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Dr JESSICA SPARKS's Outputs (22)

Forced labour risk is pervasive in the US land-based food supply (2023)
Journal Article
Blackstone, N. T., Rodríguez-Huerta, E., Battaglia, K., Jackson, B., Jackson, E., Benoit Norris, C., & Decker Sparks, J. L. (2023). Forced labour risk is pervasive in the US land-based food supply. Nature Food, 4(7), 596–606.

Social risk assessments and case studies of labour conditions in food production primarily focus on specific subpopulations, regions and commodities. To date, research has not systematically assessed labour conditions against international standards... Read More about Forced labour risk is pervasive in the US land-based food supply.

Fishery improvement projects: A voluntary, corporate “tool” not fit for the purpose of mitigating labour abuses and guaranteeing labour rights for workers (2022)
Journal Article
Williams, C., & Decker Sparks, J. L. (2023). Fishery improvement projects: A voluntary, corporate “tool” not fit for the purpose of mitigating labour abuses and guaranteeing labour rights for workers. Marine Policy, 147, Article 105340.

The recent development of a Human Rights and Social Responsibility Policy for fishery improvement projects (FIPs) has accelerated industry and NGO-led initiatives to address human and labour rights violations in seafood supply chains through FIPs. Ho... Read More about Fishery improvement projects: A voluntary, corporate “tool” not fit for the purpose of mitigating labour abuses and guaranteeing labour rights for workers.

Towards a model of port-based resilience against fisher labour exploitation (2022)
Journal Article
Phelan, K., Gardner, A., Selig, E. R., & Sparks, J. L. D. (2022). Towards a model of port-based resilience against fisher labour exploitation. Marine Policy, 142, Article 105108.

Fishers have pronounced vulnerabilities to labour exploitation and modern slavery. Regulatory efforts to mitigate fisher labour exploitation through domestic modern slavery legislation, and through the ratification and implementation of The Internati... Read More about Towards a model of port-based resilience against fisher labour exploitation.

Revealing global risks of labor abuse and illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (2022)
Journal Article
Selig, E. R., Nakayama, S., Wabnitz, C. C. C., Österblom, H., Spijkers, J., Miller, N. A., Bebbington, J., & Decker Sparks, J. L. (2022). Revealing global risks of labor abuse and illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing. Nature Communications, 13(1), Article 1612.

Labor abuse on fishing vessels and illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing violate human rights, jeopardize food security, and deprive governments of revenues. We applied a multi-method approach, combining new empirical data with satellite... Read More about Revealing global risks of labor abuse and illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing.

Worker-less social responsibility: How the proliferation of voluntary labour governance tools in seafood marginalise the workers they claim to protect (2022)
Journal Article
Decker Sparks, J. L., Matthews, L., Cárdenas, D., & Williams, C. (2022). Worker-less social responsibility: How the proliferation of voluntary labour governance tools in seafood marginalise the workers they claim to protect. Marine Policy, 139, Article 105044.

In response to labour and human rights violations onboard fishing vessels, the private sector is increasingly relying on market-based solutions in the form of voluntary, non-governmental social governance tools to improve working conditions for fishe... Read More about Worker-less social responsibility: How the proliferation of voluntary labour governance tools in seafood marginalise the workers they claim to protect.

Decent work in fisheries: Current trends and key considerations for future research and policy (2021)
Journal Article
Garcia Lozano, A. J., Decker Sparks, J. L., Durgana, D. P., Farthing, C. M., Fitzpatrick, J., Krough-Poulsen, B., McDonald, G., McDonald, S., Ota, Y., Sarto, N., Cisneros-Montemayor, A. M., Lout, G., Finkbeiner, E., & Kittinger, J. N. (2022). Decent work in fisheries: Current trends and key considerations for future research and policy. Marine Policy, 136, Article 104922.

Labor issues and human rights violations have become the subject of rising concern in fisheries and seafood production. This paper reviews recent research on labor issues in the fishing industry, especially by environmental researchers and nongovernm... Read More about Decent work in fisheries: Current trends and key considerations for future research and policy.

Modern slavery, environmental degradation and climate change: present and future pathways for addressing the nexus (2021)
Jackson, B., Brotherton, V., Tichenor Blackstone, N., & Decker Sparks, J. L. (2021). Modern slavery, environmental degradation and climate change: present and future pathways for addressing the nexus. World Wildlife Fund for Nature U.S

Roundtable Report based on the findings of an event hosted by the Rights Lab, Delta 8.7 and funded by WWF U.S. to support the development of a collaborative action plan to support efforts for the antislavery and environmental communities to work toge... Read More about Modern slavery, environmental degradation and climate change: present and future pathways for addressing the nexus.

Risk of forced labour embedded in the US fruit and vegetable supply (2021)
Journal Article
Blackstone, N. T., Norris, C. B., Robbins, T., Jackson, B., & Decker Sparks, J. L. (2021). Risk of forced labour embedded in the US fruit and vegetable supply. Nature Food, 2(9), 692-699.

Sustainable food consumption studies have largely focused on promoting human health within ecological limits. Less attention has been paid to social sustainability, in part because of limited data and models. Globally, agriculture has one of the high... Read More about Risk of forced labour embedded in the US fruit and vegetable supply.

