auditory-evoked potential responses recorded in the brain of both normal animals and human subjects. Auditory gating is perturbed in schizophrenic patients and... Read More about The role of cannabinoids in the neurobiology of sensory gating: a firing rate model study.

Study of aero-engine oil-air separators (2006)
Journal Article
Wang, Y., Simmons, K., Eastwick, C., & Hibberd, S. (2006). Study of aero-engine oil-air separators. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 220(7),

For aero-engines, oil-air separation is a key function, and one approach to assessing separator effectiveness is computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The two-phase flow is complex and oil can be present in different forms (for example, droplets, mist,... Read More about Study of aero-engine oil-air separators.

Persistent localized states for a chaotically mixed bistable reaction (2006)
Journal Article
Cox, S. M. (2006). Persistent localized states for a chaotically mixed bistable reaction. Physical Review E, 74(5),

We describe the evolution of a bistable chemical reaction in a closed two-dimensional chaotic laminar flow, from a localized initial disturbance. When the fluid mixing is sufficiently slow, the disturbance may spread and eventually occupy the entire... Read More about Persistent localized states for a chaotically mixed bistable reaction.

Effect of nitric oxide donors on blood pressure and pulse pressure in acute and subacute stroke (2006)
Journal Article
Gray, L. J., Sprigg, N., Rashid, P., Willmot, M., & Bath, P. M. (2006). Effect of nitric oxide donors on blood pressure and pulse pressure in acute and subacute stroke. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 15(6),

High blood pressure (BP), pulse pressure (PP), and rate pressure product (RPP) areeach associated independently with a poor outcome in acute ischemic stroke.
Whereas nitric oxide (NO) donors, such as glyceryl trinitrate (GTN), lower blood pressure i... Read More about Effect of nitric oxide donors on blood pressure and pulse pressure in acute and subacute stroke.

What counts? Exploring the production of quantitative financial narratives in London's corporate finance industry (2006)
Journal Article
Hall, S. (2006). What counts? Exploring the production of quantitative financial narratives in London's corporate finance industry. Journal of Economic Geography, 6(5), 661-678.

This article examines quantitative finance research practices in London's corporate finance industry. These calculative devices, produced by research analysts, are built around the modelling of a suite of financial metrics. Drawing on fieldwork condu... Read More about What counts? Exploring the production of quantitative financial narratives in London's corporate finance industry.

Chronic subcutaneous administration of kisspeptin-54 causes testicular degeneration in adult male rats (2006)
Journal Article
Thompson, E. L., Murphy, K. G., Patterson, M., Bewick, G. A., Stamp, G. W., Curtis, A. E., …Bloom, S. R. (2006). Chronic subcutaneous administration of kisspeptin-54 causes testicular degeneration in adult male rats. AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism, 291(5),

The kisspeptins are KiSS-1 gene-derived peptides that signal through the G protein-coupled receptor-54 (GPR54) and have recently been shown to be critical regulators of reproduction. Acute intracerebroventricular or peripheral administration of kissp... Read More about Chronic subcutaneous administration of kisspeptin-54 causes testicular degeneration in adult male rats.

Quantitative Fusarium spp. and Microdochium spp. PCR assays to evaluate seed treatments for the control of Fusarium seedling blight of wheat (2006)
Journal Article
Glynn, N. C., Ray, R., Edwards, S. G., Hare, M. C., Parry, D. W., Barnett, C. J., & Beck, J. J. (2007). Quantitative Fusarium spp. and Microdochium spp. PCR assays to evaluate seed treatments for the control of Fusarium seedling blight of wheat. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 102(6), 1645-1653.

Aims: To develop sensitive quantitative PCR assays for the two groups of pathogens responsible for Fusarium seedling blight in wheat: Fusarium group (Fusarium culmorum and Fusarium graminearum) and Microdochium group (Microdochium nivale and Microdoc... Read More about Quantitative Fusarium spp. and Microdochium spp. PCR assays to evaluate seed treatments for the control of Fusarium seedling blight of wheat.

