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Professor Rachel Gomes' Outputs (7)

Removal of copper from cattle footbath wastewater with layered double hydroxide adsorbents as a route to antimicrobial resistance mitigation on dairy farms (2018)
Journal Article
Williams, O., Clark, I., Gomes, R. L., Perehinec, T., Hobman, J. L., Stekel, D. J., Hyde, R., Dodds, C., & Lester, E. (2019). Removal of copper from cattle footbath wastewater with layered double hydroxide adsorbents as a route to antimicrobial resistance mitigation on dairy farms. Science of the Total Environment, 655, 1139-1149.

Copper and zinc are routinely used in livestock antimicrobial footbaths in commercial farming. The footbath mix is a cost to farmers, and the disposal of spent footbath into slurry tanks leads to soil contamination, as well as the potential for antim... Read More about Removal of copper from cattle footbath wastewater with layered double hydroxide adsorbents as a route to antimicrobial resistance mitigation on dairy farms.

Vestibulotoxicity associated with platinum-based chemotherapy in survivors of cancer: a scoping review (2018)
Journal Article
Prayuenyong, P., Taylor, J. A., Pearson, S. E., Gomez, R., Patel, P. M., Hall, D. A., Kasbekar, A. V., & Baguley, D. M. (2018). Vestibulotoxicity associated with platinum-based chemotherapy in survivors of cancer: a scoping review. Frontiers in Oncology, 8, Article 363.

Background: Cochleotoxicity following the treatment with platinum-based chemotherapy is well documented. The potential for vestibulotoxicity is still unclear. This scoping review examined the extent of current research literature, summarized research... Read More about Vestibulotoxicity associated with platinum-based chemotherapy in survivors of cancer: a scoping review.

Anthropogenic environmental drivers of antimicrobial resistance in wildlife (2018)
Journal Article
Swift, B. M., Bennett, M., Waller, K., Dodd, C., Murray, A., Gomes, R. L., Humphreys, B., Hobman, J. L., Jones, M. A., Whitlock, S. E., Mitchell, L. J., Lennon, R. J., & Arnold, K. E. (2019). Anthropogenic environmental drivers of antimicrobial resistance in wildlife. Science of the Total Environment, 649, 12-20.

The isolation of antimicrobial resistant bacteria (ARB) from wildlife living adjacent to humans has led to the suggestion that such antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is anthropogenically driven by exposure to antimicrobials and ARB. However, ARB have al... Read More about Anthropogenic environmental drivers of antimicrobial resistance in wildlife.

Rational design of thermostable carbonic anhydrase mutants using molecular dynamics simulations (2018)
Journal Article
Parra-Cruz, R., Jäger, C. M., Lau, P. L., Gomes, R. L., & Pordea, A. (2018). Rational design of thermostable carbonic anhydrase mutants using molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 122(36), 8526-8536.

The stability of enzymes is critical for their application in industrial processes, which generally require different conditions from the natural enzyme environment. Both rational and random protein engineering approaches have been used to increase s... Read More about Rational design of thermostable carbonic anhydrase mutants using molecular dynamics simulations.

Cloud manufacturing as a sustainable process manufacturing route (2018)
Journal Article
Fisher, O., Watson, N., Porcu, L., Bacon, D., Rigley, M., & Gomes, R. (2018). Cloud manufacturing as a sustainable process manufacturing route. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 47,

Cloud Manufacturing (CM) is a service oriented business model to share manufacturing capabilities and resources on a cloud platform. Manufacturing is under pressure to achieve cost and environmental impact reductions, as manufacturing becomes more in... Read More about Cloud manufacturing as a sustainable process manufacturing route.

A techno-economic assessment of the potential for combining supercritical water oxidation with ‘in-situ’ hydrothermal synthesis of nanocatalysts using a counter current mixing reactor (2018)
Journal Article
Al-Atta, A., Huddle, T., Rodríguez, Y. G., Mato, F., García-Serna, J., Cocero, M. J., Gomes, R., & Lester, E. (2018). A techno-economic assessment of the potential for combining supercritical water oxidation with ‘in-situ’ hydrothermal synthesis of nanocatalysts using a counter current mixing reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal, 344, 431-440.

A combined process of supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) and supercritical water hydrothermal synthesis (SCWHS) in a continuous counter current reactor is reported. Acrylic acid was used as a model unsaturated carboxylic acid compound and the effec... Read More about A techno-economic assessment of the potential for combining supercritical water oxidation with ‘in-situ’ hydrothermal synthesis of nanocatalysts using a counter current mixing reactor.

Techno-economic assessment of scale-up of bio-flocculant extraction and production by using okra as biomass feedstock (2018)
Journal Article
Lee, C. S., Chong, M. F., Binner, E., Gomes, R. L., & Robinson, J. P. (2018). Techno-economic assessment of scale-up of bio-flocculant extraction and production by using okra as biomass feedstock. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 132,

This paper reports a techno-economic assessment for industrial scale bio-flocculant production with okra as biomass feedstock. The sludge dewatering ability of the bio-flocculant was evaluated prior to economic analysis. Several optimisation strategi... Read More about Techno-economic assessment of scale-up of bio-flocculant extraction and production by using okra as biomass feedstock.