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Professor CHRISTOPHER DAY's Outputs (25)

Educational research and the quality of successful school leadership (2024)
Day, C., Ylimaki, R., & Gu, Q. (2024). Educational research and the quality of successful school leadership. UNESCO

This paper outlines the International Successful School Principalship Project’s (ISSPP)contribution to the 2024/5 UNESCO Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report on leadership and education which examines: i) the requirements of good leadership in e... Read More about Educational research and the quality of successful school leadership.

Successful School Principalship: A Meta-Synthesis of 20 Years of International Case Studies (2024)
Journal Article
Sun, J., Day, C., Zhang, R., Zhang, H., Huang, T., & Lin, J. (2024). Successful School Principalship: A Meta-Synthesis of 20 Years of International Case Studies. Education Sciences, 14(9), Article 929.

This meta-synthesis crosses international borders by analyzing successful principalship across nine countries. With careful, detailed, systematic, and analytic synthesis, it critically explores research-informed understandings of successful principal... Read More about Successful School Principalship: A Meta-Synthesis of 20 Years of International Case Studies.

‘Positive Disruption’: The Courage to Lead in Times of Reform in England (2024)
Book Chapter
Gu, Q., Mincu, M., & Day, C. (2024). ‘Positive Disruption’: The Courage to Lead in Times of Reform in England. In How Successful Schools Are More than Effective: Principals Who Build and Sustain Teacher and Student Wellbeing and Achievement (47-72). Springer.

This chapter proposes a fresh analytical perspective to investigate how a school principal has initiated and sustained the ‘positive disruption’ of governance, structure and culture in one organisation over time. Our findings draw upon a series of in... Read More about ‘Positive Disruption’: The Courage to Lead in Times of Reform in England.

Lessons from Two Decades of Research about Successful School Leadership in England: A Humanistic Approach (2024)
Journal Article
Mincu, M., Colman, A., Day, C., & Gu, Q. (2024). Lessons from Two Decades of Research about Successful School Leadership in England: A Humanistic Approach. Education Sciences, 14(2), Article 187.

This paper reviews the research on successful school principalship carried out in England over the last 20 years. Drawing on evidence synthesized from the International Successful School Principalship Project (ISSPP) and related English school leader... Read More about Lessons from Two Decades of Research about Successful School Leadership in England: A Humanistic Approach.

Teacher Professionalism During the Pandemic: Courage, Care and Resilience (2023)
Day, C., Smith, H. V., Graham, R., & Athanasiadou, D. (2023). Teacher Professionalism During the Pandemic: Courage, Care and Resilience. Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

This insightful book uniquely charts the events, experiences and challenges faced by teachers during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic including periods of national lockdowns and school closures.

Research-based and evidence informed, this key title... Read More about Teacher Professionalism During the Pandemic: Courage, Care and Resilience.

Policymaking in disruptive times: the development and impact of School Trust-designed policies on teacher and student outcomes (2021)
Day, C., & Taneva, S. K. (2021). Policymaking in disruptive times: the development and impact of School Trust-designed policies on teacher and student outcomes. University of Nottingham: ESRC

Research funded by the ESRC IAA and conducted by the University of Nottingham in collaboration with the Confederation of School Trusts, has tracked the leadership of 14 School Trusts from some of the most deprived areas in the Northern region of Engl... Read More about Policymaking in disruptive times: the development and impact of School Trust-designed policies on teacher and student outcomes.

Australian teachers' perceptions of effectiveness in a performative culture (2021)
Journal Article
Simpson, A., Day, C., Goulding, J., & Asha, J. (2022). Australian teachers' perceptions of effectiveness in a performative culture. Teaching and Teacher Education, 109, Article 103542.

Teachers' perceptions of effectiveness are shaped by myriad factors, including broad-based national education policy, personal values, and the demands of particular schools and students. Previous research has not investigated the shifting impact of i... Read More about Australian teachers' perceptions of effectiveness in a performative culture.

Developing, Sustaining and Retaining Teacher Quality: Factors That Count (2021)
Book Chapter
Day, C. (2021). Developing, Sustaining and Retaining Teacher Quality: Factors That Count. In X. Zhu, & H. Song (Eds.), Envisioning Teaching and Learning for Teachers of Excellence and Equity in Education (171-187). Springer Singapore.

Traditionally, teachers’ quality has been understood to rely upon their levels of subject, pedagogical content knowledge and classroom management skills. These are provided initially through a period of pre-service education and training; and may be... Read More about Developing, Sustaining and Retaining Teacher Quality: Factors That Count.