Application of airborne LiDAR to mapping seismogenic faults in forested mountainous terrain, southeastern Alps, Slovenia (2006)
Journal Article
Cunningham, D., Grebby, S., Tansey, K., Gosar, A., & Kastelic, V. (2006). Application of airborne LiDAR to mapping seismogenic faults in forested mountainous terrain, southeastern Alps, Slovenia. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(20), Article L20308.

Results are presented of the first airborne LiDAR survey ever flown in Europe for the purpose of mapping the surface expression of earthquake-prone faults. Detailed topographic images derived from LiDAR data of the Idrija and Ravne strike-slip faults... Read More about Application of airborne LiDAR to mapping seismogenic faults in forested mountainous terrain, southeastern Alps, Slovenia.

Consumption of carbonated drinks in adolescents: A transtheoretical analysis (2006)
Journal Article
Buchanan, H., & Coulson, N. S. (2007). Consumption of carbonated drinks in adolescents: A transtheoretical analysis. Child: Care, Health and Development, 33(4), 441-447.

Background: Adolescents consume a high level of carbonated drinks and this may have significant adverse effects for their weight and oral health. Therefore, we examined the application of key constructs of the Transtheoretical Model (stages of change... Read More about Consumption of carbonated drinks in adolescents: A transtheoretical analysis.

Signature-tagged transposon mutagenesis identifies novel mycobacterium tuberculosis genes involved in the parasitism of human macrophages (2006)
Journal Article
Rosas-Magallanes, V., Stadthagen-Gomez, G., Rauzier, J., Barreiro, L. B., Tailleux, L., Boudou, F., Griffin, R., Nigou, J., Jackson, M., Gicquel, B., & Neyrolles, O. (2007). Signature-tagged transposon mutagenesis identifies novel mycobacterium tuberculosis genes involved in the parasitism of human macrophages. Infection and Immunity, 75(1), 504-507.

Using signature-tagged transposon mutagenesis, we isolated 23 Mycobacterium tuberculosis mutants, corresponding to 21 genes or genetic regions, attenuated in their ability to parasitize human macrophages. Mutants disrupted in the ABC transporter-enco... Read More about Signature-tagged transposon mutagenesis identifies novel mycobacterium tuberculosis genes involved in the parasitism of human macrophages.

Inhibition of metal dusting using thermal spray coatings and laser treatment (2006)
Journal Article
Voisey, K., Liu, Z., & Stott, F. (2006). Inhibition of metal dusting using thermal spray coatings and laser treatment. Surface and Coatings Technology, 201(3-4),

Alloy 600 and Alloy 800H are susceptible to metal dusting. Both alloys were thermally sprayed with two different corrosion resistant coatings: Ni50Cr and Ni31Cr11Al0.6Y. Laser remelting was used to enhance further the effectiveness of these coatings... Read More about Inhibition of metal dusting using thermal spray coatings and laser treatment.

Morphological characteristics of the limbal epithelial crypt (2006)
Journal Article
Shanmuganathan, V. A., Foster, T., Kulkarni, B. B., Hopkinson, A., Gray, T., Powe, D. G., …Dua, H. S. (2007). Morphological characteristics of the limbal epithelial crypt. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 91(4), 514-519.

Aim: In 2005 we reported the discovery of a novel anatomical structure at the limbus, which we termed the limbal epithelial crypt (LEC). The purpose of this study was to further evaluate the distribution, immunophenotypical, and ultra structural char... Read More about Morphological characteristics of the limbal epithelial crypt.

Peripheral INSL3 concentrations decline with age in a large population of Australian men (2006)
Journal Article
Anand-Ivell, R., Wohlgemuth, J., Haren, M. T., Hope, P. J., Hatzinikolas, G., Wittert, G., & Ivell, R. (2006). Peripheral INSL3 concentrations decline with age in a large population of Australian men. International Journal of Andrology, 29(6), 618-626.

The novel peptide hormone insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) is a major secretory product of the Leydig cells of the testis, and in adult men is secreted into the blood, giving rise to circulating concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 2.5 ng/mL. We studied... Read More about Peripheral INSL3 concentrations decline with age in a large population of Australian men.