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E-cigarettes and harm reduction: An evidence review

Agrawal, Sanjay; Angus, Kathryn; Arnott, Deborah; Ashcroft, Richard; Aveyard, Paul; Barry, Rachel; Bauld, Linda; Beard, Emma; Benowitz, Neal; Bogdanovica, Ilze; Braznell, Sophie; Brennan, Alan; Britton, John; Brown, Jamie; Bunce, Laura; Butler, Ailsa; Butler, Scott; Cheeseman, Hazel; Cox, Sharon; Dawkins, Lynne; Dockrell, Martin; Doody, Paul; East, Katherine; Ford, Allison; Gallagher, Allen; Gartner, Coral; Gillespie, Duncan; Gilmore, Anna; Hajek, Peter; Hartmann-Boyce, Jamie; Hiscock, Rosemary; Jackson, Sarah; Jarvis, Martin; Jayes, Leah; Khouja, Jasmine; Kock, Loren; Langley, Tessa; Legg, Tess; Leonardi-Bee, Jo; Lindson, Nicola; McNeill, Ann; Mehegan, John; Moore, Graham; Morris, Damon; Munafò, Marcus; Murray, Rachael; Naughton, Felix; Newton, John; Notley, Caitlin; Nottage, Matilda; Pesola, Francesca; Ratschen, Elena; Robson, Deborah; Shahab, Lion; Shoesmith, Emily; Simonavičius, Erikas; Taylor, Eve; Wilson, Luke

E-cigarettes and harm reduction: An evidence review Thumbnail


Sanjay Agrawal

Kathryn Angus

Deborah Arnott

Richard Ashcroft

Paul Aveyard

Rachel Barry

Linda Bauld

Emma Beard

Neal Benowitz

Sophie Braznell

Alan Brennan

John Britton

Jamie Brown

Laura Bunce

Ailsa Butler

Scott Butler

Hazel Cheeseman

Sharon Cox

Lynne Dawkins

Martin Dockrell

Paul Doody

Katherine East

Allison Ford

Allen Gallagher

Coral Gartner

Duncan Gillespie

Anna Gilmore

Peter Hajek

Jamie Hartmann-Boyce

Rosemary Hiscock

Sarah Jackson

Martin Jarvis

Leah Jayes

Jasmine Khouja

Loren Kock

Tess Legg

Nicola Lindson

Ann McNeill

John Mehegan

Graham Moore

Damon Morris

Marcus Munafò

Felix Naughton

John Newton

Caitlin Notley

Matilda Nottage

Francesca Pesola

Elena Ratschen

Deborah Robson

Lion Shahab

Emily Shoesmith

Erikas Simonavičius

Eve Taylor

Luke Wilson


Agrawal, S., Angus, K., Arnott, D., Ashcroft, R., Aveyard, P., Barry, R., Bauld, L., Beard, E., Benowitz, N., Bogdanovica, I., Braznell, S., Brennan, A., Britton, J., Brown, J., Bunce, L., Butler, A., Butler, S., Cheeseman, H., Cox, S., Dawkins, L., …Wilson, L. (2024). E-cigarettes and harm reduction: An evidence review. Royal College of Physicians

Report Type Research Report
Publication Date 2024-04
Deposit Date May 7, 2024
Publicly Available Date May 7, 2024
Publisher Royal College of Physicians
Pages 267
ISBN 9781860168833
Public URL
Publisher URL


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