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Professor Michael Somekh's Outputs (6)

Live imaging of cellular internalization of single colloidal particle by combined label-free and fluorescence total internal reflection microscopy (2015)
Journal Article
Byrne, G. D., Vllasaliu, D., Falcone, F. H., Somekh, M. G., & Stolnik, S. (2015). Live imaging of cellular internalization of single colloidal particle by combined label-free and fluorescence total internal reflection microscopy. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 12(11), 3862-3870.

In this work we utilize the combination of label-free total internal reflection microscopy and total internal reflectance fluorescence (TIRM/TIRF) microscopy to achieve a simultaneous, live imaging of single, label-free colloidal particle endocytosis... Read More about Live imaging of cellular internalization of single colloidal particle by combined label-free and fluorescence total internal reflection microscopy.

Anti-confocal versus confocal assessment of the middle ear simulated by Monte Carlo methods (2015)
Journal Article
Jung, D. S., Crowe, J. A., Birchall, J. P., Somekh, M. G., & See, C. W. (2015). Anti-confocal versus confocal assessment of the middle ear simulated by Monte Carlo methods. Biomedical Optics Express, 6(10), 3820-3825.

The ability to monitor the inflammatory state of the middle ear mucosa would provide clinical utility. To enable spectral measurements on the mucosa whilst rejecting background signal from the eardrum an anti-confocal system is investigated. In contr... Read More about Anti-confocal versus confocal assessment of the middle ear simulated by Monte Carlo methods.

Monte Carlo photon simulation of an anti-confocal system to monitor middle ear inflammation (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jung, D. S., Birchall, J. P., Crowe, J. A., See, C. W., & Somekh, M. G. (2015, April). Monte Carlo photon simulation of an anti-confocal system to monitor middle ear inflammation. Presented at OMP 2015 Optical Molecular Probes, Imaging and Drug Delivery, Vancouver, Canada

Monte Carlo simulations of an anti-confocal system to monitor middle ear inflammation showed that using a stop to reject the scattering plane, the eardrum, rather than a pinhole to select the imaging plane, improved the signal-to-background ratio.

Rapid wide-field heterodyne interferometry with custom 2D CMOS camera (2015)
Journal Article
Zhang, J., See, C. W., Smith, R. J., Johnston, N. S., Pitter, M. C., Somekh, M. G., & Light, R. A. (2015). Rapid wide-field heterodyne interferometry with custom 2D CMOS camera. Electronics Letters, 51(6), 479-480.

© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2015. A wide-field pseudo-heterodyne interference contrast microscope is described, which employs a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) phase-sensitive camera. The use of multiple wells in th... Read More about Rapid wide-field heterodyne interferometry with custom 2D CMOS camera.

Optically excited nanoscale ultrasonic transducers (2015)
Journal Article
Smith, R. J., Cota, F. P., Marques, L., Chen, X., Arca, A., Webb, K., Aylott, J. W., Somekh, M. G., & Clark, M. (2015). Optically excited nanoscale ultrasonic transducers. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137(1), 219-227.

© 2015 Acoustical Society of America. In order to work at higher ultrasonic frequencies, for instance, to increase the resolution, it is necessary to fabricate smaller and higher frequency transducers. This paper presents an ultrasonic transducer cap... Read More about Optically excited nanoscale ultrasonic transducers.

Sub-100 nm resolution microscopy based on proximity projection grating scheme (2015)
Journal Article
Hu, F., Somekh, M. G., Albutt, D. J., Webb, K., Moradi, E., & See, C. W. (2015). Sub-100 nm resolution microscopy based on proximity projection grating scheme. Scientific Reports, 5, Article 8589.

Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) has been widely used in life science imaging applications. The maximum resolution improvement of SIM, compared to conventional bright field system is a factor of 2. Here we present an approach to structured il... Read More about Sub-100 nm resolution microscopy based on proximity projection grating scheme.