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Dr SIMON BISHOP's Outputs (38)

An ethnographic study comparing approaches to inter-professional knowledge sharing and learning in discharge planning and care transitions (2019)
Journal Article
Waring, J., Bishop, S., Marshall, F., Taylor, N., & Vickers, R. (2019). An ethnographic study comparing approaches to inter-professional knowledge sharing and learning in discharge planning and care transitions. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 33(6), 677-694.

An ethnographic study comparing approaches to inter-professional knowledge sharing and learning in discharge planning and care transitions Abstract Purpose: This paper investigates how three communication interventions commonly used during discharge... Read More about An ethnographic study comparing approaches to inter-professional knowledge sharing and learning in discharge planning and care transitions.

From boundary object to boundary subject; the role of the patient in coordination across complex systems of care during hospital discharge (2019)
Journal Article
Bishop, S., & Waring, J. (2019). From boundary object to boundary subject; the role of the patient in coordination across complex systems of care during hospital discharge. Social Science and Medicine, 235, Article 112370.

From boundary object to boundary subject; the role of 1 the patient in coordination across complex systems of 2 care during hospital discharge 3 4 Abstract 5 Advocates for patient involvement argue that seeking the active contribution of 6 patients a... Read More about From boundary object to boundary subject; the role of the patient in coordination across complex systems of care during hospital discharge.

Customer boundary work to navigate institutional arrangements around service interactions: exploring the case of telehealth (2019)
Journal Article
Go Jefferies, J., Bishop, S., & Hibbert, S. (2019). Customer boundary work to navigate institutional arrangements around service interactions: exploring the case of telehealth. Journal of Business Research, 105, 420-433.

This research extends literature on value co-creation by examining customer perspectives on institutional arrangements of service systems and how these shape customers’ efforts to navigate service interactions. Healthcare provides the empirical conte... Read More about Customer boundary work to navigate institutional arrangements around service interactions: exploring the case of telehealth.

An analysis of media reporting on the closure of freestanding midwifery units in England (2019)
Journal Article
Rayment, J., McCourt, C., Scanlon, M., Culley, L., Spiby, H., Bishop, S., & de Lima, L. A. (2020). An analysis of media reporting on the closure of freestanding midwifery units in England. Women and Birth,

Despite clinical guidelines and policy promoting choice of place of birth, 14 Freestanding Midwifery Units were closed between 2008 and 2015, closures reported in the media as justified by low use and financial constraints.

Th... Read More about An analysis of media reporting on the closure of freestanding midwifery units in England.

Service innovation through resource integration: An empirical examination of co-created value using telehealth services (2019)
Journal Article
Go Jefferies, J., Bishop, S., & Hibbert, S. (2021). Service innovation through resource integration: An empirical examination of co-created value using telehealth services. Public Policy and Administration, 36(1), 69-88.

Scholars, policymakers and practitioners recognise the potential to improve public services through active citizen involvement and much research has examined the formal opportunities to 'co-produce' changes in the structures and cultures of public se... Read More about Service innovation through resource integration: An empirical examination of co-created value using telehealth services.

Healthcare leadership with political astuteness (HeLPA): A qualitative study of how service leaders understand and mediate the informal 'power and politics' of major health system change (2018)
Journal Article
Waring, J., Bishop, S., Clarke, J., Exworthy, M., Fulop, N. J., Hartley, J., & Ramsay, A. I. (2018). Healthcare leadership with political astuteness (HeLPA): A qualitative study of how service leaders understand and mediate the informal 'power and politics' of major health system change. BMC Health Services Research, 18, Article 918.

© 2018 The Author(s). Background: The implementation of strategic health system change is often complicated by the informal politics and power of health systems, such as competing interests and resistant groups. Evidence from other industries shows t... Read More about Healthcare leadership with political astuteness (HeLPA): A qualitative study of how service leaders understand and mediate the informal 'power and politics' of major health system change.

Transforming professional and service user identities in the heterotopian 'hybrid spaces' of public-private partnerships (2018)
Journal Article
Waring, J., & Bishop, S. (2018). Transforming professional and service user identities in the heterotopian 'hybrid spaces' of public-private partnerships. Policy and Politics, 46(4), 663-679.

Public–private partnerships (PPPs) are interpreted as ‘hybrid’ organisations that combine the distinct organising principles of public and private sectors. This paper develops a spatial analysis of these ‘hybrid spaces’ to understand how they transfo... Read More about Transforming professional and service user identities in the heterotopian 'hybrid spaces' of public-private partnerships.

