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Dr ANDREW FOGARTY's Outputs (10)

Weight, height and midupper arm circumference are associated with haemoglobin levels in adolescent girls living in rural India: A cross-sectional study (2019)
Journal Article
Ahankari, A. S., Tata, L. J., & Fogarty, A. W. (2020). Weight, height and midupper arm circumference are associated with haemoglobin levels in adolescent girls living in rural India: A cross-sectional study. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 16(2), Article e12908.

We aimed to explore the association of physical parameters with haemoglobin (Hb) levels to test the hypothesis that impaired physical development is associated with anaemia.

A cross-sectional survey study recruited adolescent... Read More about Weight, height and midupper arm circumference are associated with haemoglobin levels in adolescent girls living in rural India: A cross-sectional study.

Evaluation of the impact of a brief educational message on clinicians’ awareness of risks of ionising-radiation exposure in imaging investigations: a pilot pre-post intervention study (2019)
Journal Article
Young, B., Cranwell, J., Fogarty, A. W., Skelly, R., Sturrock, N., Norwood, M., Shaw, D., Lewis, S., Langley, T., & Thurley, P. (2019). Evaluation of the impact of a brief educational message on clinicians’ awareness of risks of ionising-radiation exposure in imaging investigations: a pilot pre-post intervention study. BMC Health Services Research, 19, Article 841.

In the context of increasing availability of computed tomography (CT) scans, judicious use of ionising radiation is a priority to minimise the risk of future health problems. Hence, education of clinicians on the risks and benefits of CT... Read More about Evaluation of the impact of a brief educational message on clinicians’ awareness of risks of ionising-radiation exposure in imaging investigations: a pilot pre-post intervention study.

Clinical significance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2-alkyl-4-quinolone quorum-sensing signal molecules for long-term outcomes in adults with cystic fibrosis (2019)
Journal Article
Webb, K., Fogarty, A., Barrett, D. A., Nash, E. F., Whitehouse, J. L., Smyth, A. R., Stewart, I., Knox, A., Williams, P., Halliday, N., Barr, H. L., & Cámara, M. (2019). Clinical significance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2-alkyl-4-quinolone quorum-sensing signal molecules for long-term outcomes in adults with cystic fibrosis. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 68(12), 1823-1828.

Introduction : Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an important respiratory pathogen in cystic fibrosis (CF), which is associated with an accelerated decline in lung function, frequent pulmonary exacerbations and increased mortality. P. aeruginosa produces in... Read More about Clinical significance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2-alkyl-4-quinolone quorum-sensing signal molecules for long-term outcomes in adults with cystic fibrosis.

Does cost feedback modify demand for common blood tests in secondary care? A prospective controlled intervention study (2019)
Journal Article
Lewis, S., Young, B., Thurley, P., Shaw, D., Cranwell, J., Skelly, R., Langley, T., Norwood, M., Sturrock, N. D., & Fogarty, A. W. (2019). Does cost feedback modify demand for common blood tests in secondary care? A prospective controlled intervention study. Future Healthcare Journal, 6(3), 204-208.

Background: Behavioural insights or ‘nudge’ theory suggests that non-directional interventions may be used to modify human behaviour. We have tested the hypothesis that the provision of the cost of common blood tests with their results may modify sub... Read More about Does cost feedback modify demand for common blood tests in secondary care? A prospective controlled intervention study.

Rojiroti microfinance and child nutrition: a cluster randomised trial (2019)
Journal Article
Ojha, S., Szatkowski, L., Sinha, R., Yaron, G., Fogarty, A., Allen, S., Choudhary, S., & Smyth, A. R. (2020). Rojiroti microfinance and child nutrition: a cluster randomised trial. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 105(3), 229-235.

Objective To determine whether Rojiroti microfinance, for poor Indian women, improves child nutrition.

Design Cluster randomised trial.

Setting Tolas (village communities) in Bihar State.

Participants Women and children under 5 years.

Int... Read More about Rojiroti microfinance and child nutrition: a cluster randomised trial.

Changes in Asthma Mortality in England and Wales since 2001 (2019)
Journal Article
Shaw, D. E., Gaynor, C. M., & Fogarty, A. (2019). Changes in Asthma Mortality in England and Wales since 2001. Thorax, 74(12), 1174-1175.

The number of deaths from asthma in England and Wales has not changed significantly over the last decade. This lack of improvement has received attention from both national asthma guidelines and the media. We examined asthma death data from the Offic... Read More about Changes in Asthma Mortality in England and Wales since 2001.

Global differences in geography, religion and other societal factors are associated with sex differences in mortality from suicide: An ecological study of 182 countries (2019)
Journal Article
Alothman, D., & Fogarty, A. (2020). Global differences in geography, religion and other societal factors are associated with sex differences in mortality from suicide: An ecological study of 182 countries. Journal of Affective Disorders, 260, 67-72.

© 2019 Background: Over 800,000 individuals die as a consequence of suicide annually, and almost two thirds of these deaths are in males. This analysis aimed to explore sex differences in global suicide rates with regards to geographic location, reli... Read More about Global differences in geography, religion and other societal factors are associated with sex differences in mortality from suicide: An ecological study of 182 countries.

Prevalence and risk factors for initiating alcohol and tobacco consumption in adolescents living in urban and rural Ethiopia (2019)
Journal Article
Getachew, S., Lewis, S., Britton, J., Deressa, W., & Fogarty, A. W. (2019). Prevalence and risk factors for initiating alcohol and tobacco consumption in adolescents living in urban and rural Ethiopia. Public Health, 174, 118-126.

© 2019 The Authors Objectives: African countries are potential high growth markets for the alcohol and tobacco industries. This study aimed to identify exposures that are associated with initiating use of alcohol and tobacco products in young people... Read More about Prevalence and risk factors for initiating alcohol and tobacco consumption in adolescents living in urban and rural Ethiopia.

What is the association between price and economic activity with cigarette consumption in Cuba from 1980 to 2014? (2019)
Journal Article
Varona-Perez*, P., Bridges, S., Lorenzo-Vazquez, E., Suarez-Medina, R., Venero-Fernandez, S.-J., Langley, T., Britton, J., & Fogarty, A. W. (2019). What is the association between price and economic activity with cigarette consumption in Cuba from 1980 to 2014?. Public Health, 173, 126-129.

Objectives: Cuba is a tobacco producing country that has been economically isolated as a consequence of an embargo imposed by the USA, and has also experienced a severe economic depression in the 1990s after the withdrawal of support by the former So... Read More about What is the association between price and economic activity with cigarette consumption in Cuba from 1980 to 2014?.

Evaluation of a nudge intervention providing simple feedback to clinicians of the consequence of radiation exposure on demand for computerised tomography scans: a prospective, controlled study (2019)
Journal Article
Lewis, S., Shaw, D., Langley, T., Fogarty, A., Young, B., & Cranwell, O. (2019). Evaluation of a nudge intervention providing simple feedback to clinicians of the consequence of radiation exposure on demand for computerised tomography scans: a prospective, controlled study. Clinical Medicine, 19(4), 290-293.

Computerised tomography (CT) is readily available in developed countries. As one of the side-effects includes an increased risk of cancer, interventions that may encourage more judicious use of CT scans are important. Behavioural economics theory inc... Read More about Evaluation of a nudge intervention providing simple feedback to clinicians of the consequence of radiation exposure on demand for computerised tomography scans: a prospective, controlled study.