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Dr SABINE TOTEMEYER's Outputs (20)

Natural Mycoplasma Infection Reduces Expression of Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines in Response to Ovine Footrot Pathogens (2022)
Journal Article
Blanchard, A. M., Baumbach, C. M., Michler, J. K., Pickwell, N. D., Staley, C. E., Franklin, J. M., Wattegedera, S. R., Entrican, G., & Tötemeyer, S. (2022). Natural Mycoplasma Infection Reduces Expression of Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines in Response to Ovine Footrot Pathogens. Animals, 12(23), Article 3235.

Ovine footrot is a complex multifactorial infectious disease, causing lameness in sheep with major welfare and economic consequences. Dichelobacter nodosus is the main causative bacterium; however, footrot is a polymicrobial disease with Fusobacteriu... Read More about Natural Mycoplasma Infection Reduces Expression of Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines in Response to Ovine Footrot Pathogens.

Gut transcriptome reveals differential gene expression and enriched pathways linked to immune activation in response to weaning in pigs (2022)
Journal Article
Le Bon, M., Tötemeyer, S., Emes, R. D., & Mellits, K. H. (2022). Gut transcriptome reveals differential gene expression and enriched pathways linked to immune activation in response to weaning in pigs. Frontiers in Genetics, 13, Article 961474.

Weaning represents one of the most critical periods in pig production associated with increase in disease risk, reduction in performance and economic loss. Physiological changes faced by piglets during the weaning period have been well characterised,... Read More about Gut transcriptome reveals differential gene expression and enriched pathways linked to immune activation in response to weaning in pigs.

The impact of glutaraldehyde based footbaths on Dichelobacter nodosus prevalence and the antimicrobial resistant community of the ovine interdigital skin (2022)
Journal Article
Marshall, H. J., Blanchard, A. M., Kelly, K. R., Goh, J. N., Williams, A. D., King, L., Lovatt, F., Davies, P. L., & Tötemeyer, S. (2022). The impact of glutaraldehyde based footbaths on Dichelobacter nodosus prevalence and the antimicrobial resistant community of the ovine interdigital skin. Veterinary Microbiology, 272, Article 109459.

Ovine footrot, is a highly contagious polymicrobial bacterial infection, primarily caused by Dichelobacter nodosus. Preventative bactericidal footbaths are commonly used in the sheep industry to reduce the spread of bacteria. However, their effect on... Read More about The impact of glutaraldehyde based footbaths on Dichelobacter nodosus prevalence and the antimicrobial resistant community of the ovine interdigital skin.

A Trifecta of New Insights into Ovine Footrot for Infection Drivers, Immune Response, and Host-Pathogen Interactions (2021)
Journal Article
Blanchard, A. M., Staley, C. E., Shaw, L., Wattegedera, S. R., Baumbach, C.-M., Michler, J. K., Rutland, C., Back, C., Newbold, N., Entrican, G., & Tötemeyer, S. (2021). A Trifecta of New Insights into Ovine Footrot for Infection Drivers, Immune Response, and Host-Pathogen Interactions. Infection and Immunity, 89(10), Article e00270-21.

Footrot is a polymicrobial infectious disease in sheep causing severe lameness, leading to one of the industry’s largest welfare problems. The complex etiology of footrot makes in situ or in vitro investigations difficult. Computational methods offer... Read More about A Trifecta of New Insights into Ovine Footrot for Infection Drivers, Immune Response, and Host-Pathogen Interactions.

Characterisation of Listeria monocytogenes isolates from cattle using a bovine caruncular epithelial cell model (2020)
Journal Article
Blanchard, A. M., Billenness, R., Warren, J., Glanvill, A., Roden, W., Drinkall, E., Maboni, G., Robinson, R. S., Rees, C. E., Pfarrer, C., & Tötemeyer, S. (2020). Characterisation of Listeria monocytogenes isolates from cattle using a bovine caruncular epithelial cell model. Heliyon, 6(7), Article e04476.

© 2020 Listeria monocytogenes is an important foodborne pathogen in human and veterinary health, causing significant morbidity and mortality including abortion. It has a particular tropism for the gravid uterus, however, the route of infection in rep... Read More about Characterisation of Listeria monocytogenes isolates from cattle using a bovine caruncular epithelial cell model.

