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Outputs (108)

Current fluctuations in boundary-driven quantum spin chains (2018)
Journal Article
Carollo, F., Garrahan, J. P., & Lesanovsky, I. (2018). Current fluctuations in boundary-driven quantum spin chains. Physical Review B, 98(9), 1-9.

Boundary-driven quantum spin chains are paradigmatic nonequilibrium systems featuring the presence of particle currents. In general, it may not be possible to distinguish an incoherent type of particle transport from a truly quantum coherent one thro... Read More about Current fluctuations in boundary-driven quantum spin chains.

Metallome of cerebrovascular endothelial cells infected with Toxoplasma gondii using μ-XRF imaging and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (2018)
Journal Article
Al-sandaqchi, A. T., Brignell, C., Collingwood, J. F., Geraki, K., Mirkes, E. M., Kong, K., Castellanos, M., May, S. T., Stevenson, C. W., & Elsheikha, H. M. (2018). Metallome of cerebrovascular endothelial cells infected with Toxoplasma gondii using μ-XRF imaging and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Metallomics, 1401-1414.

In this study, we measured the levels of elements in human brain microvascular endothelial cells (ECs) infected with T. gondii. ECs were infected with tachyzoites of the RH strain, and at 6, 24, and 48 hours post infection (hpi), the intracellular co... Read More about Metallome of cerebrovascular endothelial cells infected with Toxoplasma gondii using μ-XRF imaging and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.

Shear bands and the evolving microstructure in a drying colloidal film studied with scanning μ-SAXS (2018)
Journal Article
Yang, B., Smith, N. D., Johannes, A., Burghammer, M., & Smith, M. I. (2018). Shear bands and the evolving microstructure in a drying colloidal film studied with scanning μ-SAXS. Scientific Reports, 8, Article 12979.

Shear localisation in thin bands is an important process involved in the plastic deformation of materials subject to stress. This process is often sensitive to the sample microstructure (amorphous / crystalline). Here we show using the scanning μ-SAX... Read More about Shear bands and the evolving microstructure in a drying colloidal film studied with scanning μ-SAXS.

Faint satellite population of the NGC-3175 Group – a Local Group analogue (2018)
Journal Article
Kondapally, R., Russell, G. A., Conselice, C. J., & Penny, S. J. (2018). Faint satellite population of the NGC-3175 Group – a Local Group analogue. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 481(2), 1759-1773.

In this paper, we identify and study the properties of low-mass dwarf satellites of a nearby Local Group analogue – the NGC-3175 galaxy group with the goal of investigating the nature of the lowest mass galaxies and the ‘Missing Satellites’ problem.... Read More about Faint satellite population of the NGC-3175 Group – a Local Group analogue.

The Astropy Project: building an open-science project and status of the v2.0 core package (2018)
Journal Article
Price-Whelan, A., Sipőcz, B., Günther, H., Lim, P., Crawford, S., Conseil, S., Shupe, D., Craig, M., Dencheva, N., Ginsburg, A., VanderPlas, J., Bradley, L., Pérez-Suárez, D., de Val-Borro, M., Aldcroft, T., Cruz, K., Robitaille, T., Tollerud, E., & Bamford, S. (2018). The Astropy Project: building an open-science project and status of the v2.0 core package. Astronomical Journal, 156(3), Article 123.

The Astropy Project supports and fosters the development of open-source and openly developed Python packages that provide commonly needed functionality to the astronomical community. A key element of the The Astropy Project supports and fosters the d... Read More about The Astropy Project: building an open-science project and status of the v2.0 core package.

Galaxy Cluster Mass Reconstruction Project – IV. Understanding the effects of imperfect membership on cluster mass estimation (2018)
Journal Article
Wojtak, R., Old, L., Mamon, G., Pearce, F., de Carvalho, R., Sifón, C., Gray, M., Skibba, R., Croton, D., Bamford, S., Gifford, D., von der Linden, A., Muñoz-Cuartas, J., Müller, V., Pearson, R., Rozo, E., Rykoff, E., Saro, A., Sepp, T., & Tempel, E. (2018). Galaxy Cluster Mass Reconstruction Project – IV. Understanding the effects of imperfect membership on cluster mass estimation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 481(1), 324-340.

The primary difficulty in measuring dynamical masses of galaxy clusters from galaxy data lies in the separation between true cluster members from interloping galaxies along the line of sight. We study the impact of membership contamination and incomp... Read More about Galaxy Cluster Mass Reconstruction Project – IV. Understanding the effects of imperfect membership on cluster mass estimation.

Mid-IR plasmonic compound with gallium oxide toplayer formed by GaSb oxidation in water (2018)
Journal Article
Bomers, M., Di Paola, D. M., Cerutti, L., Michel, T., Arinero, R., Tournié, E., Patanè, A., & Taliercio, T. (2018). Mid-IR plasmonic compound with gallium oxide toplayer formed by GaSb oxidation in water. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 33(9), Article 095009.

The oxidation of GaSb in aqueous environments has gained interest by the advent of plasmonic antimonide-based compound semiconductors for molecular sensing applications. This work focuses on quantifying the GaSb–water reaction kinetics by studying a... Read More about Mid-IR plasmonic compound with gallium oxide toplayer formed by GaSb oxidation in water.

A machine-learning method for identifying multiwavelength counterparts of submillimeter galaxies: training and testing using AS2UDS and ALESS (2018)
Journal Article
An, F. X., Stach, S., Smail, I., Swinbank, A., Almaini, O., Simpson, C., Hartley, W., Maltby, D., Ivison, R., Arumugam, V., Wardlow, J., Cooke, E., Gullberg, B., Thomson, A., Chen, C.-C., Simpson, J., Geach, J., Scott, D., Dunlop, J., Farrah, D., …Coppin, K. (2018). A machine-learning method for identifying multiwavelength counterparts of submillimeter galaxies: training and testing using AS2UDS and ALESS. Astrophysical Journal, 862(2), Article 101.

We describe the application of supervised machine-learning algorithms to identify the likely multiwavelength counterparts to submillimeter sources detected in panoramic, single-dish submillimeter surveys. As a training set, we employ a sample of 695... Read More about A machine-learning method for identifying multiwavelength counterparts of submillimeter galaxies: training and testing using AS2UDS and ALESS.

Making rare events typical in Markovian open quantum systems (2018)
Journal Article
Carollo, F., Garrahan, J. P., Lesanovsky, I., & Pérez-Espigares, C. (2018). Making rare events typical in Markovian open quantum systems. Physical Review A, 98(1), Article 010103.

Large dynamical fluctuations—atypical realizations of the dynamics sustained over long periods of time—can play a fundamental role in determining the properties of collective behavior of both classical and quantum nonequilibrium systems. Rare dynamic... Read More about Making rare events typical in Markovian open quantum systems.

Laboratory constraints (2018)
Journal Article
Brax, P., Burrage, C., & Davis, A.-C. (2018). Laboratory constraints. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 1848009.

We review laboratory constraints on theories of modified gravity and show that they are complementary to cosmological and astrophysical tests. We particularly focus on the environmentally dependent dilaton, as a worked example to show how such constr... Read More about Laboratory constraints.