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All Outputs (16)

The Business School and the End of History: Reimagining Management Education (2025)
Journal Article
Starkey, K., & Tempest, S. (2025). The Business School and the End of History: Reimagining Management Education. Academy of Management Learning and Education,

We contend that we underestimate the importance of understanding the history of ideas for pluralism and reflexivity in management education. We explain this failing through the lens of “the end of history” argument (Fukuyama, 1989) which suggested th... Read More about The Business School and the End of History: Reimagining Management Education.

Captains of Industry? Value Allocation and the Partnering Effect of Managerial Discretion (2021)
Journal Article
Segrestin, B., Hatchel, A., & Starkey, K. (2021). Captains of Industry? Value Allocation and the Partnering Effect of Managerial Discretion. Management and Organizational History, 15(4), 295-314.

Can value allocation be left to managerial discretion and does corporate law provide the basis for a balanced stakeholder management and a fair allocation of results? This question is central in an age of inequality. We argue that it can be reapprais... Read More about Captains of Industry? Value Allocation and the Partnering Effect of Managerial Discretion.

Xenophobia, the unconscious, the public sphere and Brexit (2021)
Journal Article
Starkey, K., Holstein, J., & Tempest, S. (2021). Xenophobia, the unconscious, the public sphere and Brexit. European Management Review, 18(1), 25-35.

We examine xenophobia from the perspective of the unconscious of individuals, groups and nations, emphasizing the role of fantasy, and arguing that some leaders use xenophobic discourse to exploit fantasies arising from emotions such as anxiety, fear... Read More about Xenophobia, the unconscious, the public sphere and Brexit.

‘Living at the border of poverty’: How theater actors maintain their calling through narrative identity work (2020)
Journal Article
Cinque, S., Nyberg, D., & Starkey, K. (2021). ‘Living at the border of poverty’: How theater actors maintain their calling through narrative identity work. Human Relations, 74(11), 1755-1780.

People who have a sense of calling to their work are more inspired, motivated and engaged with what they do. But how is calling constructed and maintained within organizations? More importantly, how do people maintain a sense of calling to their work... Read More about ‘Living at the border of poverty’: How theater actors maintain their calling through narrative identity work.

Management education and the theatre of the absurd (2019)
Journal Article
Starkey, K., Tempest, S., & Cinque, S. (2019). Management education and the theatre of the absurd. Management Learning, 50(5), 591-606.

In this paper we adopt a humanities perspective to reflect on the nature of business schools and management education (Vargish, 1991; March & Weil, 2005; Adler, 2006; McAuley & Sims, 2009). Business schools have been criticised for becoming the “hire... Read More about Management education and the theatre of the absurd.

The future of business schools: shut them down or broaden our horizons? (2019)
Journal Article
Starkey, K., & Thomas, H. (2019). The future of business schools: shut them down or broaden our horizons?. Global Focus - the EFMD Business Magazine, 13(2), 4-49

We live in turbulent and complicated times and business schools are not immune to the uncertainties that now afflict so many aspects of our social and economic lives. The quality of today’s leaders poses some serious philosophical and strategic quest... Read More about The future of business schools: shut them down or broaden our horizons?.

The impact of business schools: increasing the range of strategic choices (2019)
Journal Article
Lejeune, C., Starkey, K., Kalika, M., & Tempest, S. (2019). The impact of business schools: increasing the range of strategic choices. Management International, 23(2), 88-98

The notion of impact is becoming important for international business schools, which are under increasing pressures related to their legitimacy. Although the term impact has gained in popularity, common approaches to business school impact rely eithe... Read More about The impact of business schools: increasing the range of strategic choices.

A falling of the veils: turning points and momentous turning points in leadership and the creation of CSR (2017)
Journal Article
Hemingway, C. A., & Starkey, K. (2018). A falling of the veils: turning points and momentous turning points in leadership and the creation of CSR. Journal of Business Ethics, 151(4), 875-890.

This article uses the life stories approach to leadership and leadership development. Using exploratory, qualitative data from a Forbes Global 2000 and FTSE 100 company, we discuss the role of the turning point (TP) as an important antecedent of lead... Read More about A falling of the veils: turning points and momentous turning points in leadership and the creation of CSR.

Strategy and narrative in higher education (2016)
Journal Article
Holstein, J., Starkey, K., & Wright, M. (2018). Strategy and narrative in higher education. Strategic Organization, 16(1), 61-91.

© The Author(s) 2016. In this article, we apply the idea of narrative to strategy and to the development of strategy in the higher education context. We explore how strategy is formed as an intertextual narrative in a comparative study of higher educ... Read More about Strategy and narrative in higher education.

The legitimacy and impact of business schools: key issues and a research agenda (2016)
Journal Article
Pettigrew, A., & Starkey, K. (2016). The legitimacy and impact of business schools: key issues and a research agenda. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 15(4), 649–664.

It is an appropriate moment to review research into the legitimacy and impact of business schools. It is more than a decade now since Pfeffer and Fong's (2002) provocative paper challenging the perceived orthodoxy of business school success in the ve... Read More about The legitimacy and impact of business schools: key issues and a research agenda.

Remember Icarus! Seven risks that threaten Business Schools (2016)
Journal Article
Barnatt, C., Starkey, K., & Tempest, S. (2016). Remember Icarus! Seven risks that threaten Business Schools.

Business schools, according to certain measures, have been a major success story in the recent past of the university, enjoying significant demand growth. We suggest that their future may be more problematic. We offer different possible scenarios for... Read More about Remember Icarus! Seven risks that threaten Business Schools.

Towards common ground and trading zones in managment research and practices (2015)
Journal Article
Romme, A. L., Avenier, M., Denyer, D., Hodgkinson, G. P., Pandza, K., Starkey, K., & Worren, N. (2015). Towards common ground and trading zones in managment research and practices. British Journal of Management, 26(3), 544-559.

The purpose and nature of management scholarship is contested, evidenced by debates about the ‘academic–practitioner divide’ and attendant remedies for addressing it, including mode 2 and mode 3 research, engaged scholarship, evidence‐based managemen... Read More about Towards common ground and trading zones in managment research and practices.

The impact of the Impact Agenda (2015)
Journal Article
Starkey, K., Davies, J., & Lejeune, C. (2015). The impact of the Impact Agenda. Global Focus - the EFMD Business Magazine, 9(2), 44-47

The Dilemmas of Internationalization: Corporate Social Responsibility in the Multinational Corporation (2012)
Journal Article
Bondy, K., & Starkey, K. (2014). The Dilemmas of Internationalization: Corporate Social Responsibility in the Multinational Corporation. British Journal of Management, 25(1), 4-22.

We add to the global–local debate by highlighting concerns with the empirical and conceptual validity of the construct 'integrated' as it operates within corporate social responsibility (CSR). We do so by investigating the extent to which foreign nat... Read More about The Dilemmas of Internationalization: Corporate Social Responsibility in the Multinational Corporation.