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Dr PETER RUTHERFORD's Outputs (19)

Collective urban green revitalisation: Crime control an sustainable behaviours in lower-income neighbourhoods (2024)
Journal Article
Benjumea Mejia, D. M., Chilton, J., & Rutherford, P. (2024). Collective urban green revitalisation: Crime control an sustainable behaviours in lower-income neighbourhoods. World Development, 177, Article 106534.

The growing need to increase green spaces in highly urbanised cities has become more prominent recently. Special attention is paid to involving communities in the design process to enhance societal changes for a meaningful appreciation of the natura... Read More about Collective urban green revitalisation: Crime control an sustainable behaviours in lower-income neighbourhoods.

Daylighting Performance Simulation: Prediction Accuracy / Processing Speed Trade-off (2023)
Journal Article
Abdelwahab, S., Rutherford, P., & Mayhoub, M. (2023). Daylighting Performance Simulation: Prediction Accuracy / Processing Speed Trade-off. Journal of Green Building, 18(2), 133-157.

In daylighting performance simulations of façade systems, a trade-off is often required between processing speed and prediction accuracy. This is particularly relevant at design onset, where plausible simulation outcomes are essential to drive decisi... Read More about Daylighting Performance Simulation: Prediction Accuracy / Processing Speed Trade-off.

Convenience in a residence with demand response: A system dynamics simulation model (2022)
Journal Article
Bugaje, B., Rutherford, P., & Clifford, M. (2022). Convenience in a residence with demand response: A system dynamics simulation model. Applied Energy, 314, Article 118929.

Demand Side Management (DSM) is a means to gain more control over energy demand to address some of the challenges of power grids. Demand Response (DR) is an approach to DSM that aims to influence the operation times of appliances; DR is often recomme... Read More about Convenience in a residence with demand response: A system dynamics simulation model.

Gaze correlates of view preference: Comparing natural and urban scenes (2021)
Journal Article
Batool, A., Rutherford, P., McGraw, P., Ledgeway, T., & Altomonte, S. (2022). Gaze correlates of view preference: Comparing natural and urban scenes. Lighting Research and Technology, 54(6), 576-594.

When looking out of a window, natural views are usually associated with restorative qualities and are given a higher preference than urban scenes. Previous research has shown that gaze behaviour might differ based on the natural or urban content of v... Read More about Gaze correlates of view preference: Comparing natural and urban scenes.

A systems dynamics approach to the bottom-up simulation of residential appliance load (2021)
Journal Article
Bugaje, B., Rutherford, P., & Clifford, M. (2021). A systems dynamics approach to the bottom-up simulation of residential appliance load. Energy and Buildings, 247, Article 111164.

Residential demand from real residences can be resource intensive to collect. There is need to generate synthetic residential load in energy research, and new approaches are welcome. Most of the simulation models of synthetic residential load that ou... Read More about A systems dynamics approach to the bottom-up simulation of residential appliance load.

Window Views: Difference of Perception during the COVID-19 Lockdown (2021)
Journal Article
Batool, A., Rutherford, P., McGraw, P., Ledgeway, T., & Altomonte, S. (2021). Window Views: Difference of Perception during the COVID-19 Lockdown. LEUKOS, 17(4), 380-390.

The provision of daylight, fresh air, and of a view outdoors are among the known characteristics of windows. But how does the perception of a window differ when it becomes the primary way of connecting to the physical world outside? In the first half... Read More about Window Views: Difference of Perception during the COVID-19 Lockdown.

View preference in urban environments (2020)
Journal Article
Batool, A., Rutherford, P., McGraw, P., Ledgeway, T., & Altomonte, S. (2021). View preference in urban environments. Lighting Research and Technology, 53(7), 613-636.

With people spending up to 90% of their time in indoor spaces, windows and the visual connection that they afford to the outside, can play an important role in ensuring physical and psychological well-being. This is particularly relevant in urban set... Read More about View preference in urban environments.

Prediction of acoustic transmission in heavily damped system using hybrid Ray-Tracing-SEA method (2020)
Journal Article
Yan, F., Wilson, R., & Rutherford, P. (2020). Prediction of acoustic transmission in heavily damped system using hybrid Ray-Tracing-SEA method. Noise control engineering journal, 68(3), 226-236.

Classic statistical energy analysis mainly deals with the energy transmission of system with relatively low damping. With the application of passive damping treatments, one of the fundamental assumptions in SEA, i.e., a diffused field, tends to fail.... Read More about Prediction of acoustic transmission in heavily damped system using hybrid Ray-Tracing-SEA method.

Sensitivity analysis for energy modelling based on daylight simulations (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Abdelwahab, S., Rutherford, P., Kent, M. G., & Altomonte, S. (2018, September). Sensitivity analysis for energy modelling based on daylight simulations. Presented at International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE 2018), London, UK

Simulation techniques for modelling the lighting and energy performance of buildings are becoming widely available. Previous research by the authors found the outcomes of lighting simulation to be substantively influenced by individual settings of va... Read More about Sensitivity analysis for energy modelling based on daylight simulations.

