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Professor JO LEONARDI-BEE's Outputs (138)

Impact of outpatient neuraminidase inhibitor treatment in patients infected with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 at high risk of hospitalization: an Individual Participant Data (IPD) meta-analysis (2017)
Journal Article
Venkatesan, S., Myles, P. R., Leonardi-Bee, J., Muthuri, S. G., Al Masri, M., Andrews, N., Bantar, C., Dubnov-Raz, G., Gérardin, P., Koay, E. S., Loh, T. P., Memish, Z. A., Miller, E., Oliva, M. E., Rath, B. A., Schweiger, B., Tang, J. W., Tran, D., Vidmar, T., Waight, P. A., & Nguyen-Van-Tam, J. S. (2017). Impact of outpatient neuraminidase inhibitor treatment in patients infected with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 at high risk of hospitalization: an Individual Participant Data (IPD) meta-analysis. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 64(10), 1328-1334.

Background: While evidence exists to support the effectiveness of neuraminidase inhibitors (NAIs) in reducing mortality when given to hospitalized patients with A(H1N1)pdm09 virus infection, the impact of outpatient treatment on hospitalization has n... Read More about Impact of outpatient neuraminidase inhibitor treatment in patients infected with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 at high risk of hospitalization: an Individual Participant Data (IPD) meta-analysis.

A programme of research to set priorities and reduce uncertainties for the prevention and treatment of skin disease (2016)
Journal Article
Thomas, K. S., Batchelor, J. M., Bath-Hextall, F., Chalmers, J., Clarke, T., Crowe, S., Delamere, F. M., Eleftheriadou, V., Evans, N., Firkins, L., Greenlaw, N., Lansbury, L. E., Lawton, S., Layfield, C., Leonardi-Bee, J., Mason, J., Mitchell, E., Nankervis, H., Norrie, J., Nunn, A., …Williams, H. C. (2016). A programme of research to set priorities and reduce uncertainties for the prevention and treatment of skin disease. Programme Grants for Applied Research, 4(18),


Skin diseases are very common and can have a large impact on the quality of life of patients and caregivers. This programme addressed four diseases: (1) eczema, (2) vitiligo, (3) squamous cell skin cancer (SCC) and (4) pyoderma gangreno... Read More about A programme of research to set priorities and reduce uncertainties for the prevention and treatment of skin disease.

Long-term topical corticosteroid use and risk of skin cancer: a systematic review protocol (2016)
Journal Article
Ratib, S., Burden-Teh, E., Leonardi-Bee, J., Harwood, C., & Bath-Hextall, F. (2016). Long-term topical corticosteroid use and risk of skin cancer: a systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 14(12),

Review question/objective: The objective of this systematic review is to synthesize the best available research evidence to determine the risk of skin cancer in patients on long-term use of topical corticosteroids. Specifically the review question is... Read More about Long-term topical corticosteroid use and risk of skin cancer: a systematic review protocol.

English stop-smoking services: one-year outcomes (2016)
Journal Article
Bauld, L., Hiscock, R., Dobbie, F., Aveyard, P., Coleman, T., Leonardi-Bee, J., McRobbie, H., & McEwan, A. (2016). English stop-smoking services: one-year outcomes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(12), Article 1175.

The UK is a global leader in stop-smoking support—providing free behavioral support and cessation medication via stop smoking services (SSS) without charge to smokers. This study aimed to explore the client and service characteristics associated with... Read More about English stop-smoking services: one-year outcomes.

Timing of allergenic food to the introduction to the infant diet and risk of allergic or autoimmune disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Ierodiakonou, D., Garcia-Larsen, V., Logan, A., Groome, A., Cunha, S., Chivinge, J., Robinson, Z., Geoghegan, N., Jarrold, K., Reeves, T., Tagiyeva-Milne, N., Nurmatov, U., Trivella, M., Leonardi-Bee, J., & Boyle, R. J. (2016). Timing of allergenic food to the introduction to the infant diet and risk of allergic or autoimmune disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the American Medical Association, 316(11), 1181-1192.

Importance: Timing of introduction of allergenic foods to the infant diet may influence the risk of allergic or autoimmune disease, but the evidence for this has not been comprehensively synthesized.

Objective: To systematically review and meta-a... Read More about Timing of allergenic food to the introduction to the infant diet and risk of allergic or autoimmune disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Real-world uptake of a tailored, text message pregnancy smoking cessation programme (MiQuit) when offered online (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Emery, J., Coleman, T., Sutton, S., Cooper, S., Leonardi-Bee, J., Jones, M., & Naughton, F. (2016, August). Real-world uptake of a tailored, text message pregnancy smoking cessation programme (MiQuit) when offered online. Presented at EHPS/DHP Conference 2016

Background: Prenatal smoking is a major public health concern and uptake of NHS cessation support is low in this group. Text message-based self-help is a promising intervention for this population but little is known about its likely real-world uptak... Read More about Real-world uptake of a tailored, text message pregnancy smoking cessation programme (MiQuit) when offered online.

