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Prospective study of exposure to smoking imagery in films and changes in susceptibility to smoking in a cohort of school students in Southern India (2024)
Journal Article
Kamath, V. G., Kulkarni, M. M., Kamath, A., Lewis, S., Bogdanovica, I., Bains, M., Cranwell, J., Fogarty, A., Arora, M., Bahl, D., Nazar, G. P., Naik, A. K., Ballal, K., Bhagawath, R., & Britton, J. (2024). Prospective study of exposure to smoking imagery in films and changes in susceptibility to smoking in a cohort of school students in Southern India. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 22(May), Article 88.

INTRODUCTION India has unique tobacco-free film and TV rules designed to prevent tobacco uptake. In this study, we examined the potential influence of exposure to smoking imagery in regionally famous films, on susceptibility to smoke in teenagers enr... Read More about Prospective study of exposure to smoking imagery in films and changes in susceptibility to smoking in a cohort of school students in Southern India.

Can the implementation of net gain requirements in England's planning system be applied to health? (2024)
Journal Article
Stewart-Evans, J., Koksal, C., & Chang, M. (2024). Can the implementation of net gain requirements in England's planning system be applied to health?. The Lancet Planetary Health, 8(3), e188-e196.

This Personal View considers the relationship between spatial planning and health and the potential benefits of requiring health net gain from land use decisions and new developments. We explore how a health net gain objective could be applied in spa... Read More about Can the implementation of net gain requirements in England's planning system be applied to health?.

Association between the implementation of standardised tobacco packaging legislation and illicit tobacco and cross-border purchasing in England: a time-series analysis between 2012 and 2020 (2024)
Journal Article
Vincent, H., Laverty, A. A., Brown, J., Beard, E., & Bogdanovica, I. (2024). Association between the implementation of standardised tobacco packaging legislation and illicit tobacco and cross-border purchasing in England: a time-series analysis between 2012 and 2020. Tobacco Control,

In May 2016, the UK announced standardising packaging legislation for tobacco products. There was a 12-month transition period with both branded and standardised packs on the market until May 2017. The aim of this study was to investigat... Read More about Association between the implementation of standardised tobacco packaging legislation and illicit tobacco and cross-border purchasing in England: a time-series analysis between 2012 and 2020.

Cost of the COVID-19 pandemic versus the cost-effectiveness of mitigation strategies in EU/UK/OECD: a systematic review (2023)
Journal Article
Vardavas, C., Zisis, K., Nikitara, K., Lagou, I., Marou, V., Aslanoglou, K., Athanasakis, K., Phalkey, R., Leonardi-Bee, J., Fernandez, E., Condell, O., Lamb, F., Sandmann, F., Pharris, A., Deogan, C., & Suk, J. E. (2023). Cost of the COVID-19 pandemic versus the cost-effectiveness of mitigation strategies in EU/UK/OECD: a systematic review. BMJ Open, 13(10), Article e077602.

OBJECTIVES: The economic burden of COVID-19 pandemic is substantial, with both direct and indirect costs playing a significant role. DESIGN: A systematic literature review was conducted to estimate the cost of the COVID-19 pandemic and the cost-effec... Read More about Cost of the COVID-19 pandemic versus the cost-effectiveness of mitigation strategies in EU/UK/OECD: a systematic review.

Migrants’ living conditions, perceived health needs and implications for the use of antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance in the United Kingdom: a qualitative study (2023)
Journal Article
Nanakali, S. S., Hassan, O., Silva, L., Al-Oraibi, A., Chaloner, J., Gogoi, M., Qureshi, I., Sahare, P., Pareek, M., Chattopadhyay, K., & Nellums, L. B. (2023). Migrants’ living conditions, perceived health needs and implications for the use of antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance in the United Kingdom: a qualitative study. Health Science Reports, 6(10), Article e1655.

Background and Aims:
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is among the top public health concerns around the globe. Migrants, especially forced migrants, could be at higher risk of acquiring and transmitting AMR during their journeys or in host countries.... Read More about Migrants’ living conditions, perceived health needs and implications for the use of antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance in the United Kingdom: a qualitative study.

Social determinants of health and vaccine uptake during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review (2023)
Journal Article
Vardavas, C., Nikitara, K., Aslanoglou, K., Lagou, I., Marou, V., Phalkey, R., Leonardi-Bee, J., Fernandez, E., Vivilaki, V., Kamekis, A., Symvoulakis, E., Noori, T., Wuerz, A., Suk, J. E., & Deogan, C. (2023). Social determinants of health and vaccine uptake during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review. Preventive Medicine Reports, 35, Article 102319.

Social determinants of health significantly impact population health status. The aim of this systematic review was to examine which social vulnerability factors or determinants of health at the individual or county level affected vaccine uptake withi... Read More about Social determinants of health and vaccine uptake during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review.

Can co-created knowledge mobilisation interventions alter and enhance mindlines to improve childhood eczema care? A UK-based Social Impact Framework evaluation (2023)
Journal Article
Cowdell, F., Lax, S., Van Onselen, J., & Pendleton, R. (2023). Can co-created knowledge mobilisation interventions alter and enhance mindlines to improve childhood eczema care? A UK-based Social Impact Framework evaluation. BMJ Open, 13(4), Article e065557.

Objective To evaluate the impact of using knowledge mobilisation interventions to alter and enhance mindlines and improve childhood eczema care.

Design The eczema mindlines study involved three stages: (1) mapping and confirming eczema mindlines,... Read More about Can co-created knowledge mobilisation interventions alter and enhance mindlines to improve childhood eczema care? A UK-based Social Impact Framework evaluation.

Using Shopping Data to Improve the Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer: Computational Analysis of a Web-Based Survey (2023)
Journal Article
Dolan, E., Goulding, J., Tata, L., & Lang, A. (2023). Using Shopping Data to Improve the Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer: Computational Analysis of a Web-Based Survey. JMIR Cancer, 9, Article e37141.


Shopping data can be analysed using machine learning techniques to study population health. It is unknown if use of such methods can successfully investigate pre-diagnosis purchases linked to self-medication of symptoms of ovarian cance... Read More about Using Shopping Data to Improve the Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer: Computational Analysis of a Web-Based Survey.

Effectiveness and cost‐effectiveness of behavioural support for prolonged abstinence for smokers wishing to reduce but not quit: Randomised controlled trial of physical activity assisted reduction of smoking (TARS) (2023)
Journal Article
Taylor, A. H., Thompson, T. P., Streeter, A., Chynoweth, J., Snowsill, T., Ingram, W., Ussher, M., Aveyard, P., Murray, R. L., Harris, T., Callaghan, L., Green, C., Greaves, C. J., Price, L., & Creanor, S. (2023). Effectiveness and cost‐effectiveness of behavioural support for prolonged abstinence for smokers wishing to reduce but not quit: Randomised controlled trial of physical activity assisted reduction of smoking (TARS). Addiction, 118(6), 1140-1152.

Aims: For smokers unmotivated to quit, we assessed the effectiveness and cost‐effectiveness of behavioural support to reduce smoking and increase physical activity on prolonged abstinence and related outcomes. Design: A multi‐centred pragmatic two‐ar... Read More about Effectiveness and cost‐effectiveness of behavioural support for prolonged abstinence for smokers wishing to reduce but not quit: Randomised controlled trial of physical activity assisted reduction of smoking (TARS).