Prediction of Pharmacokinetic Clearance and Potential Drug-Drug Interactions for Omeprazole in the Horse using in vitro Systems (2020)
Journal Article
Shibany, K. A., Pratt, S. L., Aldurdunji, M., Totemeyer, S., & Paine, S. W. (2020). Prediction of Pharmacokinetic Clearance and Potential Drug-Drug Interactions for Omeprazole in the Horse using in vitro Systems. Xenobiotica, 50(10), 1220-1227.

Horses are exposed to various kinds of medication, however, there are limited determinations of plasma clearance (CLp) for the drugs used due to the high cost of equine in vivo studies. Many of the CLp values generated come from the equine sports ind... Read More about Prediction of Pharmacokinetic Clearance and Potential Drug-Drug Interactions for Omeprazole in the Horse using in vitro Systems.

Genomic heterogeneity of Dichelobacter nodosus within and between UK sheep flocks and between age groups within a flock (2020)
Journal Article
Davies, P. L., Blanchard, A. M., Staley, C. E., Bollard, N. J., Coffey, T. J., & Tötemeyer, S. (2020). Genomic heterogeneity of Dichelobacter nodosus within and between UK sheep flocks and between age groups within a flock. BMC Microbiology, 20, Article 107.

Footrot and interdigital dermatitis are endemic infectious diseases in all sheep farming regions, impairing welfare and production. The development of efficacious vaccines against the primary causative pathogen has been hampered by the ex... Read More about Genomic heterogeneity of Dichelobacter nodosus within and between UK sheep flocks and between age groups within a flock.

DirtyGenes: testing for significant changes in gene or bacterial population compositions from a small number of samples (2019)
Journal Article
Shaw, L. M., Blanchard, A., Chen, Q., An, X., Davies, P., Totemeyer, S., Zhu, Y.-G., & Stekel, D. J. (2019). DirtyGenes: testing for significant changes in gene or bacterial population compositions from a small number of samples. Scientific Reports, 9, Article 2373.

High throughput genomics technologies are applied widely to microbiomes in humans, animals, soil and water, to detect changes in bacterial communities or the genes they carry, between different environments or treatments. We describe a method to test... Read More about DirtyGenes: testing for significant changes in gene or bacterial population compositions from a small number of samples.

The effects of aging on hepatic microsomal scaling factor and hepatocellularity number in the horse (2018)
Journal Article
Shibany, K. A., Tötemeyer, S., Pratt, S. L., & Paine, S. W. (2018). The effects of aging on hepatic microsomal scaling factor and hepatocellularity number in the horse. Xenobiotica, 48(12), 1237-1244.

Scaling factor values for the in vitro-in vivo extrapolation of hepatic metabolic clearance for xenobiotics have not yet been determined in horses. Scaling factors were determined by comparing the total protein and or CYP P450 content in microsomes a... Read More about The effects of aging on hepatic microsomal scaling factor and hepatocellularity number in the horse.

Novel inflammatory cell infiltration scoring system to investigate healthy and footrot affected ovine interdigital skin (2018)
Journal Article
Agbaje, M., Rutland, C. S., Maboni, G., Blanchard, A., Bexon, M., Stewart, C., Jones, M. A., & Totemeyer, S. (2018). Novel inflammatory cell infiltration scoring system to investigate healthy and footrot affected ovine interdigital skin. PeerJ, 6, Article e5097.

Ovine footrot is a degenerative disease of sheep feet leading to the separation of hoofhorn from the underlying skin and lameness. This study quantitatively examined histological features of the ovine interdigital skin as well as their relationship w... Read More about Novel inflammatory cell infiltration scoring system to investigate healthy and footrot affected ovine interdigital skin.

The applied development of a tiered multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme for Dichelobacter nodosus (2018)
Journal Article
Blanchard, A. M., Jolley, K. A., Maiden, M. C., Coffey, T. J., Maboni, G., Staley, C. E., Bollard, N., Warry, A., Emes, R. D., Davies, P., & Tötemeyer, S. (in press). The applied development of a tiered multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme for Dichelobacter nodosus. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9, Article 551.

Dichelobacter nodosus (D. nodosus) is the causative pathogen of ovine footrot, a disease that has a significant welfare and financial impact on the global sheep industry. Previous studies into the phylogenetics of D. nodosus have focused on Australia... Read More about The applied development of a tiered multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme for Dichelobacter nodosus.

