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Impact of neuraminidase inhibitors on influenza A(H1N1)pdm09-related pneumonia: an individual participant data meta-analysis

Muthuri, Stella G.; Venkatesan, Sudhir; Myles, Puja R.; Leonardi-Bee, Jo; Lim, Wei Shen; Al Mamun, Abdullah; Anovadiya, Ashish P; Ara?jo, Wildo N; Azziz?Baumgartner, Eduardo; B?ez, Clarisa; Bantar, Carlos; Barhoush, Mazen M; Bassetti, Matteo; Beovic, Bojana; Bingisser, Roland; Bonmarin, Isabelle; Borja?Aburto, Victor H.; Cao, Bin; Carratala, Jordi; Cuezzo, Mar?a R.; Denholm, Justin T; Dominguez, Samuel R.; Duarte, Pericles A. D.; Dubnov?Raz, Gal; Echavarria, Marcela; Fanella, Sergio; Fraser, James; Gao, Zhancheng; G?rardin, Patrick; Giannella, Maddalena; Gubbels, Sophie; Herberg, Jethro; Higuera Iglesias, Anjarath L; Hoeger, Peter H; Hoffmann, Matthias; Hu, Xiaoyun; Islam, Quazi T; Jim?nez, Mirela F.; Kandeel, Amr; Keijzers, Gerben; Khalili, Hossein; Khandaker, Gulam; Knight, Marian; Kusznierz, Gabriela; Kuzman, Ilija; Kwan, Arthur M. C.; Lahlou Amine, Idriss; Langenegger, Eduard; Lankarani, Kamran B.; Leo, Yee?Sin; Linko, Rita; Liu, Pei; Madanat, Faris; Manabe, Toshie; Mayo?Montero, E...

Impact of neuraminidase inhibitors on influenza A(H1N1)pdm09-related pneumonia: an individual participant data meta-analysis Thumbnail


Stella G. Muthuri

Sudhir Venkatesan

Puja R. Myles

Wei Shen Lim

Abdullah Al Mamun

Ashish P Anovadiya

Wildo N Ara�jo

Eduardo Azziz?Baumgartner

Clarisa B�ez

Carlos Bantar

Mazen M Barhoush

Matteo Bassetti

Bojana Beovic

Roland Bingisser

Isabelle Bonmarin

Victor H. Borja?Aburto

Bin Cao

Jordi Carratala

Mar�a R. Cuezzo

Justin T Denholm

Samuel R. Dominguez

Pericles A. D. Duarte

Gal Dubnov?Raz

Marcela Echavarria

Sergio Fanella

James Fraser

Zhancheng Gao

Patrick G�rardin

Maddalena Giannella

Sophie Gubbels

Jethro Herberg

Anjarath L Higuera Iglesias

Peter H Hoeger

Matthias Hoffmann

Xiaoyun Hu

Quazi T Islam

Mirela F. Jim�nez

Amr Kandeel

Gerben Keijzers

Hossein Khalili

Gulam Khandaker

Marian Knight

Gabriela Kusznierz

Ilija Kuzman

Arthur M. C. Kwan

Idriss Lahlou Amine

Eduard Langenegger

Kamran B. Lankarani

Yee?Sin Leo

Rita Linko

Pei Liu

Faris Madanat

Toshie Manabe

Elga Mayo?Montero

Allison McGeer

Ziad A. Memish

Gokhan Metan

Dragan Miki?

Kristin G. I. Mohn

Ahmadreza Moradi

Pagbajabyn Nymadawa

Bulent Ozbay

Mehpare Ozkan

Dhruv Parekh

Mical Paul

Wolfgang Poeppl

Fernando P Polack

Barbara A. Rath

Alejandro H. Rodr�guez

Marilda M. Siqueira

Joanna Skr?t?Magier?o

Ewa Talarek

Julian W. Tang

Antoni Torres

Selda H. T�r�n

Dat Tran

Timothy M. Uyeki

Annelies van Zwol

Wendy Vaudry

Daiva Velyvyte

Tjasa Vidmar

Paul Zarogoulidis

Jonathan S. Nguyen-Van-Tam


BACKGROUND: The impact of neuraminidase inhibitors (NAIs) on influenza‐related pneumonia (IRP) is not established. Our objective was to investigate the association between NAI treatment and IRP incidence and outcomes in patients hospitalised with A(H1N1)pdm09 virus infection.
METHODS: A worldwide meta‐analysis of individual participant data from 20 634 hospitalised patients with laboratory‐confirmed A(H1N1)pdm09 (n = 20 021) or clinically diagnosed (n = 613) ‘pandemic influenza’. The primary outcome was radiologically confirmed IRP. Odds ratios (OR) were estimated using generalised linear mixed modelling, adjusting for NAI treatment propensity, antibiotics and corticosteroids.
RESULTS: Of 20 634 included participants, 5978 (29·0%) had IRP; conversely, 3349 (16·2%) had confirmed the absence of radiographic pneumonia (the comparator). Early NAI treatment (within 2 days of symptom onset) versus no NAI was not significantly associated with IRP [adj. OR 0·83 (95% CI 0·64–1·06; P = 0·136)]. Among the 5978 patients with IRP, early NAI treatment versus none did not impact on mortality [adj. OR = 0·72 (0·44–1·17; P = 0·180)] or likelihood of requiring ventilatory support [adj. OR = 1·17 (0·71–1·92; P = 0·537)], but early treatment versus later significantly reduced mortality [adj. OR = 0·70 (0·55–0·88; P = 0·003)] and likelihood of requiring ventilatory support [adj. OR = 0·68 (0·54–0·85; P = 0·001)].
CONCLUSIONS: Early NAI treatment of patients hospitalised with A(H1N1)pdm09 virus infection versus no treatment did not reduce the likelihood of IRP. However, in patients who developed IRP, early NAI treatment versus later reduced the likelihood of mortality and needing ventilatory support.


Muthuri, S. G., Venkatesan, S., Myles, P. R., Leonardi-Bee, J., Lim, W. S., Al Mamun, A., Anovadiya, A. P., Araújo, W. N., Azziz‐Baumgartner, E., Báez, C., Bantar, C., Barhoush, M. M., Bassetti, M., Beovic, B., Bingisser, R., Bonmarin, I., Borja‐Aburto, V. H., Cao, B., Carratala, J., Cuezzo, M. R., …Nguyen-Van-Tam, J. S. (2016). Impact of neuraminidase inhibitors on influenza A(H1N1)pdm09-related pneumonia: an individual participant data meta-analysis. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses, 10(3), 192-204.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 9, 2015
Online Publication Date Feb 1, 2016
Publication Date 2016-05
Deposit Date Aug 26, 2016
Publicly Available Date Aug 26, 2016
Journal Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses
Print ISSN 1750-2640
Electronic ISSN 1750-2659
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 10
Issue 3
Pages 192-204
Keywords Hospitalisation, individual participant data meta-analyses,
influenza-related pneumonia, neuraminidase inhibitors.
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Aug 26, 2016


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