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Advanced documentation technologies for people-centred preparedness and re-construction in Bela, India (2024)
Journal Article
Devilat, B. M., Lanuza, F., Mane, M., & Pithawalla, Z. (2024). Advanced documentation technologies for people-centred preparedness and re-construction in Bela, India. Disaster Prevention and Management, 33(5), 480-501.

Purpose: Despite the recurrence of earthquakes, responses are usually triggered afterwards, lacking mitigation strategies to diminish risks. Damaged dwellings cannot be immediately reinforced to continue inhabitation, generating disruption. Repairs a... Read More about Advanced documentation technologies for people-centred preparedness and re-construction in Bela, India.

Mathematical modelling and deep learning algorithms to automate assessment of single and digitally multiplexed immunohistochemical stains in tumoural stroma (2023)
Journal Article
Burrows, L., Sculthorpe, D., Zhang, H., Rehman, O., Mukherjee, A., & Chen, K. (2024). Mathematical modelling and deep learning algorithms to automate assessment of single and digitally multiplexed immunohistochemical stains in tumoural stroma. Journal of Pathology Informatics, 15, Article 100351.

Whilst automated analysis of immunostains in pathology research has focused predominantly on the epithelial compartment, automated analysis of stains in the stromal compartment is challenging and therefore requires time-consuming pathological input a... Read More about Mathematical modelling and deep learning algorithms to automate assessment of single and digitally multiplexed immunohistochemical stains in tumoural stroma.

Ciao AI: the Italian adaptation and validation of the Chatbot Usability Scale (2023)
Journal Article
Borsci, S., Prati, E., Malizia, A., Schmettow, M., Chamberlain, A., & Federici, S. (2023). Ciao AI: the Italian adaptation and validation of the Chatbot Usability Scale. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 27(6), 2161-2170.

Chatbot-based tools are becoming pervasive in multiple domains from commercial websites to rehabilitation applications. Only recently, an eleven-item satisfaction inventory was developed (the ChatBot Usability Scale, BUS-11) to help designers in the... Read More about Ciao AI: the Italian adaptation and validation of the Chatbot Usability Scale.

Room to breathe: Using adaptive architecture to examine the relationship between alexithymia and interoception (2021)
Journal Article
Abdulhamid, H., Jäger, N., Schnädelbach, H., & Smith, A. D. (2022). Room to breathe: Using adaptive architecture to examine the relationship between alexithymia and interoception. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 153, Article 110708.

Objective: Individuals with alexithymia experience difficulties interpreting emotional states in self and others, which has been associated with interoceptive impairment. Current theories are primarily based on subjective and conscious measures of in... Read More about Room to breathe: Using adaptive architecture to examine the relationship between alexithymia and interoception.

Psychological Impacts of COVID–19 on Healthcare Trainees and Perceptions towards a Digital Wellbeing Support Package (2021)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Mahmood, I., Dushi, G., Yildirim, M., & Gay, E. (2021). Psychological Impacts of COVID–19 on Healthcare Trainees and Perceptions towards a Digital Wellbeing Support Package. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(20), Article 10647.

We explore the impact of COVID-19 on the psychological wellbeing of healthcare trainees, and the perceived value of a digital support package to mitigate the psychological impacts of the pandemic (PoWerS Study). This mixed–methods study includes (i)... Read More about Psychological Impacts of COVID–19 on Healthcare Trainees and Perceptions towards a Digital Wellbeing Support Package.

From AI, creativity and music to IoT, HCI, musical instrument design and audio interaction: a journey in sound (2021)
Journal Article
Chamberlain, A., Hazzard, A., Kelly, E., Bødker, M., & Kallionpää, M. (2021). From AI, creativity and music to IoT, HCI, musical instrument design and audio interaction: a journey in sound. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 25(4), 617-620.

This introduction brings together a range of research, a majority of which was presented at the Audio Mostly conference hosted at the University of Nottingham. The conference brings together a range of researchers, industry, designers and educators t... Read More about From AI, creativity and music to IoT, HCI, musical instrument design and audio interaction: a journey in sound.

Using Internet of Things to Reduce Office Workers’ Sedentary Behavior: Intervention Development Applying the Behavior Change Wheel and Human-Centered Design Approach (2020)
Journal Article
Huang, Y., Benford, S., Price, D., Patel, R., Li, B., Ivanov, A., & Blake, H. (2020). Using Internet of Things to Reduce Office Workers’ Sedentary Behavior: Intervention Development Applying the Behavior Change Wheel and Human-Centered Design Approach. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(7), Article e17914.

Background: Sedentary behavior (SB) is associated with various adverse health outcomes. The prevalence of prolonged sitting at work among office workers makes a case for SB interventions to target this setting and population. Everyday mundane objects... Read More about Using Internet of Things to Reduce Office Workers’ Sedentary Behavior: Intervention Development Applying the Behavior Change Wheel and Human-Centered Design Approach.

The Rough Mile: a Design Template for Locative Audio Experiences (2018)
Journal Article
Hazzard, A., Spence, J., Greenhalgh, C., & McGrath, S. (2018). The Rough Mile: a Design Template for Locative Audio Experiences. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 66(4), 231-240.

The rapid development of mobile devices, networks, and sensors over the past 20 years has expanded the range of listening experiences such that they are not constrained to homes, cars, workplaces, cinemas, and concert halls. Locative or mobile listen... Read More about The Rough Mile: a Design Template for Locative Audio Experiences.