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Mr MARTYN GRAY's Outputs (4)

Translation under Review: Placing the Increased Visibility of Translation in British Reviews into Its Wider Societal Context (2022)
Book Chapter
Gray, M. (2022). Translation under Review: Placing the Increased Visibility of Translation in British Reviews into Its Wider Societal Context. In M. Kornacki, & G. Massey (Eds.), Contextuality in Translation and Interpreting: Selected Papers from the Łódź-ZHAW Duo Colloquium on Translation and Meaning 2020–2021. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers

In The Translator’s Invisibility (1995), Lawrence Venuti claims that reviewers contribute to the notion of ‘invisibility’ of the translator by rarely addressing the ‘fact of translation’ at all. He asserts that, on the rare occasions that translation... Read More about Translation under Review: Placing the Increased Visibility of Translation in British Reviews into Its Wider Societal Context.

Domestication and Foreignisation in a Cognitively Estranged World: The Application of Venuti's Framework to Science Fictional Texts (2020)
Journal Article
Gray, M. (2020). Domestication and Foreignisation in a Cognitively Estranged World: The Application of Venuti's Framework to Science Fictional Texts. Transletters: International Journal of Translation and Interpreting, 4, 75-97

Darko Suvin argues for an understanding of science fiction as the literature of ‘cognitive estrangement’. This paper will take Suvin’s notion as its starting point, examiningextracts from two works by author Alain Damasio to demonstrate how... Read More about Domestication and Foreignisation in a Cognitively Estranged World: The Application of Venuti's Framework to Science Fictional Texts.

Examining the 'Invisible': How are Published Translations Reviewed in the United Kingdom and France? (2017)
Journal Article
Gray, M. (2017). Examining the 'Invisible': How are Published Translations Reviewed in the United Kingdom and France?. Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture, 9(1),

In his 1995 seminal work, The Translator’s Invisibility , Lawrence Venuti examines the impact of how translations are reviewed on the visibility of the translator. The American scholar contends that a fluent translation approach, which ultimately mak... Read More about Examining the 'Invisible': How are Published Translations Reviewed in the United Kingdom and France?.