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Professor FELICITY ROSE's Outputs (15)

Fungal Attachment-Resistant Polymers for the Additive Manufacture of Medical Devices (2024)
Journal Article
Yong, L. X., Sefton, J., Vallières, C., Rance, G. A., Hill, J., Cuzzucoli Crucitti, V., Dundas, A. A., Rose, F. R. A. J., Alexander, M. R., Wildman, R., He, Y., Avery, S. V., & Irvine, D. J. (2024). Fungal Attachment-Resistant Polymers for the Additive Manufacture of Medical Devices. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 16(40), 54508–54519.

This study reports the development of the first copolymer material that (i) is resistant to fungal attachment and hence biofilm formation, (ii) operates via a nonkilling mechanism, i.e., avoids the use of antifungal actives and the emergence of funga... Read More about Fungal Attachment-Resistant Polymers for the Additive Manufacture of Medical Devices.

Enabling High-fidelity Personalized Pharmaceutical Tablets through Multimaterial Inkjet 3D Printing with a Water-soluble Excipient (2024)
Journal Article
Rivers, G., Lion, A., Rofiqoh Eviana Putri, N., Rance, G., Moloney, C., Taresco, V., Crucitti, V. C., Constantin, H., Inê Evangelista Barreiros, M., Cantu, L. R., Tuck, C., Rose, F. R. A. J., Hague, R. J. M., Roberts, C. J., Turyanska, L., Wildman, R. D., & He, Y. (2024). Enabling High-fidelity Personalized Pharmaceutical Tablets through Multimaterial Inkjet 3D Printing with a Water-soluble Excipient. Materials Today Advances, 22, Article 100493.

Additive manufacturing offers manufacture of personalised pharmaceutical tablets through design freedoms and material deposition control at an individual voxel level. This control goes beyond geometry and materials choices: inkjet based 3D printing e... Read More about Enabling High-fidelity Personalized Pharmaceutical Tablets through Multimaterial Inkjet 3D Printing with a Water-soluble Excipient.

Enabling high-fidelity personalised pharmaceutical tablets through multimaterial inkjet 3D printing with a water-soluble excipient (2024)
Journal Article
Rivers, G., Lion, A., Putri, N. R. E., Rance, G. A., Moloney, C., Taresco, V., Crucitti, V. C., Constantin, H., Evangelista Barreiros, M. I., Cantu, L. R., Tuck, C. J., Rose, F. R., Hague, R. J., Roberts, C. J., Turyanska, L., Wildman, R. D., & He, Y. (2024). Enabling high-fidelity personalised pharmaceutical tablets through multimaterial inkjet 3D printing with a water-soluble excipient. Materials Today Advances, 22, Article 100493.

Additive manufacturing offers manufacture of personalised pharmaceutical tablets through design freedoms and material deposition control at an individual voxel level. This control goes beyond geometry and materials choices: inkjet based 3D printing e... Read More about Enabling high-fidelity personalised pharmaceutical tablets through multimaterial inkjet 3D printing with a water-soluble excipient.

Exploiting Generative Design for Multi-Material Inkjet 3D Printed Cell Instructive, Bacterial Biofilm Resistant Composites (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
he, Y., Begines, B., Trindade, G., Abdi, M., dubern, J.-F., Prina, E., Hook, A., Choong, G., Ledesma, J., Tuck, C., R. A. J. Rose, F., Hague, R., Roberts, C., De Focatiis, D., Ashcroft, I., Williams, P., Irvine, D., alexander, M., & Wildman, R. Exploiting Generative Design for Multi-Material Inkjet 3D Printed Cell Instructive, Bacterial Biofilm Resistant Composites

As our understanding of disease grows, it is becoming established that treatment needs to be personalized and targeted to the needs of the individual. In this paper we show that multi-material inkjet-based 3D printing, when backed with generative des... Read More about Exploiting Generative Design for Multi-Material Inkjet 3D Printed Cell Instructive, Bacterial Biofilm Resistant Composites.