A novel 3D skin explant model to study anaerobic bacterial infection (2017)
Journal Article
Maboni, G., Davenport, R., Sessford, K., Baiker, K., Jensen, T. K., Blanchard, A. M., Wattegedera, S., Entrican, G., & Tötemeyer, S. (2017). A novel 3D skin explant model to study anaerobic bacterial infection. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 7, Article 404.

Skin infection studies are often limited by financial and ethical constraints, and alternatives, such as monolayer cell culture, do not reflect many cellular processes limiting their application. For a more functional replacement, 3D skin culture mod... Read More about A novel 3D skin explant model to study anaerobic bacterial infection.

A distinct bacterial dysbiosis associated skin inflammation in ovine footrot (2017)
Journal Article
Maboni, G., Blanchard, A. M., Frosth, S., Stewart, C. E., Emes, R. D., & Tötemeyer, S. (in press). A distinct bacterial dysbiosis associated skin inflammation in ovine footrot. Scientific Reports, 7, Article 45220.

Ovine footrot is a highly prevalent bacterial disease caused by Dichelobacter nodosus and characterised by the separation of the hoof horn from the underlying skin. The role of innate immune molecules and other bacterial communities in the developmen... Read More about A distinct bacterial dysbiosis associated skin inflammation in ovine footrot.

Equine hepatocytes: isolation, cryopreservation, and applications to in vitro drug metabolism studies (2016)
Journal Article
Shibany, K. A., Tötemeyer, S., Pratt, S. L., & Paine, S. W. (2016). Equine hepatocytes: isolation, cryopreservation, and applications to in vitro drug metabolism studies. Pharmacology Research and Perspectives, 4(5), 1-8.

Despite reports of the successful isolation of primary equine hepatocytes, thereare no published data regarding the successful cryopreservation of these isolatedcells. In this study, a detailed description of the procedures for isolation, cryop-reser... Read More about Equine hepatocytes: isolation, cryopreservation, and applications to in vitro drug metabolism studies.

Ovine footrot: new insights into bacterial colonisation (2016)
Journal Article
Maboni, G., Frosth, S., Aspán, A., & Tötemeyer, S. (2016). Ovine footrot: new insights into bacterial colonisation. Veterinary Record, 179(9), Article 228.

Ovine footrot is characterised by interdigital dermatitis (ID) and by the separation of the skin and hoof horn (under-running footrot). Dichelobacter nodosus is the essential pathogen causing footrot; the role of other microorganisms in this disease... Read More about Ovine footrot: new insights into bacterial colonisation.

RNA expression of TLR10 in normal equine tissues (2016)
Journal Article
Tarlinton, R. E., Alder, L., Moreton, J., Maboni, G., Emes, R. D., & Tötemeyer, S. (2016). RNA expression of TLR10 in normal equine tissues. BMC Research Notes, 9, Article 353.

Background: Toll like receptors are one of the major innate immune system pathogen recognition systems. There is little data on the expression of the TLR10 member of this family in the horse.

Results: This paper describes the genetic structure of... Read More about RNA expression of TLR10 in normal equine tissues.

Report of the first veterinary student support workshop (2013)
Journal Article
Kydd, J. H., Cobb, K., Davis, R., Dean, R., Drinkwater, J., Dunham, S., Flynn, R., Gray, C., Grogono-Thomas, R., Hagan, P., Jefferies, A., Jones, M., Ogden, C., Pearson, G., Robinson, N., Rutland, C., Tarlinton, R., Tötemeyer, S., Wason, J., Whittington, R., …Mossop, L. (2013). Report of the first veterinary student support workshop. Veterinary Record, 173(14), 346.

Confidence as a barrier to the use of problem-based learning in veterinary undergraduate students (2011)
Journal Article
Tarlinton, R. E., Yon, L., Klisch, K., Tötemeyer, S., & Gough, K. C. (2011). Confidence as a barrier to the use of problem-based learning in veterinary undergraduate students. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 38(3), 305-310

Problem-based or case-based learning is a popular method of instruction in clinical degrees such as veterinary science, nursing, and medicine. It is difficult, however, for students to adapt to this learning method, and this difficulty has been well... Read More about Confidence as a barrier to the use of problem-based learning in veterinary undergraduate students.