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Outputs (108)

The association between subcortical and cortical fMRI and lifetime noise exposure in listeners with normal hearing thresholds (2019)
Journal Article
Dewey, R. S., Francis, S. T., Guest, H., Prendergast, G., Millman, R. E., Plack, C. J., & Hall, D. A. (2020). The association between subcortical and cortical fMRI and lifetime noise exposure in listeners with normal hearing thresholds. NeuroImage, 204, Article 116239.

© 2019 In animal models, exposure to high noise levels can cause permanent damage to hair-cell synapses (cochlear synaptopathy) for high-threshold auditory nerve fibers without affecting sensitivity to quiet sounds. This has been confirmed in several... Read More about The association between subcortical and cortical fMRI and lifetime noise exposure in listeners with normal hearing thresholds.

Quantum corrections to vacuum energy sequestering (with monodromy) (2019)
Journal Article
Kamal El-Menoufi, B., Nagy, S., Niedermann, F., & Padilla, A. (2019). Quantum corrections to vacuum energy sequestering (with monodromy). Classical and Quantum Gravity, 36(21), Article 215014.

Field theory models of axion monodromy have been shown to exhibit vacuum energy sequestering as an emergent phenomenon for cancelling radiative corrections to the cosmological constant. We study one loop corrections to this class of models coming fro... Read More about Quantum corrections to vacuum energy sequestering (with monodromy).

From the outside looking in: what can Milky Way Analogues tell us about the star formation rate of our own galaxy? (2019)
Journal Article
Fraser-Mckelvie, A., Merrifield, M., & Aragón-Salamanca, A. (2019). From the outside looking in: what can Milky Way Analogues tell us about the star formation rate of our own galaxy?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489(4), 5030–5036.

The Milky Way has been described as an anaemic spiral, but is its star formation rate (SFR) unusually low when compared to its peers? To answer this question, we define a sample of Milky Way Analogues (MWAs) based on stringent cuts on the best litera... Read More about From the outside looking in: what can Milky Way Analogues tell us about the star formation rate of our own galaxy?.

High-Frequency Elastic Coupling at the Interface of van der Waals Nanolayers Imaged by Picosecond Ultrasonics (2019)
Journal Article
Greener, J. D., de Lima Savi, E., Akimov, A. V., Raetz, S., Kudrynskyi, Z., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Chigarev, N., Kent, A., Patané, A., & Gusev, V. E. (2019). High-Frequency Elastic Coupling at the Interface of van der Waals Nanolayers Imaged by Picosecond Ultrasonics. ACS Nano, 13(10), 11530-11537.

Although the topography of van de Waals (vdW) layers and heterostructures can be imaged by scanning probe microscopy, high-frequency interface elastic properties are more difficult to assess. These can influence the stability, reliability and perform... Read More about High-Frequency Elastic Coupling at the Interface of van der Waals Nanolayers Imaged by Picosecond Ultrasonics.

Accelerated relaxation and suppressed dynamic heterogeneity in a kinetically constrained (East) model with swaps (2019)
Journal Article
Gutiérrez, R., Garrahan, J. P., & Jack, R. L. (2019). Accelerated relaxation and suppressed dynamic heterogeneity in a kinetically constrained (East) model with swaps. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2019(9), Article 094006.

We introduce a kinetically constrained spin model with a local softness parameter, such that spin flips can violate the kinetic constraint with an (annealed) site-dependent rate. We show that adding MC swap moves to this model can dramatically accele... Read More about Accelerated relaxation and suppressed dynamic heterogeneity in a kinetically constrained (East) model with swaps.

AIRBED: a simplified density functional theory model for physisorption on surfaces (2019)
Journal Article
Mason, S. E., Beton, P. H., & Besley, N. A. (2019). AIRBED: a simplified density functional theory model for physisorption on surfaces. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 15(10), 5628-5634.

Dispersion interactions are commonly included in density functional theory (DFT) calculations through the addition of an empirical correction. In this study, a modification is made to the damping function in DFT-D2 calculations, to describe repulsion... Read More about AIRBED: a simplified density functional theory model for physisorption on surfaces.

Time-slicing spiral galaxies with SDSS-IV MaNGA (2019)
Journal Article
Peterken, T., Fraser-Mckelvie, A., Aragón-Salamanca, A., Merrifield, M., Kraljic, K., Knapen, J. H., Riffel, R., Brownstein, J., & Drory, N. (2019). Time-slicing spiral galaxies with SDSS-IV MaNGA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489(1), 1338–1343.

Spectra of galaxies contain a wealth of information about the stellar populations from which they are made. With integral-field unit (IFU) surveys, such data can be used to map out stellar population properties across the face of a galaxy, allowing o... Read More about Time-slicing spiral galaxies with SDSS-IV MaNGA.

The role of microstructural development in the hydrothermal corrosion of cast and HIPed Stellite 6 analogues in simulated PWR conditions (2019)
Journal Article
Karimi, G., Carrington, M., Thomas, J., Shipway, P., Stewart, D., & Hussain, T. (2019). The role of microstructural development in the hydrothermal corrosion of cast and HIPed Stellite 6 analogues in simulated PWR conditions. Corrosion Science, 159, Article 108141.

The corrosion behaviour of cast and HIPed Stellite 6 analogue materials in PWR-simulating conditions was investigated. The cast alloy exhibited localised corrosion at the boundary between the matrix and the M7C3 carbides, with this being attributed t... Read More about The role of microstructural development in the hydrothermal corrosion of cast and HIPed Stellite 6 analogues in simulated PWR conditions.

Theory of double Cooper-pair tunneling and light emission mediated by a resonator (2019)
Journal Article
Morley, W. T., Di Marco, A., Mantovani, M., Stadler, P., Belzig, W., Rastelli, G., & Armour, A. (2019). Theory of double Cooper-pair tunneling and light emission mediated by a resonator. Physical Review B, 100(5), Article 054515.

Photon emission by tunneling electrons can be encouraged by locating a resonator close to the tunnel junction and applying an appropriate voltage-bias. However, studies of normal metals show that the resonator also affects how the charges flow, facil... Read More about Theory of double Cooper-pair tunneling and light emission mediated by a resonator.