Mineralizing Coating on 3D Printed Scaffolds for the Promotion of Osseointegration (2022)
Journal Article
Hasan, A., Bagnol, R., Owen, R., Latif, A., Rostam, H. M., Elsharkawy, S., Rose, F. R., Rodríguez-Cabello, J. C., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., Eglin, D., & Mata, A. (2022). Mineralizing Coating on 3D Printed Scaffolds for the Promotion of Osseointegration. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10, Article 836386.

Design and fabrication of implants that can perform better than autologous bone grafts remain an unmet challenge for the hard tissue regeneration in craniomaxillofacial applications. Here, we report an integrated approach combining additive manufactu... Read More about Mineralizing Coating on 3D Printed Scaffolds for the Promotion of Osseointegration.

Ink-jet 3D printing as a strategy for developing bespoke non-eluting biofilm resistant medical devices (2021)
Journal Article
He, Y., Luckett, J., Begines, B., Dubern, J. F., Hook, A. L., Prina, E., Rose, F. R., Tuck, C. J., Hague, R. J., Irvine, D. J., Williams, P., Alexander, M. R., & Wildman, R. D. (2022). Ink-jet 3D printing as a strategy for developing bespoke non-eluting biofilm resistant medical devices. Biomaterials, 281, Article 121350.

Chronic infection as a result of bacterial biofilm formation on implanted medical devices is a major global healthcare problem requiring new biocompatible, biofilm-resistant materials. Here we demonstrate how bespoke devices can be manufactured throu... Read More about Ink-jet 3D printing as a strategy for developing bespoke non-eluting biofilm resistant medical devices.

Mixed polymer and bioconjugate core/shell electrospun fibres for biphasic protein release (2021)
Journal Article
Adala, I., Ramis, J., Ntone Moussinga, C., Janowski, I., Amer, M. H., Bennett, A. J., Alexander, C., & Rose, F. R. (2021). Mixed polymer and bioconjugate core/shell electrospun fibres for biphasic protein release. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 9(20), 4120-4133.

Effective regenerative medicine requires delivery systems which can release multiple components at appropriate levels and at different phases of tissue growth and repair. However, there are few biomaterials and encapsulation techniques that are fully... Read More about Mixed polymer and bioconjugate core/shell electrospun fibres for biphasic protein release.

Discovery of synergistic material-topography combinations to achieve immunomodulatory osteoinductive biomaterials using a novel in vitro screening method: The ChemoTopoChip (2021)
Journal Article
Burroughs, L., Amer, M., Vassey, M., Koch, B., Figueredo, G., Mukonoweshuro, B., Mikulskis, P., Vasilevich, A., Vermeulen, S., Dryden, I. L., Winkler, D. A., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., Rose, F. R. A. J., de Boer, J., & Alexander, M. R. (2021). Discovery of synergistic material-topography combinations to achieve immunomodulatory osteoinductive biomaterials using a novel in vitro screening method: The ChemoTopoChip. Biomaterials, 271, Article 120740.

© 2021 The Authors Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) are widely represented in regenerative medicine clinical strategies due to their compatibility with autologous implantation. Effective bone regeneration involves crosstalk between macrophages an... Read More about Discovery of synergistic material-topography combinations to achieve immunomodulatory osteoinductive biomaterials using a novel in vitro screening method: The ChemoTopoChip.

Inkjet based 3D Printing of bespoke medical devices that resist bacterial biofilm formation (2020)
Preprint / Working Paper
He, Y., Begines, B., Luckett, J., Dubern, J.-F., Hook, A., Prina, E., Rose, F. R., Tuck, C., Hague, R., Irvine, D., Williams, P., Alexander, M. R., & Wildman, R. D. Inkjet based 3D Printing of bespoke medical devices that resist bacterial biofilm formation

We demonstrate the formulation of advanced functional 3D printing inks that prevent the formation of bacterial biofilms in vivo. Starting from polymer libraries, we show that a biofilm resistant object can be 3D printed with the potential for shape a... Read More about Inkjet based 3D Printing of bespoke medical devices that resist bacterial biofilm formation.