Growing evidence of the interconnections between modern slavery, environmental degradation, and climate change (2021)
Journal Article
Decker Sparks, J. L., Boyd, D. S., Jackson, B., Ives, C. D., & Bales, K. (2021). Growing evidence of the interconnections between modern slavery, environmental degradation, and climate change. One Earth, 4(2), 181-191.

The modern slavery–environmental degradation–climate change nexus may threaten the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Globally, approximately 12.2 million workers are entrapped in modern slavery in environmentally degrading acti... Read More about Growing evidence of the interconnections between modern slavery, environmental degradation, and climate change.

Developing Freedom: The Sustainable Development Case for Ending Modern Slavery, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking (2021)
Cockayne, J. (2021). Developing Freedom: The Sustainable Development Case for Ending Modern Slavery, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking. United Nations University

This project aimed to establish and promote a clear case for the global development community to prioritize anti-slavery and anti-trafficking in development programming and policies. Sustainable Development Goal Target 8.7 commits states to fight mod... Read More about Developing Freedom: The Sustainable Development Case for Ending Modern Slavery, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking.

Assessing the forced labor risk of US fruit and vegetable commodities (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tichenor Blackstone, N., Benoit Norris, C., Robbins, T., Jackson, B., & Sparks, J. L. D. (2020, October). Assessing the forced labor risk of US fruit and vegetable commodities. Presented at 12th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2020 (LCA Food 2020), Berlin, Germany (online)

Studies on sustainable food consumption to date have largely focused on promoting human health within ecological limits. Much less attention has been paid to social sustainability, in part because of limited data and models. The aim of this research... Read More about Assessing the forced labor risk of US fruit and vegetable commodities.

Remote sensing of fish-processing in the Sundarbans Reserve Forest, Bangladesh: an insight into the modern slavery-environment nexus in the coastal fringe (2020)
Journal Article
Jackson, B., Boyd, D. S., Ives, C. D., Decker Sparks, J. L., Foody, G. M., Marsh, S., & Bales, K. (2020). Remote sensing of fish-processing in the Sundarbans Reserve Forest, Bangladesh: an insight into the modern slavery-environment nexus in the coastal fringe. Maritime Studies, 19(4), 429–444.

© 2020, The Author(s). Land-based fish-processing activities in coastal fringe areas and their social-ecological impacts have often been overlooked by marine scientists and antislavery groups. Using remote sensing methods, the location and impacts of... Read More about Remote sensing of fish-processing in the Sundarbans Reserve Forest, Bangladesh: an insight into the modern slavery-environment nexus in the coastal fringe.

Ending slavery by decarbonisation? Exploring the nexus of modern slavery, deforestation, and climate change action via REDD+ (2020)
Journal Article
Jackson, B., & Decker Sparks, J. L. (2020). Ending slavery by decarbonisation? Exploring the nexus of modern slavery, deforestation, and climate change action via REDD+. Energy Research and Social Science, 69, Article 101610.

Activities involving the deforestation are high-risk for modern slavery, and is an issue which has global consequences for forest environments and communities. Despite this, little work is being done to eradicate modern slavery from these sectors. An... Read More about Ending slavery by decarbonisation? Exploring the nexus of modern slavery, deforestation, and climate change action via REDD+.

Understanding the co‐occurrence of tree loss and modern slavery to improve efficacy of conservation actions and policies (2020)
Journal Article
Jackson, B., Decker Sparks, J. L., Brown, C., & Boyd, D. S. (2020). Understanding the co‐occurrence of tree loss and modern slavery to improve efficacy of conservation actions and policies. Conservation Science and Practice, 2(5), Article e183.

Locations where populations are most reliant on forests and their ecosystem services for subsistence and development are also areas where modern slavery persists. These issues are noted within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), both target 15.... Read More about Understanding the co‐occurrence of tree loss and modern slavery to improve efficacy of conservation actions and policies.

Social work students’ perspective on environmental justice: gaps and challenges for preparing students (2019)
Journal Article
Sparks, J., Massey Combs, K., & Yu, J. (2019). Social work students’ perspective on environmental justice: gaps and challenges for preparing students. Journal of Community Practice, 27(3-4), 476-486.

The integration of environmental justice into social work education, research, and practice has grown substantially in the past decade. However, social workers still report feeling unprepared to address these challenges with their clients and communi... Read More about Social work students’ perspective on environmental justice: gaps and challenges for preparing students.

Complex linkages between forced labor slavery and environmental decline in marine fisheries (2019)
Journal Article
Decker Sparks, J. L., & Hasche, L. K. (2019). Complex linkages between forced labor slavery and environmental decline in marine fisheries. Journal of Human Rights, 18(2), 230-245.

Recent media attention on human rights abuses in the fishing sector, precipitated by undercover investigations from nongovernmental organizations and investigative journalists (e.g., Environmental Justice Foundation [EJF] 2014, 2015a, 2015b; Mendoza,... Read More about Complex linkages between forced labor slavery and environmental decline in marine fisheries.

An intersectionality-based analysis of high seas policy making stagnation and equity in United Nations negotiations (2019)
Journal Article
Sparks, J., & Silva, S. M. (2019). An intersectionality-based analysis of high seas policy making stagnation and equity in United Nations negotiations. Journal of Community Practice, 27(3-4), 260-278.

© 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. This paper used an intersectionality-based policy analysis to critically dissect systemic power structures within the UN that likely contributed to marine policy making’s stagnation. An empirical analysis of UN o... Read More about An intersectionality-based analysis of high seas policy making stagnation and equity in United Nations negotiations.