Energy-efficient retrofit of social housing in the UK: lessons learned from a Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP) in Nottingham (2018)
Journal Article
Elsharkawy, H., & Rutherford, P. (2018). Energy-efficient retrofit of social housing in the UK: lessons learned from a Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP) in Nottingham. Energy and Buildings, 172, 295-306.

One of the long-term challenges outlined within the UK Government's Energy White Paper (2011) is to cut both greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy bills by improving household energy efficiency. As such, several energy-related initiatives have, i... Read More about Energy-efficient retrofit of social housing in the UK: lessons learned from a Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP) in Nottingham.

Glazing systems with Parallel Slats Transparent Insulation Material (PS-TIM): evaluation of building energy and daylight performance (2017)
Journal Article
Sun, Y., Liang, R., Wu, Y., Wilson, R., & Rutherford, P. (2018). Glazing systems with Parallel Slats Transparent Insulation Material (PS-TIM): evaluation of building energy and daylight performance. Energy and Buildings, 159,

Being responsible for a significant proportion of total heat loss in façade dominated buildings, the design and specification of the envelope, particularly the building’s glazing system, is a key factor in determining overall energy consumption. To a... Read More about Glazing systems with Parallel Slats Transparent Insulation Material (PS-TIM): evaluation of building energy and daylight performance.

Development of a comprehensive method to analyse glazing systems with Parallel Slat Transparent Insulation material (PS-TIM) (2017)
Journal Article
Sun, Y., Liang, R., Wu, Y., Wilson, R., & Rutherford, P. (2017). Development of a comprehensive method to analyse glazing systems with Parallel Slat Transparent Insulation material (PS-TIM). Applied Energy, 205,

In order to provide enhanced levels of indoor comfort and building energy conservation, significant improvements have been made in the design of glazed facades and window systems, yielding increases in thermal resistance while simultaneously maintain... Read More about Development of a comprehensive method to analyse glazing systems with Parallel Slat Transparent Insulation material (PS-TIM).

Smart windows—-dynamic control of building energy performance (2017)
Journal Article
Allen, K., Connelly, K., Rutherford, P., & Wu, Y. (2017). Smart windows—-dynamic control of building energy performance. Energy and Buildings, 139,

This paper explores the potential of thermotropic (TT) windows as a means of improving overall building energy performance. Capitalising on their ability to dynamically alter solar and visible light transmittance and reflectance based on window tempe... Read More about Smart windows—-dynamic control of building energy performance.

Interactive and situated learning in education for sustainability (2016)
Journal Article
Altomonte, S., Logan, B., Feisst, M., Rutherford, P., & Wilson, R. (2016). Interactive and situated learning in education for sustainability. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 17(3),


This study aims to explore the opportunities offered by interactive and situated learning (e-learning and m-learning) in support of education for sustainability in disciplines of the built environment.


The... Read More about Interactive and situated learning in education for sustainability.

The role of noise in clinical environments with particular reference to mental health care: a narrative review (2015)
Journal Article
Brown, B., Rutherford, P., & Crawford, P. (in press). The role of noise in clinical environments with particular reference to mental health care: a narrative review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52,

Background: There is a large literature suggesting that noise can be detrimental to health and numerous policy documents have promoted noise abatement in clinical settings.
Objectives: This paper documents the role of noise in clinical environments... Read More about The role of noise in clinical environments with particular reference to mental health care: a narrative review.

Retrofitting social housing in the UK: Home energy use and performance in a pre-Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP) (2014)
Journal Article
Elsharkawy, H., & Rutherford, P. (2015). Retrofitting social housing in the UK: Home energy use and performance in a pre-Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP). Energy and Buildings, 88,

Improving household energy efficiency is regarded as key to significantly curtailing domestic greenhouse gas emissions. Various policy instruments have been introduced to retrofit the existing domestic building stock in the UK; however, many fail to... Read More about Retrofitting social housing in the UK: Home energy use and performance in a pre-Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP).

Human factors in the design of sustainable built environments (2014)
Journal Article
Altomonte, S., Rutherford, P., & Wilson, R. (in press). Human factors in the design of sustainable built environments. Intelligent Buildings International, 7(4),

Scientific research provides convincing evidence that climate change is having significant impacts on many aspects of life. In the built-environment domain, regulatory requirements are pushing the challenges of environmental, economic, and social sus... Read More about Human factors in the design of sustainable built environments.

Speech intelligibility in higher education teaching facilities (2014)
Journal Article
Paterson-Stephens, I., Rutherford, P., & Wilson, R. (2014). Speech intelligibility in higher education teaching facilities. Acoustics Bulletin, 39(2),

This paper expands upon the initial work conducted by Rutherford, Wilson and Hickman4 and explores the relationship between the Speech Transmission Index (STI) and its application within the context of higher education teaching and learning facilitie... Read More about Speech intelligibility in higher education teaching facilities.

Mapping the way forward: education for sustainability in architecture and urban design (2012)
Journal Article
Altomonte, S., Rutherford, P., & Wilson, R. (2014). Mapping the way forward: education for sustainability in architecture and urban design. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 21(3),

Given the growing relevance of the sustainability agenda to the professions of the built environment, one way to ensure that its mandates are effectively integrated in architecture and urban design is to revisit the role that education, particularly... Read More about Mapping the way forward: education for sustainability in architecture and urban design.