Multicentre, randomised controlled trial of a low-cost smoking cessation text message intervention for pregnant smokers (MiQuit) (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Naughton, F., Foster, K., Emery, J., Cooper, S., Sutton, S., Leonardi-Bee, J., Jones, M., Ussher, M., Whitemore, R., Leighton, M., Montgomery, A., Parrott, S., & Coleman, T. (2016, August). Multicentre, randomised controlled trial of a low-cost smoking cessation text message intervention for pregnant smokers (MiQuit). Presented at European Health Psychology Society and British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology Conference 2016 (EHPS/DHP 2016)

Background: Text message cessation programmes have potential to change smoking behaviour during pregnancy but their effectiveness is unknown. This study aimed to estimate key parameters, including effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, for delivering... Read More about Multicentre, randomised controlled trial of a low-cost smoking cessation text message intervention for pregnant smokers (MiQuit).

Alcohol and tobacco content in UK video games and their association with alcohol and tobacco use among young people (2016)
Journal Article
Cranwell, J., Whitamore, K., Britton, J., & Leonardi-Bee, J. (2016). Alcohol and tobacco content in UK video games and their association with alcohol and tobacco use among young people. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 19(7), 426-434.

Aims: To determine the extent to which video games include alcohol and tobacco content and assess the association between playing them and alcohol and smoking behaviours in adolescent players.

Design: Assessment of substance in the 32 UK bestsell... Read More about Alcohol and tobacco content in UK video games and their association with alcohol and tobacco use among young people.

The association between treatment adherence to nicotine patches and smoking cessation in pregnancy (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Vaz, L. R., Aveyard, P., Cooper, S., Leonardi-Bee, J., & Coleman, T. The association between treatment adherence to nicotine patches and smoking cessation in pregnancy. Presented at SAPC Annual Conference 2016

Background: In non-pregnant “quitters,” adherence to nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) increases smoking cessation. We investigated relationships between adherence to placebo or NRT patches and cessation in pregnancy, including an assessment of reve... Read More about The association between treatment adherence to nicotine patches and smoking cessation in pregnancy.

Smoking in movies and smoking initiation in adolescents: systematic review and meta-analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Leonardi-Bee, J., Nderi, M., & Britton, J. (in press). Smoking in movies and smoking initiation in adolescents: systematic review and meta-analysis. Addiction, 111(10),

Background and aims: Preventing young people from initiating smoking is a vital public health objective. There is strong evidence that exposure to smoking imagery in movies is associated with an increased risk of smoking uptake. However, the estimate... Read More about Smoking in movies and smoking initiation in adolescents: systematic review and meta-analysis.

‘Opt-out’ referrals after identifying pregnant smokers using exhaled air carbon monoxide: impact on engagement with smoking cessation support (2016)
Journal Article
Campbell, K., Cooper, S., Fahy, S., Bowker, K., Leonardi-Bee, J., McEwen, A., Whitemore, R., & Coleman, T. (2017). ‘Opt-out’ referrals after identifying pregnant smokers using exhaled air carbon monoxide: impact on engagement with smoking cessation support. Tobacco Control, 26(3), 300-306.

Background. In the UK, free smoking cessation support is available to pregnant women; only a minority access this. ‘Opt-out’ referrals to stop smoking services (SSS) are recommended by UK guidelines. These involve identifying pregnant smokers using e... Read More about ‘Opt-out’ referrals after identifying pregnant smokers using exhaled air carbon monoxide: impact on engagement with smoking cessation support.

SmokeHaz: systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the effects of smoking on respiratory health (2016)
Journal Article
Jayes, L., Haslam, P. L., Gratziou, C. G., Powell, P., Britton, J., Vardavas, C., Jimenez-Ruiz, C., & Leonardi-Bee, J. (2016). SmokeHaz: systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the effects of smoking on respiratory health. Chest, 150(1),

Background: Smoking tobacco increases the risk of respiratory disease in adults and children, but communicating the magnitude of these effects in a scientific manner that is accessible and usable by public and policymakers presents a challenge. We ha... Read More about SmokeHaz: systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the effects of smoking on respiratory health.

The association between treatment adherence to nicotine patches and smoking cessation in pregnancy: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial (2016)
Journal Article
Vaz, L. R., Aveyard, P., Cooper, S., Leonardi-Bee, J., & Coleman, T. (2016). The association between treatment adherence to nicotine patches and smoking cessation in pregnancy: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 18(10),


In non-pregnant ‘quitters’, adherence to nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) increases smoking cessation. We investigated relationships between adherence to placebo or NRT patches and cessation in pregnancy, including an assessment of... Read More about The association between treatment adherence to nicotine patches and smoking cessation in pregnancy: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial.

