Differential predictors for alcohol use in adolescents as a function of familial risk
Journal Article
Tschorn, M., Lorenz, R. C., O’Reilly, P. F., Reichenberg, A., Banaschewski, T., Bokde, A. L. W., Quinlan, E. B., Desrivières, S., Flor, H., Grigis, A., Garavan, H., Gowland, P., Ittermann, B., Martinot, J.-L., Artiges, E., Nees, F., Papadopoulos Orfanos, D., Poustka, L., Millenet, S., Fröhner, J. H., …Rapp, M. A. (2021). Differential predictors for alcohol use in adolescents as a function of familial risk. Translational Psychiatry, 11(1), Article 157. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41398-021-01260-7
Outputs (108)
Examination of the association between exposure to childhood maltreatment and brain structure in young adults: a machine learning analysis (2021)
Journal Article
Price, M., Albaugh, M., Hahn, S., Juliano, A. C., Fani, N., Brier, Z. M. F., Legrand, A. C., van Stolk-Cooke, K., Chaarani, B., Potter, A., Peck, K., Allgaier, N., Banaschewski, T., Bokde, A. L., Quinlan, E. B., Desrivières, S., Flor, H., Grigis, A., Gowland, P., Heinz, A., …Garavan, H. (2021). Examination of the association between exposure to childhood maltreatment and brain structure in young adults: a machine learning analysis. Neuropsychopharmacology, 46(11), 1888-1894. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41386-021-00987-7Exposure to maltreatment during childhood is associated with structural changes throughout the brain. However, the structural differences that are most strongly associated with maltreatment remain unclear given the limited number of whole-brain studi... Read More about Examination of the association between exposure to childhood maltreatment and brain structure in young adults: a machine learning analysis.
Universal mobility characteristics of graphene originating from charge scattering by ionised impurities (2021)
Journal Article
Gosling, J. H., Makarovsky, O., Wang, F., Cottam, N. D., Greenaway, M. T., Patanè, A., Wildman, R. D., Tuck, C. J., Turyanska, L., & Fromhold, T. M. (2021). Universal mobility characteristics of graphene originating from charge scattering by ionised impurities. Communications Physics, 4(1), Article 30. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00518-2Pristine graphene and graphene-based heterostructures can exhibit exceptionally high electron mobility if their surface contains few electron-scattering impurities. Mobility directly influences electrical conductivity and its dependence on the carrie... Read More about Universal mobility characteristics of graphene originating from charge scattering by ionised impurities.
Probing the myelin water compartment with a saturation-recovery, multi-echo gradient-recalled echo sequence (2021)
Journal Article
Kleban, E., Gowland, P., & Bowtell, R. (2021). Probing the myelin water compartment with a saturation-recovery, multi-echo gradient-recalled echo sequence. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 86(1), 167-181. https://doi.org/10.1002/mrm.28695Purpose: To investigate the effect of varying levels of (Formula presented.) -weighting on the evolution of the complex signal from white matter in a multi-echo gradient-recalled echo (mGRE) saturation-recovery sequence. Theory and Methods: Analysis... Read More about Probing the myelin water compartment with a saturation-recovery, multi-echo gradient-recalled echo sequence.
Additively manufactured ultra-high vacuum chamber for portable quantum technologies (2021)
Journal Article
Cooper, N., Coles, L., Everton, S., Maskery, I., Campion, R., Madkhaly, S., Morley, C., O’Shea, J., Evans, W., Saint, R., Krüger, P., Oručević, F., Tuck, C., Wildman, R., Fromhold, T., & Hackermüller, L. (2021). Additively manufactured ultra-high vacuum chamber for portable quantum technologies. Additive Manufacturing, 40, Article 101898. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2021.101898© 2021 Additive manufacturing is having a dramatic impact on research and industry across multiple sectors, but the production of additively manufactured systems for ultra-high vacuum applications has so far proved elusive and widely been considered... Read More about Additively manufactured ultra-high vacuum chamber for portable quantum technologies.
Size, shade or shape? The contribution of galaxies of different types to the star-formation history of the Universe from SDSS-IV MaNGA (2021)
Journal Article
Peterken, T., Aragón-Salamanca, A., Merrifield, M., Avila-Reese, V., Boardman, N. F., Sánchez, H. D., Bizyaev, D., Drory, N., Pan, K., & Brownstein, J. R. (2021). Size, shade or shape? The contribution of galaxies of different types to the star-formation history of the Universe from SDSS-IV MaNGA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 502(3), 3128–3143. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stab268
Measuring functional connectivity with wearable MEG (2021)
Journal Article
Boto, E., Hill, R. M., Rea, M., Holmes, N., Seedat, Z. A., Leggett, J., Shah, V., Osborne, J., Bowtell, R., & Brookes, M. J. (2021). Measuring functional connectivity with wearable MEG. NeuroImage, 230, Article 117815. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.117815
Combined total internal reflection AF spectral-imaging and Raman spectroscopy for fast assessment of surgical margins during breast cancer surgery (2021)
Journal Article
Lizio, M. G., Liao, Z., Shipp, D. W., Boitor, R., Mihai, R., Sharp, J. S., Russell, M., Khout, H., Rakha, E. A., & Notingher, I. (2021). Combined total internal reflection AF spectral-imaging and Raman spectroscopy for fast assessment of surgical margins during breast cancer surgery. Biomedical Optics Express, 12(2), 940-954. https://doi.org/10.1364/boe.411648The standard treatment for breast cancer is surgical removal mainly through breast conserving surgey (BCS). We developed a new technique based on auto-fluorescence (AF) spectral imaging and Raman spectroscopy for fast intraoperative assessment of exc... Read More about Combined total internal reflection AF spectral-imaging and Raman spectroscopy for fast assessment of surgical margins during breast cancer surgery.
Euclid: Forecast constraints on the cosmic distance duality relation with complementary external probes (2020)
Journal Article
Martinelli, M., Martins, C., Nesseris, S., Sapone, D., Tutusaus, I., Avgoustidis, A., Camera, S., Carbone, C., Casas, S., Ilic, S., Sakr, Z., Yankelevich, V., Auricchio, N., Balestra, A., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Brinchmann, J., Capobianco, V., …Zacchei, A. (2020). Euclid: Forecast constraints on the cosmic distance duality relation with complementary external probes. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 644, Article A80. https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202039078In metric theories of gravity with photon number conservation, the luminosity and angular diameter distances are related via the Etherington relation, also known as the distance-duality relation (DDR). A violation of this relation would rule out the... Read More about Euclid: Forecast constraints on the cosmic distance duality relation with complementary external probes.
Spin-Induced Black Hole Spontaneous Scalarization (2020)
Journal Article
Dima, A., Barausse, E., Franchini, N., & Sotiriou, T. P. (2020). Spin-Induced Black Hole Spontaneous Scalarization. Physical Review Letters, 125(23), Article 231101. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.231101We study scalar fields in a black hole background and show that, when the scalar is suitably coupled to curvature, rapid rotation can induce a tachyonic instability. This instability, which is the hallmark of spontaneous scalarization in the lineariz... Read More about Spin-Induced Black Hole Spontaneous Scalarization.