System leadership in disruptive times: robust policy making and enactment in School Trusts (2021)
Taneva, S., Day, C., & Smith, R. (2021). System leadership in disruptive times: robust policy making and enactment in School Trusts. University of Nottingham

The research discussed in this report is based upon a project, funded and conducted by the University of Nottingham, in collaboration with the Confederation of School Trusts and the CEOs of 15 Trusts in the Midlands region. This is part of larger sca... Read More about System leadership in disruptive times: robust policy making and enactment in School Trusts.

The new professionalism? how good teachers continue to teach to their best and well in challenging reform contexts (2021)
Book Chapter
Day, C. (2021). The new professionalism? how good teachers continue to teach to their best and well in challenging reform contexts. In E. Kuusisto, M. Ubani, P. Nokelainen, & A. Toom (Eds.), Good teachers for tomorrow's schools: purposes, values, and talents in education. Brill Academic Publishers.

Teacher professionalism has long been defined as being composed of a strong technical culture, service ethic, professional commitment, and autonomy. They have been regarded as the pillars which have defined teachers’ professionalism. In recent years,... Read More about The new professionalism? how good teachers continue to teach to their best and well in challenging reform contexts.

How teachers’ individual autonomy may hinder students’ academic progress and attainment: Professionalism in practice (2019)
Journal Article
Day, C. (2020). How teachers’ individual autonomy may hinder students’ academic progress and attainment: Professionalism in practice. British Educational Research Journal, 46(1), 247-264.

This article reports a 3-year case study of a primary school in England, in which a recently appointed principal attempted to build ‘collegial professional autonomy’ (Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, 2, 2015, 20) within a push to impr... Read More about How teachers’ individual autonomy may hinder students’ academic progress and attainment: Professionalism in practice.

How Successful Secondary School Principals in England Respond to Policy Reforms: The Influence of Biography (2018)
Journal Article
Day, C., & Gu, Q. (2018). How Successful Secondary School Principals in England Respond to Policy Reforms: The Influence of Biography. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 17(3), 332-344.

© 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. This article examines how values embedded in the biographies of principals of successful schools influence their responses to systemic policy reforms. Drawing on examples from two secondary principals with simila... Read More about How Successful Secondary School Principals in England Respond to Policy Reforms: The Influence of Biography.

Professional Identity Matters: Agency, Emotions, and Resilience (2018)
Book Chapter
Day, C. (2018). Professional Identity Matters: Agency, Emotions, and Resilience. In P. A. Schutz, J. Hong, & D. C. Francis (Eds.), Research on Teacher Identity: mapping challenges and innovations (61-70). Springer.

I will take as given that: (1) a core defining feature of teacher professionalism is a positive sense of professional identity; (2) identity is an amalgam of the personal and professional selves, and is represented through the dynamic interplay betwe... Read More about Professional Identity Matters: Agency, Emotions, and Resilience.

The construction of early career teachers’ identities: coping or managing? (2017)
Journal Article
Hong, J., Day, C., & Greene, B. (in press). The construction of early career teachers’ identities: coping or managing?. Teacher Development,

This paper examines how early career teachers cope with or manage the challenges that they experience during the transition from pre-service to the first and then the second year of teaching as they seek to establish stable, positive, professional id... Read More about The construction of early career teachers’ identities: coping or managing?.

Teachers' Worlds and Work: understanding complexity, building quality (2017)
Day, C. (2017). Teachers' Worlds and Work: understanding complexity, building quality. Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

Understanding what influences the quality of teachers’ work across a career is key to building and sustaining their on-going commitment and effectiveness. Teachers’ Worlds and Work provides a new, research-informed consideration of key elements which... Read More about Teachers' Worlds and Work: understanding complexity, building quality.

Influences on the capacities for emotional resilience of teachers in schools serving disadvantaged urban communities: challenges of living on the edge (2016)
Journal Article
Day, C. (in press). Influences on the capacities for emotional resilience of teachers in schools serving disadvantaged urban communities: challenges of living on the edge. Teaching and Teacher Education, 59,

This paper investigates how teachers in one school in a socio-economically disadvantaged urban setting draw upon their capacities for resilience to maintain a sense of positive professional identity, commitment and moral purpose. It identifies the dy... Read More about Influences on the capacities for emotional resilience of teachers in schools serving disadvantaged urban communities: challenges of living on the edge.

The impact of leadership on student outcomes: how successful school leaders use transformational and instructional strategies to make a difference (2016)
Journal Article
Day, C., Gu, Q., & Sammons, P. (2016). The impact of leadership on student outcomes: how successful school leaders use transformational and instructional strategies to make a difference. Educational Administration Quarterly, 52(2),

Purpose: This article illustrates how successful leaders combine the too often dichotomized practices of transformational and instructional leadership in different ways across different phases of their schools’ development in order to progressively s... Read More about The impact of leadership on student outcomes: how successful school leaders use transformational and instructional strategies to make a difference.