Nanofibrous scaffolds support a 3D in vitro permeability model of the human intestinal epitheleum (2019)
Journal Article
Patient, J. D., Hajiali, H., Harris, K., Abrahamsson, B., Tannergreen, C., White, L. J., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., Williams, P. M., Roberts, C. J., & Rose, F. R. (2019). Nanofibrous scaffolds support a 3D in vitro permeability model of the human intestinal epitheleum. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 10, Article 456.

Advances in drug research not only depend on high throughput screening to evaluate large numbers of lead compounds but also on the development of in vitro models which can simulate human tissues in terms of drug permeability and functions. Potential... Read More about Nanofibrous scaffolds support a 3D in vitro permeability model of the human intestinal epitheleum.

Immunocompetent 3D model of human upper airway for disease modeling and in vitro drug evaluation (2014)
Journal Article
Harrington, H., Cato, P., Salazar, F., Wilkinson, M., Knox, A., Haycock, J. W., Rose, F., Aylott, J. W., & Ghaemmaghami, A. M. (2014). Immunocompetent 3D model of human upper airway for disease modeling and in vitro drug evaluation. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 11(7), 2082-2091.

The development of more complex in vitro models for the assessment of novel drugs and chemicals is needed because of the limited biological relevance of animal models to humans as well as ethical considerations. Although some human-cell-based assays... Read More about Immunocompetent 3D model of human upper airway for disease modeling and in vitro drug evaluation.

Self-reporting Scaffolds for 3-Dimensional Cell Culture (2013)
Journal Article
Harrington, H., Rose, F. R., Aylott, J. W., & Ghaemmaghami, A. M. (2013). Self-reporting Scaffolds for 3-Dimensional Cell Culture. Journal of Visualized Experiments,

Culturing cells in 3D on appropriate scaffolds is thought to better mimic the in vivo microenvironment and increase cell-cell interactions. The resulting 3D cellular construct can often be more relevant to studying the molecular events and cell-cell... Read More about Self-reporting Scaffolds for 3-Dimensional Cell Culture.

Interconnectivity and permeability of supercritical fluid-foamed scaffolds and the effect of their structural properties on cell distribution (2013)
Journal Article
Reinwald, Y., Johal, R. K., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., Rose, F. R., Howdle, S. M., & Shakesheff, K. M. (2014). Interconnectivity and permeability of supercritical fluid-foamed scaffolds and the effect of their structural properties on cell distribution. Polymer, 55(1), 435-444.

This study aims to investigate interconnectivity and permeability of scCO2-foamed scaffolds and the influence of structural scaffold properties on cell distribution. Supercritical fluid technology was utilized to fabricated scaffolds from 37 kDa, 53... Read More about Interconnectivity and permeability of supercritical fluid-foamed scaffolds and the effect of their structural properties on cell distribution.

Tissue transglutaminase (TG-2) modified amniotic membrane: A novel scaffold for biomedical applications (2012)
Journal Article
Chau, D. Y., Brown, S. V., Mather, M. L., Hutter, V., Tint, N. L., Dua, H. S., Rose, F. R., & Ghaemmaghami, A. M. (2012). Tissue transglutaminase (TG-2) modified amniotic membrane: A novel scaffold for biomedical applications. Biomedical Materials, 7(4), Article 045011.

The amniotic membrane (AM) is considered as a natural cell culture substrate and has occasionally been exploited in regenerative medicine especially for ocular surface reconstruction and dermal wound healing applications. However, its use is limited... Read More about Tissue transglutaminase (TG-2) modified amniotic membrane: A novel scaffold for biomedical applications.