Public policies on healthcare-associated infections: a Brazil and UK case study (2017)
Journal Article
Padoveze, M. C., Melo, S., Bishop, S., Poveda, V. D. B., & Fortaleza, C. M. C. B. (2017). Public policies on healthcare-associated infections: a Brazil and UK case study. Revista de Saúde Pública, 51,

To summarize the historical events and drivers underlying public policy for the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections in Brazil and in the United Kingdom. In doing so, the article aims to identify lessons and recommendations for... Read More about Public policies on healthcare-associated infections: a Brazil and UK case study.

Social Network Research (2017)
Book Chapter
Long, J. C., & Bishop, S. (2017). Social Network Research. In P. Liamputtong (Ed.), Handbook of research methods in health social sciences (1-16). Springer.

Analysis of networks is increasingly seen as important for understanding the patterns, processes and consequences of social relationships in healthcare. Networks can be formal, mandated structures (e.g., a clinical network), can emerge from sharing a... Read More about Social Network Research.

Mapping midwifery and obstetric units in England (2017)
Journal Article
Walsh, D., Spiby, H., Grigg, C. P., Dodwell, M., McCourt, C., Culley, L., Bishop, S., Wilkinson, J., Coleby, D., Pacanowski, L., Thornton, J., & Byers, S. (in press). Mapping midwifery and obstetric units in England. Midwifery, 56,

Objective: to describe the configuration of midwifery units, both alongside&free-standing, and obstetric units in England.
Design: national survey amongst Heads of Midwifery in English Maternity Services
Setting: National Health Service (NHS) in En... Read More about Mapping midwifery and obstetric units in England.

A qualitative study of professional and carer perceptions of the threats to safe hospital discharge for stroke and hip fracture patients in the English National Health Service (2016)
Journal Article
Waring, J., Bishop, S., & Marshall, F. (in press). A qualitative study of professional and carer perceptions of the threats to safe hospital discharge for stroke and hip fracture patients in the English National Health Service. BMC Health Services Research, 16,

Background: Hospital discharge is a vulnerable transitional stage in patient care. This qualitative study investigated the views of healthcare professionals and patients about the threats to safe hospital discharge with aim of identifying contributor... Read More about A qualitative study of professional and carer perceptions of the threats to safe hospital discharge for stroke and hip fracture patients in the English National Health Service.

Changing forms of organization and implications for managing across boundaries (2016)
Book Chapter
Bishop, S., & Waring, J. Changing forms of organization and implications for managing across boundaries. In Labor and Employment Relations Association Research Volume

This chapter will introduce contemporary changes to the organization of the National Health Service (NHS) in England and discuss the implications for managing care services. At the level of national policy, the publicly funded health care system in E... Read More about Changing forms of organization and implications for managing across boundaries.

Becoming hybrid: The negotiated order on the front line of public-private partnership (2016)
Journal Article
Bishop, S., & Waring, J. (2016). Becoming hybrid: The negotiated order on the front line of public-private partnership. Human Relations, 69(10), 1937-1958.

This article examines how tensions in institutional logics, created in the formation of hybrid organizations, are played out, and partially resolved, through micro-level interactions within everyday work. Drawing on the negotiated order perspective,... Read More about Becoming hybrid: The negotiated order on the front line of public-private partnership.

Public Private Partnerships In Healthcare (2016)
Book Chapter
Bishop, S., & Waring, J. (2016). Public Private Partnerships In Healthcare. In K. Montgomery, E. Ferlie, & A. Reff Pedersen (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of health care management. Oxford University Press.

This chapter provides an introduction to Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in health care. It provides contextual background to the worldwide growth of PPPs and discusses the various meanings attached to the term as well as key controversies surroun... Read More about Public Private Partnerships In Healthcare.

An ethnographic study of knowledge sharing across the boundaries between care processes, services and organisations: the contributions to ‘safe’ hospital discharge (2014)
Journal Article
Waring, J., Marshall, F., Bishop, S., Sahota, O., Walker, M. F., Currie, G., Fisher, R. J., & Avery, T. J. (2014). An ethnographic study of knowledge sharing across the boundaries between care processes, services and organisations: the contributions to ‘safe’ hospital discharge. Health Services and Delivery Research, 2(29),


Hospital discharge is a vulnerable stage in the patient pathway. Research highlights communication failures and the problems of co-ordination as resulting in delayed, poorly timed and unsafe discharges. The complexity of hospital discha... Read More about An ethnographic study of knowledge sharing across the boundaries between care processes, services and organisations: the contributions to ‘safe’ hospital discharge.

Care homes, their communities, and resilience in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic: interim findings from a qualitative study
Preprint / Working Paper
Marshall, F., Gordon, A. L., Gladman, J. R., & Bishop, S. Care homes, their communities, and resilience in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic: interim findings from a qualitative study

Background: From late February 2020, English care homes rapidly adapted their practices in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to accommodating new guidelines and policies, staff had to adjust to rapid reconfiguration of services external... Read More about Care homes, their communities, and resilience in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic: interim findings from a qualitative study.