Hydrolysed formula and risk of allergic or autoimmune disease: Systematic review and meta-analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Boyle, R. J., Ierodiakonou, D., Khan, T., Chivinge, J., Robinson, Z., Geoghegan, N., Jarrold, K., Afxentiou, T., Reeves, T., Cunha, S., Trivella, M., Garcia-Larsen, V., & Leonardi-Bee, J. (2016). Hydrolysed formula and risk of allergic or autoimmune disease: Systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ, 352, Article i974.

© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2016. Objective To determine whether feeding infants with hydrolysed formula reduces their risk of allergic or autoimmune disease. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis, as part of a series of systematic reviews commis... Read More about Hydrolysed formula and risk of allergic or autoimmune disease: Systematic review and meta-analysis.

Corticosteroids as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of influenza (2016)
Journal Article
Rodrigo, C., Leonardi-Bee, J., Nguyen-Van-Tam, J., & Lim, W. S. (2016). Corticosteroids as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of influenza. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Article CD010406.

Background: Specific treatments for influenza are limited to neuraminidase inhibitors and adamantanes. Corticosteroids show evidence of benefit in sepsis and related conditions, most likely due to their anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properti... Read More about Corticosteroids as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of influenza.

Impact of neuraminidase inhibitors on influenza A(H1N1)pdm09-related pneumonia: an individual participant data meta-analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Muthuri, S. G., Venkatesan, S., Myles, P. R., Leonardi-Bee, J., Lim, W. S., Al Mamun, A., Anovadiya, A. P., Araújo, W. N., Azziz‐Baumgartner, E., Báez, C., Bantar, C., Barhoush, M. M., Bassetti, M., Beovic, B., Bingisser, R., Bonmarin, I., Borja‐Aburto, V. H., Cao, B., Carratala, J., Cuezzo, M. R., …Nguyen-Van-Tam, J. S. (2016). Impact of neuraminidase inhibitors on influenza A(H1N1)pdm09-related pneumonia: an individual participant data meta-analysis. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses, 10(3), 192-204.

BACKGROUND: The impact of neuraminidase inhibitors (NAIs) on influenza‐related pneumonia (IRP) is not established. Our objective was to investigate the association between NAI treatment and IRP incidence and outcomes in patients hospitalised with A(H... Read More about Impact of neuraminidase inhibitors on influenza A(H1N1)pdm09-related pneumonia: an individual participant data meta-analysis.

Pharmacological interventions for promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy (2015)
Journal Article
Coleman, T., Chamberlain, C., Davey, M.-A., Cooper, S., & Leonardi-Bee, J. (2015). Pharmacological interventions for promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,


Smoking in pregnancy is a public health problem. When used by non-pregnant smokers, pharmacotherapies (nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), bupropion and varenicline) are effective for smoking cessation, however, their efficacy and safet... Read More about Pharmacological interventions for promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy.

Small area synthetic estimates of smoking prevalence during pregnancy in England (2015)
Journal Article
Szatkowski, L., Fahy, S., Coleman, T., Taylor, J., Twigg, L., Moon, G., & Leonardi-Bee, J. (2015). Small area synthetic estimates of smoking prevalence during pregnancy in England. Population Health Metrics, 13(34),

Background: Complete and accurate data on maternal smoking prevalence during pregnancy are not available at a local geographical scale in England. We employ a synthetic estimation approach to predict the expected prevalence of smoking during pregnanc... Read More about Small area synthetic estimates of smoking prevalence during pregnancy in England.

What is the quality of smoking cessation advice in guidelines of tobacco-related diseases? (2015)
Journal Article
Bogdanovica, I., Agrawal, S., Gregory, B., Britton, J., & Leonardi-Bee, J. (2015). What is the quality of smoking cessation advice in guidelines of tobacco-related diseases?. Clinical Medicine, 15(6),

Smoking is a major risk factor for a range of diseases, and quitting smoking provides considerable benefits to health. It therefore follows that clinical guidelines on disease management, particularly for diseases caused by smoking, should include sm... Read More about What is the quality of smoking cessation advice in guidelines of tobacco-related diseases?.

The adaptation and uptake evaluation of an SMS text message smoking cessation programme (MiQuit) for use in antenatal care (2015)
Journal Article
Naughton, F., Cooper, S., Bowker, K., Campbell, K., Sutton, S., Leonardi-Bee, J., Sloan, M., & Coleman, T. (2015). The adaptation and uptake evaluation of an SMS text message smoking cessation programme (MiQuit) for use in antenatal care. BMJ Open, 5(10), Article e008871.

Objectives: To adapt a tailored SMS text message smoking cessation intervention (MiQuit) for use without active health professional endorsement in routine antenatal care settings, to estimate ‘real world’ uptake and test the feasibility of its use. D... Read More about The adaptation and uptake evaluation of an SMS text message smoking cessation programme (MiQuit) for use in antenatal care.